Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1923, p. 15

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General N0tWe.Sâ€"9***x%*l*ytT*l*™™t* wiirbe charged only to persons living in^the district y* ~ *« nPr,ofl, whft^?rSfi!!ton, toPlencoe' inclusive, whose names appear in the telephone Talk o?Glencoe New?. subscribers to either The Lake Shore Niws, Winnetka Weekly VntP*____ ) a CentS pCr* r"* in °n/ p5lpe£* 9 cents Per line in all three papers. KulVo (Average of five words to the line). Deadline for Insertions S?sÂ¥i?edT a,dve^sems?t8 wiu be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock 7\*r „.ti,o w**Uv Tail, a«rf t?.J? T?e J^k<; Silore ,News »or a11 three Pape"; Thursday 12 o'clock for 21 WINNEt£v388 the Glcncoe News- Telephones -WILMETTE 4920- REAL ESTATE :. M. JOHNSTON & CO. OFFER lODERN 7-ROOM FRAME HOME IN best west section, large living room with fireplace, enamel finish through- out, excellent condition, large lot with fine trees, owner must sell im- mediately, SI 0,000. Attractive 6-rm stucco and shingle with 2 fine glassed porches, large brigrht rooms, 3 blocks to station Substantial 5-room brick bungalow, heated sun parlor, hot water heat, at- tractive surrroundings, $15,000. Ideally located stucco home with exceptionally large rooms, 3 bed rms., 2 screened porches, instantaneous heater, beautiful condition, lot with large shade trees, fruit trees, perenn- ials, etc. 2 car garage, best north cast location convenient to transpor- tation. $21,000, or will sell with all furniture if desired. 9-room in central North East lo- cation, heated sun and sleeping smt porches large screened porch. 2 ear garage, wooded lot, $17,500. Fine corner lot 3 blocks station, $3,000. Heavily wooded lot Greenleaf Ave., South front $110 per ft. 50x176 foot corner on Greenwood at $150, also 2 fine 70 foot corners in best north sections. 75 to 175 feet wooded riparian rights lots, Glencoe, over 200 feet deep to the bluff, a bargain at $275 per foot. 99 by 400 feet to bluff, Lake front lot in Highland Park at $235 per ft. 40 Linden Ave. Phones Wil. 68 and 444. L-16-ltc OR .SALEâ€"OWNER FORCED TO sell, most artistic 6-room, brick dutch colonial, built 1 year, 3 bed rooms, h. w. heat, sun parlor, glazed- sleep pch. garage finest ST E". section Win- netka near Lake. Reduced for quick sale to $18,000. New brick bungalow. East North Evanston, 6 large rms., h. wtr. ht., tile bath, sun porch, huge liv. rm., firepl., instantaneous heater, remarkably ar- tistic and convenient, beautiful deep lot, garage, wonderful bargain at $16,000. New artistic 8-rm. brick of Italian design, choicest Wilmette loc. near lake, liv. rm. 16x25, sun parlor-with beautiful cascade fountain, maid's rm. and bath. 1st floor, 4 bed rms. and 2 baths on 2nd floor, oil burning h. wtr. heat, two car heated garage at- tached to house, Bonn-Syphon Kal- vinator ice plant, interior decorations and fixtures to suit. This house is NEEDING LARGER HOME7 WILL sacrifice 5-rm stucco bungalow, pchs. large trees well kept place. Garage Terms, $10,000, "get busy." See Our Lot 3 Blocks to Lake, close to "L" choice sectionâ€"Bargain, $45 per ft. Needing money. Lot on Sheridan Road 50x161 Bargain at $125 and $135 per ft. Call for list of good bargains. Let us show you the wooded va- cant on Gregory Ave. at $55.00. The last lot left in Wilmette at the price of $25.00 per foot. M. L. MOODY & CO. End of "L"' 511 4th St Tel. Wil. 2248 _______________LTG-16-ltc FOR SALE INDIAN HILL LOT ON east side; $37.50 a ft. Call Glen. 976. For sale lots in Highland Park and Jtavinia, east and west side. Call Glen. 976 LTG-16-ltc WILMETTE 6-ROOM STUCCO; SLPG. porch, large front porch, nr lake and "L" only $11,500. Cash $2,500 bal- Winnetka rare opportunity to pur- ' "Chase east side 7-room stucco home, large dining and slpg. porches, new- ly decorated, bargain. $15,500 Cash $2,500 balance like rent. W. G. STACY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 308. LTG-16-ltc STOP PAYING RENT 7-ROOM STUCCO, 4 CHAMBERS, HOT- water heat, gar. break-nook, A. snap. , $10,000. 