Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1923, p. 14

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M. â-  WW ,**â-  14 THE LAKE SHORE "â€"far above our power to add or detract" "NTOTHING that we can say in honor of Abraham Lincoln would add lustre to his name. No eulogy is ne- cessary. We'll just say that in honor of the birthday of one of the worldsâ€"best- andâ€"greatest CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CrP.flP.Ylll Notice?____Classified aTTvertTsemerits will be charged only^^^ei«ons_iiving^in _ .the_dist«ci _^J*"**"' fr *_•___£" rlii^g--------fromâ€"Evsmsttm -ttr-GleTTcrre^hTctusiveT^whose names, appear in the telephone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore, News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News._____________________________________________-______________________ â€" â€" "Tfsttf'c-------"ttfr"<H-f»tyipflgrr'1 _!fi cents per line in all three papers. £VU>T0S (Average of five words to the line). TlonAlivto fnv r«ic<7Wf/_tiC Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock ueaunne jur lnsemvns for The , ake Shore News or al, three papers; Thursdayi2jojcjockjQr_ the Winnetka Weekly Talk^ml_FHda^J2_j^ â€"3Me^©fIeT^ftfIOnnT^^ I REAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"IF YOU AR_r~_OOKING for an attractive new colonial for £w 111,500 we have it. Terms easy. J Also a brand new brick bungalow ;: with water heat, built in bath tub and shower, breakfast nook, sleeping â€" porch and all beautifully decorated, for only $12,000. First payment $3000. ^ Here Is k real bargain. A 10-R. "house built like the rock of Gibral- U tor* with 2 baths, all metal weather strips, newly decorated and. painted, c -large wooded lot and 2 car garage, v $18,500. ,;; 6-room bungalow for $9,000.00. 6-room frame house east, $10,000. v- Beautiful 9-R. stucco in N. E. lo- cation, 2 baths, water heat, 100 ft. lot worth $15,000 alone. Price $28,500. We have one of the largest lists in Wilmette, so i$ none of the above , appeal to you,' come in and let us show you others, _ • Be rare and look~ at our new *ub- divfalon. ' A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. #3167 Wilmette Ave. . & Tel. Wil. 640 £ - *f * L15-ltc -,r>P ax I E â€" WINNETKA HEIGHTS; HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. Center Bt. â„¢-\JG?5.ftc FOR SALE-WINNETKA, NEVV 0-1L Colonial on nicely wooded lot, six large rooms, hot water heat, two porches, large garage. For quick Sash sale $13,500. In««lPf * 877 Elm St., Winn. Ph. Winn. ^..^ fcOR SALEâ€"WINNETKA LOT SHERI- F(d5n Road, real bargain. Call^Dear- born 9737 ask for Kehian. LTG15-ltc FOR SALEâ€"GLENCOE LOT 83x160 E Fside.$50ft. CallGlen. 976.ltgi6_^c WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSES WANTED TO BUYâ€"BETWEEN WJJN- netia and Highland Park, Dutch Colonial preferred 'our sleeping rms. two baths now or for May delivery. No agent. Advise fully details. Ad- dress reply A70, Lake Shore New* FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD <_QQD, FOR SALEâ€"MISSION FURN. JOBS* ry table, couch, 2 rockers, onetSS-* tal, one tabouret, one small chai*_*I small refrigerator. Phone WliWiSf 2140, 702 Qreenleaf Ave. t.CT FOR SAL12 â€" FURNITURE, "IfiS* Cart, anything bought, sold or _? changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., ij*1 ber, stoves. 808 Oak St., Win > 1212. ________________ LTajgj :-5t*i FOR SALEâ€"DINING TABLE? chairs $15.00, bed wicker ohalilf piano, icebox, book casea,eteW 1091 or call 1144 Lake Ave. Wila,e^ •J^S-lte FOR SALE â€" LEATHER _ couch, morris chair, mission gtvf oak settee and rocker to match W Wil. 1636. _______________ jtaiijj FOR SALE OAK UPRIGHT brown mahogany, fireside rock* with linen slip covers. Phone T»« 8 04-J._____________LU-ljJ Wk i« FOR SALEâ€"ONE LIBRARY TJCgfS $12., four chairs, each $9. Al cohd? tton. Tel. Wil. 1668. Ftm SALEâ€"2 WD HAND HoTJftfc Electric washer. Perfect conditio. $25. Phone Winn. 1512 LTlS.u. WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSE TEN OR twelve rooms; out of town buyer; exclusive neighborhood. *â„¢>00$*? $75,000. Give complete details from owner. Address Lake Shore News A.- 72 i_l(_f-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSE IN GOOD location, seven to nine rooms May 1. Delivering cash for equity; give lo- cation at lowest price. Address Lake Shore News A-71. LTG-ltc WANTED TO REXT HOUSE WANTED TO RENT â€" OCCUPANCY April 1st, furnished medium-sized juuise^wliUe-luiilding a hnmeJiy-Jft- sponsible party, who preserves your property as you would, pays prompt- ly and furnishes best »f references. Tel. Win. 789 or 1220. LT13-tfc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ONE TO FIVE years seven or eight rooms, modern, moderate priced house from Wil- mette to Ravinia. Tel. Winn. 1080. LTG15-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"MERCER BEAS ley Tennis coach, Indian Hill Club desires furnished house or apartment April 15th, Oct. 1st Winnetka or vi- cinity. *L15-4tc WANTEDâ€"TO RENT UNFURNISHED 7 or 8-rm. house or bungalow, not on thoroughfare, best ref. Mrs Adolf Stein, 5010 Drexel blvd., Chicago, 111. LTG14-2tc WANTED TO RENT â€" 8-RM. HOUSE unfurnished, two baths, Kenilworth to Glencoe first of May. Will lease. Tel. Kenilworth 2219. LTG15-tfc WANTED TO RENTâ€" THREE OR four rooms, furnished apart. House- keeping, 3 adults. Phone Wil. 2778 L15-ltp FOR RENT ROOMS FOR SALEâ€"TUDOK PERIOD LtVlSft Room set; good condition. $5(u« Call Glencoe 1001. I/Tan.3 FOR SALE â€" SINGLE IRON^BEt? mattress and spring cheap. Call (jW. 649.;! STEAMSBI FOR SALEâ€"WARDRtTBB STEAllESl trunk, good as new. Phone Wil, 738.1 W.____________________LTlB-ltc ____________PIANOS REPAIRED PIANOS REPAIREDâ€"SPECIALIST "ft; care andâ€"attention of the highest] grade pianos. Years of experience! with an unquestionable reputation! Chas. H. Spencer, 1002 Lake ~* "- â€"anstoii. Phoner~Ev. PIANOS TUNED â€" EXPERT PIANO j tuning, repairing. L W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tunerl Tel. Win. 509-J. LTG4Mf« storage: service STORAGE MOVINGâ€"PACKINGâ€"SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chairs and Table* for Rent Iredale Fireproof Warehouse Phone Evanston 055 Wilmette 1332 Winnetka 1332 LTGlO-tfc Vs.. WANTED TO BUY MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND-HANfil . furniture and other household goodsi Highest price paid for same. Croat] "Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson Evanston, 111. Phonre ITSTTZTC "to" FOR RENTâ€"BEAUTIFULLY FUR- nished room east exposure with breakfast and dinner if desired. Ad- dress, Lake Shore News A74. L15-ltc CENTRAL HOTEL â€" NICE CLEAN outs, rms., steam heat, hot and cold rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080.. 629 Main St., Wil. LT5-tfc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil 935-M. Nr. all trans. LTl-tfc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM IN â€"privateâ€"Home toâ€"refined gentleman. 