IWIUfPU IJ'I' p»f*!ffilippf^ |F INTER|H only to ouf1"f§m ADVERTISERS The business man who regularly uses a full-page to tell people what he has to sell, is evidently a man of en- terprise and vision. He knows the dominating pov^T~of^the^full-page ad . and uses this knowledge for business - profit.- We honor such men for their intelligence and initiative. That is the reason for the weekly appearance of the Roll of Honor. After each name is indicated the number of full pages used since January 1, 1923. ROLL OF HONOR || Hubbard Woods Lumber-Coat Co...4 Shoreen Motor Company ........ . .2 North Shore Bootery...............1 R. H. Schell and Company ..........1 Wilmette Shoe Store___...........1 Winnetka Coal-Lumber company... .1 The Wilmette Building Materials company, 447 Main street, has enter- ed into an agreement for continuous advertising in the columns of The Lake Shore News. An aggressive campaign is launched in this week's issue in the Full-Page way. The firm has established unusual connections whereby it is in a position to promise deliveries of hard coal in the summer monthsâ€"at- the prevailing summer prices. The Wilmette Building Ma- terials company advertisements should keep you well informed on the fuel situation. They will be of real educa- tional value. The North Shore Construction com- pany Monday evening of this week entertained its officers and employes at a dinner-dance at the Robinson restaurant in the Metropolitan block. Robinson's is coming to be a popular place for dinner-dances. Good dance floor, ideal surroundings. iiS£uer?1 bJ* Chicago firms, like The Hubb, A. Starr Best, Aimer Coe and company and the Cadillac Motor company, realizing: that this paper is read by a large number of prospect- ive buyers, are using our columns for advertising. t You can see their ads in every issue. This consistent use gives us evidence of a confidence in us that is very â- gratifying.-. :;bw.....,,,;,,l,;f:(,..,v,,,,,,,..,,,,,^,g The Cadillac Motor company is a consistent user of display advertising â- m this paper. They are also using space on the Classified Page to offer used cars. Andy Hostnick, well known on- the north shore, will have charge of the Cadillac used-car de- partment in Evanston. Kashiah Bros, fug "^maitim£"S^^ ers in Oriental Rugs, are advertising this week the fact that they .have been in business 14 years. Stability is the key- note and the Kashian boys are firmly and favorably established. :kf^;^k:-^m: Millen's Hardware store on* Main street is advertising some "real" white lead this week. It is claimed that this product will go much farther than any other kind and. makes a splendid surface; Speaking of eggs, The Pearson and Borre market has some interesting in- formation about 'em in their ad in this issue. - If you have a hesitant or faltering ap- petite, glance over Wilson's Bakery ad In this issue. Good for what ails you. Easter bargains are being advertised this week by Lulias Bros., Main street fruit dealers. ---- The East End Market Is offering some attractive Easter bargains for the table. ENTERTAINS BRIDES TO BE Mrs. Samuel Clark, 132 Main street, Evanston, entertained at a shower in honor of Miss Dorothy Kasten on Thursday of last week. Read the