Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1923, p. 7

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itimmM^mimmm^^'^mm^m WB THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, . 'ill. 'â- IliS "â- â-  1923 >^^^flf»PWfl«Pf^lPPPWPWIW»«W •*#j 11 Albert Celebrate GoMen-M Adding Event Mme. Sturkow-Ryder will be heard in a two piano recital at the Woman's club following Jhe election of officers on Wednesday; April 25, at 2:30 o'clock. Mme. Sturkow-Ryder is noted for the fTr^HE home of !_. Durham at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 713 Greenwood ave- nue, was the scene of a very happy occasion on Monday evening, when^ Mr;. Durham's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durham of El Gehtro, Cali- fornia, welcomed" about sixty relatives and old time friends in celebration of their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Durham were married in Chicago on' April l6r:W3.WMjlx&i0$^M^',, They have one daughter, Miss Nellie Durham of Chicago, twin sons, Mr. Ralph Durham of Wihnette and Mr. Robert Durham of Elmhurst, and three ^grandchildren, Dorothy $tfeli| Jolitt ;Al* Ibert #nd Ruth Allison Durhatn, all Of [whom were present_aXJhis_rgoldenreventT |^ AiraniberoFthe friends of early days [enjoyed the hospitality and there were fmany happy reunions on Monday even- ling. The* rooms of the lovely, homewere Icheerily and profusely decorated with [palms and ferns and with theTnagnincent [gifts of the bright flowers of early [spring which came to the bride and [groom of fifty years ago with the con- |g|atuiations of^ltheirt Ifriefccfs. \ There Iwfre also gifts^oi gold coins, china and |other things appropriate to the event. j Music enjoyed throughout the|e^ept% |was furnished by Tomaso alffd his art- istic players on violin, harp and; mando- lin. :. ,'.1.11^1. W Cc I Miss Dorothy Nell Durham delighted IheV grandparents and the rjjuests^ with [musical readings. I Rev. Henry Hepburn of Buena Pres- fcyterian church of which Mr. and Mrs. H>urham and their three children were Charter members, spoke some delight- ful words in appreciation of the .couple lyhose M'edding of fifty years ago was SaUed-to^ininfi^ immediately afterward the orchestra started Mendelssohn's wedding march bnd the bride and groom went to the wining room~~accompanied by Mr. and Ifrs. Theron Durham of Oak Park, prof.' and Mrs. Nichols of Evanston and fallowed by the guests. The table was Ofcorated in perfect accord with a (den wedding, the predominating colqrs tag gold and white. The bride cut an f^^posing wedding cake which was sery- as a part ip%|he aflelicjojus wedding pper. ' â- â- *•â- *-•? . ^ â- â- â- *- â- â- â€¢â- â-  -w %.y ^ Those who were guests at the celebra- «r will keep the memory of the even- as being an unusually enjoyjibl :nt in their lives. Annual SpYmg" Luncheon of J*|ie tan's club will be given this yea! on 9 at the North Shore Hotel, Evahs- Heretofore the annual luncheons overtaxed the capacity of the club ling, and the hotel has been *chbsen to afford members, the opportunity rihglng'Tguests. "/i^ji â- -& f I ? â-  - X( > ^ : program at the luncheon will be by the Misses Elizabeth and Ellen lsend, lyric sopranos, who will snt solos and duets and selections the opera of Nanoiv ; f Mi many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Beazley, 1730 Forest avenue, will terested in the fact that they have engaged to present operas at Sinai Center. ^Mrr|Beazley also has of the vocal training department. I a membership of over 2OQ0 this es to^provide alwide^field. -Their ;retta jvas given on Wednesday, to an overflowing audience and rj}l*ant-SttC<^^-:K^7':g^:^ teretta entitled ^'The Frog is being rehearsed by some oi~ rfe and boys in the village and inces will be given at the Wom- of Wilmette. The work is w_, direction of Mr. arid Mrs. W. Hey, and the proceeds will be turn- ftfcF^^fiaw^aw^ri^^ |Urch.' ..':.:'i0; '..$f;,;j|. '%# ...