Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1923, p. 10

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pSp}^^!5 mim^mm^^ st^i THE LAKE' cmâ„¢"' vf\V.^ FEIBAYF^^^^AEY 9. jp& norrauAH minr ypw may &A ius* ass "m^Vf^I v> tes LoKftfa* horafasfcr it-wafer. F*^s- .A*ii W«flfi«*i*?"- slse fes <&sy *d" Lftssj. cc-waes. am' Wed»e*iay; FAr»- ary 14eh, TSwe twiS! ise H.©$y Co»- t,g»e Pewafctsasal Of« at I© as- «- a»Sb: __ Evesiasg Pray*? »'^s a«&ir*s* at BAPTIST CHORCH f The regular weekly | Baptist Choral Society 'Hmff. gagaest Masjacc Sxae*:;? 1-34, oitnSSR 5H» Sit ..22SK5 it * ; f"%â„¢â€"«- P***â€"«-r ,^;.u frstrssse* a~ ia; ..sera* * srss^f Less- flaji':. ^isaca#r^ t-t&raary -- '"* "^^. ., -p-,^ rail &t £T«aijsf: ' :-'X3& 02 ssat wax £J*#f~*. «^â€"~~^ - -, ,-^. Hxe .ikfred Branca gTK fll Os ?i« w*ek 4ay.i <fs-s tt> H&% W««k„ tfeere wS jS««^'^*^*«^w'a^S«ftv^ ai^.Cah *: =*â-  v*^«-~..^^r^ ^^^ si* diarches m sM*lL^ W*^ aa^«*^ »» At «o»i« iTbwfcy «^ f a ^!B^^!^£^A.1^ Bmsd ^i - '..Mt rf be Dr. H-. V g«^^_im-^^^2f *L!?* *»* SSJE ,g7*22 £,S3ESS2saeE33f wig j Wifmetse English __ _ ^coraer of Greenleaf and 7tb;^j3 -^ * - -,. «k* *srr^(ff<-aLT ETKssse " menders of the Womana's. sacvi* ~ sao^sasif p^vprsaiSi enseal ? issasf cSsatOTaaos <&'2 Kjit^jtrai 'â- A1^'^...........artB1 . .,, "rO^X or-THE NATIONAL v fk HIS DA%' AS0 OUE UA\, , ^â€" â€" '• Mr*.. M. B. kisser, w! , 7^k Pr#^r*irs»® ^iaae wsii psr*x*3& \ m4erwres* a« «^crat^w at use Oa3ctjE&i?ra. . j<* ^i«# Amosl Mcwr: ^ ^ Pretsy- ; Psrfc Hm&ial s* »ell ew the r©«S »|iafaT_ wffi very <d- Omz&> & s&fc Sowsod cfesre^ ;; r«cm'tirr asȣ expect** else S««iKns 'BaptJBt Cte- - H*afafc l^*naass*w:w oe^ Prayer aad Praise; »iwch .^^g The White Cross ^^ 5« T^^esa. ss S&e Fr«a%'t*r,a® t; M » a- ss. Tfaesre trill be __^.„ -^ ->: ' _1 *&^ feeMKaasF aas^r&ass ^sse^g* m »sa= „-^. ftjfr^,.^|_ i^e^- «ia !^^ |ooKflai â€" «c*s*iyietos»«rfarf«a^ sat ^?^ i!^ V M«^&v. Fefemrr| The Wihnette Baptist O^k a ZE& js pzzr^zTp ^^r ;%.^:%^S "* " Ica&ed at the comer ©t Wi^ F^ fe^-,. M* *V$ '-^ *' ' >J,ci,cc^ _2' iForest awntses- The pstm^M Mmmm ie^raK at li ( , p^caic of Sfeasgtsai C&ris- |reached at his study daring .^bigjJS a; jew?sfKs^c at l^rtt. ^^^^ *..**â- > ^.^,^- ^ tisH week ae the Mac-f mm im aS wees, sasets at ^-~ ^& : .... .-.--- __ i&ry Ujc m<t ti-as&sscts&ss of toe s-ggnlar^^^^^^ I>r.- Bciter? E 5f«3ftTs $km<&&sy *>i &* ;• Iresi&ttf ^ *5se Parish sisTT.. *-aa Cilkie'Cfes. wfll speak at the (of the week, and the C&a, (j r^c~ * Sd^eek ^et^ of 'die Ctech «Wed^ I^f^J^^ Jz^'^"^J T|,^u^^^^^^^ *-ii JiS cc.^ «^»ar *«:«£ «s t»t »^;«Witett« At*®^ ff b , « ^,< u«f^ f**#mty 12s& a* ^i» Jt «- Js i Ua * east, 4^ fwotec* toe fe-sss^r-afe ot»j »rr raa?v "ca^ ?sW » CSjiJca#r> a ri*^«E â- *>» v c&iMreis att*tt-&s^ the 4sg«r«5t ^m-r- ""' Frjda*r'FeSrory "Pa a Ls#e*" ?i^te Prestt^yterisrs (Shczrdfe- Tr;::^_:-i Kc^&f^a A*afe fr/^ra llsst? sbsir* k^er^taig "Sj'sI* I;*: iris f't^siar fij^i-- C. aifay ifwcfeoO'S* 3s this fizitrxt itfjtsi atrt of tk<t itrizzt irzi&c, a little gtrffl feayiri? fi-eeE' itirisck hj as; asrtswwfesle;; ~ cro*shi'Z the *treef to 'Sss Gossgrega- i' Tlie m^nK*>ts'« of sfse A«Eerraranrr"'Le-1 .. i^kisi. i3tvk4s4 sfee.-WSsssett* Oergy to^ ?>-*r *B'*T3- g«rsi% at flesr aseetieg at J •: tfer Pe&fi' ' Library last MosKiay. | t Sftort -&44r€i*m 'were gihrcE t»y th«|.j ••â-  &Mtrzr.t 3?iii|sster* isrescuE. Mr*. RL.G„ Read, -Mrs. F. Z. Favor f| as-ff 'Mi'*.* Laara DaTy zzptt^&ntA the t. jr^ss <yf St. Aagtsstlsie's at a J©iji! ?: mtttirtg os represerEiatives of tht^dh- ' fftrent W'(OCBeis's <or,ganiza?:i©-ns frosri be varsous Wilmette Cfesrcisc* '<IjE^osraAYOVER^^, thns '.said the noble Lisiooln^ maiiv Cabinet Sessions. Tihe rraf.