Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1923, p. 19

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^mWWsm^W- ^3*"55J5ij?§f5; LEGAL NOTICE (Continued from Page 18) surface of the adjacent existing pave- ment curbing. The grade of the top surface of the concrete foundation for either 10 ft. 6 in. or 12 ft. 6 in. one light ornamental standard where no curbing exists, shall be established with reference to the bench marks hereinbefore specified. The top surface of the concrete foun- dation for 12 ft. 6 in. one light orna- mental standard located on existing sidewalks shall be at the same eleva- tion as the existing side walk. INSTALLING STANDARDS. The standards shall be placed on foundations and set plumb and true. When necessary to shim up standard, metal shims shall be used. Where shims are used or where the base of the standard is not even, the base shall be grouted out with cement mortar composed of one (1) part Portland cement and one (1) part sand. PAINTING POSTS. Each, standard and lantern frame shall be given one (1) coat of priming paint at factory and one (1) finish coat after erection. The paint shall con- form to the following formula, based on one hundred (100) pounds pure paste red lead: 100 pounds pure paste red lead. 12.5 pounds Chrome Yellow Medium* 7.5 pounds paste Prussian Blue. 1.54 gallons (1 and 9/16 gallons) boiled linseed oil measured. 3.00 gallons pure raw linseed oil measured. Makes 7 and 13/16 gallons paint. After finish coat of paint, the stand- ards shall be consecutively numbered in each group. The numbers shall be painted on the door of each standard with a good white lead paint. PAVEMENTS AND SIDEWAXKS. Where excavations occur in paved streets or alleys the pavements and base shall be cut to a width not less than six (6) Inches wider than the trench excavated so as to furnish bear- ing for the pavement and base to be reiald. The contractor shall replace all pave- ment removed by him and leave it in as good condition as it was when work was started. ..._..._ Concrete sidewalks shall be replaced where excavations occur in concrete sidewalks. The work shall be done in a neat and careful manner; the con- crete shall be of the material and pro- portions hereinbefore specified under ^Concrete". The finished tops shall be made of mortar composed of one (1) part of Portland Cement and two (2) parts of clean sharp sand. In no case shal) less than a full block of concrete sidewalk be replaced and in no case will patching be allowed. The top of the finished sidewalk shall conform to the grade of adjacent sidewalks. The contractor shall guarantee the pavement or sidewalk for a period, of two (2) years crete allowed to set for at least twenty four (24) hours, the back filling shall be thoroughly tamped into place, leav- ing the top six (6) inches of black earth for reseeding. ---------Whenever conduits or parkway cable are laid on unpaved street or undevel-s oped parkways, the surplus earth shall be spread out in a workmanlike man- ner. Where streets- or parkways or al- leys are Improved, then the surplus earth shall be moved to locations as may be designated by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, the average haul being about one and one-half (1%) miles. UNDERGROUND SERIES TRANS-* FORMERS. Jleries transformers shall be used to! folate the lamp groups'"" from the high voltage mains. Two (2) sizes of ____group__seriesâ€"transformersâ€"shall be usejd, five (5) kilo-volt-amperes and â€"ilffee (3) Kilo-volt-amperes. Each transformer shall consist of two primary and two secondary wind- ings so designed that the magnetic flujc shall link one primary and one pelondary winding only. The two sec- ondary windings shall be connected in series, with the connection between " the two windings permanently grounded to the core and case. These transformers when connected to the circuits must be capable of op- erating indefinitely when totally sub- merged in water. The transformers shall have the fol- lowing operating characteristics: The ratio of each transformer shall be 6.6 ampere primary to 6.6 ampere secondary, and this ratio shall be cor- rect within one (1) per cent at rated load. With constant rated primary^ oiu-s rent, the current delivered to any sec- ondary load between 85 per cent to ___110 jiex_cont__abalL not-varx byâ€"mors than one-half (%) of one (1) per cent from that delivered to rated load. The