,:W'; 9' '^TJ'S'Tir'^"7 v'1 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 IJ////W/W// REAL ESTATE \ Is your banker your friend? WE try to make every one oi our customers feel that the officers he comes in contact with, in the transac- tion of his business, are real friends, having a personal in- terest in him and in his suc- We like to have our cus- tomers look upon us as a real banking HOMEâ€"with a lot of emphasis on that word is our idea to render to all our depositors a banking service that will deserve such a feeling from our customers. WILMETTE STATE BANK CenttdlAveatTwelfth ttor sVLEpOwner"transferred to New y?rk offers at special price. 6-room home n choicest west side section, built 8 vears ideal arrangement, all large airy rooms i^operty in excellent condition, garage, t °e lot with wonderful Elms. A Sn£\v' mc^ bungalow. Efcet North Evanston. ti large rm*.. h. w. heat, tile bath, sun pch.. huge llv. rm.. ^enL. m- tantaneous heater, remarkably artistic and convenient, b.-autitul ^P lot' garage, wonderful bargain at $J»>.UOO. i In best east location, near Lake, beautiful i new 8-room home, most attractive ex- -rienor and ideal afrangement. huge Iiv. ' rm- sun porch and sleeping porch (each ! Hx'ij ft-> four bed rooms, one lox2;>. 6 ' baths extra lav. and toilet, oil burning f ot water heat, built-in garage, fine wood- i ed lot. trim, decorations and fixtures to ' suit, $30,000. M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wil. 407-408 L14-ltc Opportunity for Choice Vacant Owner of one of the most attractive homes in Hubbard Woods is desirous of disposing of -some of the adjoining prop- i erty. We are offering two very desirable I lots which at this time are part of the \ "goi'unds uf thftrâ€"mnrfeT^'TrleW'ToT^'aTe" + each 100x150 feet, heavily wooded and with considerable landscaping already, finished. Prices are reasonable. Near Indian Hill Club Verv line location for h gh grade home. Corner or inside lot. lL^xlT.1 feet, heavily wooded and in a most desirable location.. Owner has purchased other property and desires to sell. HILL & WHEELER 7-s Kim Street. _____ HELP WANTCPâ€"FEMALg WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENER/uTteR? work; no laundry, $18100) r^etj?8* Tel.Wil. 1422,_______ IVTQlft WANTEDâ€"COMPETEN^^VHiTElHte or woman for all housework in «J*** home, family ot three, pleasant r^ >r may go home nights if nrefSS' Ph. Wil. 2608. 33 Crescent Place â€" Ph. WANTEDâ€"TWO COMPETENT WHtfe girls to do cooking and second *£? and also the laundry work. SeDflS? rooms and bath, $18 and $1« {?* C. H. Walcott. 302 Forest Ave' WT?' Tel, Wirm. 6Sfc----------------------LTG14 Ik Winnetka 142 Wilmette 93 LTGU-ltc NEEDING LARGER HOME, WELL sacrifice 5 rm. stucco bungalow, pens, large trees, well kept place. Garage. Terms. $10,000, "get busy." ' SEE OUR LOT 3 BLOCKS TO LAKE; close to "L" choice sectionâ€"Bargain, $45 per ft. Needing money. LOT ON SHERIDAN ROAD 50x161. BAR- gain^a^$125 and $135 per ft. Call for TTst of gfood«bargains. M. L. MOODY & CO. End of "L" 511 4th St. TeL WU. 2248 LTG1 l-lc FOR SALEâ€"2 AND 4-ACRE TRACTS, high, wooded, within short auto ride of North Shore Villages. Cement roads, steam and elec. trans. All improve- ments included in the purchase price. Ideal for country home sites or summer â€"Got tn sob. Forâ€"details kkwâ€"Robert H Anthony, 11 S. LaSalle streets CentraL 2119 or Glencoe 235. , LTG14-3tc I III Yauv Home Bank' T CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ggfl&IYZl JSfotiC&fâ€" Classified advertisements will be charged only to persons living in the district VM&rt&iiA* o.v<s**i/<po from Evanston to Glencoe, inclusive, whose names appear in the .telephone. "directory, oTTo^ersons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. „___™™â€"~~-~â€",_„,._„„ ^T^g^--^ per line in all three papers. . . J\UI4Z3 (Average of five words to the