9mnm*mmmmmmmmm mmmrmm ^""m^Hâ€"nâ€"iBBimmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm THE l^AKE SHORE ^^ M>M0®iMii>^f^?f<®>? Hauling to New Buildings Is to Township Roads Commissioner Sherer Review of Work Done on Highways during 1922 Br Trier H. H. SHERER (New Trier Highway Commissioner) Much of the Road and Bridge work of the New Trier township forces in the early part of 1922 was the result of a mild, open winter. Frost coming out of the ground in spring necessitated repairs in many cases so extensive as to approach new construction. , An example of this was Rheinwald avenue, which; for some time in the early spring, was nearly impassable despite the fact that the grader and drag were used extensively to keep the road in shape. To prevent a recurrence of this trouble the entire length of Rheinwald avenue, something over a mile, was graveled to a depth of six inches as soon as trucks could be used to haul onto the road. After several weeks use of the road the surface, which had compacted, was scarified, graded and rolled to take out waves and unevenness which had developed. Later in the summer a coat of oil was applied to the road with good effect as far as dust settling wentâ€"as is usual in such cases, however, the application of oil presented other problems, among them the ravelling and pot- holing of the roads, which necessi- tated putting on extra gravel and stone with screenings instead of pa- troling the road with a drag, as would have been done except that the dust and mud nuisance at vari- ous times were uncomfortable for both the residents along the road a»d- for the autoist as well. ~ Locust street, from Winnetka____ nue to Avoca road and Winnetka ave- jme, jand Winnetka avenue from Lo- cusT ^reef to the end of the paving in Winnetka were similarly treated except that new material was added only as repair and not as construc- tion material. Due to the constant hauling to new buildings on these roads and the destruction of the road surface by the forces laying water and sew- er pipes to serve this district, the Work of the township showed to very poor advantage. Traffic census figures showing character and amount of travel over these roads and taking into consideration their proximity to the paved area of Win- netka immediately adjoining, led the commissioner to believe that the only satisfactory solution at this point is the construction of a perma- nent pavement. The township, if approval of the County board, can be obtained, should probably stand a portion of the expense of such im- provement. Happ and Avoca roads and Harms road, Hohfelder lane and a portion MmMmm?MMM^mwaw!& SLIP COVERS Including Labor and Material sat.w mm Davenport faction lllllL til AA Ab.o- MHlfc|»ll«00 an1!eS~TrXllâ„¢ Also a Wonderful selection of im- ported OdVerlna-s at m â- tgemend- oua reduction due to our wide experience in the making of Cov- ers, enabling- us to Vive you sup- erior quality. Save 30% on your Automobile covers. Order direct 5 -in^-shoe? ^too4- GOLLIN BROS. Formerly With Mandel Bros. Call or Write 713 MAIN ST., EVANSTON Phone Evanston 6121 of county line received treatment with bituminous binder and either sand or gravel top dressing. These roads will all need great care during the coming season as, beside the usual seasonal traffic, the proposed construction.. work on LVake avenue, and Willow street will bring these roads into constant use for detours and the carriage of material for the new roads. Gook county is follow- ing the example of the township in extending the concrete from the western terminus of the concrete pavement now on Lake avenue, run- ning one mile west from the Bridge, Ao Waukegan road. The township Tilile was built by your commission- er without recourse to bonding or levying of a special tax. Build Second Mile Soon The money for the second mile of concrete road to be so built in the next three years has Men saved during--the-pa*t-twe-^re«r3rTs? now in the bank waiting for the receipt of bids. This.second mile is to be laid .on Willow road from Hibbard road to the junction of Willow and Happ roads. It will be built to conform to the latest state specifications, will be 18 feet wide and will have a con- crete bridge of modest .design over the Skokie creek, to be built at joint expense of county and town- ship. The township's portion of the cost of the bridge is now in the bank. The total cost of road and bridge will approximate $33,000 of which the township's share will be about $30.