leakage reactance of the trans-; *==^forj»er*^halk=*%>Nmch^^^ dary current shall not rise more than 45 per cent above the normal value of 6.6 ampere with a primary current 150 -per cent above normal. The open circuit voltage of the sec- ondary winding with the normal sine wave current in the primary shall not exceed two and one-half (2%) times tho-f»ill~lead^voltagei-â€"-â€"â€" â€"â€"-------- Under normal operating conditions the temperature rise of the windings of the transformers shall Trot exceed fifty (50) degrees C. above the surrounding air measured by resistance method, air temperature assumed at forty (40) Operating under normal conditions and at full "load, the efficiency of the transformer shall not be less than ninety-six (96) per cent and the power factor of the transformer shall not be less than ninety-eight (98) per cent. The winding of each transformer shall successfully stand for a period of sixty (60) seconds, a potentialâ€"differ- ence of 14,000 volts between the pri- mary winding and the core or the secondary winding and 2,500 volts be- t tween the secondary winding and the Core. These tests will be performed in accordance with the A. I. E. E. stand- ardization rules. The tests of the trans- formers . shall be made upon their arrival at the Village of Wilmette, before installation, at the expense of - the contractor, .and under the super- vision of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Wilmette. With each transformer, wiping sleeves threaded on one end and screw- ed into suitable bosses on Jthe trans^ â€"~ formertop,shaTI~be provided. With each transformer, as specified, -: the contractor shall furnish as a part of the transformer, a secondary short- -circuiting and disconnecting , device or pothead on both primary and Secondary leads of the transformer to be equal to operative features-jof General Electric Company plug "and reeeptacle. -The ^transformers shall be mounted on the wall of the .manhole; Suitable lugs shall be provided for fastening trans- ;;; former to a bracket on the manhole '%:â-  wall.'.' r A protectiveâ€"film gap shall he pro~=~ ^ -.I?6" across the secondary winding. ;•;; This film gap shall be located within SI' the ftftqp and apppflff ^ It tjpilnpil liy SfTmjamrof a handhole in the cover. £Si _~TJhe cover^f- the case and the hand- ^ Jiole' cover shall be equipped with gas- m kets approved by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wil- mette and shall be bolted To the case and to the coyer, respectively, in such a manner as to make watertight joints. The contractor shall guarantee the transformers furnished under these specifications against all defects of workmanship, materials or design, for a period of two (2) years. mu_ LANTERNS. The lantern type fixture shall be of the size and design shown on attached drawings, octagonal in shape, to harm- S".,zei^lth the ornamental standard. -The fixture shall be made of bronze, or other equally non-corrosive metal. The top canopy shall be hinged to per- mit ready access to interior of lantern. A parabolic reflector of porcelain en- ameled steel shall be fastened to top of fixture above the lamp, and ar- ranged to redirect the upper rays of light from the lamp into a useful plane. A lower parabolic reflector in the In- terior of the lantern shall be Installed to redirect the downward rays of light. The glass shall be clear pebbled or rippled panels, fastened to frame by means of bronze strips, held in place by bronze screws, and so arranged that renewal panels can be slipped in from the top of lantern without entirely removing strips or screws. The peb- bled surface of glass shall be inside. Between top and frame, and between glass and frame, suitable gaskets are to be installed in order to make inter- ior of lantern dust and bug proof. Lantern shall be equipped with a series film cutout socket'mounted upon a disc insulator, and adjusted so that the light center is in the proper focal point with reference to the upper and lower parabolic reflectors. Lantern is to be fastened to top of standard by means of headless set screws. INSTALLATION OP CABLE. The contractor shall make his own measurements of cable lengths and shall be responsible for such measure- ments in .furnishing proper lengths of cable. No allowance will be made for any length cable which cannot be used because of error in measurement of cable. The contractor shall make all joints