mm S&]f5; Pf'yf^PMKii^^ ::'y ^mm--:':"M : ' "'v ;:Â¥""; ;:: â- â- -;V'-V ,v: '"v'â- '*';" IPIIfff f ."'" : .' ^lip ;:" 'ftfplf". JlpiPSIlEl;"i • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS >iiaral Noticesâ€"£lf«,8J!i?e!? »*vertlsements will be charged only to persons living in the district from ' . «*« ««T^..i« «nKtoni».to Gtlenc.?w in£jU8ive« whose names appear in the telephone directory, or to jrsons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. \ateSâ€" i?icCeen Avemg^of Ve"word^V^^ P6r ""* '" *" ^^ ******* B1*Ck 'aC6 tyP° Chat*ed d°Ubl* Zadlifie for Insertionsâ€"?\&£?ltLl? advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The iw^eklv Talk andi Wrtdav i9 «»„iJ£k*e ,.Sh£reâ„¢News S£ a11 three Papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka IWeekly Talk and Friday 12 o clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones WyELMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388 REAL. EgTATE M. JOHNSTON & CO. OFFER FOR SALE ^TRACTIVE 6-ROOM FRAME AND Istucco, good sized living: room with (open fireplace, 2 glassed porches, 3 Igrood bedrooms and bath. Owner in [the east. Price $11,000. j Substantial 6-room frame, on 50- r foot lot, larg-e living- room, fireplace. I> 2 blocks to station, garage, splendid 1 buy at f 11,000. â€" Modemâ€"&~roorn solldnoriok bunga- low, hot water heat, tile bath, break- fast nook, 50-foot lot in good east section. Price $15,000. 6-room stucco with glassed sleep- ing porch, hot water heat, tile bath. 50-foot corner lot, garage, price $14,500. Special offering in a seven-room stucco, north-east section, living room 13 by 26, fine deep lot with .good trees. Bargain at $16,000. Out of town owner will sell at a bargain his 7-room home with 2 glassed porches on 100-foot lot with 2-car garage, convenient to both "L" and steam. If you can use a home of this description, see us about this buy. Phones Wilmette 68 and 444. 340 Linden Avenue. L-18-ltc FOR SALE, ATTRACTIVE 6 RM stucco, choice location, convenient both Steam and "L" stations, h. w., heat, beautiful sun parlor, garage, property in excellent condition, own- er must have larger house, $14,500.' IDEAL 7 RM STUCCO and BRICK, wonderfully decorated, cleverly ar- ranged, buge sun porch, oinl heat splendid wooded lot, shrubbery, fruit trees, large garage. Owner compelled to sell Reduced to $20,- MOST ARTISTIC 7 RM. ENGLISH Co- lonial near lake, center hall, liv. rm 16x30, beautiful sun parlor, 4 very lee bed rms and two tile baths 2nd fl. h. w. heat, 2 car garage $25,000 ONE OF NORTH ^HOREia^FlNEST brick homes, 8 lge sunny rooms, huge liv. rm, sun porch, 3 master bed rms, sleep, pch, and tile bath maid's rm and bath, all latest con- veniences, wonderful decorations, huge magnificently wooded lot, ga- rage. A real buy for $34,000. M. E. BARKER A GO. End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wil. hflhz End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wilmette 407-408 L-18-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM stucco, choice location, convenient both steam and '"L" stations, h. w.. heat, beautiful sun parlor, garage, property in excellent condition, own- er must have larger house, $14,500. Ideal 7-rm. stucco and brick, won- derfully decorated, cleverly arranged, huge sun porch, oil heat, splendid wooded lot, Bhrubbery, fruit trees, large garage Owner compelled to sell. Reduced to $20,000. Most artistic 7-rm. English Colon- ial, near lake, center hall, "v. rm. 16x30, beautiful sun Pfrlor, 4 very lge bed rms and two tile baths 2nd fl., h. w heat, 2-car garage, $25,000. One of North Shore's finest brick homes, 8 lge sunny rooms, huge liv rm sun pch, 3 master bed rms sleep pch, and tile bath, maid's rm Ind bath, all latest conveniences, wonderful decorations, huge magnifi- cently wooded lot, garage. A rea1 buy for $34,000. ^ _. _ M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 410 Linde«PhWii. ^0.7^08 1157 Wilmette Ave. TeL Wil. 640 A R. EDDINGTON BEAUTIFUL 7 ROOM STUCCO HOME. East Side, H. W Heat, Wonderfully attractive dining Jropm. sun .parlor, sleeping porch and 4 nice bedrooms, East front, 3% blocks to the L . A very good buy at $15,000.00. We have exetostve.