fi'SWs'liS'r"!",- |jnj'^ii^||»fftf^'â€""* **^?PW ^mmM-w-^ inp.^.pp.iflwimpppir iiiw-iwipwfpf"!'."!.'!!!?.! 7F*w7z th! tHr shore i^ws.^ â- j^'yJSite: ;Siil!p^fItS^ â- 'â- ; sssa: â- ImrX General Notices-g'^^ WffitoW^^Tt^JgS persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News, n * 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three papers. Black face type charged double MlC&teSâ€"-price. Average of five words to the line. Deadline for Insertions-Zvr&^T^^^^ Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 888 REAL ESTATE Very coay 6-R. Dutch Colonial with four bedrooms and sleeping -porch. 1 car garage. Beautifully wooded lot with all kinds of shrubs very attractive and homy. 1303 Gregory Ave. Price $13,500.00. Come and investigate at once. Attractive 7-R. Stucco home §lo- cafed a°t 229 9th St. Has din ng porch, hot water heat, possession May 1st. Home must be seen to be appreciated. Only $16,500.00. T-R; frame house all newly ^jxted and plumbing gone over. Walnut and oak trim, furnace heat. Boss. right away. Price $10,500.00. 7-R. Brick Colonial. 2 baths on second floor, ideal location. Price 184.000.00. . - , -? 8-R. house with sun porch in nice location. Poss. May 1st. Fur heat. Lot 50x175. New garage, beautifully wooded lot. Price $18,000.00. 10-R. house. 2 baths, all newly decorated and painted, large wooded lot. 2-car garage, a real bargain at $18,500.00. Will consider part trade tor vacant. »„*«», """" We have a bargain in a lot on Wilmette Ave. Come in and ask about it. We also have many other bargains in vacant property. Be snre to ask about our new subdivision. A. R. Eddington & Co. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil^ 640 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILMETTE__________ NEW~^RM. mrrcrr coiOTlaETlTv: rm. 12x25, 2-car garage. Lot 50x250. $11,000. 7-rm. frame, good west side loca- tion, $10,500. New 6-rm. stucco, sun par?or, h. w. heat, good n. e. location, $14,500. New 8-rm. semi-bungalow, 1 car heated garage. Vapor heat, $14,000. WINNETKA 7-rm. Kellastone. 2 tile baths, let 90x200. 1 car attached heated pa- rage, h. w. heat, good east si'7e lo- cation, nr. transp. and schools, bar- gain at $31,000. ,».,.» 7-rm, brick veneer, 2 tile baths. 2 si. pens., 1 car attached garage, va- por heat. Lot 65x132. Nr. trans')., $27,500. GLENCOE EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN 7-rm. frame, newly remodeled h. w. heat. Best residential section. Nr. market and transp. Price for quick sale, $11,000. Must have $3,000 cash. Wallace B. Clore, Jr., & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 1750 LTG22-ltc WASTEDâ€"TO RENT HOUSE WANTED TO RENT^rAPT., HOUSE- FOR SALE ANTIQraFOURPpSTBK, icpgping feUlt^-or--sinallIhojise^tor-^^------an&t^yt^T07m>>rsr-ti^ â€"iwbi-uij-t;- ~ "^rr^r-w«â€" »«« Windsor chairs, spindle bed, hooked rugs. Phone Graceland 3516.___ 6 LTG20-3tp months or longer. Phone Winn. 990 LTG21-tfc FOR RENTâ€"STORES FOR RENTâ€"WILMETTE STORES, business corner for display, from May 1st. Rent reasonable. J. C. Phillips. Agt. T1S9 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 2399. LTG22^1tp FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE, $600 PER month. 