Pwwj<!WMPPWfefl||ilJllSWlB8"l'^XL^JjjT" ^IZZT .!., J1,1,11.., . -â€"â- -â- â€"â- -•"--â- â- 14 THE LAKE •qwowb: NEWS. FRIDAV APRIL 27, 1923 GRADS'FROLIC AT ARDEN SHORE Annual Home-coming Day to be Observed at Lake Bluff Rest Camp Saturday MacCHESNEY, SPEAKER Feast, Games, Movies To Feature Day BY LOLA BAUMGARDNER "But wait a bit" the oyster cried, "Before we have our chat; For some of us are out of breath. And all of us are fat!" This or some other such summinc uj> of the * highly satisfactory, and comfortable stateKof existence of the 40 boys who have been in the Arden Shore winter campâ€"will greet the 150 or more health graduates) who are scheduled to flock back for the Home- coming celebration, at the camp near iake Bluff, April 28. j Arden Shore graduates will proudly jmake their responses to the camp jcatechism wliich containes such sign- ificant questions as: Have you kept lyour weight? Have you kept your jjob? Are you really making good? 1 Gen. MacChesntey, Speaker ] They will listen to an important (Speaker, Brig. Gen. Nathan William jMacChesney, on "War Reminiscen- ces," who is to be introduced by Mrs. C^xL-R^-Lalb^m^^jl-JEiv^n&toxv-ia^ year's Arden Shore president. The boys will "censor" the first showing of the Arden Shore moving- picture, which later will be released in the theaters of Chicago and the north shore towns. 1|' Raine or sjime^^e^ejadj^ody~, Who ran BWpoTsTbTy*cettherewlTF be on the ground. The association will pay the car-fare. The ravines and the cheery buildings, left so reluctantly for a try in the great industrial world will belong to the ^rads" for one glori- ous day. "GmmI»w Own Day So the old haunts will be revisited, quantities of the camp's special brand of milk and eggs will be consumed, favorite camp games will be played, and the boys will lincer until the very last train to talk over their problems with old friends like Miss Ferrier, the doctor, the nutrition ex- pert and other directors. education for children which is spon- sored by tuberculosis associations all over the^ United States and even abroad. It is in use in hundreds of schools and has enrolled millions of children. - ...... It is the belief, and this belief is supported by statistics, that the pre- ventive work for children is the best means of conquering tuberculosis. The talk will be used as a basis for a test to show that a radio mes- sage from Chicago can be heard in every state in the union. Messages have frequently been heard from coast to coast but radio experts state that there is no record of any one talk having been heard in every state. There are approximately two mil- lion radio receiving sets in various parts of the United States and it is desired to reach as many of these listeners as possible. The talk will be given by Mr. Char- les M. DeForest, the originator of the Modern Health Crusade. Mr. DeForest is a brother of Df. Lee De- Forest, the inventor of the devices that have, made long distance radio telephony possible. ,- n.....-ii-BiLjiji'ii'ivi'iiiiiiiii miff F. L Barnhart Gairing Fine Arts 1613 Orrington Ave. Evanston Picture and Mirror Framing. Mirrors re-silvered. Frames repaired and re-gilded. Greeting Cards Just Off the Press DR. SAUER'S Nursery Guide •$1.75- At your Druggist and at Chandler's J g- v >x >* S T O f" PUftNEIJL^ me. Asphalt and Asbestos Shingles JOHNS-MANVILLEâ€"RICHARDSON CO. Originators of Over-the-Old Wood Shingles 37 Years of Practical Experience 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 2569 m mi" HEALTH CRUSADERS NOW EMPLOY RADIO IN WORK fie* â- • â- â€" On May 17, the National Tuber- culosis association will attempt one -ofâ€"the most nmque~"radio ""stunts" that has ever been tried in the United