k'<Mv:'^ili^m^m â- r-f&kwM The North Shore Theatre Guild an- nounces its second production of the sea- son, "Come Seven, a comedy in black- face by Octavius Roy Cohen on Satur- day, February 24 at the Kenilworth club. Members of the guild may attend any one of the perfpnaaTOes/.s^7-^^^::nStei The fourth and last concert of the Little Symphony Orchestra of Chicago, George Dasch, conductor, was held at the New Trier high school auditorium on Tuesday evening, of this week. Arthur Granquist, of Wilmette, pianist, was the soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Es- sex road, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Danly, 336 Essex road, who intended to leave last Saturday for Miami, Fla., have postponed their visit until a later date on account of the illness of their children. Miss Harriet Windsor of Bridgeport, Conn., arrived here lost week to be the guest of Miss Patty Hamm, 256 Kenil- worth avenue. Miss Windsor will be here until March when she will go to Honolulu with Miss Hamm. - Mr. and Mrs. Ashley McDonald, who have been making their home with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Southworth, 201 Kenil- worth avenue, left on Wednesday of last week for Los Angeles, to visit Miss Hazel McDonald, until May. Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, 312 Sheridan road, was one of the women who had a table at the annual Washing- ton's Birthday luncheon of the Daughters of the American Revolution on Thurs- â€" day, at the La Salle hotel. There were covers for nine guests at her table. Mr. James Murray, 433 Cummor road, returned home on Tuesday morning from a five week's pleasure and business trip in California. Mr. Murray stopped in San Francisco and Los Angeles, where he visited Mr. and Mrs. William Fitch and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware. Mrs. Philip Maher is at Ocean Springs, Miss., where she will spend three or four weeks. Mr. Maher is staying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Maher, â€"424l Warwick^ road^during her absence. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kunkel, 414 Ab- bottsford road, entertained at an inform- al dinner and bridge on Wednesday eve- ning, at her residence. Miss Dorothy Bennett, who is spending the winter at the Surf with her parents, "Iridge club Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, ~512^Sheridafl-road^enterta|ned at a small dinner at the Blackstone on Tuesday evening, afterwards taking their guests to the charitable Russian Benefit Opera performance. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis D. Slater who just recently moved to Boston, Mass., from Evanston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gerould in East Orange,, N. J. i~ Mr. Samuel L._ Hypes, 104 Crescent drive, Glencpe, has returned home from a business trip to New York, whereJhe attended the silk exhibit. Mrs. Henry Everett, 415 Cumnor road, entertained at bridge on Tuesday altef^ noon, at her home. Mrs. E.-D. Parmelee, 512 Roslyn road, entertained the Winnetka Duplicate _clutL_for^ luncheon on Tuesday at her home. ==â€"_____:------â€"_ -^^he~N«gJhboj!s,.bjld an open meeting on Thursday afternoon, Fe1iruafyH22rand Mrs. Forbes-Robertson Hale* gave a very4 interesting talk on "Musical Comedy, The Movies, and The Modern Play." Mr. Edgar W. Burchard, 310 Oxford road, left this week for a brief stay in ' St. Louis. Mrs. Ralph S. Gromann, 1316 Chest- nut avenue, was hostess at a dinner party for her card club on Saturday evening of last week at her home. Vi; ^ The Misses Dorothy and Emily l^pies- ^cnan are now travelling through Italy and are\at present in Rome. jT Mrs. Fred L. Workmafi7 222 Leicester road, had a family dinner for eighteen last Sunday to celebrate her sonr's sixth -birthday. ... '^K'^'-^k'^^^k^i/l #H^iLAiaS SHORE NEWS, FJffiXf; ^ "' " ' ' ..... Il"'1..... ' UmBSSmmmm . ..........infi........11 â- inn.i Miff..........,............... â- T ' Hi' r mm.......... MWtyX â€"Feb. 27 and 21|llt and ti§i^^ SGpis of bo^rpolisQ^; - „ jwiiiirfiiiiilllSlIM m Texm Motor (MtaMllWiM ' 611Main St. - ^{^t^j^^I^i^ JjfJ Opposite G &N. WtimtionBM!^ I â€".Mr^ and Mrs. E. E. Sheridan, 1615 Ridge avenue, Evanston7Tiave left^for Bermuda on an extended pleasure trip. - The Kenilworth club gave a very suc- cessful luncheon and bridge party on Wednesday, ^February 21. ~ J^r.and MrSj^Modie^piegel, 140 Mel- rose avenue, have returned from a^two week's stay in Atlantic Gity^and New York. i The Kenilworth Readiiig^Club met at "th^omrrrf-Mrs. F. W. Gherry^l^Afe^ -bottsford road, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Cherry, 422 Ablwttsford road entertained her club for tea on Mon- day afternoon at her residence. ON EVERY $5.a© PURCHASE 'iMtm Wall Paper- '^fi^fc s^K;&i?iiS|?iMS Listed below arejsome of our Sped No. L One Gallon Screen Paint One Brush ' ,; -.! <£*_ No. 2. One Can Varnish Remover One Package Steel Wool "an Va ean Un<_ One Can Enamel ;: One Brush N|>. 4. One Package Hygienk kalsomi^ lhP:":V:- One Sponge |3W^#;-- No. 5. One Large Chamois -:._:^ E One Bottle Johnson's Liquid Way No. 6. One Rubber Set Paint Brush ns^gg;g^m .SI $$0f$fy STERNER'S â- £$:>W?~ STORE 517 MAIN STREET mm WILMETTE 2401