W^k^HK^., liOiiiiii'iiii'iiil'iiiiiiiii TO iitiiiiWi'^; «^*^fflffli Representative Springer In- ;SS1| ;p|troduces Bill 'g|fpij| A bill to authorize #1 stall ti in- quire certain non-argricultural and non-productive timber lands in Illi- nois as State Forests for the purpose of rendering such tracts productive either commercially or by designating portions as parks, fish and game sanc- tuaries, is proposed before the State Legislature by Representative Lewis B. Springer of Wihnette; Surveys, conducted by the State 1#- tural History? Survey division show that there are 200,000 acres of timber land in Illinois not, connected with farms. There are extensive timber tracts in the southern portion of the state that are non-argricultural and in poor condition brought about by the fact that the best trees are cut and the poorest left standing when the opposite course shouj^ have fc&sai fa WfMl â- ;-'.': 'â- 'â- â- â- :V"'v>>:':-^ •:•:•â- â- 'i^'i:.^^^^?^^^^^ 1 The beginning of such a procedure, |lr. Springer explains, would be grad- ual, but it would be the aim to build up tracts of'suitable size for efficient and practical administration. The tracts^ ^oWld be placed under the care Jif, expert foresters and improved by planting, thinning and improvement cutting. :'M â- :-â€".. :iJ|^l*WouM': Cut Frieght' Bills ^ Â¥;f .3 fTeii percent of the lumber in the nited States passes through Chica- go ancf a large portion of that per- centage in used in Illinois, it is pointed but. Freight bills on this lumber re- .M^-^ presents the expenditure of millions of dollars' 'each -year.-..'•'â- â- •"â- 'â- â- â- â- â- "; "!.-^; â- *:<â- -:';-*fV It is folly to pay such bills when, to a large extent, the lumber can be produced at home or in neighboring states, Mr. Springer emphasizes. ^ New York, Pennsylviania, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota and many other states have adopted, or are contem- plating adoption, of the policy indi- cated in the proposed bill. In no in- stance where such legislation has been enacted* has there been showti any tendency to withdraw from the plan. The-4*orest lands acquired would be under direct supervision of the State Department of Agriculture which has the authority to develop forest lands. Portions of the tracts of especial scenic-or historic importance could be designated as park lands. Other por- tions would be maintained as fish aid gam>" ./sanctuaries^^flfti'Sl :^"lpl§ff: = The bjll, as intitficed by tepresel- tative Springer, carries an appropria- tion of $200,000, a sum sttntqtfcnt Jo start the contemplated. policyf^Mt-" The f, bill is strongly supported %r the Illinois Forestry Association. alid by^pany other important organiza- tions. Public sentiment also favors the measure, Mr. Springer dccla . Lxamine Uur ^Ip^^izes; of :ttaveliP^CaIft| forma Sweets and Floridas. -. IAllflltei faney-â€"no se<#nW r.;;£rade^35<^er;;r^ strawberries, apples and fuil linesoj|; vegetables ait lowest^ â- â- ;qtiality'/;goods..^:Mri^;||:i:r Fruits, Vegetables and} 'tern*'-* g^^:;^bod Specialties : lf§:4©3 LINDEN AVE li^^Wilinette;i837. ;i W:: Banker Buys j||| Highland Avenue Home Albert ^Johnson, 17091 Highland avenue has sold his home to James R. Lyons, of the Sheridan Trust and Savings Bank, of Chicago. Mr. 1$; biis will move to Wilm^tte May ^ Frint George and company, succes- sors to M. E. Barker and company represented both parties in this trans-, action.'