Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1923, p. 11

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with Mrs. A. J. Nystrom, 714 Central Avenue, on Tuesday* May 29. Lunch will be served. Fifth Division with eelerf 26$JWqq& toirt, b^se/ve<f1|hu iGreerileaf and Sevemli_^i^ William Guise^ Pastor sf? Services for Pentecost, May 2& Bible School at 9:45. We were glad to note the increased attendance last Sunday. Our officers and teachers should feel encouraged since the rec- ord was the best in the history of the school. The offering was very lib- eral. . ' :,-:l . '^:m^-y:\ 'â- â- \>^^-%> Worship and sermon at 11 A. lii. The pastor will preach on a theme in, harmony with Whitsunday. There will also be confirmation. All members and friends are invited to come and worship together on this blessed oc- casion. . â- *. The following Sunday School offi- cers will he 'msUlie\^t^h^B^t^u service next Sunday: Mr. Louis Muel- ler, Supt.; Atty. A. D. Gash, Asst. Supt. Mr. William Gash, Secretary; Asst. Secretaries, Mr. Ted Peterson and Mr. A. R. Homrighaus; Treasurer, Mr. Arthur Stark, Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Guise. We bespeak for our officers a blessed and prosperous year as well as the willing cooperation of the members of the scho#l. We extend our hearty thanks to all who helped in any way to make our Missionary Bake-Sale a success. The Illinois Synod, of which, our congregation is a member, will meet at Dixon, 111., beginning next Tues- day evening. Our jctelegate, Mr. Charles Brandt, and the pastor will attend the greater part of the sessions. The Brotherhood Convention will meet on Monday and Tuesday. BAPTIST CHURCH At the Morning Worship of the Bap- tist Church at 11 o'clock, on Sunday, the newly elected officers of the Church will be installed with a brief and appropriate address by the Pas- tor. The Wilmette Baptist ^horfil §^- ciety•'will smgi;^:tv"'i.^>^^^';CA|^£. The Bibk^hool* with, graded in- ^«ctic^ |pr all ages wnkmeet at ^45.JThe Beginners' and PrimaW"©e- ^arl^en^m^ChHdi^i .Halt andphe Jwifior, ^nio^^Jn|ermeiaite:,%ii#A* ult vd^paftnjentk fb.,th|i Church, the adult glasses cOnunehcinf promptly at lOo'tfockv * ' iS * %,' y?e three 5oc|<ties^ Junior,,, Interme- diate and Senior, will be held5 at15:30 o^lock mi Children^ Hall The topic "Something in the Bible That Has Helped Me." It is expected that this will be one of the great meetiftg? of the year. '.\#n.f _The Pastor will be absent through the week in attendance upon the An- nualSession of the Northern Baptist Convention at Atlantic City. The Prayer meeting on Wednes- day, May 23, will be in charge of the Bible Study Forum. The Wilmette Baptist Choral Soci- ety will meet under the direction of Mr. Edward J. Munson for rehearsal at the Church on Thursday evening, May the 24>"f%:Ur- ' *<^?f^ *"Yi&ty â-  â- ': The officers JJ and teachers of the Bible School 'will meet for their sion of the Prayer Meetin&Jn _the Children's Hall. ; s This church will co-operate with the leaders of other churches in a meet- ing at the First Congregational church on Friday everting, May 25, in the^ in- terest of the Daily Vacation Bible .M;^il|i*tte;,;;Jhis classes summer..........„,v.,,,,„,,,.,...,,.... . Today, at 1:3k the Whites Cross Workers, of the Woman's Society will meet for White Cross Sewing at the Church. :M The Wilmette Baptist Church is â- â-  nxst^imt.,; â-  tfiis -jt i# â- but:; vacate4:*lhe> box in the sixth fijame when the visitors chased^ over 3 runs to break a 3~~l6 3 tie. ^Miller, who succeeded him, was touched for a quartet of markers. â- ...