1206 Gregory Ave., Wilmette. L22-ltC R. M. Johnston & Co. Offer Specialty Attractive 5-room bungalow with two fine porches, one glassed in, tile floored bath. 50 foot lot, well located, only $9,500.00. Substantial 6-room stucco and - shingle, 3 blocks' to depot, large bright rooms, excellent condition, ♦11.000. , .n New brick bungalow, ready to move into, hot water heat, break- fast nook, tile bath built-in fixtures, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, lot 50 by 150, $12,000. 5-room solid brick bungalow, near "L" and lake, hot water heat, oil burner, breakfast nook, good lot, $15,000. Attractive and substantial 9-room ;* stucco in best central North East section, beautiful large library or billard room, sleeping porch 16 by (20 feet, extra lavatory and toilet, 2 1 open flreplaces^^gajag**^ splendid "WdedTIo^C«arvalue at $23,000. _4_ „Moder-n-8-room-stuGGO-w-ith-2"beau- Itlful glassed porches, 2 baths, white i enamel interior trim, very attractive J arrangement of rooms, hot water '• heat, garage, 62 foot lot with splen- I did trees in best North East loca- i lion. Let us show you this very j desirable property. „-A_,., Phones Wil. 68â€"444 340 Linden Ave. L22-ltc All My Vacant IN. WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE, located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth St., and Seventh St., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2\B1 2 with Riparian rights L 4 & 8 Bl 5 L 4 Bl 6 L 3-4 Bl 9 L 9-10 & 12 Bl 10 L 6 Bl 13 L 1 & 3_ Bl 17 and L 16 Bl 18. «' Seven Wilmette Agents to show them to you. JNO. P. GAGE, Box 2639 St. Peters- burg, Fla. LTG 20-tfc FOR SALEâ€"IDEAL 5-RM. BUNGA- lOw, finest conatruction, perfect con- 4 dition, glased pch., worth $12,000. ' Owner who has purchased larger i home offers at $10,000 to move quick. i Owner moved away, must sell ar- tistic 7 rm. home, built 4 years, best construction, ideal arrangement, ga- rage, dandy heavily wooded lot. Wonderful buy $13,000. Substantial 7-rm. home in finest N^, E. Section, ideal arrangement. Sun parlor, garage. $lSJMML_Qwjft£r. -rT£l5xTbus~to sell ThTsweek, and will ; cut price to buyer with 1/3 cash. Ideal 8-rm. stucco home, Ige. liv. i rm., canvassed walls, 4 sunny bed i rms., wonderful billiard rm., and heated pchs., 2-car garage, beauti- fully landscaped 100 ft. lot between â- i "L" and steam stations. Owner mov- I ing North has reduced price from ; $28,000 to $22.FOft IIME. BARKER & CO. End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wil. 407-40S L22-ltc ~â€"-See^^s^Foi UW. G. STACEY & CO. 3 * North Evantson Choice new 6 rm. Stucco, sip. pch., ^ Ige. front peh., vapor ht, comtnp- 1 sec, only $13 500. â- :t -c>2$ Wilmette #%f Fretty new 6 rm. stucco and shgle., I blt.-in sip. pch.. Ige. sun r»ior. water f hi. garage, 3 blks. "L" $15,500. I flood 7-rm., stuceo^4BFe7-4ivv-rm--»iTd- BUn plor., blt.-in slo. pch.. water ht, 4 blks. trains best cond,, $14,000. Winnetka ^Fretty^-rm. stucco? Wtr^-Trvrsuirfi, plorj, sip. pch., delightful kitchen ? With brkfast nook, blt.-in cabinets, I 4 blks. Lake, $15,500. i~'^<k â- â- â- â- â- + t: â- Glencoe - ;^aCho!cer1 remodelled frame, 6 rms., I ige. sip. nch., Ige. front pch.. water I ht;, lot 66x135, newly deet'd, good value. $11,500. $16 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 LTG22-ltc WB: flWILMETTE SPECIALS *i 7-Rm., large wooded lot, fine place, I;l'tun pa4., best E. side loc, very t^re*e_ terms, $18,000. 