â€" „r„*^- _-V*ry_cute bftr»u bungalow, water heat, modern bath7~breakfast nook, sip. pch., ^eto ,, attractive decorations, 3^U^£°desiF«btg=-iterth _*s*=4©ea- tion, 7 R. frame, H. W.~ Heat, large living room with fireplace, newly â€"TrerttrtBd-iant^ -decorated, a rare buy at $15,000 00. . „ ^ tll __ 7 R brick Colonial, 2 baths on second floor, Ideal location, only $34,000.00. ^ _________Li-i»-nc REAL. ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"NEW HOUSE ON NICE street. 6 rooms, tile bath, sip. pch., natural fire place. $11,500. Terms. House Just completed 5 large rms, sip. and brkfst porches, tile bath, natural fireplace. Good location. $12,500 terms. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop 513 4th St. Wil. 1304 _____________;___________ LTG-18-ltc WILMETTE CHOICE EAST LOCA- tion, 7-room frame, 4 bedrms, water heat, wooded lot 75x176, 2 car garage. $19,500. Winnetka fine 8-rm stucco, colon- ial, 5 bedrms, 2 baths, lot 50x150, convenient to railroad and stores. $17,500. W. G. STACEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmette 308 LTG-18-ltc FOR SALE â€" WILMETTE VACANT, bargain. 50 ft. lot on Greenleaf Ave ______ $100 per ft. 50 feet on Sheridan ^Aâ€"MAN Rd. near Washington, $140 per ft. day. Choice corner in Kenilworth, east front lot 100x175. Snap for immediate sale $130 per ft. HILL & STONE End of "L" Wilmette L-18-ltc FOR SALE, BEAUTIFUL WILMETTE home on Lake Michigan, Riparian rights $40,000 We have also one exceptional buy in Winnetka at $30,000, and two in Wilmette $20,- 000â€"$25,000. Wallace B. Clore Jr. & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil 1089â€"1750â€"839W. LTG 18-ltc FOR SALEâ€"7 RM. BRICK HOME IN fine east location, water heat, -ex- toilet and lav. $18,000. Attached garage, many other good listings. Phone us for particulars. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 700 ELM, WIN Phone Win. 1800 LTG18-ltc WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. C. H. BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mort- gages. 545 W. Railroad ave. Tel. Wil. 65. ________ LTG-11-tfc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MODERN HOUSE 6 to 8 rooms, Wilmette or north, not over $15,000 cash. Address Lake Shore News. A90. LTG17-2tc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSES FOR SALEâ€"MY NEW SIX-ROOM English Colonial home with sleep- ing porch, screened porch, tile bath and built-in motor room. Hard wood oak floors throughout,, real fireplace and built-in features Terraced lawn and drive-way. Price $11,500. Will take some cash and well located lot in a north shore suburb as down payment. This is a real buy. Place can be seen mornings before 11 o'clock or any time Saturdays and Sundays. Owner J. B. Hooker, 1745) Highland Ave., Wilmette LTG18-ltp WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"MERCER BEAS- lev Tennis coach, Indian Hill Club desires furnished house or apartment April 15th, to Oct. 1st, Winnetka or vicinity. Address Lake Shore News - A*80.-------------'â€":---------------------â€"L-t5?4te WTD TO RENTâ€"5 TO 7 ROOMSâ€" modern unfurnished house, Evanston. Wilmette or north, April 1st, lease one year or longer, might consider buying. Wil. 2363. LTG18-ltc WTD TO RENTâ€"FURNISHED, FOR couple June 1st to October, two baths slpg. porch, Winnetka to Glencoe. Address Lake Shore News A 94 LTG-ltp YOUNG COUPLE WANTS FLAT OR *msH--eottage,â€"north WUmett«--u>r south Winnetka. L. L. A., Box 362, Kenilworth â€"â€" LT-18^1tp W=AJrae_IL TO^^ENX^HOIIS^UN^ furnished. TCenilwoHli fcT~GTencoe first of May. Will lease. TeL Kenil- worth 2219. LTG15-tfc FOR RENT SPACE _________HELP WANTED MALE "YOUNG .. „i * * MANâ€"IF YOU DESIRE A real future in an uncrowded