6-room stucco, 3 chambers, lot 50x 230, fine location, reduced to $11,000. 6-room Colonial, sun par., and sleeping pch., $2,000 cashâ€"$11,500. New 5-room brick, 2 chambers, tile bath and shower, hotwater heat, break-nook, lot- 50x165. $12,000. 7-room Colonial, sun parlor, break- nook, extra toilet and lav. 1st fl„ $16,500. HEINSEN STCLARK, INC. 421â€"4th St., end "L"â€"Wilmette 2760. _______________________ LTG-16-ltc >f finest construction and best buy on ..the North Shore, $32,000. M. E. BARKER & CO. :nd "L" 410 Linden. Ph. Wil. 407-408. L-16-ltc A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 640. ^ERY ATTRACTIVE NEW BRICK bungalow, water heat, modern bath room, brejtkfast nook, sip. pch., etc., artistic decorations. Snap at $11,500. New white colonial 6 rooms and sip. pch. $11,500 California bungalow with 5 rooms only $8,500. 6-room frame house. East. $10„000. 7-room brick colonial, 2 baths on 2nd floor. Ideal location. $34,000. We have one of the largest lists in Wilmette, so if none of the above ap- peal to you, come in and let us show you others. Be sure_and_ look at our new sub- division. fOR SALEâ€"WINNETKA HEIGHTS; 66 and 100 ft. lots, wooded; owners must sell; make offer. New 6-room col.; 3 B. R.; Sip. pch.; tile bath, H. W. H., attic; 1 car gar.; lot 88x187, wooded; nr. lake, schools and transpn. $1&,500. Glencoe: Ideal hqmesites^ 68-ft frontage; hrtranspn., schools^ $"60 per ft. Fine 7-room Col.; 4 B. R.; 2 baths, shower, 2nd fi.; htd. sun and sip. pchs.; attd. gar.; large wooded lot; nr. lake, schools and transpn. $23,000. lEINSEN & CLARK, INC. [56 Center St Winn. 254. 421 Fourth St. Wil. 2760. LTG-16-ltc l"my VACANT '" WILMETTE JAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE, located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth St., and Seventh St., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 with Riparian rights L 4 & 8 Bl LL 4 Bl 6L 3-4 Bl 9 L 9-10 & 12 Bl 10 L 5 Bl 13 L 1 & 3 Bl 17 and L 16 Bl 18. Seven Wilmette Agents to show them to you. -JNO. p. GAGE, Vineland, N. J. LTG16-tfc For Sale In Wilmette MODERN 8-ROOM STUCCO HOME BE- tween "L" and Steam, hot water heat, 2 baths, breakfast and sleeping porches, all large rooms, best buy in Wilmette to-dayâ€"$18,000. Ten room brick and stucco home in choice northeast location, hot water heat, two bath rooms, breakfast and sleeping porches, garage, deep wooded lot near Sheridan Rd.â€" $30,000. __ HILL & STONE End of "L" Wilmette. L-16-ltc WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mort- gages. 545 W. Railroad &ve. Tel. Wil. 65. LTGll-tfc WANTED WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral. housework, good wages, good home, other help kept. Phone Winn. 1137-________________________LTG-16-ltc WANTED EXPERIENCED MAID GEN- eral housework; two adults, small house. References.' Tel. Glencoe 470. LTG-16-ltc WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HSE.- work, 3 in family, no laundry, good wages to right party. References Tel. Win. 185. LTG-16-ltc WANTED WHITE LAUNDRESS â€" Tuesdays; permanent, had last laund- ress six years. Phone Wil. 1877. _______ L16-ltc WANTED COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework, no washing. Tel. Wil. 266. L16-ltc GIRLS FOR MANGLE WORKâ€"APPLi: Kleansuds Laundry, 415 Main St. Call Wil. 1105. LTG-16--ltc The North Suburban Electric Shop Announces the opening of a ser- vice shop with a complete line of electrical end bicycle supplies and expert repairing at reason- able prices.* 415 Linden Ave. Wilmette 111. Tel. Wil. 1346. Ll4-ltc WANTED MAN WITH $1,000 TO $2,000 to invest in a business that will make $5,000 to $10,000 a year, of proven merits, proposition worth looking in- to, an opportunity of a lifetime. Ad- dress Lake Shore News A-84. LTG-16-ltc REAL ESTATE FIRM HAS STRONG STAFF SITUATION WANTED FEMALE YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WILL care for children; afternoon, can furnish reference. Phone 1302. L-16-tfc WASHINGS TO TAKE HOME TELE- phone Wil. 1734. L-16-3tp FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"ADAMS MAHOGANY BED room set, double bed, dresser, dress- ing table, chairs and High-boy; and springs; $135.00. Also solid ma- hogany floor lamp with shade, $25.00. Tel. Kenil. 