4?i 8-Rm." face brick, lot 50x200, h. w. heat, 1 year old, beaut, finish, | Sexcel. terms, $13,500. II 7-Rm., newly -dec, lot 50x150, | Sbeaut. trees, Ige. liv. and din. rm., f *flre pi., uorches, $12,500. f^ 6-Rm. Stucco, lot 50x295, shrubs, I fttfutt trees, etc., steam heat,» excel. filiation. $10,500. IIEVEY, DeLESS & Ca *2fi *tM St. Phone Wilmette 2794 Service Ymt Will Like ST GLENCOE, B-R. HOUSE, H. W. y^eat. $13,000. I * ?-4 acre properties, adj. Ind. Hill fsfcl'tb. below market. %'â- '%SMtg. well built brick home, 3 _ JMccks^lake -and- -trans., 4 -*t.â€"rnâ€"? ':* i|»»ths, toilet and lav. on 1st fir., | f|a>|a',*» frmnnrts. ffOTaMe gar.. $25.QQ/>, For $17,01?^"~yTnrcan tyuy an 8 ST 'M?;::#: iiiearly new stucco house, wooded 0:|5^:s|ipo»v^ jrtt' near trans >an«^ school. \, |f|if||^||-E*.E. Stulti Realty Co. â- -â- ' Phone Winnetka 180« LTG22-ltc _A Bargaiirr WR SALE, WILMETTEâ€"FINE L. :*(Bom house with sun parlor, 2 baths. *»ry good residential section in West â€"Wilmettey 34fe-blocks^fromnlenot. >an »e u«ea tor «>iie or two families, lot vBIH179. **ne trees, garage. Price $10,500. $5,000 cash will handle, call ........,.m F. A. Reid. 95« Linden Ave., Hubbard ___________ ig|»,^o^*,vjJPhOfie..Winn., 1300. .^ . Ml AldU CHOICK 7-R. STUCCO. EAST LOCA- tlon. wooded lot, rare bargain $13,500. New and modern, 7 room stucco house, hot w. ht., garage. Close to )akf. Only $9,000.00. Lots on Sheridan Road. Call for list of good bargains. The last lot left in Wilmette at the price of $25 per foot. Caslrreliuired $200. New and modern 6-r stucco. H. W, heat, large wooded Tot $11,500. 9-Room stucco, semi-bungalow, 3 i oojns on -second-floor, large wooded lot. 2 car garage, $12,500. ML L. MOODY & CO. End of "L", 511 4th St. Ph. Wil. 2248 LTG22-ltc WEST: 6 RM. COLONIAL ON LOT 75 ^177, garage „___^_____413JMUUU> ~ 5-rm. Stucco Bungalow on Lt. 50 xlP6, two-car garage $1O,;V0O.QO 6-rm. Brick Bungalow, Sun I-oreh. on Lot 40x160 $11,500.00 ^ 6-rm., 2-story Stucco On Lot 58x 330, Bargain $10,500.00 5-rm. and Sleeping Porch, "Hrick Bungalow, Cor. Lot 42x156, 2-car Garage $14,500.00 SCHAEFER & GOLBACH Ridge and Lake Phone Wilmette 364 Vscts LTG22-.UC FOR SALE, WILMETTEâ€"MODERN 6 rm. home, near "L", h. w. heat, all large rms.. fireplace. $2500 cash, bal. monthly like rent. Price $13,500. 7-rm stucco home, new colonial floor plan, h. w. heat, garage, deep lot with view of lake, $22,000. Modern 8-rm. home near "L", h w. heat, all large rms., deep wooded lot, attractive floor Plan. $25 O00. HILL & STONE Rind of "L" Wilmette L22 1tc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"2 PLEASANT FUR- nished rooms about 12 ft. square on second floor, near but not adj.. 3 blocks from station. Phone Winn. 415, exceot Sunday. LTG22-ltc TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, GOOD location, near transp^tattont^kit^ chen privileges, In WThnetka, $60 per month. Address Lake Shore News, A133.________ LT22-ltp FOR RENTâ€"NICELY FURNISHED, pleasant bedroom, gentleman pre- ferred. Conv. to trans., phone Wil. 1327.__________________L22-tfc FOIl RENT â€"4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms in Hubbard Woods home, adults. Garage. Phone Winn. Ifi4. LTG22-UC CENTRAL HOTELâ€"NICE, CLEAN outs, rms., steam heat, hot and cold rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St.. Wil. ______________________LT5-tfc LARGE? RM./ EAST SIDE HOME. able business Tnanrâ€"Wil. "844-, L22-ltc FOR RENTâ€"LOVELY FRONT ROOMS private home, east side, near trans., cafeteria and beach. Phone Wil. 1940._________L22-ltc FpR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM IN private home near transportation. Phone Wilmette 2713. L22-ltp FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Nr. all transT" LT5-tfc FOR RENT â€" PLEASANT ROOMS, board optional, conveniently located. Phone Wil. 904-J. _________L21-2tc FOR RENT __... . _. injr rooms. 