^WM®m> IMtAKJSHORE NEWS. FRIDAY^ MARCH 9, 1923 HELP LIBRARY! CITIZEN'S PLEA Asks Contributions of Books, Money BY ALBERT A. McKEIGHAN (President, Wilmette Improvement As- sociation) In its public^fbrary the village of Wil- mette has an asset that should be guarded as jealously as its school systemâ€"and supported as liberally. No other agency can perform its functions. It is the con- necting link between the school and the homeâ€"the source from which the stu- dent body secures its reference books, as well as the classics and fiction that must supplement the regular text books. In- deed, the library occupies the position ot *n efficient handmaiden of the schoolsâ€" an educational institution that could be dispensed with only at great cost to the entire community. Funds Needed Now What would you say to the person who would come to you and suggest that the library be closed permanently, ^or its equipment cut in half? Certainly your answer would be that closing would not be considered for a moment, and that re- duction of equipment cquld_jiQL_bejy--n a thought. While there is %o danger of the former disaster, the second is a very serious reality, due to the rapid increase of population and consequent increase in school attendance. The effect is exactly the same as though population and requirements had remained the same, and library equipment reduced one nail, or approximately so: Need More Books The Wilmette library is not now at the point of efficiency that the village re- quires. It has not the number of books Ser capita that it should have. It has Sot the financial resources to keep the library in step with the growth of the Vilw!Sn one considers the splendid work now being done by the Library board wUh the limited means at its command, he cannot but wonder what miracles that capable and loyal body could accomp- lish with even a moderate amount of n,0ney* Must W.ken To Need. . . The time has arrived when the citizens of Wilmette must awake to the needs of this institution, which is so ^P0^"1 a factor in the educational life of the vil- lage Few people can supply the book* Grace Forbes Frocks Making Remodeling Exclusive Models Room 217, Hoyburn Bldg. Davis Street, E*__»t©_ Tel. Evanston 7467 it you to the and the pay that children require, and the hbrai must be so equipped that the facilities fc. reference and good, healthy reading ar< at a maximum and not a minimum Means must be found to provide whal it now lacksâ€"the money necessary to i growth commensurate with the needs. The Library needs your help! Give liberally^-at every opportunity. It y have books to spare, turn them over the librarian, that others may get good of them. Support it, morally financially, whenever you bave chance. It is an investment that will you well. TODNGMT LECTURE TOPIC Gilbert Loveland Speaks Here Sunday BY OBSERVER All fathers and mothers, aunts and uncles, grandfathers and grandmothers, will be interested in the lecture, "The Young Idea," to be given at 5 o'clock in the First Methodist Episcopal church of Wilmette, Sunday, March 11, by Gilbert Loveland. The children, too, will enjoy the talk, for the lecture is illustrated by beautifully colored slides, showing the charm and the mischief and the promise of their little comrades from every land. The purpose of the lecture is not to tell what children should eat, or wear, or how they should act. It is just for the pur- pose of showing them as they are, appeal- ing, as children always are, and full oi possibilities for good, and evil. The two hundred pictures and the stories that go with them, form an interesting summary of the kiddies of the world, and of the place in the world which they must oc- CUMany of the slides were made from photographs taken all over the world bv S. E?rl Taylor, member of the Regal Photograph society, London, lne pic- tures Ihemselves, and the workmanship on the slides, are unusually fine, lhey are of the kind used in the very hne travel talks. Their clear, accurate, and FORD ACCESSORIES Skokie Motor Co 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers rvlbeautiful portrayal of the worlds chil- h^hdreji make this lecture a splendid means for making the acquaintance of these lit- tle ones and of their prospects m the future. _ . . c Remember the date, Sunday evening, 5 o'clock, Auspices Young Women s Mis- sionary society of the parish. THE ATLAS OIL BURNER Gravity feedâ€"no noise, no dust, no ashes. Ten years in successful operation North Shore Sales Agency i â- â- â- • * »25 OnrnTAvsa »e ; *«â- â- â- â- iiâ€"wi»i»â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- »__w» â€"mmm Phone Wilmetra 2302 Purnell Roofing Company Open Branch in Wilmette The Purnell Roofing company, special- izing in asphalt built-up roofing, has es- tablished a branch at 1177 Wilmette ave- nue with H. S. Board in charge of the local office. , The company, according to Mr. Board, originated the patented method of lay- ing Jouns Manville Flexstone and the Richardson Flextile roofing over old wooden roofs, said to the only method which allows the roof to lay absolutely flat.__________________-----------< Are You a Member? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Established 1906 J. G. STANTON Wilmette Branch Mgr. North Shore Hotel, Evanston 6400 1-4 Million Cash Returned by auto insurance de- partment in 1922 "SIXES DO BEAT FOURS" Jewett Sedan, delivered . f^'^ Jewett Touring, " ,. MWMO ;r " Paige Sedan, ;;. . gg5.00 Paige Touring, " .• $2595.00 SALESâ€" "NONE BETTER "-SERVICE TRACY HOLMES 1027 Davis St. Tel. Evanston 4903 Ul^ mm :$f?P' q -f laza Jeweler- LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL EVANSTONâ€"â€"~ THE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ^^^nent^&^waiehesr^ocks^andriewelryrâ€" AUTOMOBILE PAINTING OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY WERSTED MOTOR CO. PHONE WINNETKA 1«S ltl,235.00 F. O. B. Toledo $525.00 SALES-ROOM 1549 SHERMAN AVE. Phone ETMitOB 140 C. H. BRIGGS SERVICE-STATION 1S24-26 SHERMAN AVE. Phone Evan-ton 748 Abemrtiful painting is seen to Hie best advantafeonly when adequately framed* and placed in the best light cIhe AMPICQ admitted by the musical world to occupy Ae supreme position* in the field of iiv terpretsng instruments, is heard to tie best advantage only when Teamed, in M of 'tone perfects its marvelous interpretations, BISSELL'WEISERT 26 SOUTH MICHIGAN -WE.