i% w^^^wfm^w^ 'T}- 'M: tomywyft^y^^^ ^tS^^ffi^fi jpg',:j{»gai g^jSiffjjWff WFmW THE tAKE SHORE NEWS> FRIDAY^MARCH 2^ 1923 PHOTODRAMAS -4* Neighboring Theatres 4,â€" r" Howard Theatre Tom Mix will open next week's prog- ram at the Howard "House of Har- mony." The popular screen hero will be seen this time in "Catch My Smoke," which sounds like a picture surcharged with vitality and genuine interest. Dr. Coue, a recent visitor in this vicin- ity and perhaps the most talked of man in the world today, will be shown in pictures at the Howard on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 5, 6 and 7. There are t<? be two reels of this pic- ture which is entitled 'Autosuggestion," characterized as the sensation oi the de- cade. An addtional feature at the Howard on those days will be "Quincy Adams Sawyer," in itself a great attraction which enjoyed a sensational run in Loop theaters. "Mighty Lak a Rose" will be viewed at the Howard on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 8, 9 and 10. The com- edy feature will be Charlie Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms." Booked for the near future at the Howard are Marie Prevost in "The Beautiful and Damned," Wallace Reid in "Thirty Days," and the latest "Leath- er Pushers" story, starring Reginald Denny. Hoyburn Theatre "The Flame of Life," Priscilla Dean's latest photodramatic success, will launch the Hoyburn program the week of March 5. This picture, taken from "That Lass O' Lowrie's," by Frances Hodgson Bur- nett, will be at the Hoyburn for three days. Thursday and Friday, March 8 afnd 9, brings "Bulldog Drummond" to the Hoy- burn. Carlyle BlackweU is the star in this great picturization of the stage suc- cess of that title. An added attraction /or those days will be the exclusive Ev- anston showing of the Celebrated Dr. Coue's film "The Message of Emile Coue." Charlie Chaplin will provide the comedy feature with "Shoulder Arms." Frank Mayo will be seen at the Hoy- burn on Saturday, March 10 in his lat- est picture "The First Degree." The Coue picture will be shown again Satur- day. will entertain on those days with "Punc- tured Prince." Friday, double feature day at the Adel- phi, brings Buck Jones and Herbert Kawlinson as the stars. "Buck appears m 'The Footlight Ranger," and Rawlin- son entertains with "The Scarlet Car." Rudolph Valentino asserts he was forc- ed to go on his present dance tour be- cause'he had only $1,000 in the bank. If this is true, Rudolp compares favorably with the w. k. "Babe" Ruth as a spender. With two Talmadge sisters, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Harold Lloyd and Charlie Chaplin as well as David Wark Griffith lined up in a fight against the moving picture interests, it looks like lively times ahead for Will' Hays. Valentino is said to be.pulling down $12,000 this week on his dance sojourn at the Marigold Gardens, Chicago, and it seems to be going well everywhere ex- cept M Detroit, where his engagement ended in a row between Valentino and the hotel manager who sponsored his ap- pearance there. It is pretty near time Charlie Chap- lin went to work again. Another big feature along the same line as "The Kid" is about due. HOYBURW ** THEATRE ** 615 Davis St., Evanston Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and. 9 NEXT WEEK The New Evanston With Harold Lloyd packing the New Kvanston this week in his latest presen- tation, "Dr. Jack," there is bright pros- pect that the crowds will not abate in the coming week when "The World's Applause," .starring Bebe Daniels and Lewis Stone, will be the attraction on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This film is heralded as one of ^'Demille's gigantic productions" and is said to rank with the best productions of the season. Beginning Thursday, March 8, New Evanston patrons will have the rare pri- vilege of viewing the picturization of "Monte Cristo," which will continue through the week end. In addition to the feature pictures, the 4t\Tew Evanston continues to please with its' specialties and exceptionally well chosen orchestral offerings. AM&kL3foff%£= v The super-film, "Mighty Lak a Rose," will be on the program at the Adelphi on Sunday, March 4. Also, there will be arTepisoaTof Pearl White's latest serial, "Plunder." On Monday and Tuesday, March 5 and ^Adelphi patrons will see Elsie Fer- guson in her latest cinema triumph, "The Outcast." Emile Coue, of autosuggestion fame, will also share honors on those days in the showing of his only picture, "The Personal Message of Emile Coue." Douglas MacLean will be the Adelphi star on Wednesday and Thursday March 7 and 8, in that highly recommended pic- ture, "The Hottentot." Bull Montana REPAIRING Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday March 5-6-7 PRISCILLA DEAN in H<yr Latest Production "The Flame of Life" taken from "That Lass O'Lowrie's*" By Frances Hodgson Burnett Thursday-Friday, March 8-9 "BULLDOG DRUMMOND" with CARYLE BLACKWELL the great stage success Added Attraction: Exclusive Evanston Showing "The Message of Emile Coue" M. Coue in His Only Motion Picture CHARLIE CHAPLN in "Shoulder Arms" Saturday, March 10 FRANK MAYO..