in manholes in a substantial workman- like manner, using copper connectors of the proper conductivity, which shall be sweated to the conductor so as to furnish perfect conductivity at all joints. Sufficient insulating material shall be supplied to insure insulation and dielectric strength of cable as manufactured. Under no consideration will the use of friction tape in the joints be permitted. The joints shall be provided with lead sleeves of a thickness not less than- that of the sheath of the cable. They shall be at- tached to the sheath, of the cable by a wiped joint and filled with compound to prevent any Moisture reaching the insulation. No splices will be permitted in the steel taped cable except In standards or manholes. REFILLING AND TAMPING. ,,. ~~====ftc» , 1T-V----- ter conduit has been laid and Cofl- ^TTBgyoyfflcTor shall furnish and in stall G. and W. potheads or equal at the termination of cables in manholes and substation, excepting on 12,000 volt cable. All cables shall be supported in manholes with an approved design of cable support. A cable end bell shall be installed on the 12,000 volt cable at the substa- tions. -The contractor shall furnish and in- stall "in the 600 volt and in the 5000 volt cables separable splices or pot- heads where they enter or leave the transformer. Tne termination of all 5000 volt cables shall be by means of a disconnecting G. and W. pothead or equal in the Wilmette substation. At all lamp standards and manholes the lead sheathing of the cables shall be bonded together. . An approved lug and No. 22 B. & S. gauge tinned copper shall be soldered to the sheath of the cable in a neat and careful manner. The connecting wire shall be No. 10 B. and S. gauge soft drawn bare copper installed in shortest possible runs be- tween cables. The ends shall be clamp- ed by bolts and washers, and each wire shall be coiled to form a spiral of ap- proximately one-half (%) inch'inside diameter and of not less than six (6) turns in one (1) inch in length. At each manhole where there is more than one cable, there is to be attached to each cable by wire, one brass tag, % in. in diameter, 1/16 in. thick, on which is stamped the number of cir- cuit as shown on attached drawings. Potheads shall be provided in the base of the standards at the locations shown on the attached drawings. They shall provide a receptacle, insulated for 1000 volt circuits. In which the un- derground wires will be connected to J^ew1res_Lea!llng_to- the lamp and her- metically sealed in with a good insul- ating compound the equivalent of JMin- *tal4CjA.;__TJiey sJiall^ataiulâ€"for^ a perlooVof sixty T60) seconds a poten- tial difference of 2500 volts (r. m. s. value) between terminals and between terminals ftn*4jame««=«afe- ;;i^==a=4=- At locations shown on attached drawings by the symbol ( • ) a red bull's eye shall be installed in the-door of the standard, as hereinafter speci- fied. In each standard at socket the 600 volt cable shall be neatly trimmed back to proper length for making connec- tionâ€"to socket, using P. & B. paint or equal to seal cable at lamp terminal. Where practicable^ cable will be laid on the~open loop system, in* order to make future lamp extension on the sys- tem. . < CABLE. 12,000 VOLT VARNISHED CAMBRIC: The cable required under these spe- cifications shall be used In underground conduits and for transmitting three ohase sixty cycre, 12,000 volt alternat- ing current. Each conductor shall be of stranded copper and shall be of a conductivity as defined by the A. I. E. E., and shall be No. O B. & S. Gauge. The copper strands shall be free from flaws of any description. Each con- ductor shall be Insulated with a six- thirty-secorids (6/32) inch wall of black varnish cambric tape. Only the best grade of black varnish cambric tape shall be used. A thin layer of plastic-non-tiardenlhg insulating com- pound shall be applied between the lay- ers of varnish cambric tape during the manufacture of the cable; or each conductor shall be insulated With black varnish cambric tape and thirty (30) per cent fine Para rubber. If rub- ber is used, same shall be placed be- fourths (7/64) of an inch thick. The sheath must fit the cable closely and the jacket must be protected from in- jury, due to overheating in applying the lead sheath by a layer of treated tape. VOLTAGE AND TEST: The cable shall be subjected to an operating voltage of 12,000 volts