1st floor, partly furnished. Phone Wil. 1327. L22-tfc HELP WANTEDâ€"KEMALE WOMAN FROM GROSS POINT OR vicinity of 16th and Lake Ave., to do housework, washing sent out, refs. two half days each week for 2 adults, 5-room bungalow. Phone Wil. 2657. .__,________________L22-ltc WANTEDâ€"-CAfPAPSLFTYOUNG WOMAN over 20 years of age, to care for 3 year old» boy several afternoons a week. 40c per hour. Tel. Wil. 1748. LT22-lt» WTD.â€"EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS, white, for three days, $4.50 per day, references, call Winn. 573-M. LTG22-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID. WHITE. PROTES- tant, for cooking, lanudry; and downstairs work, four in family. Phone Winn. 1523. LTG22-ltc WANTED â€" MALP_ JFQR -^GENERAL "housework, washing sent out, refs. required. Phone Winn. 1379. LTG22-ltc FOR BENT SPACE FOR RENTâ€"STORE AND OFFICE apace. «. F. Gonsalves. Phone* Wlna. 62. LTG22-ltc Bnfl gALKâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS went SALEâ€"B pc. velour mahog. liv- â€"ainWlTn. »et, like new. - OrlginftJ Srice $1800; will take^ $626. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone eve- nings and Sunday Wellington 9427; days. Superior 1011. L22-ltb *OK SALEâ€"MAHOGANY LEATHER sofa, baby wicker wardrobe, flreless cooker, 3 burner oil stove, brass andirons, small round tables, suit cases, chairs, dishes, rugs. Phone wfnnetka 250. LTG22-ltc FOR-----SALEâ€"OLD MAHOG. m«3 is.. pair of old slipper chairs, old Chip- pendale chair, braided rug, hand- wrought iron lamp, wing chair. Phoni Kenil. 2317. LTG22-ltc FOR SALE^-LARGE ICE BOX, PKAC- " tically new, gas stove, book cape, mahog. serving cart, few small chairs, reasonable. 611 Eimwqod Ave ______________LTG22-ltc FOR SALE-r-MAHOGANY KIMBALL player piano, with 38 rolls, $200. Also large hall-tree $10. Antique grandfather clock $20. 914 Central Ave., Wil. 1417. , LTG22 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SUCH AS chairs, rugs, dining room outfit* porch furniture, stoves, pictures. 503 Central Ave., Phone Wil. 295. L22-2tp FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS. Cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum- ber stoves. 808 Oak St., Winn. Tel. 1212.________________________J/TGa=t«t FOR SALE^â€"SUN PARLOR FURNI- ture, antique mahogany bed, large refrigerator, mahogany dining room set. Telephone Glencoe 878. LTG22-2tc FOR SALEâ€"CARVED BLACK BOOK- case, glass doors, $20; flreless cooker, $5; kitchen table with porcelain top, $5. Phone Winn. 1523. LTG22-ltc CHINA CLOSET, MARTHA WASH- ington sewing table, book rack, desk, all mahogony. Phone Wil. 297. LTG22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"2 BRASS BEDS, 2 BED- room sets and misc. hsehld. articles. Phone Wil. 1738. _________LT22-ltp Well furn..' conv. cafe, transp. Sult^ JFQRISALE^GAS-RANGEi-GOOD-GONâ€" " â- â€"«..