Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1923, p. 10

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. APRIL 27, 1923 Due to the illness of Dr. MagiU last Sunday, the Rev. J. H. Hopper, recently returned from the Philippine Islands, supplied the pulpit and gave a very in- teresting and instructive address rela- tive to present day cnditions in the Philippine Islands. The Sunday Evening club closes its season with Dr. Henry van Dyke, noted author and former Minister to Holland, as speaker. The season has been most successful in every way, and the fore- cast for next year is better than ever. The Roosevelt Troop is now in full swing, working for the next rally to be held on the lake front, Decoration Day. They are also preparing for a two-weeks' camp to be held in the early part of July. The Junior and Intermediate Young People's societies will hold their reg- ular meetings at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon at the church. The Senior Young People's society will meet at 5:30 and the program will be in charge of Signe Ouse's group. which the testimonies of those uniting with the Church upon Confession of Faith will be heard. The Wilmette Baptist Choral society will meet for rehearsal ^n Thursday evening, May 3, at 7:45. • On account of its relation to sermons I The Seventieth Annual Meeting of immediately preceding, and due to the J the Chicago Association of Congrega- fac't that Dr. MagiU was unable to I tional churches will be held Tuesday, preach, the sermon topic for this coming \fav firstp ,-„ the Waveland Avenue Con- e...^„ ..,;n i., *u„ c3n„. ac nnnnnnroH gregational church, 3700 Janssen avenue, Chicago. The Theme for the session is "The Challenge of Chicago to Con- gregationalism.'* Among the speakers on the program are Dr. John R. Nichols of the Chicago City Missionary Society"; Rev. Hugh Elmer Brown of Evanston; Mr. S. Duncan Clark, Editr of the Chicago Post, and Dr. Wilfrid A. Rowell of Hinsdale. This Church co-operates with the Sunday Evening Club, which presents as its closing program for the sea- son, Dr. Henry van Dyke, who will speak at 7:30 at the Congregational Church. Sunday will be the same as announced last week, namely, "When Has Life Achieved Its Highest Purpose?" The -----meaning of this topic depends entirely upon where one places the emphasis and the meaning he gives to certain words. For instance, where do you place the emphasis and what meaning would you give to* the important words Two per- sons may be perfectly sincere in this matter and yet be very far apart in their conclusions. How then can you tell which is right? The following musical program will he rpnf\<*rrA hy th*»- Friday, May 4, is Woman's Day for the month in the church. This will be the first program in the new Church Year under the new officers and committees. There will be While Cross Sewing in the morning at 10 o'clock. Lunchon will be served at 12:30 and the program of the day J . will begin at 2 o'clock with adjourn- On Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 thejmentat 4. Pastor will meet with the boys and girls of the Intermediate and Junior Study will Beheld an important me mg of:the^iW^fScljiJbQt^^^jii^lJ^^, The Wilmette Baptist Church ft cated at the Corner of Wilmette?M "Forest Avenues, and welcomes alfw its services. The Pastor, ma^-It- reached at his study during the mor«* ings or by appointment. The Ch«r?t i Office in charge of Miss Bafi 11 open during the afternoons from 1? 1 Church telephone, Wilmette 2235^S§1 mg: Organ Preludeâ€""Prayer (Lohengrin)" .......................... Wagner Anthemâ€""My Faith Looks Up to Thee" .............«.......... Schnecker Anthemâ€""God Is Love"........Shelley Tenor Soloâ€""There Is a Green Hill Far Away".................. Gounod Organ Postlude â€"â- " Marche Romaine" ........................