T?$â„¢!fiN^^^W?: ~ !PP**l!!SBjp.J!JM!!^ 20 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. APRIL 6, 1923 LEGAL NOTICE (Continued from Page 19) metallic veins, cracks, seams, or Stner"imperfections, and Perfectly matched as to color. The panels shall beT two (2) inches thick with a three- eUrhth (%) inch bevel on all front edges rioTishedon both sides and on 111 exposed edges. All holes shall be drilled lt?ai|ht and clean and shall show no chipping or breaking of the ^^ra^l^afl^rkiven a grubbed oil" finish on both aides and all edges. SWITCHBOARP FRAME: The switch^ SchXcLnneia"fon base and angle iron floor supports and 1-J4 inc£ *â„¢n PJP« and wall supports. The channel iron base isto be Installed and drilled for fhe base of the switchboard and em- bedded fn concrete floor as shown on attached drawings. „,«i*.r«te f0rPrSeOU|roun5OUflroor^ ^SoSSEESS shall lay 2 in" x 8 in wood boards In th?Uposyition"which the sw^ltchboard Avinnnpls are to occupy. After the noor S^sne\!^PetVard/iy8hall be removed and the channels set in place as shown on attached drawings, and the entire NAME PLATES?hTher0Contracter shall furnish and install name plates, as per details shown on attached drawing for all switches on the switchboard, cir- cuit numbers shall be stenciled on the back of circuit panels and on potheads. Thephases of each transformershall be marked on the case of the-trans- INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION: All switchboard instruments shall be caH- brated for use with 120:1 potential transformers and with current trans- formers as shown on the attached -SWITCHBOARD WIRING: All small wiring on the switchboard, unless oth- eVwisI specified, shall consist of No. ?2 solid conductor, rubber covered sin- gle asbestos braid* wire with gray /Sr white finish. Each wire shall be / separated from adjacent wires by at 7 least one-eighth (%) inch and all wires shall be securely fastened to the pane! with fibre cleat In such manner as to present a neat, workmanlike.ap- pearance. The ends of all wires shall be fitted with a neat eye to fit the ter- inal All small wires leaving the switchboard shall be carried to a suit- able terminal board mounted 3n«A5£ back of the panels, and provided with an approved means for connecting test instruments. All terminals shall be properly marked and numbered. All potential circuits shall be fused with enclosed cartridge fuses of suitable ca- pacity. GROUND CONNECTIONS: .The Con- tractor shall furnish and install the station ground bus bar, instrument ground, ground plates and all connec- tions thereto, and shall see that all â€" transformers, regulator, cases, switch- board frame, instrument cases are tbr»rniiH-h.lv grounded by connection to 2ound*bus Bar. JolntsMn switchboard channel iron shall be bonded to insure continuity of ground circuit. The ground bus bar shall consist of copper bar 1 in. x % In, as shown on attached drawings. All joints^ shall be bolted and tinned in a manner to insure thorough contact. The ground ^Tpllte shall consist orcopper^platejrone- elffhth (%) Inch thick and three (3) feet squari. tinned on all sides. The ground Plate shall be buried at least six (6) feet below finished floor, sur- rounded by one (1) foot of pulverized coke. A two (2) inch pipe shall be driven (6) feet below the finished floor and shall extend six (6) Inches above the finished floor. The ground leads will be run In the pipe and connected ti the plate before refilling or con- creting; a burlap saturated with Insul- ating compound shall be wrapped Ground* the leads wherever they are In fe.TIO?? LIGHTING: The Contractor shall flumlsh and Install complete^ con- duit wiring and cut out cabinet for aiibatatlon lighting circuits. The front ISd llde Wrlor lighting fixtures shall be of bronze, cost not to exceed Five Dollars ($5.00) per «n£f s^l10*,^0 be made at time of completion of build- -^ ing; The Interior lamps and fixtures shall also be selected when building Is ^completed. Benjamin Electric Com- :S?sNo. 781-C or equal fixtures shall E.;4pe;-used. iPAlNTING: All exposed pipe conduits, mttal insulator pins, ^switchboard frame and iron brackets shall be glyen two (2) brush coats of aluminum paint. r INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS: The Contractor shall furnish and install all -Current and potential transformers re- quired for the operation of switch- board instruments, meters, and relays. ~^r«hairHbe~dTrinsuTatedtype^ DTotectelT Swith Schweitzer-Conrad fuses or equal ^iid^shallbe designed for the voltages S=~^r TheVoltage ratio shall be 4000-100 * and shall not vary from this value ;,owmore than one-half of one (% of 1) :? 