.', '";..".'"':',;'; /;'â- â- :"â- <'/â- â- 'â- '""'-;"â- %• v -.^^.i ^ho* yotfve never tiecnfyefork. 0$&jyau \ them:I^M^Bm^^ â- ' If your car***not in ;'*e/>a*r j|||f| |1§*7/ ty<$:- cannot got this; 'yearly You can see it all right here'i: Iff: At the movies rain or shine You can see it all just 'fine^;W$. l|; jCou tan see.. the children â- ;. I&gged, ;rfp|f^|^f^: His Then you'll see them romp 'â- -Happy, merry?-wl-::m&*iknJ$0$ ;â- :;;â- ;â- â- ' 'â- ..: ;â- ;'".â- â- -.;.;'„/. â- /â- ;â- . â- . â- 'â- '."'â- . ',/â- :â- â- :• liiifif' fjt^Jf pu. \X(^Ssee^0e^0oihers^ $lien each :Mtl^^girl^oi^fioy>-:: If Grows -more^:j^^^^^0^ ""$,' well each da^&^MSM^ M Village Theatre, Friday and Saturday evenings, April 27: ::. ana, ao,,, , ^^^:^^^i^^$a^^^^^s^M^. ..ji;:||||||^|#«| â- S/i^^#-s^i^il?P5^^^|i^ " jVy:;r*^v.i,^Tjft^ „_ ^Mlii^Hiiiifp: #||:Tvhis).reriiarkabl)|p^^:;.price-will be for ^&um 81130th, only; JThesI ho maMei ,;i'SI:*. :. |||| shade.s./o^gf e^|§i|d|t^n../ :;;^he/:sizes": ar^i^p ^^l|:iilars of ;a?hose':tt IP eonie iii S&t'0lrdaj|if jpossible, since the I ^supply is Hmitedll Chaise Sf any?^Golory% pai*l i-A*' |||^^^i^pii^l» ,ff^,: 1146 Wbmtt*'^ ; Mrs. Samuel H. Roberts, 613 Centra] avenue, is convalesing at the North Shore Hedlth Resort. W^^ :^<i:,-[} I .,4lijnMiiitn - . ii.rjjui iV,:riiii.....;J Ji'i ii '... t ii'ij . n;ri;;j â- fin i i , WBB Ilft|il|:ilt:i -i-83isMM- -xnt WMKti -:^§MW0/"^if^Mi^ r" V'^lift^^'j'i'V,;'\;i-"--"' ^^flfir^j^ ^||^:|||__ IMm^llh^iiy'Uhit^ ***** Pssf IPS for boys' clothing and ^ furnishings, are those very |f values you seek in boys? ^ wearâ€"long life of. â- â- â- ;.&& ment, style and reasonable ; p^ces,pwithi|Jar^e;;:;;;; 'and: : yariedlialss6i^ents"v^in which to make your se- lections. â- Pif ^^^S- lit; a very handsome assort^ absolutely guaranteed tub f i |»iti|-^«ttir':: |»boff§ Mm *i:$t?^ ' plain white and khalci color. Made in two practical styles. Polo button-down collar ;oil|; with sport collar tl|j^;c|fiij|^, y left:, onen w jratt|bn^«f;lpn l'l neck. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^W"M Shirtsi%eck'Mze: ;i;|0;;^ tiiiPBlouses,.vages;^" io:ttri.'" â- s@:s â- ^â- fe'.' i; 4.1^^^3.^|£^lT^^^-S^-?%Qgij ^lilglW-gPls ^â- iÂ¥M^*f;' Commercial ana Savings Account; Bonds, Securities and Foreign Exchange SafetylfepbW:^^ Interest Paid on DefiasUe^^^^ Sl--'^Mi«&^ â- ilSM;!"': .a^y;.g;j;.;;;.!. IP. B. ECKRARTT fci^^^WM^Ei^l^resiaeii^^ H^:'?.?^%^te5i ;j^:^l!»? Cashier.^ N. A. SCHWALL, Jtiii^U^it^iidk^ktMmt Ti iwm***m»**i»foj_25]lm2!i& Ass't Cashier. The. styles and models sue ___«xact reproductions of the clothes we sell at our college branches. All suits have vests and two pairs of long trousers. Many of the suits have extra knickers to match for biking or toff; Considering quality, workmanship and service these suits cannot be duplicated anywhere near the price. â- -'"'" Made from s-niie. ;Mdif^;,5lf cheviots, m plain tweeds, di- agonals or polo shades, either raglan or regular sl< f25, $30 and $35 majtmi^^k. fc^ay^fe .-..,. i.i..a........â- .v,^.,^.-, .... . -.^^â€"^------^^-----^