1558. LTG-16-ltc. FOR SALE MAHOGANY PIANO AND bench, W. E. Hess, 807 15th st., Wil- mette. Phone Wil. 69. L-16-ltp PIANOS REPAIRED PIANOS TUNEDâ€" EXPERT PIANO tuning, repairing. L W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Win. 509-J.' LTG49-tfc STORAGE SERVICE STORAGE MOVINGâ€"PACKINGâ€"SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chairs and Tables for Rent Iredale Fireproof Warehouse Phone Evanston 955 Wilmette 1332 Winnetka 1332 LTGlO-tfc J WANTED TO BUY MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., EvahstonTinrnPhohe 189. LTG14-tfc N. FELLâ€"DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave. Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTG-16-tfc Robert H. Anthony of Glencoe, well known in north shore real esaate and building circles, has established the ,hj_nch office of Anthony and Lareau at 160S__Chicago avenuef in the -North Shore hotel building, Evantson. Mr. Anthony is best known in con- nection with his former affiliaaion with William Aitken, builder, at Hub- bard Woods. He is a native of Glen- coe, a graduate of the Glencoe Gram- mar school, New Trier Township High school the University of Illinois and Harvard Law school. In the last war Mr. Anthony enlist- ed in the navy attending the ensign's school on the Municipal Piejr^ Chica- go. After the war he accepted a pos- ition as professor of English at the University of Minnesota and later was assistant professor of English at Iovqa State University, at Ames, Iowa. More recently he was a salesman for Thorpe Bros Minneapolis, the largest real estate concern in that city. He has been in the real estate busi- ness in this vicinity for two years and is a member of the Chicago Real Estate board and of the Association of Commerce. Mr. Lareau was an Ensign in the navy and instructor of French at Columbia university. He has attend- ed Lake Forest andl Northwestern universities. After leaving college he was general sales manager for a large Chicago real estate concern. Miss MargueritrSachs; manager ot the new Evanston office, has had a wide experience in north shore real estate. Miss R. T. Anthony is in charge of the renting in the Evanston offices. L. Marx handles the insur- ance and securities. FOR SALE BY OWNERâ€"NEW HOUSE, h. w. heat, hard wood floors, $10,000. Inquire 2726 Isabella St., Evanston. Kuegeman, ,W. H. LTG-16-ltp WANTED TO BUY HOUSE MODERATE PRICED MODERN HOME east of railroad; state price, age, ad- ;. tic. Aau.ess Lake Shore News A-78. LT16-ltp WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"MERCER BEAS- ley Tennis coach, Indian Hill Club desires furnished house or apartment April 15th, to Oct. 1st, Winnetka or vicinity. Address Lake Shore News A-80. L-15-4tc WANTED TO RENT, NOW OR BE- fore May 1, seven or eight room un- furnished house, with two.baths and garage, for one year or longer. Ad- dress 1505 Otis Bldg., Chicago. • _______________L-16-ltc WANTED TO RENT â€"OCCUPANCY April 1st, furnished medium-sized house, while building a home by re- sponsible party, who preserves your property as you would, pays prompt- ly and furnishes best of references. Tel. Win. 789 or 1220. LT13-tfc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE UN- furnished, two baths, Kenilworth to Glencoe first of May. Will lease. Tel Kenilworth 2219. LTG15-tfe FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED AND decorated rooms, two blocks .west of N. W. depot Gentleman preferred. Tel. Wilmette .2785. LTG-16-ltc fORr~SAXE WILMETTE, SIX-ROOM hnck bungalow 3 blocks to trans., not water heat, garage, $10*500â€" terms. 