Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1923, p. 26

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'""* the lake mam mm/imp**- ap^il 13, jm In nffliiniiiw PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH '-.< By their own process of reasoning, Which appears sound and logical, some people have concluded that "Religion Doesn't Pay." We would not question the honesty and sincerity of these people, but when their conclusions are so at Variance with the claims of religion, there must be some reason. Is it because the ministers and the churches do not fcnow how to present the claims and possibilities of religion? If it because religion is out of date? What is the matter? Dr. Magill will discuss this question next Sunday morning. 1 ne sermon topic-"Is Religion a Paying In- vestment ?" The hour for Sunday school is 9:30 Sunday morning. Classes for all^ages and everybody. Are your children en- roled fn one of these classes? Every ^ n^^eligious -educato^ surely one hour a week s the least time we should give to this important ing. train- Friday afternoon thirteen girls were the Wilmette Gvrl Re- 1 The next meeting will be held in the+- Friday, April 27, ^initiated into serves, Triangle -this Triangle Presbyterian church at 3:30 o'clock. Chris- The Rogers Park Intermediate tian Endeavor society are to be the guests of the Wilmette Presbyterian Inter- mediate Christian Endeavors at a mas- querade party Friday evening, April 13. A lively evening is anticipated. The series of Bible talks being given iy Mrs. A. L. Berry, were discontinued some weeks ago on account of her ill- ness, but were resumed this last Wed >nesday evening. According to the ohg -inal plan there were but two .of these lectures remaining. On account of the inte+est created by the first of the series^ we are sure that many will be pleased to receive this announcement The Boy Scouts, Troop 5, "' ay=£¥Jnm£ " tni Junior Scouts meeting fschool annex Friday at in 6:45 will meet atlilSj "Sunday m. 5 Resulting from a late contest m the Senior Christian Endeavor, the losing *side is giving to the society a progres Sive dinner party Saturday evening, April 14. Cocktails will be served at the home of Mary Lowell, 900 Ashland avenue, at 5:30 o'clock, and from there the party wittâ€"proceed until the five courses have been served. Helen Suits, Ruth Davidson^ Ethel Coiwell and Rockwell Ryerson are providing the other four courses. '&â-  Junior C. E. at 3:30 Sunday afternoon. ^Marion Morris is to be the leader. The topic is, "The Gains That Come from Hard Work." Stoddard Small is the leader for the -Intermediate Cr E. Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The topic for discus- sion is, "How can we become truly edu- cated?" Prov. 4:1-9. i The Wilmette Union of Young People will meet at the Baptist church Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. Dr. Moyd is the speaker. Our Senior C. E. will join In this service. ^ » 1 Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue Pastor, Rev. George P. Magill, D. D; L Simday school. 9:30 A. M.________ Church service, 11 A. M. JSilunior _£.. Ey3:J9_ P^M. lj§K Intermediates, 4:30 P. M. Iff Senior Endeavor, 5:30 P. M. Midweek jeryjc^^^^^^y' ^ S» M> 811181'" -The: temporary building to meet the ^llli demands of the expanding Bible school fitlllfof the church is about completed and p^^^^-^-roc^pied- foT'-th^-fnrsT"tune^^oti: il§lt|Sunday^ April.' 22. It provides ideal Rlif?i tmarters for the work ..of _ the Primary ^til|| and Beginners' departments and will pi|^serve admirably as a gathering place for Ifliilpttoll- 'meetings:: oi the.; â-  Church.§^:Mmt lilllf^iSunday morning, Mr. ilthe second in his ill^The: Christian's Stiffler jwill give series of sermons on Obligations." Speak- !lliiS ing of his obligation to judge, the text iil^ibeing 2 Tinibthy 2:15, "A workman that itififflS needeth not to be ashamed rightfully pit'0 divinding the word of truth." The Wil lill i| mette Baptist Choral society will sing il!i|t and the service will commence promptly WSI^^^^^S^M^' fof^Snirtl'"c1iltire^i"%, ililS^ the: time of the service by director','.:: :â€",.â-  ;i.