MUSIC STRESSED BY LOCAL CHURCH Baptists Outline Ambitious Program THE LAKE SHORE NEWS,'VMDWMM&lWjtftt In accordance with plans being- vigorously projected by the Tenth An- niversary Celebration committee of the Wilmette Baptist church, the musical life of the church is devel- oping with more than ordinary prom- ise. The committee recently appointed to select and contract for a pipe organ for the church is reported well on the way to taking final action in the whil^ t£a" 7lstrument »«<*, mean- while, the Wilmette Choral society diittL^ Y'fi Haas *"d under 7e t»»*un °- 3*â„¢* h Munson, is ffSfiIy en"c£lnS the morning wor- f£°rl °f ,the <:hurch on Sundays. \^H?-Jr ?rraI SOCIety now has a mem- bership of forty, and besides the reg- ular work it is doing for the^undaV services, has been, since early in Jan- uary, rehearsing Stainers' "Crucifix- ion to be given at the church Friday evening, March 30. This will be the second special program the societv has given in its brief but remarkable career. Reserved Seats Only For "Pomander Walk" Comedy Reserved seats only, will be the plan of the New Trier High School Dramatic club in its presentation on March 17 of "Pomander Walk." There are to be two performances, • i -••--------- - ^ ________________^ --------- â€",, .u uv iwu ycilunuances, I"""......I,""M"".............'.....*"â- ""'.....'......,"""l"»"'"1.......»»'»»""'"»'M.l..„,,„IH,,„m.H„„,H„„„„„„...........„„„„„„.......,.........„„„„„„„,£ 1 ROBINSON'S RESTAURANT ' ----------------!â€"------1122 Central Ave. . 50c . 80c $1.00 | Lunch, 11:30 to 1:30.................... | Dinner, 5:30 to 7:30.............. | Sunday Dinner, 12 to 3 p. m...... I Steak or Chicken.......... | DINE and DANCE I | Service Table* De' Hote or A la Carte I gtMllllllllttWIttltltlltlllllllHHIIMIItllllMIIHIIIIMNIlllllllWlimittlllMMIIIIIIIIIIimiltH one at 2:30 o'clock and another at 8 o'clock. . v Leading parts in "Pomander Walk" will be taken by George Martin, Mary Mills, Gertrude Smith and Dick Steele. 517 W. Railroad Ato. STERNER'S Decorator* Wall Peper "^st«IeIS|| Window Shad«, Hanging* BE PROUD OF YOUR RUGS There's a certain kind of pride that's very good to possess, the kind that makes you take an inter- est in the way your home looks. You will reveal the right kind of pride if y6u let us clean and repair your rugs this spring. Our work is highest and prices reasonable. ARAM K MESTJIAN TeL Wilmette 1949 607 Main Street ^^..^..^....^^WlmteMBt 111. When you visit the ADVERTISING EXPOSITION see our display. BwatWtMWm^W^ STANDARD O F T H E WORLD Announcing A National Standard of Costs for Cadillac Service Parts Effective February i, 1923, service parts for Cadillac cars will be sold throughout the United States at a uniform rate, ^without *war tax, freight or handling charges. The creation of this national standard of costs represents a substantial saving to Cadillac owners and marks another step in Cadillac's policy of giving to its clientele maximum value in every phase of fine car ownership. CAD CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY . CHICAGO BRANCH Division of Qeneral Motors Corporation EVANSTON SALES AND SERVICE • 1820 RIDGE AVENUE STANDARD O F T HE W O R L D FORD STORAGE Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka -AulboiizelJEXIRJOJDgaigrs_ EXPERT OPTICAL REPAIR WORK Emerson, the philosopher, said "Perfection is made up of trifles, but perfection is no trifle."-------- Our optical repair depart- ment7^while~inctudi ngr~many seeming: trifles, embraces per- fection in all its branches. Whatever your require- ments, we, will quickly and satisfactorilyattend to them. Our Repair Work •'â- â- It of Superior Quality. Dr.O.H.BERSCH __l__Optometrist _r Formerly Mgr. OptPbept. CD. rea- cock, Inc. ^1177 Wibaette^Aver- JFor Appointment Phone Wil. 27M Residence Wiin:<stte 1707 â€" Women and Young Women of Wilmette and Yicinity~are inmtedto attend a ion of Gossard Corsetry together with a Style Show of Spring Ready-to-Wear Garments and Millinery Thursday, March 15th, 2:30 P.M. â€" _ Village Theatre, Wilmette IZ Tickets May Be Obtained Free of Charge at Our Store The McAllister-Wcn-then Co. 1146 Witmsttc Amrz^=^Wilnmm ytf:M^fSjfjjMfj mm