2302 Isabella St., Evanston. L15-ltp FO"R ^ATTE-yG ARAfiES FOR SALEâ€"2 PORTABLE GARAGE, good condition, $150.00 for informa- tion call Main 3154. L15-ltc __________FOR RENT GARAGES___________ FOR RENTâ€"GARA-GTf^ONVENIENT- lv located at Lake Ave. and 15th St. Tel. Wil. 2427. L13-3tc HELP WANTED MALE ____REAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"OWNER FORCED TO sell most artistic 6-rm. brick Dutch colonial built 1 yr., 3 bed rooms h. w. heat, sun parlor, glazed sleep, pch., finest S. E. section Winnetka, near Lake. Reduced for quick sale to $18,000. ^ New brick bungalow, East North Evanston, 6 large rms., h. w. heat, tile bath, sun porch, huge liv. rm., firepl. instantaneous heater, remark- ably artistic and convenient, beauti- ful deep lot, garage, wonderful bar- gain at $16,000. In best East location Wilmette, near Lake, beautiful new 8-rm home most attractive exterior and ideal â€"arrangement, huge liv. rm., sun norch and sleep, pch. (each 14x15 ft.) four bed rms., one 15x25, 3 baths, extra lav. & toilet, oil burning h. w. heat, built-in garage, fine wooded lot, trim, decorations and fixtures to su>it $30,000 M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 410 Linden. Ph. Wil. 407-408 L15^1tc ^NEEDING LARGER HOME, WILL sacrifice 5-rm stucco bungalow, pchs. large trees well kept place^ Garage. Terms, $liy,00t),^ger busy." See Our Lot„_3L_JBlock» to Lake, ^45~ per ft. Needing money. Lot on Sheridan Road 50x161 Bargain at $125 and $135 per ft. Call for list of good bargains, Let us show you the wooded va- â- SM&;tf iX^jCsmt on Gregory Ave; air ~$S 5.00. M. L-jwooorr^iaszzz n^i>r^l7,T^E^TTt1iTSlF~~Tel. WilT2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€" 2 AND 4 ACRE TRACTS, high, wooded, within short auto ride of North Shore Villages. Cement roads, steam and elec. trans. All im- provements included in the purchase price. Ideal for*, country home sites or summer Cottages. For details see Robert H. Anthony, 11 La Salle St., Central 2119 or Glencoe 235. ____________ LTG14-3te. FOR SALEâ€"REAL BARGAIN 7 RMS. two glass porches, tile bath, built in tub with shower, hotwater heat, two car garage, wooded lot east of track, $16,500 for February only. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 4th, Wilmette Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG15-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAN WITH CAR TO SELL complete line low priced Tires and Tubes. $100.00 per week and ex- penses. Sterlinerworth Tire Co . Ster- ___ling, E. Liverpool. Ohio._____L15-ltc WANTED â€" COMBINATION HOUSE~ man 'and gardener, white, one who can drive car. good wages must have references. Plione Wil. 2163. I>TG15-ltc HELP WANTED FEMALE Tel. Wil. 1346. L14-ltc WANTED-=-^BOOKKEEPER. YOUNG _â- ___________________~_ __lady^j2XJCid JW-rtter,-8ome^>ewjiyji^:L===41S:iLinden^Sve. Wilmette 111. near NT. W. station. Hours ST^Oto1-1 5:00. Give age. Salary expected, ex- perience and reference. Answer. Jav â€"letter.- -MrTHoItfc."American Tvne Founders Co., 519 W. Monroe St.. Chicago. ,.__ LTG15 -1 tc WANTEDâ€"REFINED YOUNG WO- man ps companion to seven year old -w^ekâ€"^n^ne^^ry^^ayafternoons. Tel. ___Glencoe 649.__________ LTG15-ltc WANTED â€" GfPL FOR GENERAL housework: white: small house. 3 In familv. No washing. 782 Foxdale, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1196. LTG15-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"REED Carriage in first class condition. Call! Wilmette 153. L15-ltc| FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"CATHEDRAL OAK DIN- ing room furniture Jacobean period.] consisting of six side chairs and two] arm chairs upholstered, seats cane I backs, 54-in. round extension table,) Buffet, serving table, china cabinet.! Same will be ' sold * at a reasonable! price. E.-C. Haeger, 505 Drexel Ave„| Glencoe. Phone Glen. 940. LTG15- FOR SALEâ€"I HAVE A _1_ITTER â€"finely bred Airedale pups for s Descended f^on> several champions;] -~-^ojida-n Swiveler, Abdey King Nob blwr,-*Briar's Masterpiece and'Oth-fs,] Prices Male $50; Female $20. Richard K. Williams. Tel. Glencoe 147. LTG13-2tc| FOR SALEâ€"ELEC. AUTO CHARGER] a mercury arc rectifier. No reason-: able offer refused. 505 Drexel Ave, Glencoe. Tel. Gieji___9_lfll_____X»TG15-lte r---------------:-----;----------^ The North Suburban Electric Shop Announces the opening of a ser- vice shop with a complete line of electrical and bicycle supplier and expert repairing at reason* able prices. V -----gQWHSALE AUTOMOBILES Dodge Touring?. 1022; Dodge Roadster 1021 % en year uiu „â€"*=-- "--------:â€"_JZZZ no€ma__^Jtch-------Monroe Touring 191 WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED WHITE woman â„¢-«shes ironing or cleaning *>•"• d?>'*\ Will do other housewk. Tel Wil. 1080. L15-ltn WANTEDâ€"WOMAN PART TIME FOR proofread in a-. Must have some ex- perience. Lloyd Hollister, Inc.. Tel. Wil. 1920. ___________ LTG15-ltp WANTED â€" MAID. MUST RE GOOD nlain cook, best wages.- Phone Wil. 1353 LTG15-ltc FOR SALEâ€"PRETTY 5 ROOM BUNG- alow, water heat, oil burner, near Lake. Cash required. $4000. Price $15,000.00. ^o*e^taJ!L_ljch_olc:e Bectton-^Bargainv -^=Ask-^u*-«biyuTHJvilmette's newest **tr «_.« #* xr«^s--------------„„ subdivision 50 ft. lots. $30.00 per ft 5,000.00.. ___r*rr i^ ^r^wii«----------- „*ef ^ajy^^ BRETHGLD iLg^elt^ and up. W.G. STACEY&CO. 3 36 JLinden^AvS. Tel; Wilmette 308 5-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE FINE" DEEP wooded fifty foot lot on Greenleaf Ave., near 7th St. $100.00 per foot. Modern 7 room stucco home on large corner lot, hot water heat per- fect condition, garage, $14,500. HILL & STONE End of "L", Wilmette L15-ltc WILL BUILD TOUR HOME FOR_CASH or monthly payments.. - â€"*n*uranc«gr"F4rst and Second Mort gages. 545 W. Railroad ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LTGU-tfc FOR SALEâ€"GLENCOE RES. 8 RMS! hot water hea.tT liirgA l»t n WANTEDâ€"LIGHT HSWK. 2 ADULTS No Laundry. Call Glen. 1018. LGT15-ltcr WANTED â€" EXP. WHITE MAIDl p-en'l. hswk., 3 in family. Call Win. 1705. LTG15-ltc FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD and garden furnishing, oriental, rue, furniture, glass, china, mah.. jrrfvn<l- father clock, all in good condition. For sale immediately, owner leaving for California. Phone Glencoe 5S ~ LTG15-ltc WERSTED MOTOR Tel. Winn. 165. ca 562 Lincoln Ave. _______________________LTG15-ltc FOR SALEâ€"FORD SEDAN STARTER Demountable rims, bumper, wheel lock, fine shape $275. Phone 937-M. 721 Prairie Ave., Wilmette. c LTG15-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WILL SET_L KITCHEN cabinet, forty foot double ladder, roll ton oak desk, Amer. adding machine -one-oak and one iroTTTjed with snp-s Price very chean. Tel. Wil. 937-M 72LPrairie Ave., Wilmette,____________' LTG15-ltc poss Mayl. Need only "$'6,000 cash] bfr 4 1-2 years a,t 6 -per-cent. Phone FOR SALE^nmiB WOODED LOT5 â- "Jn H»&hland Park, aH improvements in and paid for. Tel. Glencoe 976. :<^Vâ- â- r^;-::p:/â- ^:;^':O..K-LTG15-ltC FOR SALEâ€"ADAMS MAHOGANY BED room set, double bed. dresser, dress- ing table, chair and High-bov_ja.nd springs, $13S.OO; also solid maTTop-a- __,- , ^rrlanip with shade, $25:00. Tel. Wil. 1668 LTGli aft.;r fi Tviâ„¢^o^rf r-i ^^I^^f^^- ^^RrSA-fjE=^UXT!y OmgJX-^^^^ST^^ - OR SALE^THREB WOODEnT^" ^^J°li J",ah?gaPy liv.'"g room I labl^-fmtKtra^' dejlj fllent con- dition, reasonable. Call Tues. or Wed A. M. 525. Sunset Road,_ Winnetka Ford Repairing Ford Washing Ford Storage Ford Accessories SEE Skokie Motor Co. 712-714 Elm Street Winnetka AuthoiizedHFORD De?rter~ LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"BETWr. WASH. AVE.^SNIT^ St and Linden Ave. Elevated Sta., - old fashioned gold pin. Topaz â€"center surrounded by. Pearls * so PKc Lii-it^ LOSTâ€"STRING OF CORAL BBAl5§ between 1128 Greenleaf and C & ";, W. Depot, Sunday. Finder ple^e j leave at Millen's Hardware store L^G^-^iz^hs^ixf^^evfB.Td^ 'ei5-«c: '-^:^^^^^^

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