4er cent. The phase angler shall not %be greater than minus ten (10) minutes at full rated voltampere load. _ . The current transformers shall be of ithe dry type insulated for ^ two and - one-haff (IU) times the potential of -^-^sthe circuit on which they are to be used. They shall have a normal sec- l^^„4apy rating of five (5) amperes^The ^â- â- â- --.aratidv-.otâ- â- â- traiurfottnatlon- shall not ^vary ^^^Sr^^han-one-half of one (% of 1) per s^cent from normal nor shall the phase &ngle exceed pljis three (-h3) min- utes for full load of thirty (30) volt- 4~-r amperes. CONDUITS: All low voltage wires run 1u conduits shall be standard Under- writers Code-Cable; All two (2) Inch conduit shall be & Embedded In floor or walls as shown Sn attached drawings, and conduit shall be placed low enough to insure the -bends being covered. ^JABLE END BELLS:,The 12.000 volt three-conductor Incoming line shall be continuous from the outside manhole v to the cable end bells installed In the. ^substation. The cable shall berun;4nto 5 the Sanitary District Substation i through cable end bells .and dlscon- ? heets furnished by the Sanitary Dis- ;dJ trlct of Chicago. _ ... , .. .„ OIL SWITCHES: The oil. switches will be furnished fey- Contractor as> sp^cKLed #n drawing and ^estimate. They shall fee hand operated. Three (8) of ^thetn fS" «hall be mounted on pXpe^ frame and ^ wh^» ^p^^t*> thrrtiig-h IRQ degree TIME CLOCK AND PILOT LIGHT- An Anderson time clock or equal •hall be Installed and connected as shown on attached drawings. It "hall be^pro- vided with auxiliary contacts for operr atlng pilot light Installed on second panel of switchboard. The front and back current shall be supplied by a 12 volt storage battery. ^ MOTOR GENERATOR SET: One (1) 220-volt, three phase, 60 cycle, 2'horse power alternating current squirrel cage induction motor with 110 volt direct current direct connected genera- tor and rheos^atojnL^ne_Jase^MLhe installed. AlterHB^MgTcurl^i^and di- rect current switches shall be of the safety type and shall be located by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wllmette at time of instal- TEST UNIT: A four (4) K. V. A. 4000 volt primary 6.6 ampere secondary regulator with control switch and dis- connects shall be Installed at location designated by the Board of Local im- provements of the Village of Wllmette at the time of installation. . . n . Transfer bus bars shall be installed as shown on attached drawings and shall be of No. 4 B. & S. gauge wire with pothead connection at each out- going street circuit, one on each bus 75 F KILO - VOLT - AMPERE TRANS- FORMERS FOR 12,000 VOLT SERVICE, The transformers required under these specifications shall be of the single-phase, oil insulated, self-cooled, core type suitable for use on sixty (60) cycle alternating current. The capa- city of said transformers shall be seventy-five (75) kilo-volt-amperes and the transformers must be designed to operate In parallel with similar trans- f OI*TT16rS The height of these transformers to the top of the highest terminal insulator cannot be greater than slxty- flve (65) inches to permit installation in building «.