-,Z^-'~ Sunday Evening club, which on Sunday night at 7:30 presents at the Congre- gational church, Mme. Pierre Bonafidme of Russia who will speak on "My Exper- iences in Soviet Russia." On Wednesday evening, April 18, the church will sit down together at their monthly dinner at the close of which the chapter girls of the World-Wid Guild will present a Misionary play on which they have been working for a number of weeks. As it is expected that this occasion will bring out the greatest number that has ever dined to- gether in the history of the new build- ing, it is earnestly requested that all reservations for dinner be given to the church office before five o'clock on Tues- day, April 17. The Wilmette Choral society will meet for rehearsal at 7:45 on Thursday eve- ning, April 19. The Woman's society will hold its semi-monthly White Cross Worker?' meeting at the church at 1:30 on Fri- day, April 20. The Fellowship class will hold its Annual Banquet at the Library Plaza hotel, Evanston, at 6:30 o'clock, Fri- day evening, April 20. The Wilmette Baptist church is lo- cated at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues and welcomes all to its services. The pastor may be reached at his study in the mornings by appoint- ment. The church office, in chargeâ€"oi Miss Badger, is open during the after- noon from 1 to 5. ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH St. Augustine's Church school pupils will attend in a body a rally of the Episcopal Church schools along the north shore to be held at St. Luke's church, Evanston, next Sunday, April 15, at 4 P. M. Dr. Stewart, rector of St. Luke's, will give an address, and the Lenten savings of all the children of the North Shore Schools will be pfeseTrtedr^tT^ufumtHe*! parisTuon^ e'rs are providing automobiles to drive the children down. The Young People's club of St. Augustine's which has been in charge of the Choral Evensong each Sunday afternoon during the winter at St. Augustine's church, and has met on Sunday evenings in St. Augustine's Club House, is holding a dance this Friday evening in the Parish House and are expecting to have a most en- joyable time. The Young People's Club has been very successful since its organization in everything it has undertaken. The organ in St. Augstine's church has been showing signs recently of old age and the congregation is facing the -necessity, of providing a fine new or- gan. The ladfes of the Associated Guilds are planning to hold an oper- etta in the Woman's Club some time in May, at which they hope to raise a considerable sum towards this pur- pose. Practices are already going on andTa fine entertainment is assured. St. Augustine's people are much in- terested in the announcement made a week ago today of the engagement of Rev. Leland Dariforth, Curate of St. Augustine's, to 41iss Jtiaftha-Wil- son, a member of the Church of the Atonement, Edgewater, and a grad? uate of Northwestern university. The congratulations of all St. Augus- tine's people-^O"to the -happy -couple* The regular weekly meeting of the Associated Guilds will be held today, Friday, April 13, at St. Augustine's Club House with luncheon at noon for the workers. ipi^cotmjetenjt,. The Bible school with graded instruc "StHiges^witt classes beginningI at 10 the o'clock. St. Augustine's Choir Boys are prac- ticinghard for a â- coming Choir Con- cert to raise funds for their summer vaxity .rJ-£V„..'. .---â- .. • ' The usual large attendances of the boys and girls of Wilmette was pres- ent three times yesterday at St. Aug- tine's Parish House when the Chil- dren's Movies showed the well known Vitagraph production "The Heart of Maryland." The picture was contri buted by the ladies of the Associated Guilds of St. Augustine's and was greatly enjoyed by the children. n^ Iftjext Thursday, April 19th, at 3:00, 4:30 and *7:30 the Children's Movies will show in St. Augustine's Parish Hotwe "The Ninety and Nine/* This is a recent Vitagraph picture which has a very thrilling forest fire and a fine story which will greatly interest all the children. It is contributed by ^reachers^ assocta the^areWP the ser- 11 :00 A. M. Second service and mon at the church. MEETINGS 4:00 P. M. Mondays and Fridays, Children's classes for Religious Instruc- tion' „ . « . « 8:00 P. M. Monday, Sunday School Teachers' Institute at Highland Park. 8:00 P. M. Friday, Choir