line). Daadlifie far IflSertifWIS Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock X^frV I, i,r\ , t TZrnUâ„¢ for The Lake Shore News ,or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka•Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920- 1921 or WINNETKA 388. WANTEDâ€"TO RENT UNFURNISHED 7 or 8-rm. house or bungalow, not on thoroughfare, best ref. Mrs, Adolf -----Stein,""" 50HTTJrexeT blvd.,1 Chicago* lit LTG14-2tc REAL ESTATE Modern 6-room frame and stucco with Z: ; " 2 glassed porches, good 50-foot lot, best cehtral west location. Owner gone, in- ; '_ structa us to sell this property at aJtliyOOQ. Exclusive agents. ^?^*fefXttramive- 5-roomTKome~with glassed ;: • UUP- room and screened sleeping porch. r-sâ€"~:â€"Hot waterâ€"heat, -ihjht;â€"airy-basementr tiled bath with tiled walls and built-in fixtures, shower, extra unfinished room, breakfast, room, wooded lot, the best iiiUi buy ever for $12,500. Owner going east. Iâ- â- -*-^ Practically new 6-room stucco with ?~ glassed and heated sun room, dining porch, hot water heat, 50-foot_j$m©ded lot, east Section. Price $17,000.* Modern 5-room solid brick bungalow, ::%w: hot water heat with oil burner. Break- fast Book, tiled bath, 2 flne_bedLJOoms^^many Chicago parties* are contemplating 60-foot lot In good section. Price $15,000 Beautiful 8-room stucqo, modern in all respects, large glassed and heated sun and sleeping porches, motor 'vacuum -system, hot water heat, wooded corner tot in finest location. A buy at $22,500. We offer a fine 10-room brick home tog rent, 2 baths, large grounds near lake, 2 sun parlors and sleeping porch^ __ 7^^tr«7iavr-anVt toilet, ^-fear~ garage, â- price1' s^HttSO.OO per month onâ€"2 orâ€"3â€"year- lease. Fine 50-foot corner in Northeast Wil- mette, beautiful elms, all specials paid. ^â€"Prtce-tl^Od^f foot,^Ulner lota: from *3U per foot~up. Let us show you before- ^ spring buyers arrive. R* M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opp. "L" Terminal* Ph. WIL 68 and 444 -*> L14-ltc ,_^»»-or quick cash sale $13,000. inquire **t 877 Elm St. WJnn. Ph. "Winn. 1689 I/TG14-ltC REAL ESTATE OF HAVE VERY COMPLETE LIST .homes and vacant. Avoid Spring rush and see us at Once. Attractive 7-room stucco colonial, water heat, large living room, two car garage, lot 50x180, excellent location. Price .... $2A000_ ite~ro!oTrta17~In^WTnnetka, east location; has 6-rooms, sun~and sip; pchs. water heat, two ba-thS;â€"lot 100 foot -Ahfnost-raw^fr-^roonTl-oTr3 b. r.; sip. pch;* frontage- Price ...$20,000 8-room stucco house, located,__in_jvery_ Jlxl8I,_wooded7-nr-lake,-schools,Trahspn. high cla^^ns^tghborhood, TiaT two baths on the second floor, lot 50x185, sun and sip. pchs. heated. This is a very good buy at .....................____â- .. .$23,500 The new subdivision at Wilmette Ave. and 17th st., opened last Saturday and advantage of this opportunity of getting choice selections in Wilmette's last sub division. A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 640 ^^L14j»ltO- =-^= JFOR_SALEâ€"WILMETTE_ SPECIALS 6 rm. stucco, home bet-. "L" and isteamT h. w. heat, sun parlor, garage, perfect condition, $14,500: Beautiful 8-rm. br,ick and stucco home on Greenwood nr. Sheridan rd.; h. ,w. heat, 2 baths, superior construction, garage, beautifully wooded lot, $35,000. HILL & STONE jid_^L_l!lJ^jWJh^e^tejr:r3â€"r------_' L14_-ltc FOR SALE BY^OWNER, GLENCOE ot water beat, 2 porches, large garage- lots; cheap; 75x132 ft. fo)* $2,700, 66x135 " * "'""" "*" """ """ ' for $3,000. Located 3 blocks from depot, lots are wooded west>OT Railroad. Tel. Glencoe 983. LTG14-ltc f REAL ESTATE HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. OFFER Winnetka Vacant, beaut, wooded lot 50x- 200, nr. beach, park, schools, transpn., $115._00._pr_ft-^--------------â€"--------------â€"------ Cozy fi-ronrn^hnrnp, flriA r»r>nditi^n, good gfrbofhoodT~loT~50xr77. gar. SllilflO^ tile bath, h. w. h., attic; 1 car gar; lot $18,500. Glencoe: Unique 10-room brick col; 5 b. r., 3 baths, slpg. pch, 2nd fl; beaut, living room, wonderful dining room and kitchen, 2 maids rooms with bath, lav. and toilet, 1st fl^-flAtk^-S-^^H^ffa^ wnnried lot 150x200, nr. schools, trans. $33,000.00 Attractive 7-_room col^J^b^^rj^^baths^- purchasing lots there. We heartily recom- ____ mend jhatJWilmette.