m^i^^^^M-"â€" **m^: â- ^**y'â„¢,iwi iliiP THE kAKB SHORfe NEWS, FKlDAVy MARCH 9. 1923 PIONEER CADETS SHOW SKILL AS THESPIANS The Pioneer Cadets, an organiza- tion of boys of St. Augustine's Episco- pal parish, last Saturday presented a farce-comedy entitled "Si Perkins' Watermelon Patch," with the follow- ing cast appearing in the production- Silas Euripides Perkins......... •.....•••â- â€"••• Steven Harwood Ifalnaldal his daughters ....... f George Pattison (Preston Read Rastus Rainbow J , . Sambo RainbowJ brothers ...... (Harlow Pyfer 1 Harry Mouat City Attorney ........ Wallace Miller The County Judge, Robert Cochrane Town Constable...... Jack H. Leach Jurors... .members of the Junior com- pany of Pioneer Cadets. f ' The cast comprised the officers of the Senior company of Pioneers and was highly commended by the large audience. Steven Harwood displayed marked ability for a junior actor and Jack Leach played the part of the con- stable with genuine skill. These parts were the lead through the entire plot, but the Other members of the ca$t worked in splendidly, making the comedy a well balanced production. lhe^ play was given under direction of Qapt. P. L. Herringftjon, leader emeritus of the Cadets. Proceeds from the play will be di- rected into the funds of the Pioneer Cadets. The A-O-Ki-Ya Camp Fire held a ceremonial meeting at the home of Me- dora Bright on Thursday, March 1. Jean Evers was elected to fill the office of president, made vacant by the resignation of ?uth, Rockwell. The group is going ta the Episcopal church cabin, two miles west of Glencoe, Saturday, where they will partake of a picnic lunch if the weather permits. Ph. Wilmette 1046 404 Gregory St. TEACHER OF VOICE Mail Actress «/•â- »•• Given Beginner. Yâ„¢9 «â- «â- « Fine Arts Bldg., Specie! Attention Chicago ,..:;^'.' ;: Room 510, ,:~::~ North Shore Properties 513-4th Street Wilmette Phone 1304 A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop. i .irij>iJWB>,.-:'. HOW IfeStock IHe famoiis "'i $-4:0! :-%%ii^M^' SWl 1^ - â- â- â- mm B. wmwm LOVEKIN Bought in our current sale obtain for buyers -the lowest possible price and as the appliances are installed without cost a saving amounting to more than $25 in each case. CWe have had to largely ^^ ^.w, - JggilSge Jj»3, number 0$ Lpyekins ojrigin- ally ordered, but we advise action. Terms of payment $10 down and $10 a month \ Demonstrations at our Gas and Electric Stores, Evanston 911 Church Street, Telephone 3900 Our Wilmette customers may reach our Evantson Stores or any Department in our Evanston office through phone Wilmette 58. * - Public Service Company of Northern Illinois -â€"- A A.S.VanDeuse SELLER OF GOODJOODt llSSlil ^Meat Telephone 514 l DISCOUNT WtioruuA Profit Good.. 5% Discount or more of Cash, and delivered.'J0. .2% Discount ^:^T1>«s(B;^4ft::!SnPt.;' applyS'toir-Meat;" ^pemrmm nm Phone Wilmette 2600 721 Main St.: Wilmette. PI EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE g We are pleased to find that our washing service is gaining popularity daily. We wash cars day and night, but even then the number is limited to about 10 in each 24 hours. If you wish your car washed for Sunday or any other definite time, phone us or come in and make an appointment as early as possible.________________ ARMOUR'S STAR'HAMS. ., ^^^M^^^^^W^ Whole or one-half. lb. .M^^^^^^^^^S^ FANCY LEGS OF SPRING LAMB lb .,.,-.:.;, c ;-">.%i^Vv BUTTER"' 'â- â- ' 'i 'Z--^â€"^^.....^->::v;::v,^- . Fancy Elgin Creamery, lor table, lb......_____...... ;.:..;..'..'.'.:.'.'..",:v.Y^f iifcSlllf CHEESE .:â- -^:r-:.....:: ::4^:-~;x.ir......r^k^llll^ White Cloud, Sprague, Warner A CpV* finest quality of highly flavored American .. .coffee ;"; v . WMmM\ l':MiMM:WSWWi}::; 'r" ' " â- â- â- v&^^^v*^*^^^sv'msi Roast Santos, exceptional value â- ^â- •J:^^^U&^^ SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP ^"^^§M 10 bars .-....,..........;..'..â- .......... ^::.W^W^.tV. - - - - - -'-': ^m^-ymmmBmmm FAIRY WHITE FLOATING TOILET SOAP ti:r^*W? 10 bars, .,..