Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1923, p. 18

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A >mi in i iiwpn < inrnw* i »iwr*'ni' iiMHimiiiimi.ffliw > 18 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS- FRIDAY, FETOITARY 23, 1923 DIXIE HEARS OF OUR CHURCH ADS New Orleans Man Inquires About Wflmelte^JChurch- Council Publicity Plan ENTERPRISE POPULAR Plan Now in Effect in Many Towns Committies, north, east and west, in- cluding a town in Alaska, have sought information relative to the co-oper- ative Church Advertising as conduct- ed in The Lake Shore News. It has remained for the extreme southland to make inquiry concern- ing this unique plan of getting the churches before the public after the most approved modern method "New Orleans, La„ Sam B. Dunbar, of 1420 Lowerhne street, the inquiring person. Mr. Dunbar recently questioned Dr. Gil- bert Stansell of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Wilmette and re- ceived the following reply from the local pastor: "I have your letter of the 7th and am happy to reply that the Wilmette Church Council is an organization com- posed of the pastors of each of the U. S. HAS 64 PER CENT OF ALL TELEPHONES Statistics contained in a report just made public by the American Tele- phone and Telegraph company disclose the enormous development through private initiative an* ownership of -frhe-tetephomr industry in the United news Z®^^^1^--------is the city andH^^6^^ ^ the United States t>r States compared with countries of the world. . . The report, which contains statistics as of January 1, 1921, reveals that the United States on that date had 63.92 per cent of all the telephones in the world. The report, which contains statis- tics as of January 1, 1921, reveals that the United States on that date had 63.92 per cent of all the telephones in the world. Some of the other important feat- ures of the report are: That the United States had 13.329,- 379 telephones of a grand total of 20,- 859,550 in the world. That the United States had 12.4 tele- phones for each 100 of popTrtatton. That was an increase of 39.7 per cent in the number of telephones in the United States. That there were 32,000,000 miles of Mrs. O. W. Stephens, 418 Maple avanue, who has been a recent in- fluenza victim, is rapidly recovering. Miss Irene Carey, 1046 Elmwood avenue, spent last week-end with were covers for fourteen guests, friends in Watseka, 111 Mr and Mrs. Frank J. Venton, 243 Linden avenue, are both confined to their home with illness. The dancing party scheduled for Saturdav evening of this week at the IndSn kill club has been postponed indefinitely postpon Dr H. H. Bay of the Chicago Tuber- culosis Institute will hold his regular clinic at the Gross Point Health Center, Ridge and Wilmette avenues, on Tues- day February 27, at 10 a. m. Telephone Miss Queen, Wilmette 2402, between 12 and 1 o'clock, for further particulars. Protestant churches and three 4ay^ France 227 per cent; Sweden 186 ^ men from each church. It is inter- ested entirely in community enter- prises. It issues a large advertise- ment each week for which the church- es pay. It maintains a Community School of Religious Education during part of the winter, hiring a very high grade faculty. We have a most re- markable community of high grade homes and splendid people. The fel- lowship is very fine and the co-opera- -tidn between the pastors of the differ- ent churches is almost ideal. I am asking The Lake Shore News to send you some copies of the papery â€"'-.â€"tiH-yotr^hTd^thaT~fheTeiiTany other information that you would like to have, I shall be glad to have you speak of it." -^ The plan of co-operative advertis- ing and publicity as inaugurated by â€"ithe Wilmette Church Council in co- operation with The Lake Shore News, has been adopted in various Commun- ities with .telling success. The Chris- tian Herald, an interdenominational publication, recently gave the plan wide publicity and commented favor- 4 ably upon the excellent spirit of fel- lowship evident in such a unique en- terprise. _______ The. Church Advertisement and Church Announcements appear each week in the Lake Shore News. Al- most two pages are given over to Wil- mette Church Activities. Call On P. S^Company To ^Confer Oft LighTXJuestion "The nearby village of Dolton" reads an article in the Harvey, 111., Tribune,â€""has been suffering incon- venience on accoount of an inade- quate electric service and the village board is- negotiating with the Public Service company with a view to ob- taining relief from the present situ- ation. "There is a shortage in both light _and power under the existing ar- Tapg«»m»nf<i whikLJlJ«^mpossib4e-lef 60.77 per cent of all the wire in the world. That there were 17,000,000.000 tele- phone conversations in the United States during the year 1920. or 159.6 conversations per capita. According to the compilation while the United States had 63.92 per cent of the world's telephones, Germany had 8.6 per cent; Great Britain. 