â- ^apw THE LAKE SHORE NEW^FRIDAYFMARCH^% J923 GUILD PLAY IS P USUAL SUCCESS "Come Seven" in "Pro" Fashion The North Shore Theatre Guild presented in a professional way, on the evenings of February 22, 23 and 24, a comedy in black-face, by Octa- vius Roy Cohen. The performances of February 22 and 23 were given it* the Assembly hall at Skokie school to a capacity audience;. On jFebruary 24 the play was repeated at the Kenil- worth club. Before the play and between the, acts a trio of musicians helped while away the time. Judging* from the applause the audiences were well pleased. This is the very first time "Come Seven" has been presented in Chi- cago and vicinity, and the Guild de- as well as for its artistic work. El- . ziyir Nesbit, as portrayed by Mrs. [^fohn Marshall, could not have laughed in a more truly African mode if she had been a sure-enough Ethi- opian. Percy Eckhart, who impersonated Rias Nesbit, made a remarkable hit, keeping the audience in an uproar most of the time by his humorous sallies. Vistar Goins, in real life Miss Douglas Whitehead, was a surprise ingly up'-to-date young malatto, and J. Williams Macy, as Florian Slappey that irrepressible accomplice of Rias Nesbit, was a living picture of the negro swell, bubbling over with get- rich-quick-schemes. And did anyone ever see a more persistently loving and naturally admiring couple than Mr. and Mrs. Lawyer Chew, well known in our suburbs as Charles Eastman and' Mrs. Guy Stuart Bailey? The Guild's next play, also new to Chicago and north shore towns, will be presented about the first of April. Miss Helen Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, entertained informally on Wednesday af- ternoon for the members of her Sunday school class in the Primary department of the Methodist church. STORAGE Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers mm /4y Kenilworths Auto Doctor Says Don't let a spoile^eajLJ^lt^y^ur-J wrath:; ~ZI_____â€" Send it to ud to take a bath. W*' won't clean your car like a schoolboy washes his earsâ€" we'll make-a thorough job of it and polish it faithfully All of our woflcls done along" the plan of "we want to see your face again." Our re- pair work is expertly done Authorized dealer for Agni Motor Fuel Kenilworth Motor Co. I Ted FL Twining, Mgr.^- ^ill C A. Thorsen, Prop. =P= #*H0NE^ENILWORTH 2«r tppear v WUmette Artist to Ai On KYW Radio Program J. E. Stevens, of 404 Gregory avenue, is another Wilmette artist whose name will appear on Radio programs Mr. Stevens is to sing for KYW, his specialty being ballads and opera se- lections. Mr. Stevens is to be one of the artists with the American Grand Opera company which is to appear at the Studebaker theater, Chicago, in April under the sponsorship of Mrs Edith Rockfeller McCormick and Mrs. Archibald Freer. Mr. Stevens is taking pupils in vo- cal. His studio is located in his home. JOHN MrttlCOL DIES '-S^ John M. Nicol, father of John Nicol, 62Z Michigan avenue, died at the resi- dence here Sunday evening, Febru- ary 25. Burial was at Detroit "follow- ing services in that city. Mrs. Charles A. Broad, 126 Woodbine avenue, is spending two months in Cor- pus Christi, Texas. WILMETTE BIRD HOUSE Uirus, Fancy Pish, Doga, Rare Animals, Seeds of all kinds and Bulbs, (Jag-ea, Aquariums, Water **»ant«, Castles, Bird Houses and Uaths, Baby Chicks. Phonea 2675 and 2706 On Wilmette Ave., opposite North. Shore Electric Station tiM»i»H.«iiinnHHi»imiimir»Himiim IfPm. CLEANING REPAIRING IJlf'* I HNâ- DHwlf; ^, ; u Gutters, Spouts, Skylights and Metal Work ;^'^^mm^ Tile,' Slate and" Leaky Roofs vW'Ifl ^C";S^fepURNACBS and REPAIRS I ^^^ m YOUR FIRI MARSHALâ€"WHY NOT YOUR â- â- â- -' FURNACE* MAN;:.',,,.; PREVENT FIRES ". fie sure your Furnace and Pipes are sale and properly ' repaired .â- Shop 1124 Greenleaf Avenue . Phone Wfimette Rear _^ 158 or 296 *»»».»,,»r.....niMJi....."l,"""llim,Iillll,TT1? Tv \J\J\J\J\J *s SEDAN a Ford Sedan been XTEVER befbrejl _ _____ And yet there has never before been such a welUbuilt Ford Sedanâ€"-improved with finer upholstery, with the adjustable regulators for the dropping windows and with many refinements in chassis construction. This is the family car ' wl^hifully meets every requirement_o^econon\y^jcomfort^ sturdy service and lasting mdtit. Its use4s practically univereal. So great is the demand that, within a few weeks deliveries^Ul be^lmostr impossible. We can protect you only if you list your order now. You may make a small down payment and arrange f^p-the balance on easy terms.----- SHOREEN MOTOR CO. 2524 W. RAILROAD 4V^-fe^SS^ Ford prices have never been so tow ~ Ford quality has never been so high ,; Telephone 5913 T^--A>flH^ ^ F.O.B. DETROIT *M. ?! i/f!fMffiM w&m%jtoi*± mrsi * v x wm W:^0;S$0 III! &0H lis ifiijfl w^W^ ifllltiS iiR^^M iSiiill- fifSftlflfs 'j^M$'^^^M^M^'"^^i lilllt ^S|||fi^|||i ;â- §. K&K feii)i%£<i!jj St^S'?: a 'ffeS'S* *-^> ^.v^w-ip^W* __ iA sSifel *S Ss|Ms ti^^f^^^^^^SSIfiiS WM^'M&miMM i!