^people should take-f^hower. ^nd ftr^td.~~slm^^and~'sip, pchs; "^"~" " attd. gar; immense wooded lot; nr. lake, schools, trans. $23,000. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. 556 Center St. 421 Fourth St. Winn. 254 ^^-JWiL^Tfift croiratG FOR SALEâ€"BEAUTIFUL NEW BRICK - Dutch Colonial, hot water heatr 6 Tms, 2 sun pprWo, |^t ffOir17-' PfTt Nurth"f" "Shore location. Convenient to trans portation. Tel. quickly. WiLMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock^-Prop. 513 4th, Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 1304 .________________________________LTG14-ltc WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments^ CHARLES BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theftâ€"and~Aulo44J^_ Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. 545-W. Railroad ave. Tel. Wil. 65. 4 --^~ â€"- LTGli-tfc FOR SALEâ€" 5-ROOM BRICK BUXGA- low. corner lot, living room, heated sun parlor, dininj? room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms, tile bath. Only $11,500. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. WOODCOCK. Prop. 513 Fourth St. Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG14-ltc WANTED TO BUY- REAL ESTATE N. MODERATE PRICED HOME N. E. section, large living room, 4 bedrooms. State price, street and number. Addr. T.akp Shr.ro \tpw« A-1--------------------------- FOR SALEâ€"REAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"GLENCOE REIT S RMS. hot water heat, large lot near sta. poss. May 1. Need only $6,000 cash. bal. 4% years at- 6 per cent. Phone after 6 Evanston 5119. LTG14-2tc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE We have a very responsible and desirable tenant who desires to rent a house on the north shore for a period of two years from May 1, 1923. House must have four bed rooms and two baths and garage and must be in good location. Will pay from $250 to $300 per month. HILL & WHEELER 728 Elm Street 411 Linden Avenue Winnetka 142 Wilmette 93 LTG14-ltc ^£Q -RENTâ€"OCCUPANCY April 1st, furnished medium-sized house, while building a home, by re- sponsible party, who preserves your property as you would, pays promptly and furnishes best of references. Tel. Winn. 789_or 1220.______________LT13-tfc WANTEDâ€"EXPERIENCED WOMAJfiiB take care of 3 yr. old child, wantâ„¢ who can go home nights. Tel Wil ia!!f ______:___________________________LTGM.$ WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT WHITE~Gn>f general housework. Preferably^ home nights. Tel. Wil. 2054. L14- SITUATION WAN I ED FEMATjf COLORED LADY WANTS LAUNDftH References. Tel. Evanston 8120 1 __________________._________-___LTl2.2t, YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WrLL^ mending and sewing and take carnal c hjldr en. TeL_Wl L__2711._'____LTM-fc I SIT. WANTEDâ€"BY REFINED^ELgiB- ly colored woman in small family bv* = -eettent wokr " Mrs. A. J. Lewisi si»1 _E._35th St., Chicago. LH-ltJ EXPERIENCED WHITE W^mXv wishes ironing or cleaning by dav nrl half day^___Tel. Wil. 1080 Ll4-1tp1 WANTEDâ€"LAUNDRY WORK TCP----- home; first class laundress. Ph 2623. Will call and deliver. LTl WA NTEDâ€"WORKl1 Y~THE~HOUTT\ I Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 993-MT" L14.1 DRESSMAKING. FANCY AND~PLAR] FOR RENTâ€"ROOIVIS_ FOR RENTâ€"ROOM FOR ONE^R~fwo| persons. 725 Prairie ave. Tel '\Rrn 442 after 6 p. m._________LTG14-ltc] FOR'REXT-NICELY FURNISHEDRM in desirable neighborhood, 4 minutei walk to Hubbard Woods station, N W. R. R. or N. S. electric; Tel. Win. 968. LTH-ltc FOR RENTâ€"NEWLY FURNISHED AND decorated rooms, two blocks west of Northwestern depot. Gentlemen pre- ferred.