field, in- vestigate the opportunities awaiting you in Export and Foreign Trade. We will train you in this profession, and when train will certify to the business world that you can fill one of the well paying positions waiting. Write or phone for interview Ameri- can Commerce Association, 505â€"127 No Dearborn St., Chicago, Phone Central 2737." L-18-ltc SALESMAN WANTEDâ€"TO â- SELL Chevrolet. Cars and trucks in No Shore Territory. The fastest selling low priced, high quality car on the market. Exp. in selling cars not necessary. Good proposition. <Apply J. J. Omarberg, 724 Elm Street, WJn- netka. Win. 276 LTG-18-ltc WANTEDâ€"REAL ESTATE SALES- man to start at once. Car essential . W. G. Stacey & Co., 336 Linden Ave.. Wilmette. LTG18-ltc SITUATION WANTED MALE FOR HOUSE CLEANING BY Telephone Evantson 3479W. LTG-18-ltc GARDEN AND PRUNING WORK done by experienced man Call Win. 533R. LGT18-ltc WANTEDâ€"WORK BY Call Reed, Wil. 1110. THE DAY. L-18-ltc HELP WANTED â€" FEMALE WANTEDâ€"GIRL. WHITE, FOR PLAIN cooking and first floor work. $20. References and experience. Phone Winn. 986. LTG-18-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework for six weeks, no washing, good wages. Phone Kenil- worth 1329. LT18-ltc WANTED- MAID FOR GENERAL sework. Phone Winnetka 717. LTG18-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WHITE GIRL WILL DO CLEANING or laundry work or any other kind of housework- by the day. Address Lake Shore News A96 â€"LTGlS-ltc young: married woman will care for children afternoons. Can furnish references. Phone 1302 L-16-tfc SEWING WANTEDâ€"AT HOME OR out by day. Telephone Wil. 2785. LTG18-ltc WASHINGS TO TAKE HOMEâ€"TELE- phone Wil. 1734. L-^16-3tp FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE MAHOGANY DINING SET, table, six chairs with leather slip seats and long buffet $90. Double bed spring and mattress $25, large dresser $20, desk and chair $18, table $3,small rocker $3, all birdseye ma- ple, mahogany princess dresser $12. Phone Wil. 1406. L-TG-ltc WANTED TO RUYâ€"MISCELANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Croat Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111., Phone 189. LTG14-tfc WTD~TO^UY<â€"A PAISLEY SHAWL, Oriental colors, medium size, corres- pond with Miss L Davis, 501 Wash- ington Ave., Glencoe. 111. LT18-ltp FOR SALE, AUTO Dodge DoadMter 1921. - Ford Sedan 1921 Overland Touring 1921 WERSTED MOTOR CO. TEL WINN-165--------ow^fclNCOLN-AVBr L-TG-18-ltc CADILLAC AUTO MODEL 53 FOR sale fully equipped six good tires winter and summer enclosure, good paint and in good running order, price $450. Mr. Kurz, 990 Sheridan Rd. H. W. Win. 847 . LTG-18-ltc Forâ€" â€"Ford Repairing Ford Washing Ford Storage Ford Accessories â€"See-â€" Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka â€" Authorized FORD Dealers FOR SALE, 1922 MILBURN ELEC perfect cond. new batteries bargain for quick sale, leaving city. Tel. Highland Pk 500 Rm. 72. ,_____________________LTG 18 FOR SALEâ€"7 PASSENGER 6LbSM"6- bile in good running condition. Goodj leather upholstering, easy riding' excellent for touring $275.00 Phone Wil 1825. _________________L-18-ltc BU1CK 1920 TOURING. ALL ACCES- sories, splendid condition, plenty pep, $500.00 cash, phone Winnetka 789. LTG-17-tfc QUALITY RULES IN LINCOLN CAR Edsel Ford Says Volume Will Not Dominate these developments will come inith^f|f§|; proper course of, aevents. At- that|||fityy time we will slowly increase the Tattg|g|§ â- â- â- : - at'jwhlck'itfe^areibirild^ But the vigilance, of inspection.;â- wU^g|^» never: be lowered" hv!;:tSS|^|lii^S^ Swim Squad at New Trier"'^|t§ . Maintains Perfect Record ::/:§jl| New Trier high school's : swimmiiig;5||i|||^ team continues its perfect record, lastt^!ill. week defeating the Deerfield-Shields and|g||||^ Englewood squads.' â- _.'