4.73 per cent; Canada, 4.11 per cent; per cent; Japan. 2.59 per cent; Den mark, 1.21 per cent. The report shows that North Amer- ica had 68.59 per cent of all the tele- phones in the world; South America, 1.38 per cent; Europe, 25.37 per cent; Asia, 2.37 per cent; Africa, 49 per cent; Oceania (including Australia, Dutch East Indies, Hawaii. New Zea- land, Phillippine Islands), 1.8 per cent. Miss Dorothy Kasten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Kasten of Win- netka, whose engagement to Harold B. Ingersoll, son of Mr and MrsJÂ¥t B. IngersoII of Chicago was announced in the early winter, has chosen March 24, as the date of her marriage. The wed- ding will take place, in the Kenilworth Union church. ^^K^lMl^l^' For the flnnvenience of Buyers In fairness to the Sellers and In Justice to Ourselves The Offices of the following Real Estate Firms will be open on Sundays. M. E. Barker & Co. 410 Linden Ave., Wilmette Wilmette Realty Co. 513 Fourth St., Wilmette W. G. Stacey & Co. 336TAnden Ave., Wilmette Specialsfor Feb. 27 and 28 $1.00 $1.00 J$1.0(L ,^^. residents who are without electric ill lighting':servic^~sndt~who want hTuTH ^p stalled 4o-«xpect anything in that l|i!7 direction when there is not sufficient iHi power now to take care of the lights §|| already installed. ftll "Every week the power is shut off Hipfor '.repairs andjwith the added load ^fr-:o#~ni^:7laratoneT""and growing de- llilmand for residence and store lights Pit between Dolton and Lockport means lift! that the village, which is situated at Silfthe end of the line, will encounter jfllf increasingâ€"troubles until other ar- ilSlarangements. are made* . .. ...... liii "The village board hopes to work Kpfioul a satisfactory plan in the near l|p|*uture . for" relief..': from â- , the present lljjfcituatioju^^ â€":-â€" ^Harvard Honors Youthful _ fflBtip' ^orth Shore Illustrator tptiPfcrancis W. Mason, of Winnetka. Wfllz Junior in Harvard college, has been j9s%iected' to the Junior Dance commtt- ll|§ltee, .fordesigning the programyto be gllfifised^at the Junior dance: " ""â- ." faif Mason, besides having done consid- i»i%rable work in connection with 1924 IftllRed Book, is the chairman of the ifil||drawing department of the Lampoon, ||f||lher Harvard • comic magazine. â- â-  .,., SHI Reports auto' fee total BH§! Of the total $7,861,211 collected in ^Sttt»moiiile--fe«3Jiy^c«etaiT-<w-Stat# ^p 1922, $2,355,924 was collected from au- 81"" Ums L. Emmerson during-the^year ; tomobile owners in Cook county. The .iT-^eeoad lafge<Mojm|y-m;^he state 4n~ tected irrPeotfa, with $178,061. La £ajle is a close third, with a total of |165352 and McLean l?_Jo«rtg J^«i 4 tall cans Laura Brand Salmon for :... 4 No. 1 cans Libby's Corned Beef...... 3 lbs. extra value Coffee ..........»^-^ 7 cans Eloise Country Gentleman Corn ... .$1.00 8 cans Franklin Mac Veagh & Go. Comet Brand §1 -__^_ „JCom .____..................____.. .$1.00 H 3 cans Libby's Smilax Brand Green Asparagus H Tips : ........................$L00 §j§ 3 cans Libby's No. 2 Sliced Pineapple......$1.00 g 3 cans Rosedale No. 2l/2 Apricots ...-----... $ 1.00 U 5 cans Rosedale No. 2% Pears .......... $2.00 =j§ 3 cans Rosedale No. 2l/2 Peaches .......... $1.00 H 4 cans South Haven Brand Choice Peaches $1.00 1 SBAKING POWDER SPECIALS 3 lbs. 20-30 Prunes......................$1.00 The Peter Fox & Sons . U-Wan the . Best Brand Butter, peHj^T^^^TTTTTT.. .77777.... .50c 10 lbs. Sugar ^^.^____.,â„¢,........-_-.... ^S5c- Budded Walnuts, per lb........___ ......38c 22 bars Superior Family Soap............$1.00 MEATS Kohr's Crown, 8 to 10 lb. average, whole or half = 25 oz. K. C. Baking Powder, per can 4£oz; K. C. Baking Powder, per can 8 oz. K. C. Baking Powder, per can . .19c 12c ..7c strip bacon, lb............... Kohr's 5 lb. pail pure leaf lard ...... Home made sausage meat, per lb. .. Fresh Ground Beef and Pork, per lb. Leg of Genuine Spring Lamb, per lb. Best Native Pot Roast, per lb. ...... ..32c $1.00 ..25c ..25c 35c ..22c i/> KLMGE & W Hilt RIDGE and LAKE WES. -Tel. Wilmette lMt*L-

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