Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1923, p. 10

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10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1923 3|II1WI^S,,';;!" ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH St. Augustine's had a very happy ^~ Easter. The attendance at the various services was large, the church, was beautifully decorated, the music splen- didly sung and the congregation reverent and devout. The total attendance at the services during the day was 90S. The Easter offering was $1,162.14 and 381 made their Easter Communion on Easter rrrimoTSSfag*--^â€"---------------------------------- The three-hour devotional service on Good Friday from 12 until 3 o'clock was more largely attended than in other years. The rector gave seven devotional addresses on the seven sayings of Christ as He hung on the Cross, and the addresses were interspersed with hymns and devotions. On Good Friday night after the ser- vice in church at 8 o'clock the congre- gation passed into the Parish House where the picture, "From the Manger to the Cross," was shown. Miss Win- nifred Mickey played devotional music throughout the showing and a very large and reverent audience felt greatly helped in its realization of events on Christ's life. At the Easter Festival service at 11 A. M., the rector called Raymond Irving, a choir boy, to the chancel steps and presented him with a beautiful watch from the congregation as a reward for faithful attendance at services and prac- tices, reverence and musical excellence. The rector conducted on Easter Mon- day the funeral of Mr. Kerry C. Meagh- er, well known in Wilmette, after a ser- vice at the home at 9 A. M. The re- mains were taken to Joliet by automobile where services were conducted at the grave. Many hundreds of children witnessed the life of Christ in the picture, "From the Manger to the Cross," at the Chil- dren's Movies at St. Augustine's Parish House on Good Friday afternoon and evening. The picture was contributed by Mr^ and Mrs. Royal D. Smith. , ___. The Junior C E. has for its topic next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o clock, "Happy Sundays." Billy Gibson is the leader. Special music. The Senior "Endeavor society will meet in the church parlors Sunday eve- ning at 5:30. After the prayer service tea will be served. Frederick Quayle is the leader. The Rebecca Chapter of the West- minister Guild will meet for dinner and missionary study Tuesday, April 10, at 6:30 p m. Our special speaker for Sunday school this week will be Mrs. Judith David from Persia. Mrs. David is an Assyrian mis- sionary and experienced the three late massacres in Persia, having had charge of the Near East Relief in Urujmiah. Her story will interest you. 9:30 Sun- day morning. The Boy Scouts, Troop 5, will meet in the Presbyterian church Monday eve- ning at 7:15. The Junior Scouts will meet Friday at 6:45 p. m. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ^YesterdayV-pietures at the Children's Movies were Charlie Chaplin and Jackie ICoogan in "The Kid". Possibly 1,000 |:or more boys and girls attended the || various showings. The applause and If shouting could be heard for blocks. The llpieture was contributed by Mr. and Mrs. flAbrier of the North Shore hotel, Evans- Hton,, grandparents of Master Jack Hope. |||?The pictures next Thursday, April 12, S will be the beautiful and appealing Vita- S graph picture, "The Heart of Maryland," contributed by the Associated Guilds of |St.§s Augustine's church. 'iW$':'. Wilmette Presbyterian Church 11 |»Tinth Street and Greenleaf Avenue tPastor, Rev. George P. Magill, D.' D. e Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. f Church Service, 11 A. M. | Junior C. E., 3:30 P. M. | Intermediates, 4:30 P. M. if Senior Endeavor, 5:30 P. M. jtvt^id-Week Service, Wednesday 8 P. M. |E faster Sunday was a wonderful day iEf all Jour churches. In many places l^powds Were ^turned away. Many new member! were received. We believe it olTserve MSI0m t9&fimSi â- -â- â€žâ- â-  "tfiosT a|p^^ sacra^ iftent of the Lord's Supper or the Cove- |gaiit:^gryice next Sunday mornings This ^iH giye We many new members uniting lirith us last Sunday an opportunity to l^^ticipate with us in this significant ; feiBrice The subject of the Communion messagewill be "The-Evidences of Real Christian Fellowship." ^ A special musical program has been jlferepared for the Communion Service. ^prgah.' [ Preludeâ€"-0:;y^§&: "^rMc-i ;':St; i4^€ommunionâ€"inr^^^4vt^-s^ri^Batistfr ^Soprano-Contralto Duet m Crucifix" ..........., i vi v^ Faure Mrs Russell C. Small, Miss Georgia Offertory Solfr. .Mrsf itussefl C. Small Mrs. Russell C. Small: ^^h-m^ Soprano-Contralto Duetâ€" |UScw Divine" :^;;-.V^fll*, "* Mrs. Small, Miss Sanborn Postludeâ€",..;.:; â-  .