-trijft?":t «•>â- : the frstsrs&alt ferJ';ter4fe^ C' K. tfe «*t 5^^^ heM-at the Baf>mt -Chjrch. ^Â¥ 4,'^W>R T^ vo«jb«s i^^Se wsHiThe ^Say -*-a* occupied wstb a d.»c»- ^ ^"Cifa«*" Park" / / «r^. *^! *» P«a»* aBd.metfcods_«ed. m the term'** Wtese cte^^ at" 4^i^^^'^^^^$ represented. V'J^ . .- r _. -« ..^^ -_.. A* fast.__Sundav^-^yening^gr-T- social |j <lafl iriH .fead the m«ir«. The topic :' P«*»e* Cloh, held m the Oaf, House, »: ""H'.m W* can go_toJ«S'03'..*' The Sesio&r Societv n^est*- e^'try Ssss- a.ffer a SerrKeâ€"oiâ€"Wor*isi» is the-; | Omrch. Mr, L- E. D^rlsaiB gave a. % j ! "Chalk • Talk* mingled with good ad-: vice and f a^e^.ioa$^which. was igpreat- day. «rr«r«jss* at 5:30 o'clock, ._,_JLIis*3***a08S-i-T -v-^- ,i~r„i^^_,^* s,^t^«wi #«. *i»i! "- - -- â- " ; ""How" Cass We Heip^^ ecjoyed and most helpful to tfief 'for thh Smxlay is .the X«e*'S of lead.^ tt' «' !^/v^ M*a»r."M^*»«i sixty yotassg people in .attendance,!: the fcorjdr . «*fen Hayes , ^yimis P*5pl5«- Club have .asked j __ | him. to const again.-the first Sunday || W nun Hthh UxtexTe *<*"***** \ CoSUs will meet today, Friday,-^ -*hefl S p. rn )on are m»tf« «<^^^ I a«i> Hcmse for an all-day mStmgof ^ very traacn w^yrtn whjkr n yoti are not aft- \ â-  w&rfc with Itincheon at 12:15 for â- which reservations mast he made. to | Mr*. Â¥. JL, Favor,' Phone Wihnettei ... â-  -n â-  « i i. «j - m. '.-'231.' All reservations must he paid* V\^n» S*«str ^J he beM « ««Hor whether used or not. . ) chwrch jxarlor* TwsbAzy, Peifiwraary i«sth, •' ----- 5I Tb«- r«:'4&hr afl-day tsmtong. of r l*k%imnii% as 10 a. m. with sewsng. Lw?3chi».nfj« a? m*m. Mr*. Well* *peak-i on !b*r American Indian at the Mission- ary f»roj?ram*'in the aiteriio**- The 4e- vuivmzA irxttrcnw art- in charge ol Mrs.' Jfticfe.^-â€" - ..,,-,-_^-^^.- - Women of the *even churches agit- ated with the Wilmette Church Union will hold a meeting ro the Wilmette j pieties" "shown" duri'nc thf English Lutheran Church,, cortsier Jth|-T||: ^ridtyr" At the ChiHren's Movies in St. j Atsgustine'* Parish House yesterday! many hundreds of hoys and girls wit- j ne*j$*4 **Tarzar! of the Apes" in its | three successive showings contrihut-1 ed ?>y Mrs. A. J. Mouat, 616 Lake <tve-nae. â€" Following last year's custom the seven igious- rttary l<kh, at 1:45 o. m. This is the day observed as the,Day of Prayer for Missions % women of all denominations throughout the U. S. and Canada, All women of all denominations are cordial- ly"fnvited lo .attend this servtee.------------ *T7acd Biblical pictures. Xext Thurs-H day there will be shown the chil-. k dren's story "Little Jimmie's Prayer."|| This was shown last year and there were many requests from the boys and girts that it be shown again.â€"A* Mr. E. H. Lilly, Mr. W. W. White, Mrs. C. L. Wachs and Miss Marjorie Day, the, delegates elected at St. Augus- tine's Annual Meeting to represent the Parish at the Diocesan Convention in Chicago, were in attendance throughout the sessions of the Convention Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mr, Her- rington, the fifth delegate, was unable to be present. The regular ^business of the Diocese was transacted, the reports showing progress of the Church throughout Chicago all along the line. In the absence of Dr. Carleton, who was confined to his home during the week with a heavy cold, Rev. Leland H. Dan forth presided at the Diocesan Con- vention Conference on Young People's Organizations on Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary 6th. St. Augustine's Young Peo- ple's organization was represented by Miss Gertrude Moeller, Secretary, Mr. Blake Roberts, Treasurer, Miss Winni- fred Mickey, Miss_ Florence Branson, Miss Eleanor Brown and Mr. Frank Robhins. Representatives from the many Young People's Organizations through- out the Diocese were present. After an hour's discussion the following Resolu- tion was passed: ~s=^~ -'.