Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1923, p. 6

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P<#4v PJJilfPP.IW' THE r-ACT!. fflORRNEWS. FRIDAY ffP-RRTTARY 16, 1923 r "J i.i'i," u""'^iifiifi:2^'S*1'""'* The Smoker committee of the Kenil- worth club announces a Smoker and Musical evening at the club on Friday evening, February 16, at 8:1s o clock. The club will have as its guests, lne Banjo Club of the University Club ot Chicago, which will furnish an interest- ing program, assisted by soloists and the "Syncopating Section". This organiz- ation is comprised of eighteen men, the majority of whom were formerly mem- bers of the College Musical clubs. There will be informal dancing at the close oi the program. Ladies are in- vited and there will be the privilege ot guests. A partial list of those who had tables at the Bridge party given last Friday afternoon at the hotme of Mrs. Benjam- in C Hawkes, under the auspices oi the Rectors Aid society, includes Mes- laames Alexander Joshn, George £.. Shipman, Edmond Stevens, Henry Tay- lor Jr., Harry Vissering, Sidney East- man, Samuel D. Flood, Henry Rjggs Rathbone, Owen T. Reeves, William T. Gaskell, Benjafciin C. Hawkes, William Taylor, and Leroy Woodland. Mrs. Forbes Robertson-Hale, a most delightful speaker, who needs no intro- duction in Kenilworth, will give an ad- dress on "Musical Comedy and the Modern Play" at the meeting of the Neighbors on Thursday, February 21: This is an open meeting, and a cordial invitation is extended to non-members to hear Mrs. Hale. . •The Ladies of the Guild ol the Ken- ilworth Episcopal church gave a bridge party on Friday afternoon, February 9, at the home of Mrs. B. C. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue. Mrs. "TJwen T. Reeves, Jr., was chairman of the affair, which was a great success both socially and financially. Thirty-three tables were reserved. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Eckhart, 206 Cumberland avenue, have returned from a visit in Washington, D. C, where they went to see their daughter, Miss Char- lotte Eckhart, who is attending Miss Madeira's school. The Kenilworth Club will have a luncheon and bridge on Wednesday after- noon, February 21, at one o'clock. No reservations will be accepted after Feb- ruary 17~ ....... Mr. Fred Bulley, 220 Sheridan road, is the architect of a new home to be built on Richmond road for his son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett of Evanston. Mrs. Clyde P. Ross, 1321 Chestnut avenue, entertined at bridge on Monday afternoon at her'tibrhe in honor of Mr. Ross' niece, Miss Whipple of Evanston. The Russian Literature class metâ€"at- the -home of Mrs. C. C. Littell, 322 Woodstock avenue, on Wednesday after- noon. Anton Checkhov's play, "Cherry Orchard" was discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Woodland, 336 Leicester road, will leave tomrrow for a month's trip to Miami, Fla., and Havana, Cuba. Miss Dorothy Klotz of Winnetka, has been elected president of-the Golf-com- mittee of the Indian Hill Golf club for next year.. Mrs. Alfred McDuogall, 325 Abbotts- ford road, entertained her Afternoon Bridge club at luncheon on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Walter R Shattuck, 338 Kenil- worth avenue, was hostess to the Even- ing Bridge club for dinner on Wednes- day evening, at her home. Mrs. Harry Vissering, 257 Kenilworth avenue, was hostess at' luncheon and bridge at her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Merritt H. Dement, 337 Abbotts- ford road, entertained at luncheon and bridge at her home today home at 1010 Linden avenue, during Mrs. McMillen's absence in Florida. Mrs. McMillen who is visiting her daughter Mrs. John Prescott in Fort Lauderdale, is expected home early in March. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes and son, Dick, 816 Forest avenue, returned Mon- dav from a fortnight's visit in the south, sto'pping in Biloxi and Gulfport and New- Orleans. In Ocean Springs they were Mrs. E. D. Parmelee, 512 Roslyn the guests of Mr. Jesse Akeley, on his road, entertained the Afternoon Bridge! pecan farm. club at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Knoop of Warwick road, is spending a fortnight in New York City. Mrs. Guy S. Osborn, 330 Cumnor road, was hostess at a tea at her home on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Henry Everett, 415 Cumnor road, entertained at bridge at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs John Blyman, of Milwaukee is the house guest of her niece, Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, this week a The North Shore Catholic Woman's League acknowledges the prizes donated by the business men of Winnetka ..for the^ard party given at the home of Mrs. X. N. Henrich, in Winnetka, Monday evening, Lincoln's Birthday. The fol- lowing merchants conrtibuted: John Dethloff, Duncan's Confectionery, Eck- art's Hardware, Community Pharmacy, Sweet Shop, and the Wersted Motor Company. The proceeds from this par- ty will be divided between Judge Bart- elme in her Juvenile court work, and St. ^Catherine's Club for Dependent Girls. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Mary Irma Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Hayes of Hubbard Woods, to Mr. William Mac- Donald of Evanston, on Saturday, Feb- 10. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald have taken an apartment on Ridge avenue, in Evanston. ton are occupying the M. H. McMillen The Order of Martha will hold a card partv at the residence of Mrs. George E. Ludwig, 2758 Broadway avenue, on Wednesday afternoon, February 21, at two o'clock. Mrs. George Magill, 731 Elmwood avenue, accompanied her sister, Miss Sallv Ogilvie, on her return to her home in Kankakee, 111., Saturday for a visit with her parents. Mrs. James C. Crossley entertained at luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Mrs. John Sumner Crossley, at her res- idence, 407 Washington avenue. NEW PANTS TO MATCH Y0UH C0AT>D VEST TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE $$ 50 AND UP THOUSANDS OF PATTERNS . . FOR PERFECT MATCH BRING A OR MAILOLD PANTS ki'Al:l*i 18-20 SO. WELLS ST. w WINDOW GLASi and all other kinds of GLASS MIRRORS, ART GLASS AirrnwiND AU 1USHIELDS Mirror Resilvering Glass Dresser Tops Wilmette Glass & Paint Works 1103 Wilmette Ave. Phone 2508 Opi». Village Hall. Electric Appliances North 513-4th Street <J In the home they save time labor and <I They|increase com- fort. ..____ <& They jnultiply con- ~"venience. <J The list of them is long. q]We sell them all. Any of our custo- mers ha^a_credit account with us which he can use in buying any ap- pliance, the terms given being a little down, balance in monthly parts. "" Public Service Co. of'Northern Illinois Salesroom - - - - Evanston NOTICE â-  ' -mm â- 3fS| lii Home Owners! -lite â-  ' "mm. We have 3 clients who wish to buy East side Homes from $15,000 to $18,000. We also have 4" clients for homes $20,000 jf $24,000 and 2 clients for hbmes from $25,000 to $30,000. ^ These customers are responsible business men, who will make substantial cash payments. _^| They are out to buy NOW. Owners can retaaf1 possession to April 15th to May 1st. PHONE US IMMEDIATELY M. E. BARKER & CO. 410 Linden Ave. Wilmette Two Phonesâ€"Wilmette 407 and 408 gritty carbon _ p. can scratch your motor's life away! Correct it attlie souree"by lubricating only with that better, self-carbon-cleaning-oil ftdhams barns to a minlmvm ofcarbon-aon-nard- ____________ ______Aiming-«o light aw* %e~mpered„ %&&££ iotorOil v*-***"* Shore IpjpHIDH Wilmette Properties A^flpr Phone 1304 A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop. M WATCH YOUR SPINE _____ All acute as well as long standing conditions, which have resisted : rtie ordinary methods of treatment, respond to t: .; ^ CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS ;:';'*;â€"^ LESLIE W. JONES, MD,, D. C. PHYSICIAN - CHIROPRACTOR,- OCULIST Eyes Examined and Glasses Fittedâ€"when necessary Wilmette Office: Room 27, Brown Building Hours: 10 to 12 A M.r 2 to 5 P. M.; 7 to 8 P. M. OnVe Tel. JWilmette 2557 Residence TeL Wilmette 2558 kltMofdlnJurygrtt. Tempered for greater staying power, longer life and i ruggeder resistance to heat, friction and dilution. When will YOU be here? MILLER BROTHERS I NORTH 5HQRE GARAGE Opposite, the C.<fc N. W. R. R 611 Main St. Wilmette. Illinois Evanston Illinois Sat Only Highest Quality Meats at the Lowlst Price Cash Meat Market WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE BEST OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH 25Jc Very Best Peacock Hams • per lb. ...... Very Best Peacock Rib Bacon o /% per lb. ... .....OJSiC Very Best Sirloin Steak a g\ ^ per lb................. .40C Very Best Porterhouse Steak tt(\n 18k Very Best Pot Roast per lb.............. Fancy Leg of Veal 1Q1/* per lb...................jS02^ Strictly Fresh Roasting Oi „ Ofi ^ Chickens, per lb. .. 04and JUC Fresh Calves' Sweetbreads f%t%n â€"^:^^^^m^^^^^^SMS^1: jy^»!j. jgajfctt

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