-*« â€" dition $10. Phone. Wil. 1083. L22-ltp LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"SAT., MARCHU 17r BET WEBNH Evanston Woman's Club and Park Ave., Glencoe, Delta Gamma Anchor. Under call Glen. 689. LTG22-ltc LOSTâ€"A WHITE MALTESE POODLE. Answers to the name of "Fuzzy." Reward. Telephone Wilmette 610. L22-ltc LOSTâ€"CARVED SILVER WITH JET drop earring. Wil. 1684. $2.50 reward. Phone L22-ltc ____________________________ LOSTâ€"LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY. 3 LARGE HQIJSEKJSllE!-l==^ewArd*««^ ^ -'- - ' " Ask for Mr. Ernst. L2.2-ltp PIANOS TUNED Pianos Tuned, Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired L. W. FOSTER Telephone Winnetka 509-J AUTO FOR SALE SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE CHARLES H. MRETHOLD FIRE. LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE Flrwt mid Second Mortgage Loans MS Main Street Wilmette. IH. 7 Telephone 05 J^TG-iLOi-tfc FOR RENT Wilmetteâ€"brick bungalow, 5 rms., sip. pch., $100 per mo. Winnetkaâ€"7 rms., sun and si. pch, 2-car garage, h, w. heat, nr. schools. Wallace B. Clore, Jr., & Co. 1177 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 1750 LTG22-lt« L WANTJEDrrWASHING, IRONING^AND- cleaning by the day, Swedish woman. Phone Wil. 2486. LTG22-ltc EXP LAUNDRESS WANTS "WORK BY the day. Refs. Call Evanston 3261-W. â€"â- '-" L22-2tc Just Offered 7-PM STUCCO, 4 B. RMS.. GARAGE, wooded lot 50x187, Nr. school and Transportation, $13,000. Heinsen & Clark, Inc. 550 Center St. Winn. 254 _____________________________ LTG22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NEW DUTCH COLONIAL 6 large rooms, sun and slpg. porch, h. w. heat, price $13,500, located at 253 Linden Ave., Glencoe. Investi- gate this bargain. Owner on prem- ises. r LTG22-2tc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE _________ FOR RENT IN WILMETTEâ€"7-ROOM house, slpg., bkfst.f and large front porch, hot water heat, nice garden and lawn, for May first occupancy. 1614 Elmwood Ave. Phone Wil. 1873. :_________- __________________ LT22-ltc FOR RENTâ€"7-HOOM HOUSE FUR- nished, 3 porches, choice east loca- tlon.â€"TeL-Wtnnâ€"273. ^LTGgg^tfc l!Rv RENTâ€"7-ROOM HOUSE FUR- nished, June 1st to Sept. 15th. Phone Winn. 1469 LTG22-tfo WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENT FOR MAY POS ~ =J^Si^^^^^m^^S ^TL^AJâ„¢^^ .fAINTEBS. more*- Phone- Wil; tStft. ^L22-ltc WANTED TO RENT-^SMALL HOUSE or apt. for 3 adults.â€"Mrs. Gerald ~H. •^I^____L___° Sheridan Rd., Wilmette^ |=^j»hOite WH.-1473. . ^^L^1^22-Ttc WANTED TO RENTâ€"MODEST COT- tage or house; 5 to 8 rooms; electric; will consider any house. I. C. John, .Td22^1^ RESIDENT POSITION WANTED BY educated, cultured woman to assist in household. No heavy work. Exp- erienced, competent, trustworthy, fine seamstress, unincumbered. Please address letter, only, Mrs. M. L. Gleason, Gen. Del. Diversey Postal station L22-ltc YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WILL care for children afternoons. Can furnish references. Phone Wil. 1302. L-16-tfc EXPERIENCED WHITE wm/r_M{ â€"-wlsb/esHroTrmgTn^Teahlng first days of next week. Phone Wil. 1080. ___________.. _____ L22-ltc HELP WANTED MACE Salesman Wanted Somewhere on the North Shore is an experienced automobile salesman who can double or triple his present income as a Chevrolet salesman. Leads furnished, and full co-op- eration given. This is a Chev- rolet year. Come in and .