Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1923, p. 7

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"SSlBll^^HlSWSISi^fi^^^^fc ^ The team which will -driws"-tW8^#re|; |»jacJcaFd cars in the Indianapolis, intet| national 500-mile race Memorial Davr ^s been-«<iinplet€Si with Sthe signing: of? aj; contract by Dario, Resta. His seleci m, with "Ralph DePalma 4hd Joe- >yer, will givÂ¥ the Packard three of ic best known > rage .drivers In ,,\thM; rprld to ,. pilot Jh^ir,, diminutive .racing jfachihes. â- *-;â- â€¢.*.--v.-*-.^ v.â- ..?-• ^,,*f.....-.,,.. ^ . * | The1 Packard team" actually wilf ^bn| MSt of four men, besides the small army, a mecMnics/- engineers and other ex^ perts, as Col. J. G. Vincent, vice presi- fjE$M13^£tigjtte£^^ ||ny will direct the jrace irom the pits. |?i p. The three cars have beeii designed anf§ frection of Col. Vincent, bringing in â€"11®^lea1tfex^^oth-raijinff%r ngeerjtag_ expejjeace^ I y$$"5fcl &:" race" driver, fie annexed the i classic Prix de la France. j jBePaltftarJs now atrthe Packard fac- tory working with Col. Vincent to rush the little six-cylmder Packards to com- pletion, . Resta and Boyer both will join : him' in Indianapolis two or three weeks before the race to help .test out the carsson the track and get used to them. ' The racing motors are now undergoing tests at the Packard factory. It is* said that all three motors will have a maxi- mum speed of 5>OQ0 revolutions.a minute. Some idea of what such speed in a [inotbr mean? may be gained from the rfecl that most 6f th> motors in the Pulitzer airplane race in Detroit last j fall had a maximum speeid o;f 2,200 revo-* [luiionsLa"^^^ '.=.,.: ;'.' ". 'â- â€¢â- â- *â-  \ Resta 'and ItePalnia both have wcrtn tlii annual Indianapolis f classic once, i are y<!£g^ the first driver;! who has ever repeated^ is an Indianapolis winner. Boyer his" participated several times in the long, grind on the Hoosier ffaek, and several times he has had victory snatched from -{fun by tough breaks of luck just when foe had it m his grasp. Ewery tiirie! he has driven he has claimed nearly as fifuch attention from the spectators $i flpe winners because of ih& terrific pace fip set up. 'â- 'â- â- 'â- ' •• â- ;"-' .'.- r j All three have been linked up against Mch other ni the most grueling kind of fipeed duels.V ^heir records-would indfe l&*e. |h& ^ppssibilityiLthirti.iiot" -oi^tmM they drive the hardest they know-how; in order to beat other' entries, buV fhaT they will set up one of the greatest fights ever seen on the track to beat each other. ' t':;;:%/r~ â-  f. Just; how far*they will $jo'*;ii| racing mmmmmmmmmmmmmrm^mwmmm' ^â- Pii»«ii*iP»P^^^BIillWBW Saving and thrift are qualities which heed not be extolled.,.a Their worth has been proved time after tiine. it is the thrifty person and the saving families *hat succeed. In fact it has been demon- strated again and again that the road to success is reached by saving. p| t The United States Government has taken hold of saving in a practical way and has provided a plan which makes it easy for people to save in small sums and to make their small savings increase until a fair competence is ac? quired. The manner in which this can be done is told in a booklet on saving issued by the United States Government Savings System. Not only are the les- sons of thrift told in clear and concise language, but the facts about the Treas- ury Savings Certificates, the gilt-edge Government savings security, are given, in such form as any reader can feadfly understand it This little booklet is sent free to anyone Who,will write to the Government Sayings^iSysteni ;tIn , the Treasury .Department At 'â-  ^asj^u^ton. =sss=sss-:. iif r*. Pant Schulaw wa» hostess at a (^Mnmoriweaitn: '"fllveiu^p^Chica|^;|l^ Thursday afteta«Joifct.i Illrfci^iphulai^ was J$' former^rOTident^ i' mnv: v Phone GEORGE Wabash 6316 I4E. Jackson Boul., Chicago UP-TO-DATE DANCE MUSIC Any Inttrum«nUl-Conibin»tion ' The Car that made good in a day . 