Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1923, p. 11

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i£if|Fwf^ ..................... . â€"â€"â€"â€"•- '.........." â-  "â-  "-1"1......»i ^'-"m...........ilium..............â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"^-^-^-^â€"^_â€" i â- 'â- Â»-~--^^«M^«AiMMMrtwwittow»i«WM Next Sunday morning, the National officers of the W. F. M. S. will be guests of the church. The pastor will speak at the Vesper Service. At the Vesper Service on Sunday, May 13, the new organist will give an organ recital, assisted by the Church Choir. Midweek Prayer and Praise service lesson will be drawn from the sixth chapter of Acts. Friday evening of this week the W. H. M. S. ladies will entertain their husbands and friends at dinner. After the dinner, the Queen Esther girls will give a very beautiful and enter- taining pageant entitled "Queens and a Kingdom." Tuesday evening, May 8, the Ladies Aid will hold an Experience Social. The All-Parish Dinner has been postponed until Friday evening, May 18. W. F. M. S. will hold its usual all- day meeting at the church, Thursday, May 10, to finish up all of the sewing. Miss Quigg will have charge of the j program, the subject being Japan and Korea. Mrs. Wm. Holmes will be the hostess for the day. ___Xhjrinfr WojddJCjndMdJVV^eky-May j 14 to 18, two Christian dramas will I be given at Medinah Temple, Cass ft and Ohio streets, under the auspices r of the Young Peoples Commission of the Chicago Church Federation. On j_------Monday and Tuesday evenings, May 14 and 15, "Finger-Prints" will be given. This is the play portraying the Home Mission Field, with particular reference to race relations. On Thurs- --^day and Friday evenings, "Tides of India" will be given, this being the pageant-play portraying the Foreign Mission Field. Single admission is $1, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. Magill has announced another very interesting topic for next Sun- day morning. "How Much Is a Man's Opinion Of Himself Worth?" Follow- ing are some suggestions: Many of us have perhaps often answered that question as to the other fellow. May- be wef were right and maybe we were wrong in our conclusions. If we did not have some method by which to make sure, then, 'twas likely we did an injustice either to the other fel- low or to ourselves. Suppose we ap- ply this question to ourselvesâ€"How much is a man's opinion of himself worthâ€"to himself? We will be- glad to considerjhis question further with you next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. Triangle I of the Girl Reserves will meet at the Church Saturday morn- ing at 10:30 prepared for a hike to the Forest Preserves. The Junior : Girl Reserves-will tneet-4n-*he-ehurch Monday at 3:30 p. m. for a regular ..meeting. . Frances Brown is to be the leader at the Senior Christian Endeavor this Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. The Rebecca Chapter of the West- minister Guild will meet in the church Sartor Tuesday, May 8, at 6:30 p> m. â-ºinner will be served) followed..j$g the mission study hour. "â-  H|;fr 'fvffifif ;"f The twelve spokes of tne Woman's Society will meet in the church for an all-day gathering Tuesday, May 8, be- ginning at 10:00 o'clock with sewing. Luncheon will be served at noon by Spoke I. Promptly at 1:15 the busi- ness meeting will take place with the missionary program immediately fol- lowing. Devotional exercises will be led by Mrs. D. W. Smith. Mrs. Ralph Rice will have a paper on Africa. Special music. There will be reports from the various spokes and plans adopted. Midweek service Wednesday eve- ning at 8:00 o'clock. Troop V of the Boy Scouts will meet in the church Monday evening at 7:15. The Junior Boy Scouts will meet Friday at 6:45 p. m. The Intermediate Christian En- deavor meets in the church every Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Ed- ward Ryerson is to be the leader this week. Subject: "Prayer." The Junior Endeavors are planning a hike and beach party for next Sat- urday,__Regular C. E. meeting thia Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Topic: "Following the Good Shep- herd." Wilmette Presbyterian Church -i>tH Street_&-JGre€nleaf Avenue_^ Pastor, Rev. George P. Magill, D. D. Sunday Schoolâ€"9:30 a. m. Church Serviceâ€"11:00 a m. Junior C. E.â€"3:30 p. m. Intermediate C. E.â€"4:30 p. m. Senior Endeavorâ€"5:30 p. m. You will find a cordial welcome in our church. 155 91 Sherman Sat. Only «!; WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE BEST OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH ill Highest Quality Meats at the l^mes|i Price l§|# Very Best Peacock Hams 2 *% *(» per id* •••••••••••••••••• â„¢, ill Very Best Pot Roast lilllffi Iftl:^ ~â€" iu 'â- â- â-  :^"' ^^IF^^'^"ssl||ilW'^ Very Bert Peacock Rib ; ; : ^fTQW'3 FMWy^eB.of ^^ISHMi?11 Bacon â-  ,per lb*......•â- ..*â- â€¢ .^^2^:/^:::v-;^;v;';::peV^â- Hb•-â- â- :.>'^--:^.:>^>--y^^^»-|;|^^^w^^ Very Best Sirloin Steak :H -.-AQW :&%!$&. *"*NM^I$Sift Very Best Porterhouse Steak ir^Fr* fives' Sweetbread* | per id*...............•••• .â-  r .- . mm Saturday BACON fl-^^m^i PoTkioTiirtBSiall)- ^TO*^ -^^^^^mMM 32l<f per lb......... •. • •......* 9*C <whole) per lb. « ^ -S ^r% Fancy leg of Spring 3^ Very Be.t Peacock Bacon f ^tf lamb per lb. .... avv ,,.:,;&.^#per id*,...-r..4&* >?..**<,..,*+.^ mm . -itSf! hiitti »â-  Kenilworth's Motor ^ Doctor Says:â€" Oil is food on which they feedâ€" â- ..-, >;v:;:;.^bi;..;^;-' ';';. Give to your cars the oil they need. At this super-service station you can get what your car needs. While we are oiling up your car and filling your grease cups we will see if all of its median* ism is properly adjusted.. You know you ought to have your ~c^r - inspected^at-j-egulax^ Jnter^ vals. Get acquainted with the full sized fitness of our repair facilities and abilities. Authorized dealer ror :^ "j'yr- Agni Motor Fu^l ?>~JJ Kenilworth Motor Co. SERVICE -IS SATISFACTION Ted' R. Twining, Mgr. M'^^M^M ®|If#l:tl .C. A. Thonen, Prop. " PHONE KENILWORTH 261 "" ^ill^^^^^B^B % dearfolks, we ask you To clean your closets bare* Sort put all the men s clothes* Scrutinize ^'ir^,^^'**^1^,***â-  Use the phomdMcallus, Wenibeiher^^. GL S. 1 Wrap u£all;fte p*rmeni& That look the worse f0Wdt. it.^^P^^^i ISS^SSi no reason for going ^ithout good^ 1 f 52 Central Avee IWILMETIE The North Shore's FieWlail^ ' JlJ^^Bli^^^B^H hCAREFUL i=iy4WfeÂ¥ssS?s^^s#s^sft^^sss i|§l nil ss itHi ^^ffiS^&MaaafflS:-:â- :.- :-:..~~z.: :â-  ,;i,:.^,:•:.....l::rzzir~i::;,,.,,..-.:;>...â- â-  ^afc-,11:.^^;,:,,^^-^v...v-^^^^^^j^Ma^^

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