«„«. The primary windings shall nave taps for the following voltages: 12,000 â€"11,500â€"11,000â€"10,500. The secondary windings shall have taps for the fol- lowing voltages: 4,000â€"-3,250. The primary and secondary windings shall consist of form wound coils carefully insulated from each other. The primary and secondary coils shall be impregnated with an Insulating compound by means of the thermo- vacuum process or equal. The spac- ing between the secondary winding is to be not less than one and one- auarter 1% Inches. The" arrangement must be such that damaged coils may be readily replaced. The lead wires of the primary and secondary colls must be brought up to the inside terminal boards through porcelain bushings. Connections for the several voltages must be made in these terminals boards below the oil level. Two (2) primary and second- ary transformer leads of properly in- sulated copper tubing, must be brought out through porcelain bushings In the trover and extended in a vertical di- rection eighteen (18) inches above the top of the transformer. The primary and secondary leads? shall each be terminated at the free end with one- half (%) inch copper or brass union for making connections. ... The transformers must be placed in an absolutely oil tight Iron or steel case with removeable cover and cast iron base. A thermometer reading centigrade and aâ€"«tess guags must be mounted on the case to show tem- perature, and height of oil. Each transformer shall withstand the following tests: Thirty thousand (30,000) volts ap- plied for one (1) minute between pri- mary and secondary and core con- nected together. Ten thousand (10,000) volts applied for one (1) minute between secondary and core. ^ ', ' , Voltage to be effective on a basis of sine wave. The above tests are to be made at the place of manufacture In the pres- ence of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Wilmette, or its representative at the expense of the contractor* â- â- â- The transformers shall be again sim- ilarly tested at the expense of the Contractor when installed and con- ncctcd CONSTANT CURRENT REGULATORS: The constant current regulating trans- former is to be air-cooled moving coll type and is to have shell type core made of a superior grade carefully an- nealed and of practically non-aging transformer steel, the vertical leg of which is to be surrounded by a pri- mary and secondary coil. The upper or moving coll is to be counter-balanced by a chain running! over a pair of steel wheels. Seven (7) constant current regula- tors shall have a capacity of twenty- fxuuL_JL2jlX_Jcilo^EOlt=ani one (1) constant current regulator shall have a capacity of four (4) kilo- volt-amperes, and shall be designed £©*=%se ««=*==4y0O«-=*ol*f-&0-e*«le, j»r4-= =#©r mary circuit. They shall maintain the rated secondary current of 6.6 amperes within one (1) per cent from no load to full load. The moving^ elements shall be critically damped. They shall successfully, stand for a period of sixty (60) seconds a potential difference of at least 7,500 volts (r. m. s. value) between the primary winding and core and a potential difference of at least 109. Plan Showing location of Posts, Conduit and Armored Cable. 110. Plan Showing Location of Post* and Armorer Cable in Pa/KW*y; 111. Plan Showing location of_ Posts and Armored Cable In Parkway. 112. Detail of Cable Potheads, Pull Boxes and-Jumpers. «-*-u 113. Manhole Frame and Cover Detail. 114. Manhole Detail. „ ^ . 4. „,„,, 115. General Plan of Substation, High Tension Bus and Switch Layout 116. Plan of Conduit Bast of Railroad Avenue to Sanitary District Man- hole Terminal. _ , . ' . 117. Plan of Conduit Lake and 12th Street. 118. Detail Plan Showing Typical Post Location of 40 feet Street. 119. Flan of Conduit Wllmette and Alley North. ^, . . * 120. Detail of Business Districts. 121. Substation Building Plan. 122. Substation Interior Layout. estimate: awd payment. Monthly estimates shall be made by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette for eighty- five (85) per cent of the value of the work done or actually constructed and In Its permanent place, the remaining fifteen (15) per cent to be paid upon the final completion and acceptance of the entire system. Payments shall be made In warrants on the first install- ments, and In bond on the other nine (9) Installments from the assessmert levied for the Improvement; satd bonds bearing six (6) per cent interest. The Contractor shall furnish all ma- terials and labor necessary to con- struct the work thoroughly and in a workmanlike