States. The Chicago Tuberculosis in- titute, which is affiliated with the national organization, is in charge of'this matter locally. Through the co-operation of the Chicago Board of Trade, the associa- tion; has been given permission to IVrdadcast from the radio station on the iDrake hotel (W.D.A.P.), which to be one of the most power- JBUCJLDffil Whether your needs are one 4otid~orH-tanT3rec^ in a position to make promp deliveries. Lime for the lawn EDINGER&SONS Established 1907 ---------^ Dealers in All Kinds of Building Materials EVANSTON KENILWORTH WILMETTE WINNETKA IS fnfr^tattioTTS "in the country, a health talk bin the Modern Health Crusade, This is the system of practical health thin, weak lawns new life. Revives worn * iiacea plant food tor roots and makes grass ra feast messy to use.. Results are immediate. our old lawn or make your new one with Brand^wn^Seed^Il K^ta» 4KS&&&& me growth. Jfs^alwawa green. TBig wlue to n^e tested seed. Buy direct and save money. or phone your nanM and addre^MdjffP.wUi now you can raise a good lawn with JLawnYeas* ftSrock Lawn 8e«d " Dotftb^without,thteto- lf you wanta floe lawn, write toda^jgeftrea; . FartA and Lawn Products . ^^atoMHamMMTnd 37M. Hammana. Indiana SUP. ;COVERS^ luding Labor and Material Davenport .Chair fii. •ateed i.50 .%1««a woml»rf«l election of lm- «â- " rariaetlea doe f© ©«r jrtoe lor aaalltr. ......v:# : .|--; ^w7ra. 0*d>r dlreSt framâ€" * 'COLLIN BfcOS. m MTtr WKk Man4el Bra. **L?C»1I or WrH«^^-^~ Outward Expression â- -fiil^f:.: lilltBf! PERHAPS, as has been said, ^'All is vanity," but nevertheless, one wishes the funeral director who has been called, to have equipment that is impressive and adequate!>pt- is part of the respect-that one feels to be; due the de^rted. %'.^^â- /^â- J\5': We/bave"alwl^s'been' careful to keep all of our equipment up to date in every fespect;, improving it stead- ily as better things have been cre- ated. You can always depend upon * the, quality fji our service in every iway..;-; â- /-â- ;â- :.--':' *..,,,mimilili..iH.miHmimni..............,„ii,nll|ll.iiM».imimimHHMa.»iiMi.i.miwmiiiiiH.......iiiiiiiHi.minummmimmiiiminmiiiMiHii IMPORTANT If you are planning to change your residence or business address this spring, arrange now to have your telephone moved. On account of the large number of moves to be made at this time of the year, Thirty Days Notice Is required on all telephone move rclerrbetweenApritt^^ r*.j£?i$t Tel^hon^&tt^O^d^^Few HiVOH of service in your neyy Ig&afooru IIXINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimwBiHimi ^ inmmimiuHunwnmuitnmmiaiNttitauiiUr :jifcX ] Iâ€"-'-Hk .. â- M& :; c%J^S^S Wik W;ffl-;:' ^agf'-I HONE EVANSTOH< -;l^r: liS'^iCHICACO â- â- mm ..^Ig^^^^ggi,^; -,,,-:-^mi&ii! Wsma22ms2szs^ ^SSmmSiSSiSm House No. 404 This is just one of the many beautiful houses 'mehave to show you. Come and see them. Uow to^dfet the Most fe;;®!*5^:^.- For Your building Dollars-. The answer is short. USE FACE BRICK. , p gtve| yfnlthfmostto ^b^rt|| fire^safetyv durability and economy. We reali2^ tblf is a big dairn to malce. i|H^; Jms ppp^ that it is true* We haveti^ space here tx> give you ^1the facts/ but * yep wfill,^4'.^)em fully discussed in-<The tive builfe should read before tie builds. Come iii aiid get a copy-^r^n^ ^ - :$?& M^M jn^ collection o£ 3 to 8-iXjQmL I FacS brick houses. JOne wi^^--^ia^yv-i1aeet ip&afittf&^i^^ ASSOCIATION '":^^ __Bo«»«r & ManhaU Brick Co. S. S. Kimball Brick Co. $• -5Sk SZlef£*-m^M»:M Wi.con.ia Lime & Cement CoJl "JSVri!.X&f" Br^ <:°- Burt T- Wheeler Brick Co. Chicago, Hi ^ - . -'. " .. ,. iiii'iii . !l.. V . JS'!** 'U ':" "i "'i "' J1 "" Ift^SilS^S^^w^i^^ P^i? H J8li#§!SjS^:f;!5^ l^&ag^ife^4;Mlliisl^^ fWMMsM