-'Resolved that the Yo»aiig_F^ge^s -6N^a7rhzrartio7rF oT^fhe Diocese oTXhica The Great Emancipator, whose birth- day anniversary we again commemo- rate, called upon God for* help and guidance in the mfdstjo|^anyjiistory^ maleing^ahinet meetings. ft FaTTi m the week of Lincoln's birthday, there will also be shown jhe_beautiful pidiirc-iTheâ€"Landâ€"of-f| Opportunity" featuring incidents in Lincoln's life. Last year some twenty-seven miles of Biblical film were shown to the children during Lent. Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street. * William Guise, pastor Servise for February 11: Bible school It 9:45 a. m. Young peo- ple and adults are invited to come and assist their respective classes The offering for las! Sunday was un- usually large considering the attend- ance record go J>e iLunifiedJbiitO-a^Jiioce TPeotprhYs Organization^ and that Dr. -Carleton, Rector of St, Augustine's Church, Wilmette, Illinois, proceed with the organization of the same ft war. furthernre^otved^That from Worship and Sermon at 11 a. m. The pastor will preach on the following sub- ject: "The Way to True Greatness." Friends are always welcome to worship with us. New members will be received at this service. The choir will meet on Friday evening. »ses will meet on "Mr. Lincoln's faith in God was qualified by a very well found dis- trust of the wisdom of man", writes one of his biographers. If that same faith were graven in the souls of men and women of Wilmette every church would be packed to the doors every Sunday. â- â- â€"â- ,____ Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and other noble leaders of the people were regular in church attendance. Are !/wiP___zi___Lâ€"_-----â€"â€"â€" "Their example answers in the affirm- ative for once and for all, the ques- tion, "Does it really pay?*' The Catechetical Saturday afternoon. „". ' "~" •* '•â- â-  . The members of the Missionary so* ciety were well pleased with the large at- tendance at the monthly meeting held recently, in, the parsonage.---------------rr Important business items were discusJ- £©^m#4^=3nd^a^eed^ mem- bers were received. The ladies will time to time other conferences on the work hgJhicld.ift^tfotnote' so* xour^er^one^.withâ€"tb*-#th«y-*nd to Jticlhodsi results and ideals,--------------- hold a Bake sale at the Piggly Wiggly store Saturday, February 10. « The^nniial Prayer serviee-of^h^-inis^ sionary societies of the Wilmette church- es, will Jbe held in our new bungalow- 7 Fefmtary^-ffrTat f} '(L^clock, A^coMai^aftd^e¥«y-wef- conie is extended to all the members of the local organizatiohs to be presents - You Need The Church The Church Needs You The First Presbyterian Church Rev. Geo. P. Ma gill The Wilmette Baptist Church v. Francis C. Stifler The first Metho&t Church Rev. Gilbert Stansell Wilmette English Lutheran Church ^r>-.>A0^-|raiiam Guise St. John's Lutheran Church Rev.^ Herman W. Meyer St. Augustine's Episcopal Church First Congregational Church Rev. Stephen A. Lioyd ......^••^'"""^â- â- â- â- â- ^..........â€"--.....â€"- -|- • -^^â€" •^^^^Sgi'WJi^liBiJijkiii'rYFS m^^S^ikkm^^ls^^M^i.^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^X'

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