manner, and all mate- rials and. construction shall be under the supervision and inspection of the Board of Local Improvements of the Ullage of Wllmette, or Its representa- tives. Said Board of Local Improve- ments shall be the sole judge as to the acceptance or rejection of mate- rials, and any materials not up to the standard of these specifications shall be immediately removed from said work. The Contractor shall be required to give his personal attention to the work. He will not be allowed to sub-let the whole or any part thereof without permission of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wllmette. In case the Contractor falls to com- plete the work undertaken in the time specified, he may be dismissed by the Board* of Local Improvements, who In such case shall be authorized to com- plete said work at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor is to maintain bar- riers by day and red lights by night, so located as to .protect the public from accidents. The Contractor will be required to furnish a bond in a sum equal to one- third (1/3) the amount of his bid with sureties to be approved by the Pres- ident of the Board of Local Improve- ments, conditional upon the Contractor performing and_ executing said work in all respects according to the com- plete and detailed plans and specifi- cations and according to the time, terms and conditions of the contract, and also upon the Contractor paying promptly all debts incurred by him in the completion of the work including labor and materials furnished and also saving and keeping harmless the Vil- lage of Wilmette from personal injur- ies, including compensation for Injury to employees of the Contractor bv vir- tue of the ."Illinois Workman's Com- pensation Act," and damage to proper- ty, including damages to other public improvements, and damages which may result on account of any infringement of any patent, copyrighted design, by reason of materials, machinery, devices or apparatus used in the performance of such contract. The Contractor shall indemnify, save and keep harmless the Village of Wilmette against any and all liability, judgments, costs, dam- ages, attorneys fees, and expense which may in any way accrue against the Village of Wllmette by reason of any act done or omitted to be done by the Contractor, the agents, employees or sub-contractors of the Contractor in the,^exeJSut!on of said contract The Contractor shall be required to repair or replace all public and private improvements and replace all damaged sod in parkway, displaced, injured or destroyed during the progress of the work, at his own expense: ^^nn^R0?1* of °ne Hundred Dollars ^l°*h£) ,n mon«y or a certified check for the same amount must be made for each set of these specifications and drawings taken.out byW£cont?actS?a „,. FORM OW BIO. for^WoV&al Baa hheeretobltna Pr««°&0ns?ls*#m*u.st £e addressed to the President of the Board of-Xonni .w f^ovements^of the^IlU^e^fwSmettl and endoj-sed "proposal fbr street attending the proceedings for maJOn* thereforr In accordance with the pro- visions of â- a|d^ftft; the aggregate SB££J?Wiu«e5ssed tnd each ind*ivi<lual amount assessea, »na wv aBae8sment assessment, andI also thei asse bene_ VEN? any shall 1be dlvlSed into ten ?10) eanlf installments,, except that â- hall be due and payable as provided by Jaw:„ „ Thftt for the purpose of ?5m» Yj u.».iimant> bearing interest SECTION 6. anticipating ond and sue ofidsaVrfn%taHmeÂ¥ts;-bearing at the rate of six (6) per cent an- num, payable annually, which bonds nvTmi f»« «hrned by the President of 2mP Village S? Wilmette,and counter- rpaifects conform to the provisions of sHalt? ofbeii?innofsral Afiss*^ ACT CONCERNINg"lOCAL IMPROVE- MENTS," approved, June 14, A. D. 1897V and the amendments thereto, ivrfajoif V. That the Village Attor- directed to file a petition in the'Coun- ty Court of Cook County, Iui"0.l^-!oS nrneeedintts to assess the. estimated ?ost o? said improvement In accord- ance with the provisions of this ordi- nance and dn the manner prescribed section 8. This ordinance shall be 5? fâ„¢ from and after Its passage. PASSED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OP THE VIL- LAGE OP WILMETTE. on the â€"day at .A. D., 1923, and deposited and filedTin the office of the Village C?erk of said Village, this â€" day of ------, A. D., 1923. _______,____________ Village Clerk. APPROVED by the President of the Village^ Wilmette. this ------ day of AD., 1923. _____ service disconnecting type to be mounted on wall, at $10.00.......... 