â- ............v-.-,^.^^^^. ,,-..'> i .v.. ;..Vt-.';Vy. SUNBEAM JELLY.;, â- ;;â- :/•• Red Currant,, Crabapple, Pure, large 10 oz. tumbler. Doz. $2.75. Each CRACKERSâ€"National Biscuit Co. You can save nearly 50% by buying crackers and wafers in Premium Sodas lb. ....... Graham Crackers, lb. iivi Ginger Snaps, lb. .......... ^.Lqrna Doone, lb% ......... JFig Newtons, TbT . V........ -Vanilla Wafers lb......^.... Marshmallow Pecans, lb. .. Meat Department Native Pot Roast of Beef, very Hfebest, lb........____....... 20c Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak lb............................ 22c Kerber's Squares of Bacon, lb. 16c .18c 18c 20c 30c __ 23c Gorton's Boneless Codfisn, 1 37c .. 23c .. 22c AND box Ib~ 35c SUNBEAM FRUIT SAlJiD-mm Fancy quality, assorted iruitOof^ 5 salad. Large No. 2% can, dozen j" $5^5. Can ..........;.;.... 4§c REDWOOD ALASKA SALMON , Extra .quality, No. lUf all can, dozen $3.65. Can ...Hv..... 32c GOLDEN EAGLE J»EACHES^ai ^hiiTliieludes ^BfWrlifig out the interiors. »d \^ara 'â- â- â- «â- * • Closed Cars....... Fords, all types^^. . ,...$2.00 ......$2,50 .... .$2.00 This Includes Brushing Out the Interiors J. C. Slown A B. Van Deusen BAKING POWDERâ€" Rumford's, 12 oz, can .... Dr. Price's, 12 oz. can ... RICHELIEU MACARONI SPAGHETTI â€"The finest qualityâ€"and a 12 oz. pkg., 2 pkg. ....... SKINNER'S MACARONI SPAGHETTI 7 oz. pkg................... CEREALSâ€" Cream of Wheat, pkg. ..... Richelieu Rolled Oats Large 3 lb. pkg............. Small 1 lb. pkg............. Battle Creek Corn Flakes, pkg .......,..................9c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg.......................,12%c CHEESEâ€" Wisconsin Brick, lb........ 35c Young American, lb........37c Krafts, Pimiento and American Cheddar, 4 oz. can .......... lie RICHELIEU CATSUPâ€" Large, 16 oz bot........-----25c RAISINSâ€" large- ...25c AND 22c 23c Ilk : DATESâ€". • :0 ' â- " -^ :â- â- Black Fariii:;"'iDi'"..'.".V::.v.vT.. 25c JUMBO SALTED PEANUTSâ€" lb...........................; 2Sc JUMBO PEANUTSâ€" â€"^n-sliell, fresh roasted, lb....24T -RicheKettr^eeded, If oz. pkg. 18c Sl MIXED NUTS Almonds, Brazils, Filberts, Pe-^ cans and English-Walnuts, only! lb........................... 22e BROOMSâ€" Canary Cottage, well made, fines broom corn, each........... 85c CANDLESâ€" ':~ Wax. 8 or 12 in box, white or any color. Box :. .77. .7... GOLD DUSTâ€" Large, No. 4 pkg........... KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" 10 large cans.............. LUX SOAP FLAKESâ€" Pkg......................... JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAXâ€" 1 lb. can, solid............. .57c Pint bot., liquid ......... . 50c CCEDAR FLOOR OILâ€" _ Large 12-oz; bot. [:.'.\\*T7... 9ma "Bmmm â- 'â- â- 99M vmmmmSc &Sm â- " mm-}-, ISflllv:." mmm MMipm :m mffii mm Yellow free, large No. 2% carfsf- ^pi :, % -heavy syrup, doz. $3.90, can 32Vfec ^^^" peaksâ€" ^v>' . zwA^m+m'm^m^mk K Large No. 2% can, doz. ^WM* ' can ....................x* 37V4c MONSOON ASPAJUCUSI^^^ POINTSâ€" ' SlfilllilS ^Fafl«y, whitertender Nt>r^-sqttare-? ) can. Doz., $4.50; can 77^7.37H« SUNBEAM COUNTRY GENTLE- MAN SWEET CORNâ€" If The finest, and one of the mosf * popular packed at extra special price. Doz. $1.85, can 7iv.....Ifc CARMELO SWEET GARDEN M PEASâ€". . . :?#: Very sweet and tender. Doz. $2.00 - can RICHELIEU SIFTED S»»^ WRINKLED P£AS~^ One of the fincsli-â- :;â- $; ' "line. Doz.-&^w:Xk:'M: PLYMOUTH r TQMATC ^::/^Â¥::m Exti Ml Richelieu, seedless,J5-oz-pkg.48e- RICHELIEU PURE MAPLE SYRUPâ€" Deliciously Flavored, qt. ... 90c PRUNESâ€" Santa Clara, 40-50 size,r'tb.'~.. 20c Santa Clara, 20-30 size. ° The largest and The wonder aluminum TFrGSâ€"T"â€"^~~ - Extra --fancy, Turkish, lb. large 7 crown ...38c pkg................,....... PEACOCK SILVER POLISH 8 oz. bot.................. PLYMOUTH ROCK TUNA You will find this to \>tf««««««t quality__and a rare No. %^can7:doz. $2J0C DINES ' In olive oil, % Large can . . '^i^