â- .. Gounod Sopranoâ€"Mrs. C. Russell Small. Contraltoâ€"Miss Georgia Sanborn. Tenorâ€"Mr. Clarke B. Shipp. Bassâ€"Mr. Chester Lawrence. Organistâ€"Miss Erma E. Rounds. The Juniors meet Sunday at 3:30 o'clock for their Endeavor meeting. Katherine Ellis is the leader of this Week. The topic is "Indian and Alas Itan Children." The Intermediate leader for this Sun- day a*^30 o'clock is Edward Ryerson. This ts a missionary meetingâ€"topic, "'What My Denomination Has Meant to the-World." On Monday, April thiritith, the North End Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank E. Merrill, 1106 Greenwood avenue, for an all day meeting. The - -- t__Cr Perry and Mrs. G. M. McDonald. Luncheon will be served at one o'clock. On, Wednesday, May second, the May Church Night Dinner will be served at 6:45 P. M„ by the East End Circle of the Woman's Guild. The Speaker of the evening will be Dr. George McCol- lom of Chicago. Music will be in charge of Miss Welch and Mrs. Von Ritter. Every family of the church should plan to be present, as the plan for the retirement of the church debt is to be considered. Thursday, May third, the Cozy Cor- ner Circle will hold an all-day meeting at the church. It will be a Box Lunch- eon. Coffee will be served. Friday, May fourth, the Central Ave- nue Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Monroe R. Venables, 908 Green- leaf avenue. The Assistant Hostesses will be Mrs. S. A. Wheelock and Mrs^ H. R. Hitchcock. Luncheon will be served ar~»ne o'clock. Departments in their studies on The Meaning of the Christian Life. The regular mid-week meeting of the Church will be held at 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, May 2nd, at This evening at 6:30, the*Senior Young People's Society will sit down to their Annual Banquet, Election of Officers and Business Meeting, at the Church. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Linden and Prairie Aves.* Wilm^M- -I . Herman W. Meyer, M. A. Pastor M 406 Prairie Avenue Telphone t^Ofi I SERVICES lg 9:45 A. M. Sunday school and Bibl«?*t class at Library Hall. § 9:45 A. M. First service and sernw&Sl At 8:30 this evening in the Pastor's at the church. ._ _______.__,____Hjlf|i Full of promise, of hope, of joy-of-life, they make you ambitious to do the things the long winter has made im- possible. ..,,,#.Senior C. E. will meet Sunday eve- ning at 5:30 o'clock. Vera Johnson is the leader. v The Boy Scouts, Troop 5, will meet Jjn the church Monday evening at 7:15. Junior Boy Scouts will meet Friday at $:45- The Scouts are joining with the Men's club at a banquet Tuesday, May 1st, at 6:30 o'clock. ' Triangle 1 of the Wilmette Presby- terian Girl Reserves will prepare for a mke Saturday, May 5. The Junior Girl Reserves will meet in the church next Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock ENGLISH LUTHERAN Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street William Guise, pastor Services for April 29.--~~â€"^:~~------â- &• Bible School at 9:45: Worship and sermon by the pastor at 11 A. M. We trust the good afc tendance of last Sunday will continue throughout the coming months. Qur friends living in the community arc invited to worship with us- â€" I Tne council met on last Monday Midweek service Wednesday eveninc even,ng' Important matters were at 8:00 o'clock. , passed upon and plans completed for â€" v Mne meeting of the congregation next Will 9:30 a. m. and 11:30 a. m. today u *fy, eveni"g- Every member be the same as 9:30 a. m. and 11 30 a I • be Preser|t at this important m. next Sunday? If not, why not? ' I"eet,«g- Besides the address by Rev. 'Naumann of Evanston, there will be a musical program, interesting re- ports from the various organizations and the election of two deacons. The annual application for the financial aid of the Home Mission Board will be approved and forwarded to"the President of Synod. Refreshments will be served. Friends are also invited to The Men's club oL theâ€"Wilmette church will hold a banquet in honor of the Boy Scouts identified with Troop 5 nfxt Tuesday evening, May 1, at 6:30. \?r\r*/?* .Knebel of the international *• M. C. A. committee, who is most iavorably known as an entertainer and speaker for boys' gatherings, will givel------j'Y" *•**»"».