__Tel. Wil. 2785._______LTG14-ltc FO RRENTâ€" ONE LARGE FURNISHES! room, kitchen, pantry and large closet[ Ter_Wil^ 737-R.__________LT14-lt«| WILL SHARE MY NEW 6-ROOM BUN'J galo^v with family, or will rent roonuj separately with kitchen privileges. Tell _WiL_343. 1528 Central_Ave. LTG14-ltjj FOR RENTâ€"CHOICE FURNf~FRONT| â€"rooms, $" to $15 per wk.â€"3 room sulttl with bath, $25. Tel. Wil. 1940. -~"-.....------------- _______LTG14-ltcl FURNISHED ROOM, EAST SIDE HOME suitable business man, conv. transp Re ferences. Tel. Wil. 844-J. L14-ltp CONVENIENT FRONT ROOM FQZ] business woman, two blocks from trawej 1320 Central Ay«e. Wilmette 2522. ____________ ______ ____LlMtel CENTRAL HOTEL â€" NICE CLEAN] outs, rms., steam heat, hot and coMj rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Maial st. Wil.__________________________LTo-tfcj FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO! housekeeping apt. Tel. WIL 935-M. Nr. all trans. LT1- FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE^â€"DARK RED AND BLUBl Axminster rug 9x12, »«g*rtrr tia.mag»d] also large cabinet range. Clark Jewa gas stove, poor finish but splendid] baker, fine for lunch room. Tel. Winn. 1419. 1258 Asbury ave., Winnetka. __________________________________L.TG14_.ltc! FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, anything bought, sold or exchanged, piano, fixtures, plbg, lumber, stoves. 808 Oak st., Win. Tel. 1212. LTGMfc FOR SALE â€" TAPEST R Y OVER- stuffed davenport, medium size, V&. Tel Glen. 983. 892 Vernon ave.. Glen- coe. » LTG14-ltc FOR SALEâ€"FOUR chairs, very cheap. LIVING ROOM I Call Winn. 1355. LTG14-ltc! FOR SALEâ€"SOLID MAHOGANY DIN- ing room table and chairs. Tel. Kenit 1007. L14-ltc 1 FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES Nash Touring^) cylinderâ€"1920 Dodge Roadster1â€"1921 Overland Touringâ€"1921 i WERSTED MOTOR^a WANTED TO et/Yâ€"HOUSE" WANTED TO PURCHASEâ€"G O O D home, Wilmette, 3 or 4 bed rooms, 50 ft. lot or larger, under $15,000. Address Lake Shore News A-2. L14-ltc LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"JAN. 21ST, AIREDALE; AN- swers to name "Dum Dum," round leather collar, heavy black back. Re- ward. TeL Evans. 3510-R. 806 Clinton Place, Evanston, Illinois.______L14-ltc .OST-MALE AIREDALE DOG. PLEASE call Evans. 8000. Mrs. E. H. Wilder. t____________________^____________LTG14-ltc LOSTâ€"FRI. JAN. 26, AIREDALE DOG, 1 yr. old. Short tail, leather collar with brass trimmings; name Tip Top. Reward. Loeb, 1054 North Ave. Hub- bard Woods. TeLWiru -1654^LTGM4^1t{r FOUNDâ€"YOUNG FEMALE DOG, WHTl with dark markings. Tel. Winn. 129. â- â€"- LTG14-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE..... WANTEDâ€"MAID. GENERAL HOUSE- work, only experienced need apply. (White) no washing; prlv. room and bath. TeL WIL 126. LTG12-tfc WANTEDâ€"WOMAN TO ASSIST* IN housework, at least 2 * hours a day -Steady employment. 714 Central ave' Wilmette. JL14-lte WANTED^DRESSMAKER; NOT OVER *L-a day- Tel- Mrs- Holden, Kenil. 100 "• Ll4-ltc Tel. Winn. 165. 562 Lincoln Ave. LTG14-ltc FOR SALEâ€" 5-PASS. DOUBLE DRIVE! Detroit electric in excellent conditlOBtj «tsa rectifier,â€"very reas. terms. Kenil. 460. LTG14-lto' Forâ€" Ford Repairing Ford Washing Ford Storage Ford Accessories. SEE 712-714 Elm Street - Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers FOR SALEâ€"USED CARS LATE 1921 FORD SEDAN FULLY equipped; best cash offer; Ph. Evanston 6360 after 6 p. m. LTGl4-ltP DANCING SCHOOLS DANCING SCHOOLS ^^nrT^BTTlrrfrom 4 ko <5:30 p. m., the MAR3TOSCHOOL OF EO^CING will open a ballroom dancing class at the Children of non.members as Will as chlldren^f^nembers are Invited â€"..................^â€":â€" Lili-lte igSSgiySiS^ili^iiSliffi'i^i^