Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1923, p. 7

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wmm^m^ mm* ^mm*m mimmi^*mmmmmm*mmmmmm PRI^%yt 1923 mmmmmmmmft^m^mmmmmmmmmmemm Skinner-Adams Nuptial Date I$^f:^i MayTwenty^Sixth WrlEN Miss Roberta Skin- ner/daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B, Skinner of 723 Central jayenue, be- comes the" bride of Thornton Shaw Adams of Chicago, on the afternoon of May 26, she will be attended by her sister, Mrs, G. Ross ^Stewart as matron of honor and Miss Virginia Buchanan of Winnetka as maid of honor. Miss Lucille Weller of Chi- cago, Miss Dorothy Hardenbrook of Winnetka, Mrs. Stanley B. Adams of Chicago, Mrs,? John., £Hot Warner of Evanston, M1I& Reb^ccah Stickney of Boston and Mrs. Tpwnsend Rennard qf New York will be her bridesmaids, and little. Miss Shirley Adams will $e flower girl. :aU 'â- â€¢--•:; .AQ1A * ~ I;M r. Adams will be attended, by. his brother, Stanley B. Adams, as best man. The ushers will include John Eliot Warner t Thompson Merrick, Arthur Ferguson. Johm lik WMtth:0l Evanston, G. Ross Stewart of.Wil- foette, Donald MeAlpirt df New York ]ahd Reeve Hoover of' Washington;- ft-c " ' I: j The service at, four-thirty o'cloxk in St. Augusjirte^y^uKfe; iyi^J>e ^ read by Dr. Hubert C. Carleton. A [Reception at the Ouilmetie; (^JUn>ry ^ will follow. Seven north shore girls are taking leading parts or are to hold executive positions in "Milady's Bandbox" the~3all- girl revue, .which will be produced the New Trier high school auditorium by the Woman's Athletic association of Northwestern university on Friday and Saturday evenings, May 4 and 5. ]! Virginia Bull, 524 Maple avenue, Wil- ftiette, TS"OTr^he executive boaiA of llie production as stage managierL L;Margaret Conner, 903 Lake avenue, and Elkabeth Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, Wilmette, have been chosen as costume rrianagers ior the cast. From Hubbard Woods, Alice McKeown, 935 Private road, takes â-  and v,Liter'atu r^v M rpi^l|p|^, T. and womei Mrs. Lafayette baskets at Thanksgiving and Christ- mas time, the league contributed to the following: Near East Relief, St. Catharine's Home for Girls; Joliet Orphanage; Judge Bartelme and her work in Juvenile court; and a speci- fied sum for Park Ridge scholarship fund, which also will be given an- nually in the future. 'rL,L;Lv, .:;LLv.^LL:fp|;' Election of officers resulted in the following: President, Mrs. W. A. Kit- termaster, • Glencoe; first vice-pres- ident, Mrs. William Dooley, Highland Park; second, vice-president, Mrs. J. C. Williams, Winnetka; * third vice- president, Mm Frederick Hubschv Winnetka; recording secretary, Mrs. Charles Ryan, Winnetka, completing a second term; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. David Hallman, Winnetka; financial secretary, Mrs; M. T. Ander- son, Evanston; treasurer, Mrs. Clem- ens Dopfer, Glencoe;directors for three years, Mrs. A. E. Tilroe, Win- netka, ^Mrs. J. Cook, Wilmette, Mrs. -H. E. Mills, Highland Park and Mrs. F. L, MakneyrWinnetka.! The direc- torship made vacant by Mrs. Kitter* master, which expires in 1924; will be filled by Mrs. E. Q. Weissenberg. The ankiial luncheon of the league will |>e,h^id>a,t the. N<?rth Shore hotel !n SvanstoJ?» Tuesday, May 8, at one o»efockV Mrs. J: C; Williams of Win- netka and Mrs. John Cook of Wil- . tftetteL>afe<«halfltne*i \arid vice-chair- men iol arrangements. s *â-  ;^A^lalf-mile of floats, three hundred amateur clowns and tramps, four world's champion swimmers, and a military escortâ€"these will take part in the seventh annual circus to be held at Patten gymnasium, North- western university, Saturday, April 28. The~ swinnning exhibitions will be conducted in an improvised wooden tank in Patten gymnasium. The enr trants for honors are Ralph Breyer, the r " • - ;.-,.,;;£!£ Mi.