22 THE nr*'""°B "™« â„¢mAY- FRIARY 23. 1923 BLIND MAN LECTURES BEFORE DISABLED MEN A hlind man in Chicago has a unique way of earning his living. He gives talks on music and illustrates these talks with phonograph records. This is the story. " Albert Franciscus, an advertising man, suddenly lost his eyesight. Music had been his hobby, and he had one of* the largest private collections of phonograph records in the worTcT A Junior Red Cross worker asked Mr. Franciscus to tell the story of an opera to the hospi- talized ex-service men and to illustrate the story from his opera star records. Mr. Franciscus declined to do this, as he was afraid that the sick men would not care for opera; he offered, however, to take them on a "Hearing Europe" trip, during which they could enjoy dance I countries. This program took so well that he gave a talk on "What we owe to the Jewish Composers." This de- lighted part of the audience, but the Italians.felt that their country had been; slighted. To avoid international com- plications; the program was followed by one on the "Music of Italy." i Mh Franciscus is now giving a series on the history of music, beginning with the Hymn to the Apollo, sung 278 B. C, and coming down to the music of today. He has a clientele of women s clubs; church societies and neighborhood groUpS_pCople who understand and love musft'a'nd those who want to understand music, folk songs and lullabies of twelve g» and love it The Junior Red Cross « odievesVethat this .work which started three years ago, is â- one of the m^ constructive pieces of work that it has done. Mr. Carl Hugo tevin, 214 Fifth street, has had his mother of Wahoo, Nebraska, as his guest for some time, bhc re- turned home Mondayy Febraury 1* Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hess, 817 Fifteenth street are leaving early in March for an extended trip on the Pa- cific Coast. '>:*â- â- . 517 W. Railroad Ave. STERNER'S Decorators Wall Paper PAINT Tel. Wil. 2491 STORE Window Shades, Hangings Cosmas Brothers & Co. 1153 Wilmette Auenue ---------Opposite ViUage Theatre Phone Wilmette 2694 Remember It is not what a man earns that countsâ€" It is what he saves. TRADEHERE AND SAVE MONEY A Trial Will Convince You T We deliver $1.00 orders free as far north as Glencoe, 111. SPECIAL Extra fancy Roman Beauty apples, per case $2.25 No. 1 Jonathan apples, per case ..... $2.85 ^ FRUITS Fresh Strawberries, full qts. .. 45c SPECIAL loose Grape Fruit, 6 for 25c lb Indian River GrapeHFruit, 4 for^Sr -^3MFor^c and^ Fine Florida Oranges, per doz. 25c, 35c, 50c, and............. 60c Bananas, per doz. 25c, 30c, and 35c N. Y. Greening Apples, 4 lbs. for 25c Jumbo Pineapples. Low Price. Baldwin Apples, 4 lbs. for......25c ............. OSIC VEGETABLES Very Best Mushroons, per lb. box ........................ 49c Fresh^TJreeirPeas, per lb. .... .25c „Best String-Beans, i>er quart.. 19c Fine Spinach, per peck 35c . _ ... ^^^20c_and up„ Celery, per bunch, 10c, 15c, and 25c Tomatoes, per pound .. . ___25c Solid Head Lettuce, 5c, 10c, and 15c Green Peppers, 4 for C.~77777777710cT Beets and Carrots, large bunches, 2 for ......-----...........15c ...15c Artichokes, each Water Cress GreenJMoi^^ A DOLLAR DAY BARGAIN The Lake Shore News offers to the few families in Wilmette who are not regular subcribers to this paper a special inducement for new subscriptions on Dollar Daysâ€"February 27 and 28. The regular subscription price of THE LAKE SHORE NEWS is $2.00 a year. Send in your check for $1.00 and we will start your subscription at once and con- tinue it until December 1,1923. This reduction of subscription rates is only made at this time in order that this paper may join with other business firms oMhe town jmd offer to the residents of Wilmette unusual values for ONE DOLLAR. 7 TO OUR PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS-^ To give our present subscribers, whose subscrip- tions are paid in advance, an opportunity to bene- fit by this Dollar Day offer we will extend their sub- scription for nine months upon the payment of $1.00 on February 27 or 28. Fill out the coupon below and ------mmHtitow~~~-~^-~ The Lake Shore News Your Community Newspaper 1222 Central Awnue^------Phones Wflmette 1920-1921 This offer is good only on Febraury 21* and 28 The take-Strofr^rewsT 1222 Central Avenue, .Wilmette, Illinois,_____ Wilmette................ ~~ Enclosed find check 4or one dollar, for which please send me The Lake Shore News until December 1, 1923, This is m accordance with your offer which is good only for Dollar Days, February 27, and 28. -Name