* ^"THE FIRST DEGREE" 'The Message of Emile Coue" 1922 Improvements of Bell Company Cost $17,000,000 New plant and equipment were added to the system of the Illinois Bell Tele- phone Company at a cost of $17,190,684 during 1922, according to the annual re- port of the company just made. Improve- ments this year will cost $17,400,000 ac- cording to the company's building prog- ram. The net gain in the number of tele- phones during the last year was 45,387 and at the close of the year the com- pany's traffic reached a daily average of 4.500,000 calls, of which more than 3,- 000,000 were in Chicago. Don't give up hope of fame. At 80 jcars of age Harry Booker obtains his first real opportunity ip "The Hotten- tot." IIIUII'HIWII1 'Pli|llf NEWELL AND RETCHI1 HTt.H.ut.iH«>wr«\ km A Mi* ««o« rfcjtâ€"« w It is said "Jackie" Coogan plans to retire when he j ten years old, after which he will seek an education. 'Jackie" has got the usual procedure somewhat twisted, but so long as he gets both edu- cation and the money, it doesn't matter which end he starts on. - ----------- -_ "The Third Alarm," which will ap- pear shortly at the Howard theater is one of the real screen successes of the year. It had a long run in New York, and is duplicating that success in Chi- cago. The fire scene is said to be a thriller. N The Brightest Spot in Town EWEVANSTO Clyde Elliot, Man. Dir. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY March 2nd and 3rd HAROLD LLOYD in his comedy €€ DR. JACK" Notice! Do not come if it hurts you to laugh MON., TUES., WED. DeMilles' Gigantic Production "THE WORLD'S APPLAUSE" â€" with â€" BEBE' DANIELS and LEWIS STONE Orchestra Specialties STARTING THURSDAY MONTE CRISTO Get The New Evanston Habit J Bargain Mat. Daily Continuous 2 to 5:30 p. m. Evening Shows Continuous 7 to 11 p. m. Saturday Continuous 1:30 to 11 p. m. LIBRARY ^tAZ^HOTEt^ rj^HE finest jewelry shop on the North â- *â- Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment foirwalches, clocksand jewelry. N. W. "L" Station at Howard SATURDAY. MARCH 3 DOUGLAS MACLEAN "THE HOTTENTOT" BULL MONTANA F "A Punctured Prince" SUNDAY, MARCH 4 TOM MIX "CATCH MY SMOKE" MON.â€"TUES.â€"WED Blanch Sweet, Lou Chancy, John Bowers, Barbara LaMar and ________a distinguished cast *t. tt Quincy Adams Sawyer Added Attraction The Personal Message of EMILE COUE ^ His Only Appearance In Pictures THURS.â€"-FRIâ€"SAT. THE PICTURK. "WITH A SOUL ^Mighty Lak'a Rose" A RE-ISSUE OP CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S "SHOULDER ARMS" â- iS reels> SATURDAY. MARCH Sji ^Herbert Rawlinson^ II^THEmBoNER" Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeHaven »A RINGER FOR DAD" mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmm.. /.SUNDAY' 'â- &%' !?â- The"' Moat Recent Sensation The lee kids ;â- â- .:;â- .> TOWN TERRORS . S§fff| KARL WHITER mmf'H.UNDER^^^. :'.;\;;,;;1(Air ^ Matinee- ;OH#f ^r^ ..'â- MONDAY-TUteSDAV ^ ELSIE FERGUSON 1| "THE OUTCAST" M The Personal Message of EMILE COUE 1 Hia OplT-JMetnr«L tesssM...; sS&fep|:;--; (pifef:; tflftif : fltlli i WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY DOUGLAS MAC LEAN "THE HOTTENTOT"* BULL MONTANA *«A PUNCTURED PRINCE** ------------ FRIDAY Double Feature Day BUCK JONES 44 The Footlight Ranger Herbert Rawlinson "The Scarlet Car" 9% M mmm fill 'ONE-IN-AL* "One-In-Al" Every day in every way you should grow more beautiful. Come in and have your scalp, face and nails treated by EXPERTS. MARCELLING A SPECIALTY. With my sixteen years experience a little; extra hair can be used to aid your coiffure. ONE-IN-AL AND WAVETTES for bobbed heads and hair.that has been ruined by bleaching or dyeing.______ H. BLANK WATERS EXCLUSIVE HAIR AND BEAUTY SHOP Suits 310 Rsllancs Building 32 North Stats Strmmt Phonm Dmarborn Mil CHICAGO E V A N 3 TON'S JMESES T_ AN D FINEST HOTEL FAMOUS FOR MACAROONS & LADY FINGERS Hthrarg $ia*a Attractive home for individuals or small families who want the same ser- vice rendered by the finest hotels but intermingled, with a home atmosphere that adds to the comfort of a short or long stay. 1 There are attractive terms for long leases. Come and enjoy our restaurant or cafeteria. ~"\ - For Reservations Telephone Evanston 8000 EVANSTOfit ^2 E5E59S ..-**" ^p%iit^x0f~-<;^':/v IS^^SlBiS^^iBfe^ *m sttsWesstilsat