12 THE LAKE SHORW WftWS. FRIDAY FFRKTTARY 9, 1923 â- MP THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 with which la combined THE WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS _______ Kmabttshed lstfe ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK . by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wllmette, 111. Telephone ............ .Wllmette 1930 SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR Ail communications must be aecom- ~p»ni*»d by the name and address of the writer Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to insure appearance in current issue. Resolution* of condolence, cards of thankn. obituary poetry, notices of enter- tainments or other affairs where an ad- mittance charge will be made or a co«- jectiori taken, will be charged for at regu- lar advertising rates._______________ Entered at the postofflce at Wllmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3. 1878. HBJSHBSSaSSjBBBHBBSBSBSS^ - equipped with a knowledge that can be Offers Lessons In French converted into money, ready to find an honest living, will do more to prevent a slipping back into the dishonest ways than anything else could possibly do. Just now the building trades are short of men. There is need for building such sa has not existed for a long time. The need of men for training comes at a time when there is ready a place to ^fcsorb" them. Certainly it should be a "feasible plan to bring the two ends to- gether and to begin to equip men whose prison sentence will shortly expire „ to find work in a department of endeavor in which there is ample room for them. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1923 TRAINING FOR PRISONERS Training of men wh«se contributwn to the life of the times has been cut short by prison sentence to fill a place where there is much need oi service ought to work well for everybody con- cerned. The plan of Chairman Patten uf tlu:â€"Ptistiu Commission that men oe Dr. Emory W. Hunt Speaks At Baptist Church Sunday Dr. Kmory W. Hunt, president of Bucknell university, will preach at_the Wllmette Baptist church, Wilmettc and Forest avenues, Sunday morning, Feb- ruary 11. Dr. Hunt is in Chicago attending the annual meeting of the American Baptist Foreign Mission society. ____ I T taught the building trades so that when they are released from prison they will be able to lend a hand where there is much need for hands as well as be able to find occupation with which to earn a living is one so practical that it should meet with a ready acceptance. The idea is growing, though it has far to go before it comes to universal acceptance, that the prison experience is only partly punitive in its nature. It ,1s reformatory, or should be, seeking to redeem lives that have been misspent to usefulness and sober living. To send a man out from the prison f"'-'1-""""'"1 WASHING To Swell Child Book Fund Mrs. L. E. Youngquist. who has been devoting much of her tune in the inter- est of a campaign to secure more bgoks for children at the Wilmettc Free r ub- lic library and its branch m the Laurel avenue school, is now giving two hours every Friday afternoon to classes in conversational French for children ot, the Wilmette public schools. The hour from 3 to, 4 o'clock is re- served for children of "the first, second and third grades, and the hour troni -J to 5 o'clock for children of the higher grades. Proceeds realized from the mod- eVate "tuition" fee are to be directed to Sr fund for children's books. thCIt 7s chiefly through the â€"e«t ality of, Mrs. ^X^Sure avenue ^T^-^u^ the Uvo Parent-Teacher associations in the vil- we will conduct a campaign to provide Jhe libraryj^^ b°°kS- HOME FROM HOSPITAL tWiine Tone, small daughter of Uu an^Ms. David K. Tone, 1100 Elmwood a venue returned home from the hvans- n hosp.tal this week where she under- went an operation on a finger that had i.ecome infected, Wiiiys-Knieht and Overy Willys-Knight Sedan $2,095| delivered Overland 4 Door Sedan$j delivered C. H. Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Ave Evi ! Skokie Motor Co. 712-714 Elm Street J WINNETKA J Authorized FORD Dealers j At all First class Grocers We Don't Blame You for being exacting about the way your baked- goods are made, and the niaterials that go into them. A person can't be too careful about what they eat, these days. Seidel's Lady Fingers and Macaroons are made under sanitary conditions by expert bakers who insist on having the very best of everything to work withr You'll taste the difference immediately! 9IO CHICAGO AVENUE PHONE EVANSTON 1200 frfrPufe! BOWMAN'S MILK is offered to you only after frequent inspections have assured its purity. This precaution is taken even though infinite care is exercised at every step 1n the swir"t delivery from farm to you. One of our clean, white wagons^ stops at your door. It will be a pleasure to serve you. Bowman \fjii< DAIRY COMPANY I'lllfV FAMOUS FOR MACAROONS & LADY FINGERS What Better Guided could a mortician have than the one we have adopted: The Golden Rule? We believe that in our Profession at leastf il best mentor possible. To serve as we- would be served, to do unto others as we truly would have others do unto us, and ours, is indeed a worthy aim. We are oroud of our repu- tation as rendering a service0 worthy., of theâ€"deseriptiotr-^of "Golden Ruie Service." IP EVANSTON 600 $06 CMH kVG. &UZ laisn <s$ DISYIMCX ^EUNeitAL SERVICE m H The fact that we H offer our customers H__ the BESXXOAL- â- and the BEST jj LUMBER we can jj possibly buy, has fH -----gained for nsrrireTr !H confidences. Trial orders become repeat orders ^ *A zMmmr^AJ^^ - lumber i wne/J4 Phone735 EARL L WEINSTOQ^ .tt-^i^. mm wmesM ,„««HI»â€"-----------_-_..... Lu_^'J,»i«*!ESS pfSISisSi'i^^^®^^* :%fSl?IfeS|fstlS^^@:ff*: