Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1923, p. 20

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niimmmiini naiitmt *M«w »iW|u«««H*W«»lllW fffflj w«Mlâ€"- 20 THii-1 Airtt SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY/APRIL 13, 1923 THELAKESHORENEWS Established 191S with which i> combined THE WILMETTB LOCAL HIWI Established 18»8 ISSUED FRIDAY OP BACH WEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTBR, IMC. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. Telephone ...Wilmette 1900 SUBSCRIPTION 9%*Q A YEAR All communications must be acconi panied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to insure appearance in current issue^ Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, poetry, notices of en- tertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates.______ Entered at the postofflce at Wilmette. Illinois, as mail matter of the ffcond class, under the act of March 2, 1879. FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1923 TRUCK TRAFFIC We can't get along without motor trucks, and we can't get along with them. We need them for hautinr coal, building mate- rials, and general merchandise, and for moving furniture. They carry big loads rapidly. But they do make big holes in pur roads. They do make a horrible noise. And they do endanger the lives of pedestrians and especially of little children. What are we going to do about it? If the speed and load were les- sened that would help quite a lit- tle. / The damage to the pave- ments would be decreased, and there would be fewer accidents. But we'd lose certain obvious benefits if the '.speed and load A limitation of load to a speci- fied number of tons might work a real advantage. The damage, noise, and danger would be les- sened somewhat and the regula- tion might not work a great hardship to the parties directly concerned in hauling. - Isyit out of the question to build an especially heavy con- crete truck highway running north and south through our communities ? We're fortunate in having such competent men to deal with this problem as H. H. Sherer, New Trier Highway Commissioner, and the Wilmette Chapter of the American Associate of Engin- eers, who recently held their an- nual meeting in Wilmette. Their special committee appointed to deal with this truck-traffic prob- lem will doubtless offer a ^valu- able solution. EDUCATION OF THE NORTH SHORE ^ Herbert Hoover in a recent ar- }-^y "ticle7 sets foffli two ideals for America. The first ideal is "to T^i-. marhTtain a sta*r=where eaeiHn- 11;Individual shall have an equality of SSI Ii<*PPc^r*Mnity to . take that position |in tlie: cbjnmunity to which his in-. j||!j§! telligerice, ability, and ambition ||||§|ientitle^^ |J||||shalI continue in the nation which §}j|§l|m:ay prevent this free rise." ijjllp!The: second ideal is.'"universal jJllUjand efficient. ^ducal^^J^^i}^^ jjffjljlffi^ Illligreat-'doUbJe ideal, of our dem- l§i!if ocracy is adequate; opportunity ||j|||an4.^educ^ lljjiljlllMr.:: Hoover thenâ- '.goes on to jJU'Say-^ that education "must take jjjlJiS upon itself the ^development â- â-  Of ^^pleadersliip^rand. leadership calls.-;for Mtt character and intelligence as well |§|i!|-asiearmng. ; He emphasizes par? ^J| ticularly the' "tact j&at because of ^^"inadequate|ieducation.- America ^JlJloses-^rnanylwho.. have.'-it. in- them M^|tO'.;:be: leaders*!!||i^|^t|^i^:Â¥Si l§|ll||§| If arijr^ctioa blFtn» ^^|.fiel<||iseriously"." it â- â-  is, the .north __ _V'-. stud)|§|o§|g>ur igh,4%schools |;;;;: - and-f#-fflarnmar j^ehools and private institutions lllilwill certainly"'show that pur local 4he invaluable services he has rendered as principal of New Trier High School. To such leaders as he society owes a debt which it can only acknowledge, never pay! THE APRIL TICKET It's purple-Green would have been better. Purple suits Octo- ber. Black for December. In the swamp sings the pollywog. The rococo shrubs are budding in the offing. To-morrow, or next week, they will be blooming in the same place. Chirps the young sparrow in its nest on the old post. Father forgets to buy his April ticket andlears that he will be put off at Central street. But instead, he puts off the conductor with some old alibi about having changed his clothes and is allowed to ride on. How Father will get back home in the evening we cannot say. Over the, sky spreads a can- opy of sad gray, threatening showers. But that can't frighten the Commuter. He's a gay old geezer. HELP RAISE $754,000 The organization of the Wil- mette "Builder's" to pull the Na- tional Kindergarten College from the South Side to the North Shore is bound to result in great good. With such a man at the head of the Wilmette campaign as Dan Stiles of the State Bank, one can almost see the beautiful buildings rising on Sheridan road. â€" If ever a movement had behind it women and men of initiative and power it is the building of N. K. C. With the Evanston, Wil- mette, Winnetka, and Hubbard Woods "Builders" working to- gether, it will be very strange if the plan doesn't acquire such a push that a million dollars will be raised instead of $754,000. Thousands of children have been helped by this college. The college in a larger plant in a more suitable location will do a vast^ ly larger work. %..-*â-  Can you find a more productive investment ? TIME TO PLANT PANSIES" We saw this pleasing reminder in an ad. What a thrill it gave, us! We thought of the green irjs^fingers pusking up into the spring sunshine and warmth. We looked up and saw the leaf buds on the trees filagreed against the April sky. The grass was taking on a living green. Time, maybe, to rake the leaves from the bar- berry~hedgeanQ^burh~the~huge piles of the relics of yesteryear. We wondered if inHbhe wood&=oat by the Skokie, violets and hepaticas were being bprn. And when we read in the announcement "canter- bury bells, sweet williara, holly- hocks, delphinium, phlox, coreop- sis," our imagination was so in- flamed that we almost forgot to order two more tons of coal to last'.'through .-April,. t#!Pr^f i!-%- Announcing The Opening of The Renting Office of The ORRINGTON Evanston s Most Elegant Residential Motet For the convenience of prospective guests of The Orrington, a renting office has been opened in the Hampton Shops diagonally oppo- site the hotel. Here you may view the architect's render- ing of the completed building, floor plans, in- terior decorator's sketches of the various rooms and receive any information desired, 4 'â- ' The Orrington will have 300 rooms and suites* and will be a hotel home of exceptional xomfort^md superlative s^yk^Qm^M^M^ being rapidly taken by people of good taste who apparently are appreciative of our endeavor to make The Orrington a real home. Send Your Name for Booklet Soon to â€"RENTING OFFICE OPEW^AffiY NINE A. M. UNTIL EIGHT P. M. ORRINGTON AVENUE AT CHURCH STREET EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Telephone Evanston 8701 ^^B;shore-;tbwns ^^"educatiohal. agents^ teachersr and ^jpaiministraft fWW&M. needs of olifc great democracy and ^hhsilor ^ythank^.i^fisio: HONOR STUDENTS § «?The large number of our £dl- fege girls and boys that win hon- ors^ scholastic and athletic, is a testimony to the good training they have received in our local schools. Outstanding^ examples of this success -.are Miss Grace Eager, one of the Honor Society of the Western College for Wom- en at Oxford, Ohio; also B, H, Yorikers, honor student at Dart- â-  morith College^^p^||^g^^^ â-  ESTON V. TUBES* pure jmat ;l|We':. areigsure;; jaiat; .welfare ^eakinghior ever^ody^ New Trier Towiishtp Principal Tubbs that we're deep- ly grateful -forthe service he has so jarenerously given as^ head^gf our high scnpoT l^lias-done a great work and we're sincerely sorrygito^have^ hini^ave,yMay he be^eyeu more' success|ul in his tiewfiel

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