150 feet of vacant, 3 blocks to "L" and Lake. $40 a foot "£elow_Biarket, Sheridan Rd. front- age $125 a foot. For sale Winnetka two heavily wooded lots, southwest near Indian MiLLClub. 118xl75r-best buy in that -section ^R SALEâ€" 2 AND 4 ACRE TRACTS, nigh, wooded,- witbi^«hftPt^»to ride. or -North Shore Villages. Cement roads, steam and elec. trans. All im* provements included in tho purchase Jjrice«_Jdeal for__country home sites summer. Cottages.â€"For details see Kobiert H. Anthony, 11 La Salle St., ^eHtraJL21ia..ot- Glencoe 235,_________ LTG14-3tc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. AESTT housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Nr. all trans. LTl-tfc CENTRAL HOTEL â€" NICE CLEAN outs, rms., steam heat, hot and cold • rung water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wil. _"_________ LT5-tfe FOR RENT 3-ROOM HOUSEKEEP- ing suite, also separate rm., suitable business man. Wil,» 844-J, L-16-ltc WANTED TO RENT ROOMS WTD. TO RENT 3 OR 4 UNFURNISH- ed rooms, light housekeeping, Apr. 1st, Wil. or Winn.; mother and son 17; good location, must be reasonable, references, permanent. Tel. Ken. 1969. LT-16-ltc FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"ONE SPORT DRESS AND jacket, size 16, one spring cape, mole- skin trimmed, one caricul trimmed, also chairs and table for sale. Tel. Wil. 952-W. 821 15th St. LT-16-ltc FOR SALE YOUTH'S TUXEDO SUIT, small size, full silk lined, perfect con- ditionâ€"$10.00. Phone Glencoe 592. ________________________________LTG-16-ltc FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS, Cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum- ber, stoves. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG3-tfc FOR SALE TWO BOSTON TERRIER puppies; females, beautiful markings, from high class registered stock. Ph. Wil. 2785. LTG-16-ltc FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES f&orâ€" Ford Repairing Ford Washing Ford Storage Ford Accessories, â€"Seeâ€" Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers r~ CHICAGO ELECTRIC NEWLY PAINT- ed, batteries, tires and upholstering in excellent condition. Price »25©.©Ot both f resffmen, took fTrst and second SITUATION WANTED MALE reXP DRTVER WANTS FOSTTTON AS chauffeur. Also exp. in garden work. Address Lake Shore News A-79 LTG16-ltn These bargains will not last long, see us at once. , HILL AND WHEELER____________________ hone Wilmette 93. /Winn. 142. | WANTED^A^Y^UNO^WOMAN, WHITE â„¢ ,,,__â„¢. LT-16-ltc HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUN< between 20 and 35 years of age. to take care of 2% year old boy; 3 after* noons a week, from S to 5:30 o'clock. 40 cents per hour 4 blocks from en" of elevated. Kix Miller, 789 Michigan Ave. L-16-ltc WANTED GOOD LAUNDRESS, WHITE â€"one who will do good and-rapid work. also man or woman to do cleaning ~ â€"Address JLake Shore-JJews-A»gl LTG-16-ltc WERSTED MOTOR CO. TEL. WINN. 165 562 LINCOLN AVE. LTC-16 Itc FOR SALE BUICK "6" FIVE F'ASSEN- ger touring car. This car has always been kept up and is in first class con- dition; new top, new Vesta battery, 2. new cord tires, 3 nearly new fabric tires, many extras, a real bargin at $400. W. E Hessr 807 15th St.. Wil- niette. Phone Wil. 69. L-16-ltp FOR SALE FORD SEDAN. FINE CON- dition. driven only 9,000 miles, over- size tires and many extras, bargain, $300. 387 Linden St., Winn. Phom; â€"W4nn^614.--------------- -----------LT-16-tfc AOST AND FOUND LOST POCKETBDOK OONTAININQ- $35.00; near Greenleaf and W. R. R. -â- Go.-,-Feb. 10 • Finder^kindly notify E. T. Rogers, '1517 Hill St. and receive reward. _ _ __ L-16-ltp LOST MALE AIREDALE DOG. Â¥R. old. Anyone returning same to own- â€" er?