â- ' -'â- M^IMM Last- Friday the New "Trier bcm^m&M trounced Deerfield 32. to 27 in a: regula*|p§t§|p Suburban league meet '. . . ' â- ; v;t||f!g|§I The local seniors defeated Englewoodf|$K$|gl 41 to 23 and the juniors jolted the Chl-Ql^^ cago tankers 31 to 8, winning every fii^Iitftg and all but one second place. notici -â- â- ^s^^i^mmsmmmm Proposals will be received at the 'mum, of the Village Clerk of the Villas^ off; Gross Point until noon on the 4th da?f,^„w,.; of April. 1928. for the purchase of_•«$â- i;l!If interest which the Village of Gross PototptSf&_ may have in and to the following: de- scribed property, to-wlt: â- ^'f^vw^ Lots five (5) and srx f«) toBMim»?^ (7) of Soger's Subdivision of the North- m§m§ east quarter of the Northweet qu»rteh»|'iSi^ cept the Bart two (a) aeres of the NprtfcmSgm one hundred fifteen (115) feet 'thereof, l»:g^Siii Section thirty-three (88), Township f«rty-*;;&;g|s^ two (42) North, Range 18 Bart of t»mm0S$M Third Principal Meridian, in Cook Coun-f XMfI|ti ty, Illinois, together with all the build-;^:iy*i|i ings and improvements thereon. â- â- , .' -m%^$M Bids will be opened' at a regular mee£0gii||§ Ing of the Board of Trustees .tobe he»|f S||s|i on the 4th day of April, 1988. at .m§$?l®m o'clock. ^ftb'SSfll The Village Hall Is located on itHlia premises and was used by the VOaamMg^mm in the conduct of Its business, but It tee:^f||S no longer necessary or required for th»-yj/^ug use of the Village. RARE OLD JACOBEAN BED, SOLID mahogany sun porch furniture, ma- hogany dining room set, Colonial oak living room table, large refrig- erator, drapes, etc. 557 Long wood -ave. Glencoe, by appointment only. Phone Glencoe 878. _______, L-18-ltc FOR SALE VERY REAS. MAHOGANY dinning set, Adam period, 2 antique mahogany chairs, Monday only, 198 Forest Avenue, Winnetka LTG-18-ltc. FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS, Cart, Anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum- ber, stoves. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. â€"1M2:-------L------------------~------------LTGT-tfc FOR SALE â€" 9x16 GREY KLEAR Flax rug, cost $75, will sell for half, would make.two rugs. Phone Winn 1474. LTG18-UC "No attempt to dominate by vol- ume," is statement made by Edsel B. Ford, president of Ford Motor com- pany of Detroit. "You may say for me," remarked Mr. Ford, in an interview- given out revently, "that we are not seeking guantity production on Lincoln mo- tor cars at the expense of quality. In fact we have rather turned this rule over and Qur purposes at the pres- ent time is to place quality above every other consideration. "The same reasons which have made it ^possible for the Ford Motor company to achieve the highest pro- ___ duetiofr^-ecords-ever made hi the mo^T^of-SegerirSu N. FELLâ€"DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave. Evanston. Phone Evans. 103 LTG-16-tfc storage: service STORAGE NOTE THESE BARGAINS STUCCO Leaving NEW AND MODERN, 6^R house. hot w. ht. Garage, town. Only $9,000. See Our Lot 3 Blocks to Lake, close to "L" choice sectionâ€"Bargain, $45 per ft. Needing money. * Lots on Sheridan Road 50x161 bargain ^$125 and $135 per ft. Call for list of good bargains. Let us sh%w-ye* the â„¢>pded va- cant on Gregory Ave. at $»5.00. The last lot left in Wilmette at the price of $20.00 per foot. M. L. MOODY & CO. End of «'L» 511 4th St. TeL Wil £148 All my VACANT in GAGES ADMTWNJO 3^*5?* located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood. Sheridan Rd., Tenth St., and Seventh St., comprising Lots 2-J-io It i3l?.B1> with^Riparian^rights L Ij__B1...10. £. 5 BLJJLL 1 &_?_BQI ^Wto& Agents to Show thSSo!°Pr0GAGE, Vineland.LN.J. .tfc FOR RENTâ€"DESK SPACE. INQUIRE Wallace B Clore Jr. & Co., 1177 Wil- mette Ave., Wilmette 1750jjTGls.ltc FOR RENT GARAGES FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE CONVENIENT- lv located, 13th Elmwood, $8.00 per month. Phone Wil. 820W. L18-ltc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE ON PRAIRIE Ave. Telephone Wilmette 515. L18-ltp FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"3 NEW. DECORATED rooms for hskeeping furn. or unfurn. only two in family no other roomers. 