•~ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 1923 The Woman's Foreign Missionary So- ciety'will meet at the church, Thursday, March 8th, at 10:00 a .m. Mrs. Daniels will be hostess, and Mrs. Kletzing will have charge of the program, which will be given in the afternoon. Official Board Meeting on Monday evening, March Sth, at the church, at 8:00 o'clock. Girl Scouts will hold a regulaf meet- ing on Wednesday at 4:00 p. m., Captain Fleming and Lieutenant Niles in charge. This will be the first regular meeting under Captain Fleming's leadership, and the girls are requested to all be present on time and in uniform. Boy Scouts will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening at 7:00 o'clock, and Junior Boys Scouts on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Saturday evening the Father and Son Rally Dinner will be held at the church. A free dinner and a rousing program for the men and the boys. Come and help boost! The following subjects will be dis- cussed by Doctor Stansell during the month of March: ^_MarchJ="The_Keyad the Kingdom. March 11â€""The Good News of a Bet- ter Life." March 18 â€" "The Fulfillment of the Highest Hopes of the Race." March 25â€""Knocking at the Big Door of the Best Nation." Mid-Week Service for March Each Wednesday at 8:00 o'clock, we are to have something very different and enthusiastic. During the remainder of Lent, different Societies in the Church will have charge, as follows: March 7â€"The Woman's Home Mis- sionary Society, Mrs. Culver, president, will present a Lenten Service and guide -our thoughts towards the deeper mean- ing of the pre-Easter period. March 14â€"The Ladies Aid Society, Mrs. Edwards, president, will have full charge presenting to us some of the big opportunities for spiritual work just flow in our Parish. March 21â€"The Sunday School teach ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN ers and officers, Mr. Larson, Supt., will _......conduct the service. This service will face the fine opportunities of HOLY WEEK and help us to see how many we may win for the Kingdom and our School through our class organizations. March 28â€"A Union service supported by the Churches of Wiltnette. WHERE IS CHRIST AND WHAT IS HE DOING NOW? This will be Dr. Stansell's subject at Vespers, Sunday at 5 o'clock P. M. The Junior Choir, Mr. Borchers, director, will present the music. Sunday School in all departmentsrâ€" 9:45. Epworth and Junior Leagues 6 o'clock. FATHER AND SON RALLY DINNER Saturday evening, March 3, at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, there will ==Hbr=a=aiimer-"-fei,"iiirariand"""l^pT""Tt is to be a Rally Dinnerâ€"to rally the men and boys around the best possible standard of living in a Christian community. The boys' Work Committee, composed of eighteen men, are after NINETY- KINE men like yourself to sit down with ONE HUNDRED BOYS and enjoy a good dinner and a JIM-DANDY PRO- -----ORAM built for men and boys. This program is built by Men who are working constantly with Boys. There will be no theory in conncctioti-withHtr The Men know what they are up against - â€" Tj^tfaat the^hing is worth the effortâ€" and that you can liclf*. â- =*==*- â€"â€"- If you do not have son of your own, remember there are more hoy* than fath. crs. Mr. Mitchell, Assistant National Direc- tor of the Boy Scouts of America will be the speaker of the evening. There \\'ill be short talks by other outstanding i^Jfeadexs-oi, boys, work-in America*- - ^Mr. Orville Jennings Borchers will conduct a sing for a few minutes. ?! The dinning room will be beautifully- (S^corated. The boy spirit will run high. ^Ji looks like a big night. Every man jitrho can, should make a reservation. This DINNER is FREE and the Food Committee wants to know how many l»lates to lay. Make your reservations to _^_jone of the following: Mr. Carl J. Zipprichâ€"Wilmette 1430. Mr. Charles Mannâ€"Wilmette 2015 r Mr. Dee A. Stokerâ€"Kenilworth 657. Mr. Edward A. Krackeâ€"Wilmette 1983. iThe Church Officeâ€"234&â€"- # THE YOUNG IDEA The picture-talk, The Young Idea, will De given in this church at five o'clock, Sunday, March 11. Mr. Loveland of the frn^rd^nl ^»i«<ay^Schoolfc^vAa=witt^gB>e: *# Ihe lecture, guarantees his pictures to be unusually fine. They are attractive not Ujnly because they are strikingly beautiful in composition and color, but also because #f their subjectâ€"the ever-iascinatmg vis childreniof the world. Both lecture and lit pictures, st?pw the world's jroungsters to if be fit inheritors of this world, if only » frft^ffrnfiy can keep heathenism from IM setting its stamp upon them first. -Ttr &#^ lecture is free, and everyone is invited Linden and Prairie Aves., Wilmette Herman W. Meyer M. A. Pastor 406 Prairie Ave. Telephone 1396 Services 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible Class at Library Hall. 9:30 A. M. Preparatory service for Communicants. The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin. I John 1, 7. 9:45 A. M. First service and Holy Com- munion at the church. 11:00 A. M. Second service and sermon at the church. Parents Who Seek the Ministrations of the Church for their Children but not for Themselves. Deut. 4, 9. Lenten Service Wednesday evening at 7:45 at the church. My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matthew 27, 46. "It went up from the Savior's lips amid His lost creation, That, of the lost, no son should use those words of desolation." Meetings Choir Monday evening at 8. Building Committee Tuesday evening at 8. Weekday classes for the Christian edu- cation of children every Monday and Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Lenten season affords tr good op- portunity again to stress the position of the Lutheran church in doctrine and prac- tice and to make a clear declaration of the things for which it stands: The verbal inspiration of the Bible. The open Bible. The doctrine of the Trinity. The natural sinfulness of man since the Fall. The inability of man to save himself. The need of Jesus Christ, the Savior, true God and true Man. Salvation by grace, for Jesus* sake, through faith. Holiness of life as the necessary fruit of faith. That every true believer in Christ is a member of the Holy Christian Church. The efficacy of prayer. Baptismal regeneration. The real presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament. The coming of Christ to judgment. The resurrection of the body. The preaching of Christ the Crucified. The extension of Christ's Kingdom. The Christian home. The sacredness of marriage. The Christian education of children.