* Virginia Bull the part of a wandering minstrel. She is noted> for her ^ JP^raSen <62^5 Abbbitsfbrd road; is a Kenil- worth girl appearing in the cast as the leader of the Gob chorui and as 0pb ^loistil Glencpe is represented in tithe Jfast by? Dorothy Duncan; 595 Verrion j^eriue, who takes the part of a head --^^itress^-m-ar-JFrench scene. '^:::%4f|?::.;â- '" |i Aside from holding positions on the executive board Miss Couffer, Wilmette, wrote a number of the lyrics which aire being used in the show. Other lyrics ^ere written by Ethel 4?lentye, 792 Lake avenue, Wilmette^ who also takes a part Jjjgft--the..^^f:^; ^Mt»^0r--t â- :::::z -;r:&::~%k: Ijll "Milady's Bandbox" is the second an- nual revue that the Woman's Athletic Association has attempted. The play this $ear centers^ about milady's" travels^ over Lllie severi seas and* through the various ^puntries of the world. The 'east in- - 3§|udes 125 Northwestern girls, many of whom hail from the North Shore. The "^lay is-'being coached by LeRoy Prinz, ho is well known in amateur dramatic Sircles^-1"'.!; *â- -' "'" 'j.4 There w«I be three iMilady's Bandbox." :«iyening l^ieiroarices Saturday nights, May matinee on Saturday afternoon. < Mr. and Mrs. Eston V. Tubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Johrr JX Couffer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl R, Latham, Mr. and ^Mrsi Gordon W. Bull, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flentye, are listed among the patrons and patron- esses of the musical ;o6medypff^S|ll$i Weismuller, Sybil Bauer and Richard Howell, each of whom holds world records. ,t The ) parade will form at Patten gymnasium at one o'clock Saturday, and fraternities, sororities, and in • dependent campus organizations, will contend for various silver loving cups and medals to be awarded by the circus management. The Northwest- ern military band and R. O. T. C. unit will lead the parade. The promenade will wind through the Evanston business district an'l end on the field north of the gym- S^^'vf^-^ax'^r^ijits and stunts. I Tlkpughoiit t/he evening a giant; mer^-go^urid will' provide enter taihment for thife^ frolicking young- stersl* ; >•â-  â- â€¢"'. â- ".â-  â- â-  j'0^%:. '."-: 'â- ] The Northwestern Circus is given annually under the joint auspices of the college branches of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C Ai» iranwng ace, John -ms&tTimW^tm'im^mrW^WtsrT^^ ;i%t Huff.iBl Chitf Cozzens. Civics and Legislation, Mrs. Willard H.';,Thayer«y -y0:,::'. tlliiMScXj:U x '&!& Music, Mrs. Harvey'"'A. Bush. Bulletin Committee, Mrs, John B. Boddie. Philanthropy, Mrs. Charles McCue. Chairmen? of Standing Committee*;. Prb|frarrii, Mrs. J. A. JBurrin. Social, Mrs. Ezra D. Fuchs. House, Mrs. M. H. McMiljen; The Art and Literature department of the Woman's club will give a card party Friday, May 4, for the benefit of the Children's room at the Art Institute. Prizes will be awarded and each table will make its own rules. As a great many tickets have been sold, the affair promises to be one of the most success- ful of th^^eas^^^rsrWillw^rHinv son and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, co- chairmen of the benefit, are being as- sisted by Mesdames J. A. Burrill, Thomas As | Copeland, If ohn Cullen, Charles Eldridge, William HolmeS, Ford J ones, JL~ W^^Jordan,: R.- & -Pattison Kline, J> ^ Pancoast, H. J. Richter, John Watters, Blanche Waimer, Willard Thayer, Carl Widriey and £ G. Wray. Following the annual election of of- ficers at the Woman's Catholic club meeting this afternon, the College Players will present the one-act play, "Suppressed Desires/' •, Miss Kather- ine Crush "of Wilmette, Miss Elizabeth Duffy of Glencoe and Everett Fox of Winnetka epirtjpriSjBfthe^lftst. The club will hold its luncheon, closing the season, on the following Tuesday, May 1, at the Ouilmette Country club. Madame Alice Driscoll, lyric soprano, and Jean Powell Burns, reader^ will renderLi delightfuL pro- gam. Reservations for the luncheon must be made today to Mrs; J. D. Fahlman, 360 Gregory ayejt|ue.v A Musicale and tea was given at the home of Mrs. Benjamin J. Ott, 1228 Lake avenue, on Monday afternoon last, in honor of Mrs. F. W. Reinhold. The 5jpS5»8ip?BjSi^ During.the:,.forei»rt;:'oi.