*Jook into our proposition. It is a good one. •See 1464 Sherman Ave. Evan*ton 5700. LTG-ltc WANTEDâ€"EXP. GARDENER, GEN- S**1}}? useful, call Mrs. Douglas Smith, 915 Sheridan Rd., Hubbard Woods. _.____,__________3p& -Wer^ted MotorjCo., ^62 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. lff&. LTG22-ltc YOUNG MAN OVER 16, WITH Bi: cycle. Western Union TelegrjiithJSv 22-ltp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MAI- lanjjhcapb gardening and win: ^Pcea^Ttnarar^ Phone Wi«n, 32»x CADILLACS SPECIALS Cadillac Type 59 â€" 4 Passenger Phaeton, the popular sport touring. It has been thoroughly overhauled by us and repainted a dark maroon. Everything about this car is abso- lutely in first class condition. The tires are new. We will give a guar antee with this car as with a new one. Price $1850.00. Franklin 1921-9-B 5-Passenger Se dan in exceptionally fine condition. This is the low type sedan which has been overhauled and repainted #by us and can scarcely be told from new. The tires are all good. It is equipped with two bumpers, front and rear, extra tire and automatic windshield wiper. It is an exceptional bargain at our price of $1400.00. Series Five Mercer Five Passenger -Touring,-Dellvered-ncw in 1921v-Wg have put it in fine mechanical condi- tion and repainted it a very attrac- tive shade of marine blue. The equip- â€"ent inetudes bumpTerr molormeteTT spot 4ight, six wire wheels, six ex- cellent Kelly Springfield tires, steer^ ing wheel lock, stop light and shock absorbers. A real bargainaV$16J}Q,0Q. â€"Wffis- Str^ <Jlaire "1922 Limousine Sedan. This car was turned in to us by the original purchaser after using it for about one year. It is one of the most complete cars we have ever had in our possession and la in exceptionally fine condition me- chanically. The exterior finish Is very good. It is equipped with bumpers, front and rear, two new extra tires, seat covers, automatic winter front, stop light and two spot lights. We offer this car at a sub- stantial saving over the price of a new one. Our ' price $2000.00. Cadillac Motor Car Co. ! Evanston Branch 1820 RIDGE AVENUE Ev. 1091 Rogers Park 9610 OPEN EVENINGS LTG22-ltc FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES car, 1821 model.* 801 Ferhdale^Ave? Phone Wifc B651. *â- w 1/TQ2211« ^mw.:j ACCESSORIES Skokie Motor ^ I 712-714-716 Elm Street Authorized FORD Dealers :-ttP DANCING SCHOOLS HUSS1AN TECHNIQUE FANCY DANC- ing. Class and private instructions. $7.00 a term. Telephone Wilmette 1234. ___________________L19-ttc *'OK SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS We are exclusive North Shore agents for Iver-Johnson bicycle THE NORTH SUBURBAN ---â€"ELECTRIC SHOP 415 Linden Ave. Wilmette Tel. Wil. 2787. L21-TFC FOR SALEâ€"GARDEN TOOLS, LONG hose, porch furniture, day and .single bed, washing machine, gas stove, very little used, owner leaving town must sell immediately, phone Wil. 1873. ________________ LT22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"VARIOUS SHRUBS AND all kinds of perenial and' gladiolus bulbs at Perenial Garden, 1050 Oak St. Fhone Winn. 329._______ LT22-4tp FOR SALE â€" GENUINE AIREDALE FOR SALE â€" BEAUTIFUL PINK chiffon party dress, size 14. Never_ been worn. Call Wilmette 848. L22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SUNDSTKAND ADDING machine. Good as new. Only used about 3 mo. Phone Wil. 912-R. LT22-lte FOR SALEâ€"BOSTON BULL, ONE year old, children's pet, phone Wil. 1909. 