jw'^fj^mp^^^ffiM^i' ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Linden and Prairie Aves. Wilmette Herman W. Mayer, M. A. Pastor 406 Prairie Avenue. Telephone 1396 SERVICES 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall. 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon at the church. 11:00 A. M. Second service and ser- mon at the church. Wednesday eve at 7:45 Lenten serv* ice at the church. MEETINGS Monday at 8 Choir meeting. Tuesday at 8 The church council. < Thursday at 2 P. M. The Ladies' Aid and Mission Society, Thursday at 8 P. M. The Builders Young People's Society. Monday and Friday at 4: Children's, classes at the church. The pastor will deliver the third sermon of a series on "Dangerous In- consistencies" next Sunday morning. The Man Who is Strong in Profess- ing, but Weak in Proof of, His Love for Jesus, is the subject of the ser- mon. -â€"-Qn^JWednesday evening the third sermon of a series on the Seven Words of Jesus from the Cross will be given. The subject is ; Our Savior's Reguest. St. John's cordially invites all to its services, particularly those who have no church affiliation. On Thursday next, March 1 the Ladies Aid and -Mission Society has its monthly "business and social meet- ing, with the usual mission study hour. yAn address will be given on the Educational Work of the Church. The -Young Peopled meeting next Thursday evening at 8 will be given over to two special subjects. After the usual devotional opening service, a half hour study session and dis- cussion will be held. The subject is: The Early History of Lutheranism in America. This will be followed by a full report on the Walther League Work of the past year, with an out- Jin e of _the plans_ to be pursued dur- ing the currentTyear. Airthe~ybuhg people of St. John's are urgently re- quested to attend. ENGLISH LUTHERAN (United Lutheran Church) William Guise, Pastor. *>*â- *• Services for February 25, the sec ond Sunday in Lent. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Classes for all ages. "Our young people and adults are studying an interesting series of lessons in the gospel of Luke. Worship with sermon at 11 a. m. The pastor will preach on "Our Etern- al Refuge," a timely message based upon the sixty-first Psalm. _____ The Mid-week Lenten service will Ilbei held at 8 p. m. The subject for Feb- ruary 28 is "With JesuT^e^hlhg the Multitudes." A cordial invitation is extended to our friends to worship with us. May our earnest prayer for this sacred season be that of the psalmist: "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit :•â- ^----t^ - THE LAKE SttOKS NEWS^PlOPAy?- KBBBTJA^ within me." It is well also for all Christians to keep steadfastly in mind these beautiful words: "The sac- rifices of God are a broken spirit: A broken and a contrite heart,© God, thou will not despise." The choir will meet on Friday even- ing and the classes on Saturday after- noon as usual. Not Seeking Higher Rates, Public Service Explains The Public Servise Company of Northern Illinois this week made the following statement relative to the hearing before Illinois Commerce Commission: "There appears to be some confus- ion concerning the meaning of the hearing in progress before the Illinois Commerce Commission in Chicago. "The company is not asking for in- creased rates. "The facts are these: "In 1920, The Public Service com- pany on-Jts_jshowing»of- greatly in^ creased operating costs was author- ized by the commission to put into e£=41 feet a schedule of advanced rates, be- ing the rates that are charged at present, except that the rates for gas have since been reduced. The object present proceeding is simply 1 determine whether or not the existing rates are equitable both t< :he com- pany and customer. "In the hearing now being neid, tne commission will weigh all factors in the situation, such as cost of opera- tion, etc. Naturally the company is interested in having its rates as low as is physically possible, as this per- mits of a wider increased use of its ^ervieesi The result is that it is anxious at all times to give customers the benifit of any savings which may be possible through either declines in price of material entering into pro- duction or increased efficiency in operation on the part of its properties. TALK ON "ALPS" Le Circle Francais at New Trier High school is to hear a lecture on Alps," by Professor Glace, instructor "The Alps," by Professor Glace, in- structor in French, March 1. 1VINB0W GLASS and all other kinds of GLASS MIRRORS, ART GLASS AU I l/SHIELDS Mirror Resflvering Gla» Dresser Tops iifttMBTTErGLASS & Paint Works 1103 'Wilmette Ave. Phone 2608 Opp. Village Hall. v//////////////////////////////////s////////////s/////////////A'///////////////////////////"^^ SPEQALS FOR DOLLAR DAYS $1.15 worth of our delicious bakery goods assorted any way you want them. Take advantage of this by stocking up on such goods as will keep, or by buying a little extra quantity, you perhaps could not otherwise afford. THEEWIUSON BAKERY iffi â- â- w% FernDishesâ„¢i«dm*m*l.=£ Hyacinths - - -^ *1.M Carnations doz. - - - */.â€" "Say it with Flowers John Wetland FLORIST iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dolla N^//: Two Daysâ€"Feb. 27 & 28 IJbs, W.J^SpecM^ffee^^. .^_*Lp0 5 cans No. V-k RicheUeuJSour Kraut $1.00 ........... pure $1.00 1 quart Johnson's Geld Maple syrup 1 lb. Droste's Imported Holland Cocoa f • •••••••••••• • •••*• ••••• •jp*»w 1 qt. Richelieu Ripe Olives, large .. $1.00 3 cans Calif ornia Fruits No. IVi.. $1.00 3 lbs. Bacon, piece or sliced......$1.00 6 jars of Assorted Jellys ......... $1.00