THE LAKE SHORE'NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL i^gafrMfo***^^........t<^^^>^.^^^^^-«"». BALMER WRITES NOVEL ON N. U. COLLEGE LIFE Edwin Balmcr, one of Evanston's best known authors, is writing a serial called "Because of Fidelia," which centers around Northwestern univers- ity and its student life, and which will appear in eight installments, begin- ning in June, in Hearst's Internation- al. It will be published in book form in January as "Fidelia." Accompanying the serial in Hearst's will be sketches of University hall, Willard hall and other campus build- ings. James Montgomery Flagg, who is illustrating the story, was in Ev- anston recently sketching the build- ings so that it will seem true to life. Mr. Balmer has ever been interest- ed in Northwestern university. He was graduated from the institution in 1902, and is a member of Phi Kap- pa Psi, and Phi (Beta Kappa. Mrs. Balmer also claims Northwestern as her_Alma Mater, and is a_J}elta, Gamma. -ffts~ next novel, "Keeban," which is to appear on April 14, is a mystery adventure story of Chicago's Gold1 Coast and the underworld. The book will be published by Little, Brown & Co. It differs in treatment from any book Mr. Balmer has written, and will have a vein of humor throughout. Honor U. S. Composers At May Music Festival American Composers' Night will be observed on tjhe fourth day of the music festival, May 28, under the auspices of the Chicago North Shore Festival association at Northwestern Amiverskyr------- Mabel Garrison, soprano; Rose Luti- ger Gannon, contralto; Theodore Karle, tenor, and John Barclay, bass, will be the soloists. The Chicago Symphony orchestra will furnish .music for the soloists, A Capella choir and the festival chorus and 600 voices. The conductors will be Dean Peter C. Lutkin of North- western; Frederick Stock and Henry Chadwick. The program follows: Overture, "Anniversary"------Chadvfick Composer conducting Cycle of Songs ........-----Carpenter Miss Garrison "Hora Novissima" ... .v. .^v.. Parker Soloists, Chorus, Orchestra and Organ New Victor Dance Records Get Them Here! ^ â€"and find out what real ser- vice on dance records can be. There's real swing in these great new records by famous -7= 1S01S lfOlt ISOlt 190S1 Read Over This List Fataâ€"Fox T*ot _ wSto",l22,f0wlMrt2V Lady of th«Ev«nlng-Fox Trot Whltomaa'sOr ThatDa-DfcStralit-1^GottoCMtor a Dogff•• Nowâ€"Mad. Fox Trot Tha Virginians Ha May Ba Your Manâ€"Fox Trot Virginians Underneath tha Mallow Moonâ€"Walts Whitman's Orchaatra Wonderfcil One-Walts WMUinan'. Orchaatra Agfravatln' Papa-Fox Trot Tha Virginians Aunt Hagar'a Blues-Fox Trot Tha Virginians Down in Maryland-Fox Trot Banaan OwhAsanaa Georgia Cabin Doorâ€"Fox Trot Sanson Orch.f*•""• After Every Partyâ€"Waltx Tha Troubadour*! Don't Ba Too Sure-Fox Trot 10011 Tha Great Whita Way Orchaatra, Honaymoon Chimesâ€"Waltx Intarnational Novalty Orehastra WaltslngthaBluaa-Waltx * Ardan-Ohman and Their Orchaatra That American Boy of Mine-Fox Trot or Shimmy One-Step Whlteman'a Orchaatra S*ll.C~d« (D-»^«*rtl. 19017 19034 1SSSS 603 North Shore Phone Daws St. Talking Machine Co. -â- * «23 Evanston teott Undertaker 1 am now in butiness lor myself, conducting the ONLY undertaking establishment in W2k mette. Conscientious service i* my motto^ 1124 Central Avenue WWfoMtMB Pboae WUnette 654 oA, oAdditionalS^im For the convenience || of our customers we §§ announce the early || jq p e n i n g o f a Service 0^^^^m"""f> Wilmette and -Central Aves. [South East Corner] Watch for Opening (^Announcement! UNIQUE SOUVENIRS SURPRISE FEATURES â- '. -j£§S^Mfcji£j|j ilSiSil iliifllliit' WM P U iO 6 §lR VICICQ M PA NY 1 OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ^^aiSii IISMiil FOUR.PASSENGER COV*B $3175 at Detroit Jt In every industry the^ oneiproductf^ right of character is accepted as the standard pf^xwnparispn, ^^v^ill! Packard has becpnae^tie sy of quality an^the taCaSure bfvalue/:il;*s;I^ On no other tw^sl: can3'5'^^!:|ic^ count=for"tKe public's atti* tude of mind toward the Single- Six, the latest Packard product. PACKARD MOTOR CO. OF CHICAGO tWm ^:f$mlW, â- - Evanston Branch (|!!l|||i|ijl|||'i5 =1te&^*t^^ *%-'W;W^.M^^W=W=^; zorwm-