1S49 SHERMAN. AVENtdl'Pf 1^ iiW«BtH to imyâ€"wiHy-Knlarht aad Overlaad Cms each other to be; ttie\fifs\ .<f vei |he liu<tg afcfter the checkered* nag, however, may" depend largely on what plans Col. Vin- cent has for the manner in which the race -Wi41^e;; 4fiveiv^^ qisCUSS^ â-  .^'. ..;;;â-  '•â-  /â- . ^ X.,. 'r^Si'^u*'^ >'- "^{p: j fiesta was the American champion *in ^16 and has beenT one 6f the biggesT |rinners of automobile races since his arrival in America from England to drive during ""the seasifm e»f 1915. He won the Indianapolis .event %i 19|6^and finished second^ tqfe IjePalitia in* f§15|i Resta's victories in, 19^5 aha 1916 netted* him $82,000. He won a. number of the biggest contests at the Brooklands speed- way in England and in 190/, his first School Boys Open Ball |»f ^^^m.m^ ^'â- *ts.»»:a**i?'aa«;- ME^BWCBK Furnaces, Gutters, Down Spouts, Sky Lights mmmmmm WATCH YOUR. "SmiE'm^^^^^i All acute as well ai long standing conditions, which have r««UUd the ordinary methods of treatment, respond to ilWP^;€HIROPRAC*IC;aSPINAI,' ADJUSTMENTS^' locaoi stom S Jplaying fast and sure football^ Room P of the eighth grade defeated Room A I© tthe tune of. C-Mi.â- &â-  'h a playground %tl game on tlie Central school lot lUdnday of this week. The battery for H|ie winners were Berger and Blasdell; ^rowri in the box and McGinley behind fi bat composed $he batt£^%€ rP<Jm;^..:' ^onday V ,g|^£|was. Jh^ tab Iseries to decide the! ehampionshtp 0 the^ eighth I grade.: The second of the leries will be played Monday .between ||opms;'C aind;; D .'^.iz^'-^'l :'..^|.';,':":-"5i|-V. % As, sooh^ '^^oaich^ pojdd^ JhasH: an|3«|p»r' Jiortunity to' ^et a line on his material pe has announced that he will organize H school^ team. A game with Lincoln- flood school ol: -Ejramtpn^^has^alr^ady Keen, .-negotiated^ ^W:^m0^&^&:^M"WM': Child at Play Killed ,^i|,; p ^ward Brion, six Vear old son of Hdward A. Brion, 775 Greenwood avc- nue, Glencoc, was killed last Saturday Jthorning at 11^40 o'clcftk^ wheftJhe_JKas ^ruck by a passing automobile. Jl> m The accident toccurred on Park ave- IfejMst^west^of £ Gree1ftv^o^,x0k^cde. Whe-BrionTBoy ahtt five-year old James- Hfitchell were playing in the park. Sud- tfenly thr hny da»t<>d in j f rOnt^ of an ap- proaching automobile owned by "C; O. Catlsonv Chicago. Although the-niaehine-1 -Spas goingâ€"only^ ^ight^niles^an hour,:rxtS is -said that it was impossible to stop Jhe r before: strikmgi they Brion boy, 'M. oroner's inquesi|S^ield last Monday at the Brion homerthe chauffeur Ey«s Examined and Glasses Fittedâ€"when necessary ^ ' mm ;-:-;p|^ Office, Room 27,' .Brown. Building MS^ml0M lSiS|is#'^'iiourii:x6:-to;iiku.t 2 tb,s;p.^^f:to:a':P:oM.I|i^iilii#tf "t)^^yTei:;wi)U^el:te;2S5Tv;; [OBOE :EVAl^fOW:TOiL0ING'^» »n St. and C. & ^. W. Tracks ^^^^S.^:tt? The Wonder Cleaner .........f_____......._.. . SS: It cleans everything^tifftne ;bath0, roomâ€"tub, floor, wall lavatory and ftickled ware. It keeps thirigs bright and fresK in the kitchen-^; pots and kettles* anything mad^ l^f X:'- silver^} ;nickle|.. or ,;brass^alsjgil: Windows, floors i and^V'^sti^y;;,ffe:'-"easily removes rpad oil and ^Olit w from autos. "â- â- â- â- .-;-7%-^;$%:v Sammy Samoline Is Now Cleaning And;;dc^t:toJf^ wi^ha^e;:;a-bTg-assbr^rn%tt Mowers^ Rake^i Hc«S^i|i^e^e 605 Main Street When you think of Hardware think of Millen 'UllfPl

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