^ Separation of church and state. Good citizenship. "The sure hope of everlasting life. A cheerful Christianity. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Much interest is being manifested in Mr. Lloyd's series of sermons on "The Character of the Law of God," which are being preached on Sunday mornings during the Lenten season. A number of requests, have been received for the pub- lication of the sermons that have already been delivered. The entire series is based upon the Nineteenth Psalm. The subject for next Sunday morning is "Righteous Statutes," and the text, "The Statutes of the Lord are right, re- joicing the heart." Members will be re- ceived, and Sacrament administered. In the Junior congregation service, Mr. Lloyd will speak on "Growing up." The -Jumor-Ghoir-wtH- sing- both-at-the junior congregation service and the service of morning worship. On Monday, the East End Circle will meet at the-home of Mrs. D.- J.-Davis^ 721 Elmwood Avenue, at 1:00 P. M. Theâ€"Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. William F. Prisk, 222 Doyle court, Wilmette, on Mondayâ€"at 2fc o'clock: ^^ Members" aM" friends of the Union are cordially in- vited. â€" The Religious Education Committee, Sunday School Executives and Coin- mittees in charge of the Young Peo- ple's work, will meet in the Church Of- fice on Monday. The Board of Trustees will meet at the home of the chairman, E. S. Harlan on Sheridan road, Monday at 8 P. M. On Friday the Executive Boar<Lof-the^ Woman's Guild will meet at 11:30, and the business meeting will be held after the luncheon, which will be served* by the Central Avenue circle. The big event of the week will be the Annual Food and Household Utility sale given by the Central Avenue Circle from 10:00 A. M. to 5 :00 P. M. in the Pri- mary and Junior rooms of the Church. The Sale will be conducted on a much larger scale than in former years. Near- ly every merchant in town will have an exhibit and many new and interesting ar- ticles will be on display. Luncheon will be served from 12.00 to 1:00 o'clock. The attention of the Members of our parish is called to the Infant Welfare drive which begins Monday March 5. The work is so well known, and so thoroughly in line with the principle of Christian practice, that it seems almost unnecessary to^urge^a hearty and generous response to the appeals which the committee will make, but because of the number of charities in which we are interested, we are likely to forget this very important one if our attention is not called to it. ENGLISH LUTHERAN Greenleaf avenue and William Guise, Services for March 4 Bible school at 9:45 A. all ages. Worship at 11 A. M. preach on the following Face of Jesus." This will be based on one of the day. Seventh street, pastor M. Classes for The pastor will subject: "The Lenten sermon the gospels for Mid-week Lenten service every Wed- nesday evening at 8 o'clock. The sub- ject for March 7 will be: "With Jesus Winning Souls." We anticipate a good attendance. The choir practice will be held on Fri- day evening and the classes on Saturday afternoon as usual. Last Sunday was a happy day for our congregation and friends. Seven new members were received. The names are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gash, William and Dale Gash, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wessel and Mrs. William Neuhl- berg. May the Lord bless their fellow- ship with our devoted and growing con- gregation. Mrs! "George Larson sang a beautiful solo at the services. Children will be baptized during the hour of morning worship next Sunday. j ILispice Jfoung Women's Missionary So- Dn Tuesday, at 10:30 A. M., the Morn- ing Bible Class will have for its dis- cussion the subject, "Righteousness with- out~Stain." Thtsdass is-having a fine attendance and aims at a simple study of the practice of Christian living. All members of the Parish are invited. 10:3.0 to 11:30. * â€" The Wolf Cubs will meet at the Church ^onTuesday at 3:30,^ .-The Roosevelt Troop Boy Scouts will meet at Headquarters on Tuesday T at 7:00.' :,-. y-. -y>y-.pi^:yC: ---.y; ^' At the church Wight service on Wed- nesday, Mr. Henry Justin Smith, editor of the Chicago Daily News, will speak "John, Apostle of Love;" and Miss Hattie Brook on, "Doubting Thomas." These Wednesday night services have al^ ready proven their popularity and may be counted the most interesting of the whole week. OEszaosgaia^^ 31 The Factory Call A Church Not towering stacks but tall spires; not iron to meld but characterâ€"character which grows hner and morq beautiful as weeks go by. Not a dull glow in the dark sky but a glad glow in your heart. Here in Wilmette you live and love and labor. The hopes and helps and inspirations you treasure come 'from your communityâ€"ffom your church.- â€" ~ The factory we call a church, cannot make you over. But it can rest and strengthen you â€"make you happierâ€"make you glad you're you. This factoryâ€"where faith burns ever brightâ€"can renew the little tired fibres of mind. So come to church Sunday. Let your body and your mind find relaxation there. Your church will do much for youâ€"if you'll let it. And you'll feel the better for it too. P^r St. John's Lutheran Church Rev. Herman W. Meyer Wilmette English Lutheran Church Rev. William Guise Church Rev. Hubert Carleton The First Presbyterian Church Rev. George P. Magill First Congregational Church l Rev. StephetL-A. Lloyd The Wilmette Baptist Church â€"Rev. FrancisrC. Stifler thotbst Church Rev. Gilbert Stansell ^M^viiV^ir/^ir7iSir^ir^ir?s\if(S