6â€"Switzer-Conrad or equal liquid fuses, at $5.50 .... 3__iai,200 volt. 800 ampere disconnecting switches indoor type disconnect and fuse mounting front connected tor 1J4 in. pipe mounting with flat metal base, at $61.00 1â€"50 ampere double pole single throw, hand oper- ated 7500 volt oil switch to be mounted, on 1)4 inch pipe, at $27.00..... 1â€"Overload relay for 60 am- pere oil switch for ltt Inch pipe mounting, at $19.80.................• 14-G. E. type W-2 or equal current transformers, Ratio 2:1-5 ampere sec- ondary, 7500 volt, at $22.00 ..-----•........... 17-13,200 volt, 300 ampere, single pole single throw disconnecting switches for li4 inch pipe mount- ing with flat metal base, at $87.00 ............... 25-7500 volt, 300 ampere back connected for switchboard mounting; disconnect type switches, at 122.00 ............... 180 ft. % in. Iron pipe size copper tubing, at $.13 -Sp 40-Spllt tee connectors % Inch, at $2.00 ea. President of the Village of Wllmette. ATTEST: $3,670.00 300.00 *or atr^awtfnf noHess tf£^«cT??F ^ ££a^_.erated two han- 14,000 volts (r. m. s. value) between j^mplete the work In first class man- the secondary winding and core andr nerTeHainoe done by the Contractor between the .secondary and primary----------- - - â- â- --*-â€" an isms, or bell cranks connected^ .by jsipev- The.remainder shall be mounted oWback of switchboard as show^ on 1»tU^aV«r*wii«s,X2^ lightning arrester Shall be' .connected i©ti each phase andjieutraA0r^^OOO »olt bus Jbars ^through #^onnect lewlfche*2TheyOttjall,he of ^the.oxide Slim type* Oeneral.iaectrlc we equaVand installed complete with .testing stick. CABLES: The wire or cable connecting *«pjl wwitxshes to i^gulators shall be IIMII^Blwfc#:,Si:*.*---*'.^qtiasre. -singla,:con- felMWtoK.:,.iiameI^-proof â- â- .: Jstmnote(ft^wir£ All tests shall be made at place of manufacture at the expense of the Contractor and in accordance with A. I E. E. standardization rules. The Contractor shall furnish a certified copy showing the restnts of the tests to the Board of Local Improvements of the; Village of Wllmette. GUARANTEES. ,' â- . ..â- ... The Contractor shall furnish two (2) guarantees covering each class of ma- terial, one by manufacturer who fur- nishes material, and the other byjfte Contractor. The guarantees shall cover workmanship and material for the following periods: Cast iron standards .... 5 years ft Brick manholes........ 6 years I Cables.................. 6 years |j; Conduits ............... 2 years # Lamp fixtures ........... .2 years I ^ Group transformers ..... 2 years Constant current regula-. tors ......-----.__... 2 years i Power transformers ...% 2 years ^'S;ii^'eS?P»AwiNG«. "^""..... """"'""'J' e following drawings f orni-aHP^ Per cent of thrySSosa^drawn'^n able6^8^^^ *9*5S «nadlnpay- fhe BoaSe«?r1e«r °,f ,tne President of of^StiiSie^1 ImProv^ents of "The BoaroT reserves the all bids: Any detail of construction omitted from these specifications necessary to Si.t.h0!Fal Improvements right to reject any and Village Clerk. ESTIMATE WILMETTE STREET LIGHTING w* SYSTEM. 7__24 Kilovolt amperes, 4000 volt primary 6.6, am- peres secondary, moying _ -co^Psta;tlo«; #pe con- stant current regula- tors with dash pots, at $610.00 ..........:iaa 1â€"4 Kilovolt amperes, 4000 volt primary 6.6 am- peres secondary, moving coil station type regula- tor with dash pots, at $300.00................. 1â€"?600 volt, 800 amperes, triple pole slnsjle throw rjss*/ o. r-s ha"nc£ iron pipe frame, operat- ing lever mounted on 2 inch Slate switchboad with overload relay and no voltage release com- plete, at $£19*00 .---------- 2â€"15000 volt>-«00 ampere, triple pole single throw oil switches G. E.P.K.