:m m®&® GIVE PRIZES IN KIDDIE KONCERT Children To Compete In Poster Contest Kiddie Koncertist Nursery inhabitant* brought to school hall in many a song and jingle here April 14. A first prize ofr$t$ and a second prize of $10 are offered by Paul T. Gilbert of the Chicago Evening Post for the best posters designed by boys or girls of any of the north shore schools announcing the "Kiddie Koncert" to be given at the. Skokie school Saturday morning, April 14, by Use Forster, interpreter of chil- dren's songs. Full information will be supplied by Mr. Gilbert on writing to him at 12 South Market street, Chicago. The posters wilUte judged by a com- mittee to be appointed by tfte school au- torities, and will be placed on exhibition before the concert. Miss Forster comes to sing about gin- gerbread boys, big brown bears, Japan- ___egg-dollies, and other-subjeets-dear to the child heartâ€"and to the hearts of the grown-ups, as well. She will sing a group of Chinese folk songs in a costume once worn by an empress of old China. In other groups she will appear as Daffy-Down Dilly and Bo-Peep, and those who have heard her say that she is like a delightful Mother- Goose character stepping from the pages of a book to sing the songs the children love. An evening program will be given by Cyrena Van Gordon, -prima donna of the Chicago Opera company; Miss Fors- ter in costume numbers; and Harold Ayres, violinist. This will be the only opportunity of hearing Miss Van Gordon until the next operas-season in November, when she will again sing Brunhilde in "The Valkyire," Amneris in "Aida," and the Spring Fay in "The Snow Maiden." AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Highest Quality Warded Moto^Jjo^J none Winnetka 165 mm Use Forster Read the Want Ads FORD ACCESSORIES Skokie Motor Co 712-714-716 Elm Street f Winnetka g| Authorized FORD Dealers urn Hi»»»u»»m»mn»Hmm»nii»m NEW REPAIRING TIN SHOP CLEANING PAINTING Gutter*, Spouts, Skylight! and Metal Work Tile, Slate and Leaky Roofs FURNACES and REPAIRS A. C. WOLFF YOUR FIRE MARSHALâ€"WHY NOT YOUR PURNACB MAN PREVENT PIRBS your Fiirnace and Pipet are safe and properly repaired Shop 1124 Greenleaf Avenue Phone WUmette Rear 198 or 296 B ervice Every man's one great prin- ciple in life should be^to be of Service to others. The same principle holds good for business institutions. That is how this Bank has grown ...._: â€"by rendering prompt and effici- ? } J ent Service. .â- "'" ""v "*': May we solicit your patronage? vr of Wflmel^ s Member ^of-the FederaTIReserve Bank :*Pf:!' tffllif W'^^Mi^0y^^^^^^^0^^t^^^^^^^^ Struggling alotier on a fraction of the riioney it Should ifltflf haveâ€"fighting desperately to give the Citizens of Wilmette a library ||||^p service ir^ keeping with the importance of the yillage^--priining an$ scrimping to provide the books that Wilniette's children need and must haveâ€"the Wilmette Public Library calls to you for help^Jl The recent drive for funds was disappointingâ€"the §<M wmm'ZB â- -..â- â- â- ' '-.*fiV - response was far short of the figufe anticipated and required. While grateful fqr the help received, and thankful to those who did thei| duty faithfully, the plain truth is that the srupport was nofelwhat should have been giteh to ah %ducationkl mstitutibn like th#tibrlry> The question ridlvris, what are you going to do aboiit it? What are You going to do about it? . f *i0M§&Â¥i iSsSitslSsi ®$S Hi' :§|||§§f|i Faith in the loyalty of Wilmette's citizens an<l business men to its schools ajid allied i^$titW|io|^s^ strong. When |>u|^|pga and equipment were needed, they have been;pr ovidedliberally^ And yet this library of ours, an important factor in the educational facil- ities of the village, has not been provided for with the generosity to which it is entitled. It has not been maintained at the efficiency re* quired oy a prosperous, healthy, growing-, reading conimuhii^LiMH Do notlblamethe library board. What it has accomplished and is accomplishing today, is nothing short of marvelous. It has done a wonderful work for you ^nd your children. Now, what are YOU going to do about it? Here is an opportunity to helpâ€"^ money'in good, clean amusement." <'^ ^M:p.i ^â- â- [^^^^^^^^ The NORTH SHORE PLAYERS, under tli^irectixiir of Jessie Royce Landis, management of Sidney Spiegel, JrV will present one of the greatest comedies ever stagedâ€""THREE LIVE GHOSTS,"â€"in the auditorium of Byron C. Stolp school, Thursday evening, March 22nd, 1923. Buy tickets! Buy now! Buy liberally! For your dollar you will see a better show than you can see in the loop for the same price, and you will be helping a public institution that needs your helprand is entitled to it. The performance is sponsored by Wilmette Improvement Association, and every penny accruing* to thisj^rgahization will be given to the Wilmette Public Library. All the talent and all the work is furnished free. Expenses only are paid from the receipts. There isf one idea, and one onlyâ€"to help bur library. CURTAIN PROMPTLY AT 8:15 Secure tickets at once from the Library, Parent-Teacher Associations, your favorite S»(:: ' ptlll lit! INK mm Kr w jpl it WSm m4iS mm- ^^^"â- â- ' flit 'kWitk-S-ii-im lUflttl