â- â- â€¢. ' '^MiZ-'. .â-  s^llillllliSlll^^fe Belated rallier in thi lf!iW if I located at the corner of Wilmette and ninth innings helped the locals to all Forest Avenues. The Pastor jmajL be - • • reached at Ms^tutfyaWmg the morn- ings or by appointment. The Church Office in charge of Miss Badger is open from 9-5, Mondays to Fridays and from 9-12 on Saturdays. The Church telephone is Wilmette 223$, Ouilmette K. of C. •Nine^S?:- ""JF~" Drop* One To Avalons t)uilmettefe|ioUncil, Knights of Co- lumbus baseball nine suffered its first defeat of the season last Sunday when the north shore men succumbed to the Avalon ArC's at,|he Ridge av- enue lot, 10 to & .M Heinzen did mound duty for the '-?' "\'^'$?% '&*«*&»>. Coal;^^^"^"":;f:;|^|3 Sand Gravel Cement Black Dirt Crushed Stone JWILMEITE :â€"- BUILDING MATERIAL company rr PHONE WILMETTE 2288 "â- â€¢:" 'i'r^^ti^: â- â- ^'-â- ' ' â- â- â- ' yK^Xtf3. We do mblfe than REPAIR your shoesâ€"we practically REBUILD^ them. .The^;we^;,j^icjev^|:^h5nj^ Only the most up-to-date* methods and the most modern machinery are used in our shop. That's why we can GUARAN-?' TEE that each job will be ,a SUCCESSâ€"surc to please you. ar's 609 Main St. For but knot-the score. The May wood A. Cs will hook up against the Ouilmette crew Sunday at the Lake and Ridge avenue dia- mond. On the following Sunday the strong Iroquois club team will play here and the Silent A. C aggrega- tion Of :;:<4**tf*I*tt*te^^^ the local field â- on---Dee«*ratio©:'-^P!i^j^^â„¢ ^__,......... - ,..^^^wmmtmf assortment of Summer Dress- , es, Coatees,, Wraps and Capes 4| at jbjriibesi; *'â- ' ^"" -'â€"-:â€"Si -,-:--» '•.-'â- ."*. : i^fii â- â- 'P§%' -• ~<fa '•â- â- â- -..&â- â- â- ,* 112fC«lr.IA, WUm«U«24« How about the ^'$g?$? Vi^rr;- y. r;:fp?* 7: Wmm TheTMe^'M^'Pu^ and jM$tk*<Cfa>colaie. Sundaes in town. It's certain that your healthy ^$^^[ ^^mm^ a*i<| Be s^ hy a*1 expert, estaWishbl | i^iia|f:. And remember --j^^sr»:.: .^^.iiv^S^WiP'"-* ^w^V^bPg repair plumbing. lGx?r fegiilar cus~j 'â- .to&K^^ give last* ing sal Lit :t#*^ IfSiffr '1|fg§§| Hifffil a^ A Busy Man The NEW I strength-saving II Federal, way! «»«**^^__w.___-, on your â€"â€" regular service statement^ T>ow* tby±&^%* the Fede^wa^if 1 ^tXE* clothes, or ask for a flettwnsttata^ of i ililthe washer and gifts in your owi}| s ^m^jF mmmSm Sme. Take advantage of tfcs^pecial} yfer. Save your str^glih and let the improved Federal^ ' g~*2£M. 1 â€"Porceiata "tawTttv^ "tmwt-^§: OUT £ tured below. Makes washer also useful in the kitchen â€"where ttigg Svesyou seven days a week. Value $5- A delicious luncheon can be procured in the minjmurri of time at our cafe. The^ousiness of the afternoon can be ac| complished quicker and to bet^ ter satisfaction, after having eaten our well cooked foods. SHERIDAN CAFE 601 Main /Street ---Wilmette th:&Mp- lilfl Clearness of vision tends to physical com- vliiM fort and mental aggressiveness. Ill Defective vision materially lessens the^en^. ^^S'joyrrteht-,'dflife*s.pieasures. _ lllll Conserve your sight-^-if at all impairedâ€" illll by the wearing of glasses best suited to your IK11 particular needs.;;:.;: :';\,--'-'i;.^,. . .':tr.;.;£,.,/^^v -mm ; illll EoTfeerllft mm Optometrists M-m^ 11W. Jackson Boul, Chicago, 111. ^|| W&AdisiM^^ '^^^0!M^.;^^^^^^^^^SS0it

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