14 THE T.AKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. MARCH 9, 1923 LIBRARY SQ. IS FINE SHOP AREA Exclusive Loop Shops Mov- ing North Concrete and frame construction ot the Orrington hotel, Library* Square, Ev- anston, by Victor C. Carlson, has reached the fourth story and a story will be added every four days. The first typical floor has been reached and progress will double that through the first levels, which include the main floor with its banquet hall, street level and ser- vice room, the grand lobby and banquet The shovel first entered the ground January 12 and the speed with which Mr. Carlson built the Library Plaza Northwestern university music school and Studio building became apparent. The basement and first floor called for extremely painstaking planning in) the structural engineer's-department, Design- er Sainton's plans reveal. Each store room and under structure is built for the line of merchandise that will be carried. Space has already been leased in the stores. Launched by Library Plaza Library square has already jumped for- ward as an exclusive shopping center with the erection of the Library Plaza and the accompanying antique English shops at the corner of Church street. Plans for the square has attracted many of the proprietors of even Michigan ave- nue exclusive shops and it is possible Ev- anston may become the new exclusive shopping center of the Chicago metro- Sjlitan district, rivaling perhaps even the oul' Mich. When Mayor Thompson built the boulevard link bridge the generations old iron throttle around the "Loop" was burst open by sheer pressure of the strug- gling mass compresed within it. The Wrigley building raised its glit- tering tower and a great building drew enough to more than fill its office,? and enough to make business in its bank and shops pay. Shop keepers saw the oppor- tunity in opening exclusive shops where there is parking space. High buildings •prung up over night and a shopping zone sprung up between the grandeur of the Drake hotel and the newly erected Wrig- ley tower. The Chicago Tribune now boasts that it will erect the most beautiful building in the worldâ€"not within the "Loop- but on upper Michigan avenue. Wng- ley's building is being matched and other plans are underway. The exclusive shops are deserting the loop and nothing is to prevent them from seeking Evanston. Evanston presents the market for the best and a people prosperous enough to afford the best. Library square's ambi- tions are high but not impossible. B. F. Goodrich Official Buys Wilmette Residence Harold J. Palmer, of 1706 Walnut avenue, has sold his home to George W. Green of the B. F. Goodrich com- pany. M. E. Barker and company, who were the brokers in this trans- action, state that Mr. Green will bring his family to Wilmette about April 1. Ira Rosenberg, of the Rosenberg Department Store in Evanston, has recently purchased the Slocum home at 910 Forest avenue. The buyer and seller were represented by M. E. Barker and company. K. of C. Experience Night Scheduled for March 13 Experience Night will be observed by Ouilmette council, Knights of Col- umbus, Tuesday, March 13. The event is in honor of new members of the council. Ouilmette council bowlers are to roll in the Illinois state K. of C tournament at Bensinger's Randolph alleys, Chicago, Sunday, March 11 1 ?f ' AM FORD REPAIRING Skolrie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers AUTOMOBILE PAINTING OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY WERSTED MOTOR CO. PHONE WINNETKA 1S5 *ODi]S-lN-AJb» "One-ln-Al" Every day in every way you should grow more beautiful. Come in and have your scalp, face and nails treated by EXPERTS. MARCELLING A SPECIALTY. With my sixteen years experience a little extra hair can be used to aid your coiffure. ONE-IN-AL AND WAVETTES for bobbed heads and hair that has been ruined by bleaching or dyeing. H. BLANK WATERS EXCLUSIVE HAIR AND BEAUTY SHOP Suit* 310 Reliance Building.- 32 North State Street Phone Dearborn 2081 CHICAGO SPRING 3 Weeks Away Low priced car dealers know the shortage of FORD CARS They are storing various makes of cars to sell the disappointed people who cannot get Prompt Delivery on Ford cars Are You Wise? Place Your Order NOW! Delivery when You SPECIFY D. C. E L L Reliable Dependable Cars $!p^:\-:^rjk'i!; m'- â- ':•"."' s:ffe S^"-v-^?; ~:y;.;:â- ';.... . :|V ' LI I 111 ci :'tv.v-, •'â- , ' â- ;â- *£»;â- ,;•, IIjllllll le supreme Diplomat is the modern mortician. He goes into a grief-stricken home, and brings order out of chaos. He makes the arrangements that must be made, asks the questions that must be asked, does the things that must be done, and all with a perfect tact ami under- standing that avoids the slightest offense. __it is only thru years of expe- rience that such comprehension situations is attained. Our years have taught us much. EVANSTON 600 906 CHICAGO 1 & DISTINCTIVE mmeRAtâ€" SERVICE JJiiiT-TfT R. D. CUNNINGHAM FORD Authorized Dealer LINCOLN 810 Church Street (Next to Post Office) M. P. Louen, Sales Manager Telephone 4884-6949 Year After Year BOWMAN'S MILK has steadily gained popular favor. Its uniform richness has been the delight of housewives for over thirty years. Sons and daughters, now grown up, follow Mother's example and insist on BOWMAN'S MILK. We are proud of this confidence and _continue_doing-alMn-our power ton "maintain the high standard of BOWMAN'S MILK. -.-.=- â€" l^g$^-y)i&*> â- asde mm '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^