-12 or equal with 180 degrees operating m echan ism mounted on 1-% Inch iron pipe frame, operat- ing lever mounted on 2 inch slate switchboard with overload relay and no voltage release com- 81ete. at $219.00........ »xide cell lightning ar- rester to be operated on a three phase j 60 cycle 4000 volt circuit includ- ing testing stick, at 3â€"pKilovoit ampere's; Vrtngle nhase 11,500 volt prlm- S?y, 110-220 volts secon- dary 2-5 per cent taps Sower transformers, at 219.00 6<r^t. % in. fibre tubing, at $.05 .per ft............. 36-% in. straight connectors iron pipe size copper, at $1.30 each ............. 60-15,000 volt porcelain In- sulators for 1% inch pipe mounting complete with Iron U-bolt pipe support, at $4.65 each .. 120 ft. 144 in. extra heavy iron pipe, at $.14....... 24 ft. of 4 In. channel Iron for mounting panels, at $.20 .................... Miscellaneous fittings, unilets, covers, splicing material, machine bolts, copper bar for ground- ing, .ground cones' and plates, storage battery," small, conduit exterior fixtures with 7 outlet* and 3 switches interior . 600 ft. 5000 volt No. 4 B & S gauge wire single con- ductor flame proof cam- bric insulation solid wire, at $.45 per ft..... 1200 ft. 5000 volt No. 4 B 4k S gauge single conduc- tor flame proof stranded wire, at $.45 per ft..... 4 8-Copper lugs. % in., at $.66 each.............. Ufe=4 â€" in, wroughtâ€"iron flanges, at $.20 each .... 10-Single iron clevises for 1% in. pipe, at $.20 ___ 2â€"13,200 volt primary, 110 volt secondary 200 watts, 60 cycle, single phase oil cooled fused station type potential trans- formers, at $80.00 each.. 6â€"13,200 volt, Ratio 8:1 40 ampere current trans- formers, at $48.00 each.. 2â€"4400 volt primary, 110 volt secondary, 200 watts, 60 cycle, single phase fused oil cooled station type potential trans- formers, at $70.00 each.. 3â€"4500 volt, Ratio 8:1, 40 ampere 60 cycle current transformers, at $18.00 each ................... 2â€"100 ampere, 250 volt, 8 Sole single throw With . E. C. cartridge fuses mounted in safety type switch box, at $12.00 each Freight and Drayage .. 168.00 87.00 19.80 808.00 929M 660.00 28.40 •0.00^ 8.00 40.80 278.00 18.80 4.80 «10.0fr 870.00 640.00 8.00 8.00 180.00 488.00 846.00 ?<»i 92 ........• •.....*" 5 kilovolt amperes, sin- gle phase. 60 cycle 11,50© voltV primary, ^4000 volt -^econdW^w^rf^^ 2*15.76 888.00 140.00 84.00 84.00 660.00 8,980.88 cent taps oil cooled pow- ceni llg£n8£ormerB, at 4,005.76 • without cost to said village; The Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to make any change in the specifications or plans or In the order which the work will be perform- ed, without invalidating this contract, provided the general character of the work as a whole is not changed there- by. .-.,,..'â- Iri these specifications the words "wire" and "cable" are synonymously, used, also the words "branch line* <| and "group" are synonymously used. SECTION 2. All elevations liereln re- ferred to and shown on the .attached plans and drawings are .established with reference to the Village^ Patum, as fixed and established by^ an ordin- ance being the ordinance relating to GradeS wlilch ordinance appears as Chapter 28 in the Wilmette; Code of 1917. and ammendments thereto. . SECTION S. That thegrecommendation of the Board of^cal Improvements of said Village of Wilmett^provlding for such improvement, together with the estimate of the cost of said lmpvov^ mWr made by the President of said ^>arji^4th«r<^einjg„no^bLi^"glglfX oOMsp^ ten therein: , . . . _ _. . 101 N. W. Section, Location Street ^Lighting Standards; CjonduU Sys 102* §S. Wi IcSectlon, \Locatlon Street ^f|-^lghting Standards, Conduit Sys- ImP^^E. Section, poeatiott^ Stteet ^iS^lghtlng Standards, Consult Sys- *s#%#Sfeem' " â- 'â- <â- 'â- â- ' â- • â- -â- 'â- "• â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ,..:-..-. ioltifta-:;.JB. .Section, location Street Jipghtlng Standards, Conduit Ssrs- .......Hejo&JL tosaawtrtng Diagram, substation. Ea]S£Sflia«,»rtK.^.