practice at the church. At the meeting of the congregation held Tuesday, April 10, the plans of the new church were accepted as revised, and since the bids had also been received on the work, these were presented before the congregation also. The Building committee was instructed by unanimous vote of the church to proceed with all further plans for the erection of the new church edifice, and no doubt the coming weeks will see excavation begun at the corner of Park and Wilmette avenues. A more detailed report on the plans will appear in an early issue of the Lake Shore News. %he Walther League Rally at Evans- ton last Sunday afternoon and evening brought out some 200 young people, all members of the North Shore Zm< Among the matters] of business was the drive to complete \the Wheatridge Lt*- theran Sanitarium, Vhich will be car- ried out during the last week in May. The campaign for funds and clothes for European sufferers will ako be con- cluded within 3 weeks./The North Shore Lutheran organizations are tak- ing a very active part in these matters. The delegates elected to represent the North Shore Zone at the forthcoming International-Convention at Detroit next July are the following: Herman W. Meyer and^Alfred Horn, Jr., of Wil- mette, Harold Geminer and Dorothy Lawrence of Highland Park., v The Triennial Convention of the Mis-i. souri Synod of the Lutheran church takes place June 20 to 30 at Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is customary on account of the great size of this -synod to-elect one. clerical and one lay delegate out of each circuit of seven to ten churches North Shore circuit will be repres by Pastor Paul W. Luecke, jj Evanston and Mr. Walter Awards St. John's, WUmette. "-"WW METHODIST Miss Huldah Marie Mossburg of Gar- rett Bibical Institute comes this week to join the staff of workers in the < Parish. She comes as a special part-L time worker in Religious .Education, and ;fcpi will give special attention, to the HigkllPi School Department of the Sunday School»i| and the girls and boys of the Junior 'IPl League. Miss Mossburg.has a charm-SIl ing personality and will easily find her Pf»l place in the activities of the Parisk||tll She will address the Junior League Sim-iP$Sp day evening at 6:15, and conduct a con-M$S -ference -withâ€"its- 4kbinet~4ininediat^^f^ following the service. ' „ '^WM$ I three o'clock in the afternoon the ^jiriior and[intermediate Young People's !§ societies will hoH thei% ...,.r,,,,...^„,,;£:':t^^ ' Â¥;This church will be the meetingrplace Idr the union gathering of ^*e ITonng ST.'JOHNS LUTHERAN ~m inden and Pfairie Aires., Wilmette <v "M-J^IFfflMJS^^iaHmim^M^^^ A., Pa»tor THe^CEurch Has Somei To Give That You Cannot Buy Your church exists for but one reason: to help you to consider in their true relationship your spiritual and material life. If you have ever stood in awe before the evidences of the Infallible Law which governs all we are and all we do, you know that there can be no material without spiritual. f If you ever leave off for a moment the perplexing, engrossing business of everyday life to ask for help in solving some of your problems, and yau. see thie„ help come, swiftly, surely, you must realize how little your own strivings, unaided, mean. Your church will remind you of these things. Your church-will help you to help yourself. But that is only possible if you come to church. One quiet Sunday morning hour each week will give your mind new strength and tranquillity to face the material problems that are most Easily solved when the spirit is at peace. mS??* Need[theChurch^ CXmrekNe^ DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Francis Stifier St. John's Lntheran Church Linden and Prairie Aves. Rev. Hernum W.Meyer he first Presbyterian Church Ninth and Greenleaf | Rev. George #VJf«^Jj|S;S^l32 St BM '% Episcopal Church Rev, Wilmette Ave. '. Hitbert CarU Carleton Church take and Wrilmette Aves. ikw. Gilbert Stonsett Lutheran Church 703 Greenleaf -A*.'M$£tM$M&ffi ^ijRev^^ti^:;Xluv First Congi^gational Church I;: jyritaS' .and .Wilmette. Aves^;l;|l|l||| Z^i§-RetK,:: Stephen A. Lloyd '||?iISf |§ ®m Wsg^ffifM mrnmi <')i'V-"7--'<â- â- â- ' itlSSSs^CiiStffe "ltf^

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