and must withstand a test voltage of thirty thousand (30,000) volts impressed for five (5) minutes af- ter installation, and must be capable of being bent on an eighteen (18) inch radtus-witnottt Injury. The above tests shall be performed at the place of manufacture in the pres- ence of a representative of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette and at the expense of the contractor. SINGLE CONDUCTOR CABLE: The cable of the different classes shall be installed at the locations shown on the attached drawings and shall con- form to the following specifications for the respective classes: No. 6 B. & S. gauge wire shall be used for completing the circuit or por- tion of circuit connected to the second- ary winding of the constant current regulator, as shown on the attached drawings for the various locations. No. 8 or No. 6 B. & S. gauge wire shall be used for completing the cir- cuit on the secondary of the series group transformer, as shown on at- tached drawings, for. the various loca- tions. The conductor shall be of soft drawn annealed copper wire, having a speci- fic resistance of not more than 10.80 ohms per circular mil foot, at twenty (20) degrees C. The conductor shall be tinned untformally throughout its length. The rubber insulation or com- pound for the insulation of the conduc- tor shall be homogeneous in character, placed - concentrically around the con- ductor, and shall fit tightly thereto. The rubber compound shall conform to the specifications for thirty* (30) per cent Para rubber, as given in report of the Joint Rubber Committee to the A. I. E. E., 1914. The rubber wall shall have the following thickness: For 600 volt service 4/64 inch/ For 1000 volt service 5/64 Inch. For 5000 volt service 12/64 inch. Each length of cable shall success- fully stand the following dielectric strength test and insulation resistance test. The dielectric strength test shall be made between the conductor and the lead sheathing, using the potential difference (in r. m. a. value) at sixty (60) cycles per second, shown in ac- companying table. The voltage test shall be for a period of five (5) min- utes: For 4/64 inch wall rubber 4000 volts. For 5/64 inch wall rubber 5200 volts. __ n For 12/64 Inch wall rubber 14,000 volts. The Insulation resistance test shall be made after the dielectric strength test. The leakage current shall be >m*ft*UTed~*tt»i~*W"miB^TO^^ flcation with a continuous voltage, not less than one hundred (100) volts nor more than five hundred (500) volts. The insulation resistance shall not be less than 6180 megohms per 1000 ft. for 4/64 rubber wall. 7200 megohms per 1000 fU for 5/64 rubber wall. 12400 megohms per 1000 ft. for 12/64 rubber wall. The rubber insulation shall be cov- ered with one (1) layer of cloth tape in all cases. The lead sheathing shall consist of a commercially pure lead having a min- imum thickness of one-sixteenths (1/16) inch. The steel, taped cable shall have around the lead sheathing concentric thereto, and in order named, 6ne-(l* layer of tarred jute 5/64 inch thick, two (2) layers of steel tape .030 Inch ♦hick, and % Inch wide, each thorough- ly tarred and wound in the reverse di- rection with not more than 1/16 inch between successive turns, and one (1) layer of tarred jute, 5/64 inch thick, treated with talc or other powder to facilitate handling. The same is applicable to No. 4 B. & S. gauge standard wire. 3/64 inch Para •ubber wall, 1/16 inch lead for 600 volt service used for substation connections The complete cable shall be delivered on substantial reels. Each length shall be placed on a separate reel on which must be plainly marked the number of feet, weight, and serial number given with the order. The ends of. the cable shall be secure- ly sealed and fastened so that they will not become loose during transpor- tation. The reels must be properly marked to indicate direction for unrol- ling the cable. ;, The cable must be guaranteed free from defects of any character in mate ^fiveâ€"(5) yearsr â€" TRENCHING AND LAYING CABLE. deep following the inside of curb, and in such manner as to eliminate all un- necessary bends or turns. â€"Any sharp rocks or stones found in the bottom of trench or filling dirt must be re- moved to avoid injury to cable. As soon as cable is cut, the ends shall be tween _the _conductor andll ^a>rished jexnosed to m^isturer=*t ahall^success- TsaifiDTtetape aHd the