^ilamen^oorr, stranaea wire, imm^Wiring diagram, m S^aJhe^wtreTor cabls used: for .connection 1 io%i^lt^oarT PeteUT hereby approved. SECTION 4* That said^imjpMjrement sTwai^be-^^ therefor paid for by spedat^assess- menV in accordance w^^aji^Act of the General Assembly t>'mthe Stkte ^f Illinois, entitlei^N^^TjCQNCBRN^ ING LOCA1- ^PROVEMBNTS", atiT- proved June 14, A. D. 189T, and the amendments thereto; and that ;of the amount of said assessment to be col- lected as aforesaid. «»« «ntn of Eiarh- llx Hundred Twenty teen Thousand Si ZtvrZeiT bus"^bars and oil switches 1 lOtiSDetall of Duct Lines and Csn n^ be wrapped as hsrs-1 to^#|Eainp Sfaiiuard-ariSluri ^5^H«w#Wiw ~ three* Dollars and seveBty-ilve Cents â- I ($18,623.75), which sum does not ex hand operated -~ -^gle hand operated »w,"Si wst« W*-3- and no voltage release, 9_Slate • â- ^"SggjS. Saft; els cut as *9}W"\ | ft. 4 in. x 1 *t. «J» ? 1**4 ?late panels ami 2 ft.^ Sat? panV at $109.00 ft 8__6 6 ampere, 10 atnpere Scale at 5 ampere full foad ammeters back con- X-^^fa^ewU^S? raS^votls^c^ nected through a selec- tor switch connected to potential M transformers switchboard mounting back connected, and. . ^ 1â€"8 point voltmeter selector unit and 4 pomt-p^ig to be mounted on swltcn- board, at $51.00 ...... • •. ? iâ€"Recording watt meter for switchboard mount- ing back connected â- â- â- &ca± ^jrenOo bjB_ju^Jbed_f^m_ •current and potential â- ;-.- transfoTMers. at $215.00 3â€"40 ampere scale 5 ampere current s wl tchbOar d mounting back connected ammeters, at $30.00, .... 1â€"Anderson- time- clock or equal, 60 ampere, at $75.00 7................. 1â€"3L10 volt plunger type relay, at $30.00 ........ 1â€"Cable end bell for. 12,000 volt cable, at $85.00 .... 1â€"220 volt 3 phase 60 cycle 2 horse power alternating current motor with no volt direct current gen- ^-=««rte^^aj^t^rheesti« on one base, at $300.00 .... 24â€"Potheads for 6000 volt 18144 367.50 981.00 232.00 Total for electrical equipment In substation $18,688.46 Labor for Installation of '•'*"•" above equipment In sub- station................ Erection of a substation building triangular in shape 26 ft. x 37 ft. x 44 ft. 4 in., red pressed brick exterior on north and west elevation, com- mon brick on east eleva- tion, walls to be 12 in. thick including three concrete footings 24 in. wide 4 ft. below grade and a cable pit, brown frlazed brick interior flu- sh cement floor, building to be wlred_ for lighting! with 7 outlets interior and 3 outlets exterior controlled by 3 push i<ML=JUm^=AO£0t^a€ 8,500.00 61.00 215.00 *0.00 75.00 30.00 conduit to be embedded in a 6 in. cement floor and In east wall, a con- crete cable pit 2 ft. x 2 Hftr 0 in. in depth which will connect with man- hole in alley, flat roof to be tar and gravel cover- ing, "3 in. dressed sheet- ing carried by 0 In; x 12 In. dressed In roof beams, height of building 14 ft. „^iJ^.i^Ung^xktttslde wall* Tieight 18 ft., 1 double wooden door 6 ft. x 7 ft. 6 in., 5 windows 3 ft. 2 in. x 5 ft. 10 In. ........ 18-5 Kilovolt ampere, 60 cy- cle, 6.6 ampere primary, 6.6 ampere secondary un- derground type series branch line transformers Insulated for a 5000 volt circuit Inclusive of all labor and material for installing in manhole and connecting primary and secondary leads with disconnecting devices, at $261.00................ 18-3 Kilovolt amperes, 60 Cycle, 6.6 ampere prim- â- •â- :« ary, 6.6 ampere, secon- .^^PciipA::--' dary underground type '*â- $&;.i^-x" series branch line trans- ;> formers insulated for a ^ 5000 volt circuit inclu- t . sive of all labor and Siitf material for installing in -Z'M, manhole and connecting â- primary and secondary â- â- £ _^_dli||ojm^ci(j^ur^d^vlfie8, at -SlUâ€"-â€"- ^^$T9i:oir^ â- ..:..â€"....;. 7. |IU88.00 138;11Tft7 0 inr ?50 lbs. one St^ ^ light cast iron ornament- i? • , ^ al standard complete ^ "*? ^â€" â€" _wlth-lantern type^fftEture $4,698.00 300.00 clear rippled glass panel bronze Jtrame;=twa en«> ameled reflectors 250 can- dle power, type C series- Mazda lamp or equal film $ Mogul socket wired in- elusive* of all labor and com -$•7*00- 11473P3|^6jn^400 lbs. one light cast iron omament- â€"al-â€"atandardâ€"complete 10,488.00 with lantern type fixture # ^fM^PPjed glass panel. ^^fCjttntlnuedi-on-PaBre=