â-  'i<$m%$& â-  - :*Marcat Triojmh^JeJ^fe^Dubowe Kounds, organist -:^K Easter Sunday was a banner day. The attendance at the morning service was the largest in the history of the church. The class of members received into fel- lowship was one of the finest. The music was inspiring and" satisfying, and the general feeling of good will found expression on all sides. Mr. B. S. Stoffer, assistant .minister, will preach Sunday morning on the' theme "The Measure of a Personality." This is Mr. Staffer's first sermon since he came to the work in Wilmette. \t is hoped that a large audience will greet him. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd are taking a few days vacation from the parish work. Mr. Lloyd will speak in Eau Claire on Sun- day and address the Men's clubs of that city on Monday evening. The Roosevelt Troup Boy Scouts will meet at thj^Byrjon ,Stolpâ€"school, at, ZilS Monday evening, April ninth. Tuesday, The Crescent Circle, Mrs. F. C. Hoerheiv .chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. R. F. Potter, 710 Linden avenue. r â€" At the Church Night meeting on Wednesday, the Trustees will present to the church for their consideration, a plan which will have a definite bearing upon the work of the church for the coming year. Other engagements for the evening should be put aside, and every member of the church attend this important meeting.. The speaker at the Sunday Evening club, April 8, will be Mr. S. K. Ratcliffe, special correspondent for the "Manches- ter Guardian," England. He will speak on "The Fall of the Lloyd George Government." The Women's Guild will hold an all- day meeting at the church on Friday, April 13. Beginnnig-at-terr-o'cfock, sew- ing for the Bazaar. Board meeting at 12:30 in the church parlor, and luncheon at one o'clock. A Missionary Meeting will follow the Guild meeting. Devotions by Mr. A. J. Coburn; solo by Mrs. B. E. Gage and an address by Mr. B. S. Stoffer, whose subject will be, "A Christian's Missionary Responsibility." At the regular morning service of the Baptist church on Sunday at 11 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stifler will begin a series of four sermons on the Christian's Obligations, and the Wil- mette Baptist Choral society will sing. The Junior and Intermediate Young People's societies will hold their meet- ings at the church at three o'clock in the afternoon. The Senior Young People's society will meet at 5:30 in the afternoon at the church. Their program will be followed by a social hour in connection with the Meiribership Cam- paign which they are now carrying on. Today is the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the Woman's Society. The members will meet at 10 o'clock this morning for White* Cross sewing. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 and the program of the day will begin at 2. There will. be reports by the various officers and committees of the Society as well as from the delegates appointed to represent the Society in its various allied organizations and institutions. There will also be the opening of the mite boxes and other special features including a Roll Call which will make, up a very delightful and interesting program. Adjournfcnent will be at 4 o'clock. ENGLISH LUTHERAN Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street William Guise, Pastor Services for April 8. Bible school at 9:45 A. M. We re- joice that several new scholars were en- rolled last Sunday. The attendance in the school was good and the offering for both morning and afternoon ser- vices were very liberal. Worship and Sermon at 11 A. M. The pastor will devote a part of his sermon to explain in greater detail the cir- cumstances connected with the special gift presented the congregation Easter morning. We refer to that surprise "check" to be applied toward our in- . - V 11""i, ' . 11mil debtedness. Several other gifts in the nature of furnishings are now to."