Want Ads BUY YOUR PAINT â€" at the Wilmette Glass & Paint Works "It's a Devoe Paint Store'*â€"-------- Get one gallon of our own Special Floor and Trim VamisK^ 16x20, with white enameled frameâ€"FREE. JSEE OUR AD IN OUR STORE WINDOW i WILMETTE GLASS & PAINT WORKS 1193 WILMETTE AVE. "â- "*' Opposite Vttla&THalt~~^ '++++++++++++*++++++++++++0+>0++++0+*++<++++++*^ Blow carbon Whether carbons-oil ashâ€"stays in your motor to steal power and work destructiveness, or blows oat harm- * lessly through the exhaust is simply a matter of coming here where you can get the oil of different principle-â€" W*.. . ee_ â€"--------â€":^Jy|jMgâ€" toamiirimiiia adnanis ^s^rssfss fe%3>ft: '£'%§$?â- SsMM. WMl&M: Wm «mm ^Sfe^w^sSi&ftsS^SS osmas i* mmm slfe vmmm HfSI $M- «*..-:â- • " "-------- .--------:--------- ' ' . ' ,' | ... • . .. » . ".' ".â- . 'i .... I.......•-.*;;•# m^msiimtteMm&-: h»K««*-Qipi|te VUlage-Theatre^^m^ ^m^mp'm^ â- §m> swells? " ' 'â- ' â- â- "â- ' â- m^^mM-':-* IwBT -^ HILLSIDE OROVW We deliver all orders of $1.00 or "'WW$ far north as QencoeJIQiiiek -ServicefSp^M^ if- «â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- m â- â- :â- â- â- â- â- -;â- ;v'.-;-: -wmm^k: |ii STOP; AND LOOK at the beautiful display we have this week on all kinds of fresh vegetables and | fruits for Easter Sunday. We received 2,000 lbs. of § green peas direct from the growers and we will sell II them at wholesale price, ^mB0sm8m^mm^mX: ldaeof cllnkerygrtt rMiitancClK When will YOU be here? MILLER BROTHERSlI NORTH SHORfc GARAGE 'Spinach, per peck .... '^M^r^^MS^iSe French Endives, per lb. ;... Us|39c Artichokesâ€"direct from the growers, each Fresh Lettuce, per head .>i-y?. ft.-.^'lOcftSc^ Fresh Celery, per bunch .......10c and 25c :- -No... r â- Tomatoes, per lb. ^Hfpl^^SSc; â- Pieplant, • per Ib.^^^;.. "v'A,; I.,.â- .>:.v'v|ll5c; Cauliflower ................ 15c and up Asparagus, per bunch :^PW&2Sc.:und.50t: No.-1. Mushrooms, iim-ptic&ky'?^^^^ Fresh Beets, per bunch" .;.:.-,.r.v^.:v^^K^lc'" Carrots, per bunch .... .;>f .#:;1.5c ..White â- Turnips, per .bunch., tf |i?||||S^g;_.M Green Beans, per qt. .:..:. ..:v^;^i|J>^|j,20c California .Swee|:sOra^reife'^ :#â- *;..'& -•' •â- .^\^^^iw'^^;!i'r-if i^|$^/^^ 60c 40c, 50c wmmmmm 50c and ^^Torida^Oran^ sf^^fs and Winesap Apples, No. 1 Greening Apples, 3 lbs.'ii^â„¢ - i§ps*^ii ':.'â- 'â- â- :'â- â- '; V%X'". "-mm. .^i*^ ^ Meats, Poultry/ Game and Sea Foods We Invite Your Inspection iPSc.- Baldwin Apples, 3 m .||^^MHp|§ .: Roman Beauty Apples, 3 lbs..; for^^^aSe-::: :.BIue Goose. Grapefruit by the imM^J^Mi GrapeiruiU»6 for 25c, 3 for 25c, 2 for 25c 1189^ WILMETTE-" Avijmmm^ PHONE WILMETTE 27^IP' W WSIM' Mi*'""" ...... .),.,......4................... ;g|^ S^EOATEASTIK SAII^PllllY} H^p^r \mKÂ¥W*M YOUNG LEAN Pork Loins, lb. . 19c WHOLE OR HALF MILK-FED BtiiillliliSSl^M : Veal Leg, ibr|fI|fff" ' 'BONELESS StiSill!!! Veal:.Roa^|sIlliii|ic 'Ktl^iMif. LTAMQ ALL THE LEADING BRANDS n/\MO, WHOLE OR HALF :p?ppsa Native Pot Roast, 18c Veal Stew, E 12%c Rolled Roast Beef Rib 33c No Fat, No Bones nl'^^ Whole or Half m oacon, slab jwg Small Cala Hams, lb. 16c Beef Tongues, %!%£h m • m Oc 100 'S#t«gjffp WmSm Fresh Ffeh«^QsiiejG Foods at all times ISmlm ssss^ J|jt.:.|SsSvf m