-934-ehestnut Aver, Wilmette will be liberally rewarded. LTG16-ltc Germs9, The Cry of Battle; Six Huskies Nipped "Germs," said Chief of Police Seiber as he poked his nose into the police sta- tion at the village hall. "Germs," said Judge Mickey as he put on his hat after finishing his Mon- day duties in the village hall. "Germs," said Dr. Moore t as he left the village hall with queer pains in his head. Arid so they got togeher to eradicate the militant microbes that seemed to have made the village hall their head- quarters. First Jt was decided to fumi- gate on Monday night the entire first floor of the village hall, with the excep- tion of the police department___o_L-_ fices. The rooms were shut tightly and the battle between the deadly fumes and the germs began. By morning the slaughter had been so well conducted that it was decided to carry he fight into the police office itself. Tuesday night saw the last and most obstinate of the grippe germs hoist the white flag. The surrender, however, came too late to save six of the Wil- mette police force- Police officers Henry Brautigan, Peter Schaffer, Charles Lance, Joe May, Albert Borre, and George Schaffer have all. suffered with attacks of the grippe. NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, ILLINOIS, 4*&% SCHOOL BONDS, TO BE SOLD AT 8 P. M., FEBRUARY 26, IMS. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE. NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of New Trier Township High School District, Cook County, Illinois, will receive sealed bids for the purchase of $200,000 ot 4v&% School Bonds until the 26th day of February. 1923* at 4 o'clock p. m. ^ Bids will be received at the office of the Board of Education in the High School building of the District at Win- netka, Illinois. â-  * " _ These $200,000 of bonds now offered for sale are part of an issue of $500.- 000 of similar bonds duly authorised at an electon duly called and held on the 30th day of September, 1922. These bonds will be dated January 1st, 1923, of the denomination of $1,000 each, bearing interest at the rate of ..4Mr% per annum, payable semi-annu- ully. principal and interest to be pay- able at the Northern Trust Company. Chicago, Illinois. Bonds may be reg- istered as to principal and mature (without option of prior payment) as follows: --«-.. '^ â- â-  $10,000 annually from July 1, 1924 to July 1. 1930, both inclusive, $30,000 annually from July 1, 1931 to July 1, 1934, both inclusive. $10,000 on July 1, 1935. The School District will furnish the bonds at its own expense. The approving opinion of Attorney* Wood & Oakley of Chicago will he furnished with these bonds at the time of sale and all bids must be uncondit- ional as to legality. Each bidder must accompanyâ€"his -bid-by eertinedâ€"ehequ for 2% of the amont of his bid. Such cheques should be payable to the order of the Treasurer of New Trier Township and will be retained as liquidated dam- ages in the ^vent the bidder who may be awarded the bonds shall fail to pur- chase them in accordance with his bid. Bids not in accordance with this pro- posal or for less than par and accrued interest will not be considered and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. """ ~ ~"~ â-  _ ~~~ , .â-  . (Signed) Charlotte L. McKenzie. Secretary. Board of Education. L16-2to Pig: ^IfeiSlll NOTICE Proposals will he received at the office of the Village Clerk of the Vlllage^of Gross Point until noon on the 4th day of April, 1928. for the purchase oTany interest which the Village of Gross Point may have in and to the following de- scribed property, to-wit: Lots five (5) and six C6) «»J?^M"«J«'" (7) of Soger's Subdivision of the North- east quarter of the Northwest quarter, ex- cept the Bast two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty-three (S3), Township forty- two (42) North, Range IS Bast of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook Coun- ty, Illinois, together with all the build- ings and Improvements thereon. Bids will be opened at a regular meet- ing of the Board of Trusteeji to heUbtHr. on the 4th day «of Aprfl^ 1923. at • o'clock. m , ._ The Village Hall Is located on saldT premises a»d was used by the Village in the conduct of its business, but it U no longer necessary or required for tha use of thb Vlllage.