â-  fif- teen in the church. We refer to the linen paraments, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Homrighaus; the brass candle-holders on the mantle from Mrs] Neander Cronholm and the beautiful re- production of the Sistine Madonna which wasjgresented JjjlMt.^ and-Mrir-G^iJfi Kleonim. The beautiful lilies on the altar were furnished by the members of the Missionary society. The attendance at the Communion services on Easter morning was most gratifying. One of the most noticeable features was the presence of many friends who came to worship and en- joy the blessing of the Risen Lord. The choir also rendered appropriate anthems at both services. |§ The boys and girls are to he com-" mended for their good work in making the program of the afternoon a success. ::«Sf Havens Miss Erma #Tlhl;iWo!iil^^ Presbyterian church wilt meet .in the church parlors Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. for an all-day meeting. Luncheon served ly at noon. The special speaker or the afternoon program is Mrs. James m M^|ker of the St. Paul's colored l|^iurc|^Mrs.Walker brings with her fit^grottp" of little colored girls who will give a musical entertainment. The1 ^hle-^seheol- with struction for all ages will the Adult classes meeting graded in- meet at 9:45, at 10 o'clock. The Wilmette Baptist church is lo- cated at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues, and welcomes all to its services. The Pastor may be reached at his study during the mornings by ap- pointment. The Church Qffice is open from I to 5 in the afternoons. The church telephone is Wilmette 2235. ^^ regular mid-iweefc^ y^eyening* 8 $0 o^lock, -The topics b«f?considered 'isffpf'After - "Easter, mm iie **>r^ 1^^ Intermediates will discuss at their Chris- ?San Endeavor Simday ayternc<m at 4:30 Edna Dean Wmm*M=^ This Church cp-operates?I&with the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, which/ presents this Sunday night, Mr. S. K. Radcliffe, special correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, and for some time the editor of the leading British news- The" Apra'«imiting 'P^pBoirlif Council of the Church will be held at 7:30 oh Tuesday, April 10, at which time important matters bearinsr upon the Tenth Anmversary celebration wMlbe thoroughly.:: discussed and outlined^fesjs The regular Mid-week meeting of the Churchvim April 11, will be in the nature of a reception to the members newly-xct eeiyed mto/therchtnThff^^ The WHuM^ wjlljiieeJJoipfSulaF rehearsal on Thurs- day^ April 12, at 7:45. By Church Attendance You Are Enabled to Pluck the Choicest Flowers in the Garden of Existence You will find Wilmette Churches friendly-â€"they are led by pastors who know how to interpret the mission of God's favored institution in these days whenjhe world isjyilling^to pay a premium for Christian integrity, for our civilization ^vvill only advance under the leadership of God-inspired men and women. Someone has said that life is an elimination con- test; less an active fight against the bad, than a struggle to keep inferior things from choking out the best in the garden of our existence. It is in the Church that you will find the rarest flowers of life's garden, so Come to Church Sunday. :|SI You Need the Church The Church Needs You DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: Ui â- â- ',':â- :â- â- â- : The First Presbyterian Church fff-'^J^NinttV and Greenleaf 'â- ' ?F; 5:||| â-  -^ Rev. George P. Magill §1/ St. Augustine's Episcopal Church If 1140 Wilmette Ave. %^r^}0- . ; $ Rev. ^Hubert CVp^#iK^||#^-: :-;â- "-.-^ S#gP Jite Rnt Methofet On* Lake and Wilmette Aves. :'m0levi' Gilbert Stimuli y^i^m St John's Lutheran Church Linden and Prairie' Aves.â- â- ;,â- :â„¢' :0Rev. Herman W. Meyer Wilmette English Luther an Church 703 Greenleaf Rev. William Guise First Congregational Church ; Lake and Wilmette Aves. :S| Rev. Stephen ,;^'ffic^~~i:T7~~^T^ a*. a=a*ieAiSn==i=» iS=S5S=i â- r--â€"'â€"**-rri-^r â-  V- â-  â- â- â- â- â- â-  â- ?~:,,'&Z*r, aii- '>»* 4 Â¥*k§srs;-«» ^â- n ^v'r'.'":..- â-  :â-  "â- f.-.'J^ ?*â-  :'â- %'.?;""â-  :'%"â-  ^k^- '.â- ^•^â- i:'-c :£y'"â- 4"^--" •Mk?" The WSmette Baptist aurch Forest and Wilmette Aves;-;" â-  ^,,,;Rey,;:.,Prantis StifleryS\^H:0^ r?$-' Wfa. ..^"iL^Svii31i«;:'j^<^.-i :;:K?«fe5? . .. â- - ISsSlilL'-____li_-^.^l~.jâ€"~.:r,~: SSS^^M: 213

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