thickness or* thesfully stand the electrical tests for wall or rubber shall not be greater cables of its kind before being con- than flve-sixtv-fourths (5/64) of Sri inch. The rubber shall meet the soe- ciflcations-for- thirty (80> per cent fine Para rubber as given In the report of ♦he joint Rubber Committee to the A. I. E. e.,:;;I9i4.:;;^:;:;_:;: -The separate conductors after being insulated shall be twisted together and theJaterstlce filled with jute treated witir an insulating compound, making a firm round cable, which snail then °g covered w*th__a six-thIrty-seconds_ (6/32) Inch wall 7of~bTack varnished cambric tape applied In the same man- ner as for the individual conductors; After the cabTjr~~n~aa ^Bus oeen as- sembled it shall be encased in a sheath of commercially pure lead al loy ed with two (2) per cent tin, seven sixty- Any cable that is defective from moisture or rm^chanicar defect, shall be replaced at the expense of the con- tractor. The contractor shall assume all risk of unforeseen obstacles, additional sur- facing, tree roots, foreign pipes, con- duits or quicksand, or in the case sheathing is necessary it shall be pro- vided at the expense of the contractor. Backfilling shall be dampened, tamp- ed every four (4) inches, and a smooth surface left in parkway or alley TWO INCH GALVANIZED PIPE. A two (2) inch galvanized iron pipe shall be pushed under existing pave- ments where parkway cable shall cross streets, sufficient in length to extend not less than six («) inches back of adjacent curb. If cable is not pulled In pipe at the time of installation, wooden plugs, water soaked, tapered, one-half (%) inch larger at the larger end than the diameter of pipe shall be used to plug the pipe ends. When cable is pulled through pipe, the openings of the pipe shall be filled with asphalt compressed to not less than one (1) inch, or more than two (2) inches into the pipe. Should there be any unsealed cable on the attached drawings fo* the 10 ft. 6 in. standard, Pedestal standards shall be 3 ft. 6 In. in height, of ornamental design, with a red bull's eye six (6) inches in diameter, with one-sixty (60) c. p. 6.6 ampere series lamp placed at the focal point of the bull's eye. ------- RED LIGHT IN DOOR OF LAMP POST* At the street locations shown on the attached drawings the standards shall have, in addition to their regular equipments red light at the oase. The glass shall be a four (4) inch red bull's eye railroad type lens, built in the door of the standard* as shown oh attached drawings. The lamp in the interior of the stand- ard shall be so placed as to be in the center of the bull's eye. The lamp shall be a sixty (60) c. p. 6.6 ampere series lamp mounted oh a support as shown on attached drawings. SUBSTATION BUILDING. EXCAVATION AND MASONRY: The various levels are indicated on the at- tached drawings with reference to grade. This grade is inside sidewalk grade at an average point and shall be established by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wil- mette. The concrete used in the construction of the substation shall be of the mate- rials and proportions hereinbefore spe- cified under "Concrete", except that the concrete used in the construction of the cable pit shall have added to the ce- ment fifteen (15) per cent by volume of hydrated lime. Forms shall be of dressed and matched lumber, properly braced to hold trye to shape and position. The concrete after deposition in forms, shall be spaded and puddled so as to make a smooth appearance. The time allowed for removal of forms will be dependent upon* weather conditions and also the importance of the work, but in all cases shall be decided by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. Concrete floor shall be constructed as follows: Upon a well tamped three (3) inch layer of cinders or gravel, lay a six (6) Inch layer of concrete. Concrete is to be a one course layer with top laid integral with base and said top to have the proper pJL£ch to drains and to be smoothly troweled. All pipes , in floor to be covered by 2 inches of concrete at top and bottom. Top finish for floors shall be placed before the base has reached its initial set. Cinders or gravel beneath concrete shall be thoroughly tamped and brought to the correct grade hefore placing concrete on same. The walls of the substation shall, be constructed of brick, and shall be in accordance with the details shown