- mm The said property will be sold to th« highest-and best bidder: provided, how- ever, that the Board of Trustees reserve* the right to reject any and all bids re- ceived therefor; â€"^â„¢â€" iri^i^ Village of Gross Point. By EDWARD ZEUTSCHEL, President. Lll-lOta fit! mm VILLAGE OF GROSS POINT NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS Freshman Girl Swim Champ At New Trier High School Olive Etennis and Verna Rayenscroft, places respectively in a swimming meet for girls held in th New Trier tank a week ago Friday. Alice King, a junior, took third position. Twenty of New Trier's mermaids competed in this meet. Events in the plunge, crawl, breast stroke, back stroke, and forty-yard_ swim were on the-program. Olive Dennis took first place in three of these, thereby laying claim to the title of New Trier's best girl swimmer, and Verna Ravenscroft took the jecond greatest number of points! Mrs. Judith^Pavidr^ ary from Persia, will be the speaker at the Woman's United SeTvice_in_th£ English Lutheran church next Friday. February 16, at 1:45 p. m. Mrs. David iF_a^h«roine x>£ the- last Ureumia mas- sacre and has a wonderful story to tell. ORDINANCE NO. 181 AN ORDINANCE BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES O* THE VILLAGE OF GROSS POINT. PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE DB« SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lots five (5) and six (6) in Block seven (7) of Seger'a Subdivision of the North- east quarter of the Northwest quarter, ex- cept the East two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty-three (33), Township forty- two (42) North, Range 18^ East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook Coun- ty, Illinois, together with all the buUd- ings and improvements thereon. BE IT ORDAINED, By the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Gross Point, in the County of Cook and State76* Illinois â- $M '%7$iS SECTlONFir- ,M;:^m. That the following described real ea«v tate, to-wit: Lots five (5) and six (8) in Block seven (7) of Soger's Subdivision of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, except the East two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty-three (88), Township forty-two (42) North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, together with all the buildings and Improvements there- on, being the property 7on_-Whlch the Village Hall is located, which said build- ing was used by the Village in the con- duct of Its business, Is no longer neces- sary, appropriate or required for the use of said Village or profitable to, or its longer retention for the best interests) of the Village. SECTION 2. That proposals to sell the said property, or any Interest which the Village may have thereto shall be published for a period of not less than Sixty (60) days in the Lake Shore News and that said property be sold to the highest and best bidder; provided, however, the Board of Trustees may by majority vote reject any and all bids received therefor^. ^ECTroir^. That in the event said property la sold as herein provided, the President of the Board of Trustees and the Clerk of the said Board are hereby authorised and directed to convey said property to such party or parties whose bids have been accepted, - by a proper deed or deeds of conveyance, stating therein the price therefor, with the seal of the corporation. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after Its passage, apâ€" proval and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED BY the President and Board of Trustees of said Village of Gross Point on the 3rd day of January, 1923._____ ----------------EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER, Village Cleric APPROVED: ^ ^^5^ JOSEPH BLESER. MATH SCHNEIDER, N. J. MILLER. (Signed) EDWARD ZEUTSCHEL, ^ _____:^------:â€":-------Presidents ATTEST: _____ EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER. â€" Village Cleric Lll-ltta tSt

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