2 blks West of N. W depots. Phone Wilmette 2785. LTG-18-ltc FOR RENT, FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two, references, break- fast if desired, near transportation Phone Wil. 2795 L-18-ltp \FOn RENT TWO _JQELIGHTFUL Rooms, one with slpg porch excel- lent transportation, meals optional, phone Win 1352. LTG-18 WILMETTE CHOICE UAST LUUA- tion. 7 rm. frame ,4 bed rms. water, heat/wSodedU 10^75x176. 2-car ^a- colonial, 5 bed rms.,2 baths, lot 50x !3^0Z13coSveMen^to^-rtttlroa* -and -==NBtores, $17,560 _>-^ 336 Linaen Ave. Tel. W^lmette^SOS CENTRAL HOTEL â€" NICE, CLEAN outs, rme., steam heat, hot and cold rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., wil._______________ _____jjT5tfc FOR RENTâ€"ROOM COMFORTABLE furnisfied iii priv. lamily Nr. ^sjibt- portatlon. Call Wilmette ^^Itc FOR RENTâ€"3 LARGE HSKEEPING rooms first floor. Partly furnished. Best location. Telephone Wilmette 1327 L18*trc ROOM WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD â€"conveniently locatedT Phoneâ- --~«1-- mette 904-3------------------- L-17-2tp F^R^RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS fiALSU housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 985-M. Nr. all trans LTl-tfc -M«WlNG^FAXinmS-^HIPPING~ ___HOUSEHOLD GOODS___ Chairs and Tables for Rent !re_ftle Firepr^f AVarefi^uw Phone Evanston 965 Wilmette 1832 Wlnnetka 1382 LTGlO-tfc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS TENNIS WET, RACQUETS, MAN'S overcoat dress suit, camera, marble sfatfoirat'y~^ockr-"l!,fMi|ie- Wtlâ€" 7S7â€" M L-18-ltp FOR SALEâ€"ONE LARGE SIZE lady's coat, new sprUng hat, one pair of oxfords. Win. 518R. LTG-18-ltc FOR SALEâ€"UPRIGHT PIANO, EASY Washing Machine, Simplex Ironer. large size. Telephone Ken. 1696. LT-18-ltc FOR SALEâ€"LARGE SIZE JEWELL gas range in excellent order. Phone Wil 47L_________ LTG18-ltc FOR SALE PEDIGREED BULL TER- rier puppy, 3 mo. old $20. Phone Glen 840 LTG-18-ltc The North Suburban Electric Shop Reasonable prices and good workâ€"the two things on which we are buildini Electrical-supplies. -~ = Bicycle supplies. Expert repairing. All kinds of electrical work. 415 linden Ave. Wilmette Tel. Wih ^34fc ^ _M-Hc" tor car industry should make it equally easy for_us__io__jobtain the highest records for quality. It is merely a question of the financial and manufacturing strength neces- sary to command the best that the engineering world can afford. "As we found it when we to6lc~it over, the Lincoln was a great achievement in__autpmobile construe- tion7 35uchâ€" improvements! as"~fiave been made during the past year re~ Jajt^Jargely tp^=2_ijefining===_i==£er- tamdetaus where our engineers be- lieved that refinements would help. .....Changes Are Cited .â- #-.^ "In the motor we have done cer- tain things as they relate to the con- struction of the head, to the material, used in the pistons and to the finish on certain parts which have resulted in somewhat smoother operation, al- though the power plant as we found it was exceptionally smooth in its performance.. ;v:\:'^tv^- --â€"- Bodies have come in for a great amount of attention and at the pres- ent time we have a man inspectiong the various body plants building body equipment for the Lincoln. In all plants which are doing work for us we will have permanent inspectors to watch every detail of finish as the bodies are completed. ^ . "The usual owner of a quality car has come to expect satisfactory me- chanical performance. _ In fact very few ever ask about the power plant. But they are extremely critical about the appearance of the bodies and the condition of the interior fittings. " "In our inspection of bodies we Jiaxejse±_the_jno5t_exacting^tattdatds, The said property will he sold to the highest and best bidder; provided, how-^^*j^p ever, that the Board of Tru«toe»-i«firti»,--.K^"^! the right to reject any and