on attached drawings. Face brick for outside walls will be selected by the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Wilmette but shall be bought and laid by_the contractor. A pric taTB-n$32Ttf er thousand, delivered on job, shall be assumed in the con- tractor's bid and an exact allowance of the difference in price will be made in case higher or lower priced bricks are selected. Face brick Shall be used on North and West fronts and shall extend at least sixteen (16) inches around corners. Dimensions of piers are nominally indicated by attached drawings. Actual dimensions results: Ing from one-quarter (%) inch joints shall be used. Joints In face brick construction to be neat and flush. Com- mon brick joints are to be struck joints. Common brick to be hard burn- ed, free from misshapen, underburned or overburned bricks. Bedford limestone shall be furnished for sills, trim and wherever stone is called for. It shall be cut true to lines stains and be of clean and clear qual- ity. Where cement mortar Is called for, it shall consist of one d) part of cement to, three (3) parts of clean sand. All copings, projecting courses and all brickwork supporting ends Of•«, beams and girders shall be laid In cement mortar. Lime mortar shall be made by mixing one (1) part of lime ptfste "to two f2) parts of clean sand. Lime shall be of an approved brand and shall be well slacked before using in mortar. AH mortar for face brick shall be suit- ably colored. All Inside walls shall be laid up with Face Brick as selected by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. The contractor shall as- sume a price of Fiftv Dollars ($50.00) per thousand and allowance shall be made in payments in case the price of brick selected exceeds or is less than this price. Mortar shall be colored, if so ordered. Brick to be laid with nar- row V joints. All. 12.000 volt bus.bars.shalt'be'cov-fe^li* ered with twelve-sixty-fourth : (I2/«4Vi||SM^ inch, of varnished cambric/ :(lJ?pS»^ layer, .half-lap. of flame-proof braid.-' ;>,.#imiP All 4.000 volt bus,;.hars..shall-::ih«»'.*eoii'^|^^'.: ered with ten-sixty-fourth (10/64) inch If Hit of varnished cambric and one (Ij lay-ISfpS er,; half lap, of flame proof braid.-â- .AHffJ^fc'â- ' bus bars thus covered shall be painted feii^p with P. & B. paint or equal. :;. -::"'--;":Sliwi WATT -METER CURRENT.^TRANS-iitP FORMERS: Air watt .meter -v,cur,reiit«S^p. transformers ' shall, be 'furnished- '-by!s!i|w the contractor with ' the;:'-exeeptIott!Bilp|| of three (3) to, be furnished:;by-, theflttltii Sanitary District of Chicagoi â-  but .alllliâ„¢ are to be installed by the contractor, piffll The current transformers.: shall-l be- -offMm® the- dry- type, insulated: '.for. .'USO'^ngll^S twelve thousand (12,000) volt curcu^SifliS having .a normal-secondary- rating of iii!S|p five (5) amperes, and a capacity\'of 18S!t§ . ________________ Four (4) inch vitrified tile*drain pipe not less than thirty (30)_vplt ampflxes. |gg|ip rials or worJ^ansJoijjL-fpr a-period of- -shall leadâ€"from â€"downspotrtâ€"to olitclin^ney""1^1^ ^ Steel lintels shall be used. All wood shall be thoroughly season- shall be as shown on attached draw- ings. Beams shall be of select struc- tural-material, oonforming to the defi- nition of dense Southern Pine of the American Society for Testing- Materi- als. Lower edge of beams Shall be neatly chamfered. sealed to prevent moisture from ent^r* â€"RpjQf_aheathIng shall be three (ft) ing the Insulation of the cable. -.-.-â- â- ... . - - ---- .. nee ted as an Integral part of the sys- tem. - * â-  â- _____ -The expense at^he~1estTfndr replace- ment of the defective cable shall be borne by the 'Contractor. At railroad crossings and street car crossings, four (4) two (2) inch gal- vanized iron conduits shall be laid in trench two (2V feet below surface of the street paving, and terminated at a manhole on each side of track, as shown on attached drawings. , . .PEDESTALS. ;^P:":*£^ FOUNDATION: Bach nedestal standard ^, M -.. - _ -«-» concrete founda- tion of material and; proportions here- inbefore specified under "Concrete" antf shall be of the shape and dimensions and contain appurtenances as shown inch dressed and matched sound South- ern Pine straight and free from wane, holes and loose knots. Outside door shall be a double door with wire glass panels of size as shown on attached drawings, complete with frame, trim and