- 000. Winnetka avenue from Hibbard road west received a three Or four t? inch coating of washed gravel, used to take up and stiffen the clay sub- soil. Present conditions indicate the treatment has considerable merit in it, as use of this kind of material makes patrol work very effective, t Clean By Burning The weeds at the side of all Town- ship roads were kept down during the season. Instead *of cleaning the ditch bottoms and sides with shovels as has been done heretofore, a kero- sene torch was used in the dry fall days to burn out the weeds, leaves and other accumulations of the sum- mer. This method proved most sat- isfactory as it reduced costs, clean- ed thoroughly, was quick and had the virtue of cleaning without dis- turbing the surface of the ditchâ€"a feature which has caused some con- cern in the years past, as continuous RAZOR BLADES Mail us your old dull safety razor blades. We will sharpen them like new and mail back to you. Double edge blades...35c dozen Single edge blades... .25c dozen v Satisfaction guaranteed â€" 24 hour service. Give us a trial. Chandler's 4M * fbunttxirt Square •, ^ â- â- â- ' ' ev^MgyoM y .f: disturbance of the dirt in the ditches spoiled the grade and started erosion on, the sides of the ditch.' %v/,t-.fc%$$ The use of the state truifcr'^of hauling material, hauling graders and like work has effected economies in this line of work and given us the use of the trucks when they could be used to the best advantage. No new equipment has been pur- chased during the past year. All old equipment has been, kept in good re- TlMrttOM EVERY Um--:mm:f: â- â- The.. ships: that' sale tlw; s*ven";sieai.,g.'. bring from remote corners of thl ** globe materials which are used in th> ^A'siiS^ trie Company, the largest manufac- K turers of telephones in' the \v;ojld.m^aM vides those interesting â- iacts.^Mimfm^& Read the Want Ad* f MORTGAGE l-OAN TALKS^ Compare these features of our monthly payment mortgage with ^iry?|! other plan offered. :-^--^^^'^^m^^^^^i^m^M We' loan up to 65% of value on a first mortgage.' :":%M'MpM00 Privilege to pay $100 or more, without notice, each month. ^Pft^llli Interest reduced each,.month^~%$&v-â- tf^iffiP;*%$Kr; '-^": 'rM'f^-'xM^ Terms, five years (no renewal expense in three years).':"^-Wy^^Sllj Interest rate 6% (not 7%) and, best of all, it affords an easy and sf^ way to save. _- "Always, taking out of the meal-tub, and never putting in, soon cornea J to the bottom," as "Poor Richard" says. Iff vFnll,information;;cheerfully given.' -^W'ImJSS^ "lit" :f3!il Sill 6% George H. Taylor Real Estate Mortgage Co, Imperial Building, 312 South Clark Street Telephone Wabash 1240 ^nwrr-l^^MBM, .Chicago. ' "^^C^:^;:]'|'|'||| ~JTtr£Chicago Real Estate Mortgage Loan Correspondent li|l| The Prudential Insurance Company of Ajnerica^i^i^^S; . ••â- â- '"#) Newark,New Jersey;;/'.- â- /^:'^^%^^i^i$k dpi illfftf ft Wasn't Rheumatism "I thought the pains in my back were caused by rheumatism," said a woman who came into our store last week, "and for a month I've been dosing with as- pirin and rubbing on liniment. Today I went to the doctor and he said nothing was wrong but my shoes. And he pre- scribed Cantilevers." The Cantilever Shoe has ended many aches and pains caused by strained ten- dons, irritated nerves and the unnatural posture induced by artificial footwear. The flexible shank allows the muscles free play, eliminating any tendency to weak arches. It also promotes vigor- ous circulation, so that clamminess dis- appears. You enjoy a new sense of well-being, and walk or stand with easy grace, a stranger to fatigue. The Cantilever is such a good look- 529 DAVIS STREET Phone Ev. 6757 ivANst on Illinois proper fitting, we have X-Ray machine in our service to you without ~To~ insure installed an store. This charge. Our Cantilever Booklet Sent i on Request , i; PLANTffNOWf CASH and CARRY Big reduction to those who come to our nursery and get the stock. Freshly dug, roots not dried out. Nursery at LINCOLN AVE. AND PETERSON ROAD. Go South on Ridge Are^ Evanston, to north line of Rosehill Cemetery then west two miles to Nursery.":::;,{'.,,-.. Trees, Shrubs, Fruits, Vines 11':'/ For those who do not care to do their own planting we will DELIVER, PLANT and GUAR- ANTEE. Landscape plans prepared. ;:-;;3;^,t;;v|J â- Estimate* given. ^.....,â- â€",:-J.^|^li.- Phone or write our city oJficei|p;|W|' Time to do it now. â- '8i|l|ifl^| PETERSON NURSERY » 30 N. L. S.lle St. T«L Main 3*13 '"'ftfts" â- lilllff .SHUT w?$&^fl&i APPOINTMENT Announcement is made by C. H.Wills & Com- pany, Marysvitte, Michigan, of the appoint- ment of WERSTED MOTOR COMPANY, Winnetka, representatives of Wills Sainte Undertaker I am now in business for myself, conducting the ONLY undertaking establishment in WO- mette. Conscientious service is my motto. 1124 Central Avenue 1 IWilmette Phone Wilmette 654 Claire Motor Cars. Q We consider ourselves extremely fortunate in being selected to present this amazing motor car to its notable clientele. Q A score of basic advances automotive design, new precision of work- manship, Mo-lyb-den-um super-steel construc- tion, new grace of handling and thrilling luxury of riding, make the Wills Sainte Claire, we believe, the finest motor car in the <* world. Q You are invited to attend the formal showing of Wills Sainte Claire Cars, .'.,':'"; ---at--- WERSTED MOTOR CO. WINNETKA WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE mmm 'yf^w v:'-^.'};:;|;';; ^jlSSf?l8l'^Â¥lsfi • OCHAOj^ =~m ^>®|SIS|&^^S -JVH± ,ii&timjt£.4:i*U - i â- ifwtwfcjm i ima â- ^iVttii ^Pl'.' i'i iMhii\;ii«M^MililWiiiiih/;: liiMtf ^ i' n n