all bids re- ceived therefor. Village of Gross Point, By EDWARD ZBUTSCHBL. President. Lil-ltte VILLAGE OP GROSS POINT i- NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 181 AN ORDINANCE BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OROSS^ POINT, PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE D-h SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lots five (6) ax^j^jnMJBOotMj^HL^^M 7r^of^Se^srs~Su^aTv_tonr^^Cie North- east quarter of the Northwest quarter, jex- %I l cept the East two (2) acres of the N«r» t one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, :ts^'-.-^.'^v Section thirty-three (33), Township forty- two (42) North, Range 18 Bast of tl» ^f Third Principal Meridian, in Cook CSoun-^-" *; ty, Illinois, together with all the build* | ings and improvements thereon. ^ \i| BE IT ORDAINED, By the President.:â€"-*"<m and Board of Trustees of the^ Village of ; St Gross Point, in the County of Cook vfM->.M-.'^$$ State of Illinois: . ;;::V':^#li^^g^| "~ThlaT~the' folU^ngllesciibed. r«BT'i_»^i?#^ tate,_jto-wit: Lois Ave to) ajid six JtliiSKS^ in Block seven (7) of Soger's MMM^^l^ of the^i<n^es_t-garter of the Notthwâ€"t::-mmt quarter, except the East two (2) '««E»;&:.?;i!% of the North one hundred fifteen (1W) rm feet thereof, in Section thirty-three <•»).v,^.-;f Township forty-two (42) North, Rang* 13 Bast of the Third Principal Meridian, ^f;.;^ in Cook County, Illinois, together wMn^i^H all the buildings and improvements there- H« on, being the property on which .â- WAo^SiifeS Village Hallis located, which said bnild-s ^' «» lng was used by the Village In the .eon--::, duct of 1U business* is no- h«|«r"-ji««r--;t^i sary, appropriate or required for t»*r:>':V;';vtf use of said Village or profitable to, or iteiL : ^-? longer retention for the best interests ^-ot-lhe-^WHage.-------â- " :-km:W^rr\X'm SECTION 2. That proposals to sell the said property, or any Interest which the Village msjr have thereto shall be published for aft ?| period of not less than Sixty («0) o_^ ?|^ In the Lake Shore News an$ that seJd'y^.^^ property be sold to the highest and best 1, JK bidder; provided, however, the Board of ^-^f-! Trustees may by majority vote reject * any and all bids received therefor. ^:?i SECTION 3, '-'MaS* That in the event said property to .-M^$ sold as herein provided, the President of the Board of Trustees and the Clerk of ; the said Board are hereby authorised «a* ' ; g directed tar convey said-property to â- ma&tmttM party or parties whose.blds^have: been^utv s* accepted, by a proper deed or deeds dfs fe^i! conveyance, stating therein the prio»as^aaat therefor, with the seal of the corporation.^iWi^M SECTION 4. "mM0$i This Ordinance shall be in force and;V.iiUMm -effect^.irom.-jmd..-_rter-^its ._pm«UBI^-J^-££@M| proval and publication. PIANOS TUNED ITTJRNISHEmROOM^ - ... ---- ily, gentleman prefered Phone Winn. 168* -..-..,. LTG17-trc ___________________________________ty will become a natural thin£; auto- _*£ PIANOS_ TUNED^- EXPERT PIAgO 1 matiVnTfy ^ '"' "^ /in manufacturing' are made: "to" keep pace with thAj3e»Mrt|d8^oi_:c^alitxAnd -tuning; "Tepatrtnirr^ LT W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. iTel VTAn. 509-1,____________LTG49-tfc believe are higher than have ever before been set in the inspection of bodies. These relate to fit, finish, strength, comfort and every detail of equipment and construction.. "Naturally our full attention to the eleinentsrrofcjptality^^ quantity production of the Lincoln at the pr^pnt time. Ultimatelyi qmali- PASSBD AND APPRO! President and Board of Trustees of said Village of Gross Point on the 3rd day of January. 192&. 'y ; :; ; v % â€"*rr~r~r+z=i :BDWARD:; A. SCHNEIDER, M~^ APPROVED: JOSEPH BLESBR. MATH SCHNEIDER, N. J. MILLER. (Signed) Village CleiMa f«_s:. EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER, m%'m-: Hi®' ^^pS^gf^jSM-MMtgky'faS?,° ?gfts gjg _-_^----M--il---_ _ita_i_ii..........