hardware. Doors shall be birch veneer. Frame shall be rab- bited for screen doors. Interior door shall be birch Veneer. Windows shall be double hung, box frame. Sash shall be of White Pine. All trim shall be birch, of acceptable stock patterns. Finishing and visible hardware shall be selected bv the Board of Local Im- nrovements of the Village of Wilmette. Contractor shall estimate this selected hardware at Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) and in case the cost of the material exceeds this amount an allowance of the excess shall be made. All glass shall be wire glass, double puttied. Doors and door trim shall be given one (1) coat of mahogany oil stain, one (1) coat of shellac and two (2) coats of varnish. Forty-eight (48) hours after applying the second coat pf varnish woodwork shall be rubbed in water and pumice stone. All exter- ior woodwork shall be given two (» -coats-of=white^IeSoTinoil. Sash shall be given on iriside one (1) coat of ma- hosrnnv stain and two (2) coats of varnish. . Sheet metal shalLJie-glven^-two -jg&y- coatwof Goheeh's Gal vanunK paint or equal. â- â- *.'-. x v Structural steel lintels shall be given one /l) coat of oxide of iron ih^linseedj oil and a second coat on exposed sur- faces after erection. ROOFING: Roofing Shall be a four (4) plv tar and gravel roof, in accordance with the Barrett Specifications,. Type "A" roof, as follows**^ ~~~~â€"~~r~rr------- ping each sheet seventeen (17) lnche» over proceeding one, and nail as often as is necessary to hold in place until, remaining felt is laid. /:-->-';_-^^i|iv:T (3) Coat this entire surfaceâ- â- mnttttrifm^ ly with approved Pitch. (4) Over the entire surface lay tws» • (2) plies of approved Tarred Felt, lap* ping each sheet twenty-two <22) Inchon over preceeding one, mopping with ap- proved Pitch the full twenty^two <82> Inches on each sheet, so that; In no - place shall felt touch felt. ? S < Such nailing as is necessary shall toe ,^ done so that all nails will be covered IS by not less than two (2) plies of felt. Si (5) Over the entire surface_j>oiir « from a dipper a unlfor»i.ooatinyHftsepirâ- ;•»â- â-  proved pitch, in which, while hot, em* « bed not less than four hundred (400V |§i pounds of gravel for each one hundredj^ (100) square feet. :Y- ^:W;y^W^m . - The â- â-  ^gravel: shall - -be; f rom . one-o^ar*?*«f ter (%) to five-eighths (%) inch 1» â- ** size, dry and free from dirt. 1, ^ The felt shall be laid without wrinkles or buckles. . ^_>i Not less than one hundred fifty (150> pounds of pitch shall be used for con- structing each one hundred <14>0> square feet of completed roof, and the nitch shall not be heated above, four hundred <400) degrees Fahrenheit. § ss SHEET METAL: Iron shall be Ingot |i Iron or an approved copper content 1ft iron. The iron shall be -galvanised -. wltfc-is a high grade zinc spelter coating, -% Which coating shall be free from blis-;» ters and other Imperfections. *â- ?;" Gutters shall be of form and siz*>, as indicated on attached drawings. They are to be substantially supported every thirty (30) inches or less. ?-, Roof sump shall be placed where fss« indicated and shall be of the HOLT flfS type, RILE "CO. type,' JOSAM'CO.;•type- -:i»S or any other, type. aeceptableo;;to;:':-th#^Wllp Board of Local Improvements:- of; the .^In Village of. Wilmette. â- â- ^:'mM Downspouts shall be: -three^X3-)-Vrincli'^-?I|SI galvanized iron water-- or steam pipe â- r.^y'-^^m .All walls.and other>OTt-!«™ roof surfacei shall be flashed.^ v Along* |^ brick walls mortar joints shall be Sip scraped and galvanized Iron FlexlocK ifl strips or equal- inserted, fastened by »« approved 'flashing â-  -hooks:-apaCed-i?hdt::-::5^M over three CS) feet apart. â- '.â- â- â- Â«Hji^ â- 'â-  Ventilators shall be as shown"- oh:, .ft'ti||iil» tached drawings, .properly,,- flashed.B-;wm^ Th«y shall be thirty-six (36) inch J« Arex -or ..equal. ..'-. '$^Mi0m-^ - SUBSTATION EO^IPMBN,I^*SS^feiK»*-- ------------ AND WORKMANSHIP*! MATERIALS All apparatus, fixtures, supplies, mate- rial and equipment shall be the best of pM,„ their respective kinds, -and â-  shall..:-b«i-:-|iM new..- â-  •:.â- â€¢-â- â- '. - -,'-.'