«" c »wu mvnea to a message especially appropriate to the sp.end,the evening with us. Do not occasion, ft is expected that the boys m,ss thl* kig annual meeting of meni- al! have narf In *U* «-~________j ?.. bers and frienrlcf The "old bus^ needs going over; your fishing tackle needs attention badly; there's garden work to be done. These things may seem so necessary tcTyou that you feel justified in "passing up" church this Sundayâ€"and next Sun- dayâ€"and the Sunday after tha> â- ^ And it would be wrong for us to belittle the importance of tfeese^ fascinating duties, these small matters that help to make life beautiful and interesting. They are important. - < But if you will reserve the hour or two that it takes on Sunday morning, to quiet your spirit and praise the God who gives you these things to do, and the strength to do them, don't you know that you'll get them done anyway ? Coming to Church gives you something necessary to your life, more necessary, if it-comes to a choice, than anything else you can think of. "And all these things shall be added unto you" is a good thought to take when you are weighing the importance of coming to church against the doing of some little Spring- Sunday-morning task. ]:($0} jwill have part in the program and will M av^rded merit badSei5 at tlM*s time. Illl^iknette Presbyterian Church %£ 9th Street and Greenleaf Avenue ^tpn Rev. George P. Magih\ D, D. g^unday school, 9:30 '«L_in. I W^n-service, 11:00 a. m. S||un».C.r.E.,:3,^ i Intermediates, 4:30 p. ml ||e|io|||^deavor,. 5:30 â- : p? m;: III ^n* begins at mid-night Saturday ||||;jp|§g:§ «pt|your clocks ahead -and': pre- J|p;: â- i^e?0<^m:0 \ church on daylight' Wing ^^Iii^#h^i:>at.x9M All depart ^::>«^^ll^|WtlyaS|unio#fG,ongrega\ion' IMS^^M#;m::;rMr...Lloyd: will5:speak If "#;*h£:ite* ."Like a Tree/' a message tp.'-fifem Mm- The Junior choir, will te|ll^^it|r:00 f§^^£^^^"'-^' PllJitoyd^.|^wPon^^aad____,_ .„„. w SSSi^^^»#-- f»d. its Heritage," a con- m^^^W^i ,ast â- :Sunday's:;theme â-  on ilfe||£hir^iS^ gf;^|e^)^;::oI;|:the: -parish'should -hear- this ^9^m$m*--'ChurchySpecial musical I service, â- ^0^^0JLisi Weich and Mr 'Dahl- ia m ^th»# o'clock for r^earsal, under llll^dir^ioii of Mr.;;Burtneril|f? $ £;3ff |Ai|s|felj|;:6tin^^ |^^^WSift'Pli^3?.> fc4*W«w*i; parlori and mm. -Ot^,^ble|g| bers and friends 1 The men and boys of the church will meet oh Saturday afternoon of this week to begin work On the church Mv We want utpiJ3^utify_iiur lawn and improve the appearance of the corner.-.-râ- ::..^-:â- ;i^-.--â- ::--â-  . -^.^^.;,.,; Th^,Missionary society will meet next Thursday afternoon, May 3 The meeting will be held in the church and will open promptly at 2:30. - MPTISti^ e^nday, vAwilf 29, is the Annual stewardship Sunday ih the local Bap- tist^ church. At the Morning service at 11 o clock, the budgets of the church for Current Expense and for Benevolences will fre--presented and NEED THE CHU CHURCH NEEDS PMges njade toward their suoport. ?Tvi. m^htt.s ^5 ^e Sunday-School ^iH^rning Session of the School and. of the Young People's Society in their afternoon meeting, will also be given an opportunity tC|ledge to the work of the church. UntieWthe unl- iSJlH^ PlE" = w«ri tt^ni!>ir of attv ^fanizaHon of the church i5 asked to make their first contribution lo the ppnses of all organizations withifl ihe church__are;:.raet._:...:..^l:..-_:„ij^:ll,...::l^i:s: _ During the Si*Whc«alSottr^?t^&^ rfVh»°l;th/ G^h and the teachers -?*'â-  W* Sunday School classes will vijs Sunday afternoon the Junior chdirjaalL !L^^ wll<l were not present eitlier J^lheirg pledges for the coming -7^.^bie Scjiobl, with graded^ fnS^n J^"â- â- â- f^ft* will meet 9^5 and the Church Worship Hour will DIRECTORY OF CHURCHil Wilmette En«^ Uitberan ttiiixb St Jolm't Luther an ttni^ 703 Greenleaf Ave. '^s'W:'ff:<^^ ... â-  ^ â- ^^^:mm^„f._: â- â- â- :*...- 'mm^^^Mmmm --wwleir- 'and'. Prairie' Aves.. 1^^?^ f^;,;, ^â- rmw<2@&*yiuz â-  -sv. Rtv. Herman W. Meyer 6§§- |||^W:and .Wilmette Aves| St. Augustine's Episcopal Chnrch 1140 Wilmette Ave. Rev. Hubert Carle ton ^^teSSS3^^&|nftS|jB^ ike and Wilmette Ayes, ]l#eK^tepke*:AFitiy#r: iili!iiv?Niiidi' ..and' Greenleaf :if^pg^|ff^^^s^M^^£^|^^"^|| ^^ig^^^apgj^^ip;;^!!.;;- Lake and Wilmette Aves. .,,... â- :$:^i^'.'-"'^J Ui';:';^vr Rev. (^e^^tanseU, %$

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