|' .""'f'%#^ 'â€"(0£z>>>: 'â-  â- ,;â- â- ' -'â- 'â- â- â- '»â- -. â- <"'â- "••'",.._ pnarriage of Miss Eleanor. Em*£ k of Mr. and Mrs. John W. it Evanston to Herbert E. Lucas lace Tuesday a f ternoon at i ou. at the Evanston hotel. Palm;. JUid cathedral candles formed the the ballroom, where Dr. Ernest it Tittle performed the ceremony Mrs. Lucas will* be at home af- 5 at 1315 Oak avenue, Evanston novelty and variety of her programs. She has introduced a "'largenumber of Ameri- can, French, Russian and Scandinavian works to music loving audiences, and is herself, composing manyv ; works foY piano, - ^p%^:Xii^sg|^^|i^fl^:\;^Hn^ voice* She has shown her popularity by the large number of recitals played in the last t^^s^dnsf, these concerts carrying her to all parts of the United States. The^recital: 0n the 25th will be of un- usual inter£$, in, thit it presents a num- ber of works written for two pianos, or l piano and o^cfestra; which can be play- ed by f one artist; - This astonishing feature has brought favorable comments from the press of many cities, and Mme. Ryder is enthusiastic over the tremendous educational and artistic possibilities of presenting these ensemble works to the public.^; ;â- â-  â- ;;.-.. '•â- :;:>iv^l>ii^ii:"; V:/'^ ^.v-i^^^^^fe-«:;: "-4The;--%iomih£^ o'clock will be in the interest of the Child and Home department when Miss Mary Bailey, assistant United States district attorney, will speak on "Enforcing the Pure Food, and Drug Law"; ||jss Sailey holds a unique position for a woman arid has made a splendid record; She is among the first to enter this field. ||i Luncheon will follow at one o^clock; and reservations must be made with Mrs. ,C.«J. Moore, 1225 Lake avenge. Mem- bers should avail themselves of this un- usual program. play, "The kleptomaniac"^ promising vaude- Itetterson, VioWlfuch^ger and Margaret H"Thl%an##l^^ two parts, the "Death of the Marion- ette," in pantomine, and "Rushin' Dancers," a grotesque, is originated as well as directed by Mariesther Kraft- hefer. Madeleine Lamkey, Rosampnd Barton, Katherine Kelly, Rose Millen, Eleanor Kelly, Winifred Seng, Mary Carnall, Edna Seng, Mariesther Kraft- hefer,. Mary Patterson, Elizabeth Weber and Helen Lamkey will participate in this feature. ""The Ducklings Sisters," an imitation of the Duncan Sisters, im- personated by the Misses Lamkey is expected to be another source of comical dancing. Going from the ridiculous into the sublime, there will be' a solo dance by Mariesther Krafthefer, followed by a piano solo byVio& Budinger. "iPasquale and His Band," Miss Edna Senk impersonating Pasquale, Rosalind Mips, Bruno and Hillis Krafthefer, Marietta and an ensemble of the auxil- iary; will close the evening|s# entertain- menjt« V il&'i?",,#'.'â- , 'Ihe cast of characters in "The Klep- tomaniac" includes Rosamond Barton, W^hda ^runs Dick, Marie ®Sftri7 Rosa- lind; Mills, VirginiafjiC?a|ilefer, Eliza- beth Reichniaj^i and Maijr^atifirson. Assisting ift this production is Miss Margaret Millen, director of dramatics, Miss Marje^hg^lKrafthefer, director of *^#:,»i!iDelibes :": Snegourotchka" . Rimsky-Korsakow Apple :â-  Blossoms "^m.^i^imfi^Uf Duetâ- ; Sous â- â- â- le â-  <tomfft,&,MD>m»- from .â- â- â- .. v^^f^§^S0^l^ •' To a Primrwe^l^l^p^gg . ine waterniy ^^sm^m^MMW^I -.Good â-  MOtnm^^MMWM^0^Mm^m Duet: . 'Tis . Eveningr||.Ifromff "Pique â-  â-  Dame" !§, *. ;.jg|.,: ^;.;iji|| Tschaikowsky The -Friday Evening iclub xvlll ^H^M Sunday, .April 29, at the residence of Mr. and iMrs. Lawrence M. Stein, 812 Lloyd place, Winnetka. The speaker will be Dr. George Cleveland Hall, distinguished surgeon and mem- ber of the Chicago Race Relations Commission. His subject*?! will be "The Negro Situation in America"^f| The Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club will meet next week at the home of Mrs. R. S. Pattillo, 620 Forest avenue. f or all occasi<Mis Ihone EVANSTON M jf^ â- .:'â- â-  ': \i:.X:v/igjgg 'â- :,'â- '.Iff"" 1712ShernuuiAi ^p^iiEVANSTOK WM V^AIc<rie^'act augmented by-several ville sketches/will be presented by mem- bers^ oithe^ YOung Womari^ ^Auxiliary of the Catholic Woman's club on Wed- nesday evening of next week, April 25, at the Woman's club auditorium. Tickets may now be obtained from any__of the auxiliary members, or from Mrs. Arthur E. Lamkey, the chairman. Proceeds will be turned in to the St. Francis Xavier ^flf Apperiing^ scettHentitled "A Garden of #ir1sf ^wilt be ^plrticipated in by all of ^^uxiHary jmeihbers, namely Edna S^n^^wabefli Weber, Wanda Bruns Dicfc|l^ar^?attersbri, Helen Lamkey, Mariesther Krafthefer, Winifred Seng, A|ice|Cm<«mell, Virginia Krafthefer, Elizabeth Reichmarin, Katherine Kelly, Mari| Dolan, Eleanor Kelly, Rose M>nen; Madele&i Lamkey,- Rosamond Barton, Hilhs Krafthefer, Viol# Bud- inger,, Rp?alin4 Mills and Mary Carnall. JUtMAtsiuJCrafthefer ^wtt^take-the part Of ti# garden fairy. V^^-,. . A specialty number, "The Argenline Oang^ ^mmiset^H^isontethfn^g^^ ent. Jack and Mary Carnall will intro- Juce_ ,fhl.s number. A sketch,- "Beau of Bath^^ including in its cast Bertiadette MABELLE A. HIGGINS ' ;SvSfe: PIANI3T..TEACHER;11 Studio . 719 Fin«5 Art* BWg^ Chicago Instruction OMiy ba had m ^â- ^^•^llorth^plidr* Homes Telephone Winnetka 613 :mSW"m*i L\SUHA.\CE . • â- fuMlaeM â€" Life >- iS«tat« .1. K. SWIF'I' TlflAL Itepre»entatlve~New York Life Aorta Shore Headqnartera 1017 Central Aveane, Wilmette i|^^vf//Paoae.. Wllmet *e: 97 â-  *it fakes the Worry Out of Uf/ m The Only Exclusive Carpet, Rug and Linoleum Dealer on the North Shon av.w/iW,v/A- rare High Quality Rtigr Cleaning and Repairing * Place your order now for ^h^'^spriftg rug cleaning sea- *sonv If )rou want prompt 'jj- leryicer-if you want tno§t ;-iS|i^t ^ctory riesults php ^vjCnow ffow ie m* mm. tone amateur/^hcihg/^ebrgeMrns; director oi,|music and Luther Adams, stage manager. ,^rr. â- â- â- ^^m^^v, -^$. i Siss Marjprie Mann^ daughter li :Drg: and Mrs. Williarri Mann, 1115 Greenwood "avenue,; appeared in recital lasl evening with Mrs. Marie liver? Jacobs at Music Hall, on Northwest- er^ university campus. Miss Marine a i|iezzo soprano, is completing her senior year at the ^usic school, andf is ^ member of the Kappa Delta so- rority. Her program of songs ih- clu^ed;:;;:%3:|J#:^,?,:i:;:' rii$? â- â- â€¢â- ;â-  'â- â- :--^pi Duet: Serenadeliifrom^-Leroi j'a, ;4it" ........ ;ttt7:.7....;;. Delibes Aria: II est^dpux, from "Herodiade" |......................----- Massenet Ohi Ask the Stars, Beloved ^Mexican fplkn-Songi-Arr7 by La Forge; :j- $?... .v?â- ?; Chadbburne Song of the Shepherd Lehl, from m mmzzzmszssm WM/MM/M sKjftfjssSis' The Wilmette Grpcery an< |ISATUiDAt,Ara| Bakery Goods Sandwiches The Largest Exclusive Boys' Store in the Worldâ€"Sixth Floor ting Little Boys Could Pottibly Need ;'|§i'|^|/s Hereâ€"Including â- ,IlliJi;'J.|>!:lgI| Siii^^l &i$^'ffl^K'#$iH uvenile Suit fn the Very Newest Detigne and Fabrtce ti mothers only knew how many different kinds of suits little boys can wear! Here are clever little Tweed VesteeSuits, Middies ol Jersey and Tweed and Washable Silks and Pongees of lighter nature as well as smart little Norfolks in fineTweedwoolens.They*Uappeal to litde fellows from six to ten years old. $4.95 to $16.50 laSfS^S _ In Imported and Domestic Woofener The raglan sleeve Topcoat of mannish cut, with patch pocket and real leather buttons, seems to â- iM stand out among many models with or without belt and with raglan or set-in sleeve* Their Im- \ ported and Domestic Tweeds, Polos and other soft, light fabrics, are carefully tailored and very smart. Ages from two to ten. $12 to $25 ',â- ;â- â- ='-»â- ' .-,1155. ^mf'^W- ^^^^^^^m A Specially Priced RdWaB'tof^ait'^^ in Many Spring Material*, i* $9.95 WW' . jis^fA<ii0^V^P<^^'^"f'Ai >*r Store Barber Shop-Haircutting, 3Se jsg SH Juvenile Hate and Cape ^â- Â§rli::: *<** Spring #||fii| Polo tains, smart straw of above as wdl as j^apc; Hats, $1.65 to $5; Capa, Juvenile Sweaters of , Light weight camels* hair in jade, gold or camel with brushed angora collar. lUl si sSllS'-;/* VSm virnm Mm?M WF '^^^M Wmss ""f§Bm" aynemtiton Co..-. gN#: stripingi in crepe or woven madras blouses by this well known maker. Little Beauty tons around waist and ior garters: to fasten on. Clocked Half hose of { Mercerized Lule, SOc Gay colorings in fine lisle with neat clockings and con^ frasting fancy tops. sa.^p.t6nm:Oxfor^h,^^ mm^: â- JwmmU.3aeeM:: »i1gM Dark brown against tan calf nature last; sturdy soles and rubber heels. Sizes 8H to 11, STATE afJACKSON--onfAeNorthea.t Corner 'i~^&'«*f!**^,'r*^^ h"' •• TJVf^1^

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