^ Mrs. Reinold rendered a number of vocal selections, and later her pupils en- tertained the guests with a musical pro- gram, after which they presented her with a silver coffee service. Audrey Al- berga made the presentation. Mrs. Reinhold will leave for her home in 'KenosM..i:Mfo«f1,:jQaL.^ Invitations numbering to a thousand were issued late last week by the class of 1911 of Northwestern uni- versity alumni of the north shore for a May Pay silver tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charles Russell, 316 Davis street, on Tuesday afternoon, May 1, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Silver coins, silver certificates and Liberty bonds will be acceptable as contributions, as a^benefit for the wo^ man's building fund. The annual luncheon of the "Wil* mette Woman's club will take place on Wednesday, May 9, at the North Shore hotel, Evanston. This will as- sure ample accommodations for the club members and their guests. An un* usually go^ program ^ ranged.';:|ia:;-L'.C;;j(t;;s;sLf*5|^-^ apprpxin^f|r:::L;four;; |«#f# ';'|^prsi.i :a 'r^sult;^;#>'-thjeL'^^ ' â- par^'giveii '^nd#Lthe«^|usir^L'of thej Tranquilli egb & the Ouilmette Country | club, 1>y^ Mrs^ Chartes tPi Buiile; There i were, eighty, tables.. :'.., :\L;k^«; ' I$§ii: S Gut:..FloweralilB |fcraUoccasi<^ 1712 Sherman Avenue S ^EVANSTON l||||^||s|i TTie Only Exclusive Carpet, Rug and LuioHwmDeder on the North Shore SB old's pupils. Compare Our Prices m High Quality Rugv ;|1 : Cleaning and Repairing |||;Place\\yourLL6rder, now !Ipr|||l - fcheL-:sprjng ;.rugveieaningr:L§ie^l^ ,son,;.s.;pf ^^you;i:v^ant:-;;;pri^ptfe;;i seryice-^-if you Warit; -"inostR"jt • satisfactory :re$tiltsL phoii^.. «s§fl|| ll^ii lilliiil "'â- WsMtmMi'iiiii DAVPm B4REY S^lliiS iiigim Wi+MMff^ of officers for the Wilmette took place on performances of There will be on Friday and 4 and 5, and a jThe^ahhttal election the ensqing year in. Woman's club, which „ Wednesday of this week at the club- house resulted in the following: President, Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline. First Vice-President, Mrs. N. P. Col- well. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Thom- as C. Moulding. a ThJrf Vice-President, Mrs. Charles A. Eldndge. _Retordin^ Secretary, Mrs. Myron W-'^West^^p-^sS^Ky^ ::'.:'r ".'.".â-  â- ' '„ Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Hayes McKinney. % .Treasurer^ Mrs. H. S Griswoldl Churmen of Departments: MABELLE A. HIGGINS â€"^ MANIST TEACHER , Studio *,, 71$ Fine Art* Bldg, Chicago Instruction nuty be had in 4 North Shore Hones Telephone Winnetka 613 :^m>-..... IIMSUHANC'K .. BnalneM â€" L,lfe â€" Kmtmtm J. K. SWIFT TKA|* K«prea«ntatlve>â€"JVew York Life North Shore Head^aartera lvl7 Central Aveaae, Wilmette Phoae Wtlntette S» ?ti Takes the Worry Out of Life' «*â€"♦â-  !§• 14% ivmsmm . . .. _ io1%JClthclfe^Woa l^eajgueL h?JdI its annjual e^P^P0 an4 business tneeting at the Winnetka Wornan'sl^lub Trwraday^Apr^^ The president, Mrs. A.".â- â- %. Tilroe presided. Reports of the officers and various department â- chairmen were submitted %h|cb showed whar >pleit did wor^k the league had accomplished Lduring the past year. Besides minis- DR. E. D. AKERS Chiropractor ; ilWlAIEITiil The Largct Exclusive Boy»* Store in the World-Sixth Flo« lueSi siliiii in Mannish Little Models }:ty0$£ M- ^lew Spring Arrivals in exceptionally weffj tailored two-tone materials, polo shades and good-looking tweeds; Raglan and set-in-sleeve Models, full or half belted; many silk-lined; just the sort of coat for a little fellow from 2 W;VW-:pmr":S: â-  to 10 yeaiB--ol4K;3^^H^^ii Other Juvenile Topcoat*,$12,$15to$25 at a Radical Saving Mies wum^j^?% 10tr-12 a. m., 2â€"8 p. as., Tâ€"8 p. w. Other Hoars By Appoint- Phone Wilmette 2831 mm Boys' Blouses of a quality of Woven Madras worth half again this attractive price. They are perfectly tailored with neady cut collar attached and the new Broadway Cuff. The patterns are new and chosen in good taste. ISlf^PColbri are 'mm fwmmm imsmm Sixth Floor ^•MS^gSlM U£td$a£U2 ff^vWiSi

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