â- â- ^-â- - :3:H.r|lra SUBSTITUTION. â-  OF^ , MATERIALSSiJ||» Should it become necessary - to. 8Ubsti-y,,:;i|vigl tute apparatus, fixtures, supplies, nmte^SS rials.or equipment different from-'thoseM-;@S specified, the Contractor must,-. first;ob^y|||S tain the written consent of the BOard ||S» of Local Improvements of the Villagolilii of Wilmette beforV ". substitution ':;'ls$fiig» made, and the apparatus, fixtures, 'sup^"^^38 sits e equal in every "respect to those} ,,,r,^,SI called for in the specification "or plans. :;^iMitfj All work shall be done in a heat and llSfi workmanlike manner, as specified, '.and^-JlfSil where the exact method Is not specif * fled, as shown on attached drawingsf^gfil then the same shall be performed as ^ the, Board of Local .Improvements: OiS«iS";-•: the Village of Wilmette may direct. SSlw The Contractor^ must procure fw>m^^-i« the Board of Local Improvements of: Is the Village of Wilmette all necessary ;^ interpretations as to the character... Otes^ft. « the materials,, equipment1 and "â- W6rJt4wmB-:C manshlp called for under;;;the:spectfi^M|||s;'-' cations. â- â€¢â- â- ;': r AV;Tr-:S&SSW: INSULATORS: The support for -thO^Jfgll high tension bus "bars shall consist of. .,,A|1|| porcelain insulators mounted on castf:.#;;#f| or malleable Iron supports.::.-The*-ln^|S|ft» sulators ' shall be of. first. quality 'weipisS process porcelain with chocolate ;glaselSi|^M securely cemented on the pins; -the'.lat-#|tS§|f| ter fastened to pipe one and. one-quar-tpli|p ter <m.) inch-pipe supports .with:-:.t*og#s^8 (2) boUs. â- - _.._>â-  _, ';-.';, ,;-;-;'31;-'||ia angle of lag and shall-.-be of a- design pips. that will permit mounting as shown o«i" __------------------.... materials ^and, labor â- w»™! shall, be 'furnished by the "contractor-'-^i§k *5r the construction of the high" <t©n-. Iffi^S slon bus structure and erection of oil W^m switches.^.---. â- ;"'-".'â- '-.,- â- â- â- :;- â-  'â- 'â-  :^#J :*â- >â- ,'Mi^M The. contractor shall' â-  furnish:. and in- ilia stall all Iron pipe framework required Mmm for supporting insulators, disconnect SMigi switches, or other equipment. This :l»#iS to. Include .pipe framework for,au|>*:pgill porting bus. bars over ,, transformer;:g||S^ bank.;. -. The.;, framework-:,sliaJl,;:consist-o*--|ii^ the specified sire iron pipe with plain SStlil P|P« lall fittings. The pipe shall be straight and sihpoth and all sections perfectly aligned. ; The contractor shall- furnish and: "tn-;'#|l!i stall all Insulator pins, Insulators, WMm clamps, copper tubing, .fittings and: eoh^.^gp nections for the construction of the* Siiflf high tension bus bars, connections be- Hi*l tween bus bars,, disconecting ^switchesi;':fisl# oil switches, current and potential USSS transformers, all as Shown on attached !?$$$P drawings. ' â- â- â- ,.v,--;:vvâ- -$*0M The J2,opo volt' -bus; bars, shall"be-;of lilfl! one-half (%) inch I. P. S.. and the; 4,000 :Mmm y^t bul k^E ^a!1 be of three-eighth i|» <%y Inch I. p..: a, seamless copper tub- lis 111 I ing having a conductivity of not lesalgfeli than ninety-seven* (97) per cent of that Sife«i of pure copper. The bus bars, shall -be>--S#iS| supported- by means of cast copper, ;©>'»» brass, clamps. All joints shall be-teade-^S by sweating, or pinning the two ;4*^->m$m tions of the bus bar to a smaller"copl|i^^ per tube or .rod. . â- ::,:. Wi'Mmm STATION TRANSFORMERS! â-  Three ( 3>:- Wm 12,000^volt primary 220-110 volt secon* liH« dary JS0 cycle single :â-  phase • tran8A>rm&:.:|SiiS ..-em^siyalLJbeJUistalle^ ^\?M 2nd^Ja?WjerJ.„...:TJ^seitransformei*^^^ -Bhair:have: two. («^ve-,:'<6^:^er;-«ent:- MW& taps on the primary winding and shall 1^^ conform to the A. I. E. B. rating. The transformers-shaH br connected ^elta »>i|si primary:, and delta secondary-;with'; the;;?s»W neutrals brought out for; lightin8f';:Cir^S_ cult connection of 110 volts, - '?;^^>-^&^pi| ^The: transformers.....Shall: -beT~fuSed^ot^^» the primary and secondary, sides,'*^$$&*J secondary side to be protected through Ip-*^*â„¢ a fused safety switch "" (1) Lay one <1> thickness of sheath ing paper or unsaturated fel *£.}??* ffSffl -!!f,1o!?#IW?*nidir ?e,r^n^ voltage and curre#ratmg^'aa^#how hundred (100) square feet lapping the sheets at least one (1) inch. ,A2K,°ver th« entire surface lay two (2) plies of approved Tarred Felt, lap DISCONNECT SWITCHES: Tne ^oh ^aetop shall furnteh-^nd-4astall^ :r\~i:~:. \:'$§0igM "OTsconnect switches, as shown on at* on attached drawings. PANELS: The switchboard panels shalWtefeii eonslst^-of Monson slate /free ^iJgoSS^** ......'ltll<ConM^ ........... Mim HBllBS SMBMBgjMI

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