329 Central Ave. LTG22-ltc FOR SALE â€" AIREDALE, CHEAP, for good home, housebroken, 2 yrs, old. 870 Foxdale. -_______ LTG22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"CHILD'S WHITE IRON crib and mattress, cheap, call Wil. 612. L22-ltc WANTED 1 vO Fill Vâ€" »llS«;El,/% % WOiiS WANTED For Saleâ€"Spring Bargains Dodge tour., late 1010, excel, cond. Overland "83" tonr., repainted ^J!!!^!i!!2^t^toS-,W1J2J^-Iep*i5Jed o-ciock v. m., at tne village. WERSTED-MQTOR-€Or- "S^z=*^^STSS^t^ Winnetka, 111. Phone 165 LTG221tc FORD CHASSIS. DEMOUNTABLE Rims, Wheel lock, oth connecting rods; good ruhber, also covered steel delivery body. All for ISO. C. F. Hess, 1335 Gregory Ave., Wilmette^ â- .______ - LTG22-ltc __JtOJSEEr- ______________________ M*h, -many- .extras, has been carefully driven, will demonstrate. Herbon's Garage. Phone Wil. 21. Mr. Hess. LTG22-ltc FOR SALE~^ADILLAC^4-PASSBNff ger Phaeton, 1SH8, car in excel, cond.. 3*^^o*d_ffiBSK^naia3fc owner? Call -Winn. 1203J rfvatiF LT022-ltp Moving and housecleaning time wilf soon be here. Have you any artieles to dispose of suitable for Rummage Sale? Will call for same. Phone Wilmette 2289. L22-3tc Wanted to buyâ€"second-hand furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St.» Evanston. Til., Phone 189. LTG14-tfc UT FELLâ€"DEALER IN iNKW Aw~ used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave. Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTG-16-tfc WANTED â€" MEDIUM SI5ZI3 GRAND piano or will Keep one for privilege of Using, with best care. Call Glen- coe 557._______________ LTG22-ltc I WANT TO BUY A BABY STROLLER inâ€"good condition:. Telephone Glen- coe 361.______•*"=" LTG22-ltC ~TOra~T MOVINGâ€"PACKINGâ€"SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ckalrs and Table* for Rent Iredale Fireproof Warehouse Phone Evanston 965 ' Wilmette 1382 Winnetka 1332 LTGlO-tfc ^^GO IN BUSINESS Chicago^T^ompany" requires man to take charge of manufacturing their product in this territory. Earnings from $30 to $40 daily. $300 to $600 cash required for equipment. Tell what "you have done. Wire or write. Manager, 1804 Mailers Bldg., Chi- ------- -.TG cago. LTG22-ltc SIX BOOKS OF THE WOMAN'S LI- brary given free to each person purchasing "The Book of Good Man- ners," price $3.00, check or money order. Herbert Erickson, 3616 N. Hamilton Ave., Chicago. 111. LTG22-ltp WOULD LIKE BOARDING PLACE for 6-year old son in C. S. or Protes- tant home. Call Winn. 1014 before 9 a. m. LTG22-ltc NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing to be held by the Board of Appeals of the Village of Wilmette on Wednesday, April 18. 1923, at 8 o'clock P. M., at_theJVJllagjeiJEIalV-Wil-- mette,â€"forâ€"the~npurpose of affording all persons that may be interested an opportunity to be heard on the ques- tion xpf amending the Zoning Law comprehending a reclassification of Lots 01 to 77H both inclfisive, in Mc^ Gili^e^a?di^°^r s_~Oakwood subdivision of Wilmette, otherwise known as the Block fronting on Main Street extend- ing from Oak wood Avenue to Isabella -or^Ind uswfaTIareju^-_- -Coples'""6f~TEe^ tentative report and ordinance embodying such change may be had upon application to Village Manager C. C. SchuUZi^x-^-^^^ ^Date^^ar^WIlinetie this thirtieth Day of Majah-J>^4Vf!>%â€"-^rrr== K5XRD OF APPEALS ^^ by. §., ,j. Nordorf, secretiftry^