THE LAKE SHORE:'NEWS/Mll)AY^ MCT 500 HEN AT /ew Trier Women to Pre- side at Voters* League Citi- zenship School Sessions EET JANUARY 29-31 is cuss Problems of the Ballot INVITE CHILDREN TO P. T. A. DANCE CLASS Dancing classes conducted last year under the auspices of the Central P. T. A., opened the new term with classes last Monday and Thursday. Three types of dancing are being taughtâ€"Classical, upon which the as- sociation is placing the most em- phasis this term, rythmic and ball ropm dancing. ___ ____ Classes for grade school andTTilgh .school children are being conducted every Thursday. An adult class will Final plans for the program of the orthwestern University School of tizenship have been practically mpleted, it was announced by the Wmittee in charge. The school is to held on the Northwestern campus anuary 29-31 in co-operation with the Unnls League of Women Voters. Mrs. Florence Bennett Peterson, J87 Lincoln avenue, Winnetk"a7%as not jret announced the subject of tbelec- ire which she will deliver on the third lay. Mrs. Peterson, Chairman of the Ifflciency in Government committee >f the Illinois League, is one of three romen who will address the assembly, [rs. William G. Hibbard, fourth Re- ional Director of the National organ- sation, will preside on the second day, Edwin Stanley Seder, Director of the )rgan Department of Northwestern Fniversity, will render an organ re- Hal Monday afternoon. Must Teach Women Voters ^"Tfie raninOTn"c^meTit""i:h«tr--the--firat- pge citizenship school of the middle Hest is to be held on the north shore turning into practical terms the rowed purpose of the League of ,/omen Voters 'to increase the effec- tiveness of women's votes and fur- |ter better government.' Women can- ijo't" claim any-^xemption»-fromr -the (Sty of honest, intelligent voting. But >e must work and study hard, for we Ire new to the use of political ma- fhinery. This school, which is to be followed by others, will show that the lighest educational authorities believe* )opular education of women voters rorthy of their best efforts," said Miss lulia C. Lathrop, president of the Il- linois League, who is to preside on- [onday and will discuss "The Enf orce- lent of Child Labor Legislation" on the following day. Expect Large Attendance Although the registration is expect- ed to reach the five hundred mark, Iplans have been made to accommo- Idate as many as one thousand women, [many of whom would be from down- state. Rooms in north shore homes will [be assigned visitors in order of request rand applications for tickets to the [course may be had upon application [to the state headquarters at 153 jNorth Michigan avenue. Miss Mary Ross Potter, Dean of jWomen at Northwestern, has been Iselectedjjo-r-conduct the tour of the Icampusand classrooms which is open Ito all women attending the school. Pies for „ °ne Whatever y o vtr Pie Taste may be fiou will find a wonderfully thick meaty Pie here to satisfy it. Just like Home made â€"but a lot less work for mother. Especially good just now are our delicious ^-Jffifaee Pies-made^ dividual sizes too. The-Wilsoa in- Bakery 1162 WUmttte ==!= ----- Telephone 414 Dellverlee In Wllmette, Kenll- -----sl JwortlT ancrWJhhefRi7L__- .â- :/~'; also be held at 9:15 o'clock Thurs- day nights if at least twelve couples Indicate theirâ€"intention ^toâ€"take the instruction. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Wilmette, in the State of Illinois, at the close of business on Dec. 29, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, in- cluding rediscounts, ac- ceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of ex- change or drafts sold with indorsement of bank ............... Overdrafts, unsecured ----- All other United States Government securities (including premiums, if any) ................... Other bonds, stocks, se- curities, etc............. Banking House, $3,618.87; Furniture ^and fixtures, $10,231.43............... Lawful reserve with Pedr eral Reserve Bank ....'. Cash in vault and amount due from national banks Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United ^States^-father than-indud- ed in Items 8, 9, and 10) Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 12) .......... Total of items 9, 10, 11, 12, ----MtA-ia-^-^-r^*- 45V68&2-1--------------- M i s c e Uaneous cash items..... 20.00 Other assets ............. 7,190.36 this "â€"â- "" ....$238,719.34 144.79 229,450.00 323,339.01 13,850.30 45,1-16.65 39,845.24 2,750.29 3,087.18 Total ..................$903,513.66 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in...... $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund............. 10,000.00 Undivided profits. $29,698.11 ^aTReserred for interest and taxes accrued.. 5,883.58 b. Reserved for.. 1,445.89 c. Less current ex- penses, inter- est, and taxes paid.......... $37,027.58 13,549.94 Certified checks outstand- ing ..................... Total of Items 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 .......$ 1,182.05 Individual deposits subject to check .........y..... Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money ^h0JTQwedi_^......... State, county, or other mu- nicipal deposits secured zJby pledge of assets of this bank or surety bond Dividends unpaid ........ Other demand deposits .. Total of demand ~ deposits (other * than bank de- posits) subject to Reserve, Items 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31. $433,266.41 Time deposits ............ Postal savings deposits .. Total of time deposits sub- ject to Re- serve, Items _ 32, 33, 34 and 35...........$253,474.67 United States deposits (other than postal sav- ings), including War Loan deposit account and deposits of United States disbursing officers Bills payable (including all obligations representing money borrowed other than. rediscounts) ...... Liabilities other than those above stated ........ 23,477.64 1,182.05 406,237.78 21,209.85 5,000.00 760.00 68.78 253,386.14 88.53 u Home-Cooking" Restaurant Planned for "L" District R. W. Kerr, Chicago restaurant man, has leased the store space on Linden avenue at the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric station, for the purpose of establishing a "home- cooking" restaurant business. The "corner," as terminal residents have come to name the "Chicken and Fish dinner" place, was found securely; locked on New Year*e -.-day. -^g- when customers arrived In search of '"sea-food." Ferdinand Sliwinski, drat-pp while proprietor, ha^.^le^^ll^glt notice, it was said. : \0BM§m$mBMi""'""'"""'"'" 40,375.00 90,000.00 _11737;8? Total...................$903,513.66 State of Illinois, County of Cook, ss: I, F. A. Andrew, Cashier of the ^above-named,__bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ___ F. A. ANDREW, Cashier. SnhflftribPd and sworn to before me this 8th day of January, 1923. ERNESTC. CAZEL, 1,~"~~Not8L„ ------- Correctâ€"Attest: DAVID NELSON, QEO. W. SPRINGER, J.JU. APPEL, Directors. â- ( 1559 Sherman SAT. ONLY! Cask We handle nothing but the BEST OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH rs Evanston n"'~"^:*-:m' '^M SATJONLY We have cut our overhead expense down to a minimum, thus enabling us to offer o customers, fresh, High Quality Meats at the lowest possible prices. IVery Best Peacock Hams I per lb................................ OCl - Very Best Pot Roast £t)£Câ€" per lb.....___=_ Very Best Peacock Rib Bacon Q%* Fancy Leg of Veal per lb.______________________d£& per lb.................... Very Best Sirloin Steak per lb...................................-..... Very Best Porterhouse Steak per lb......________________- J Fresh Calves* Liver £, per lb...................... iO Strictly Fresh^oasting^ ^«C Chickens, per lb....._____ CA - Fresh Calves' Sweetbreads 3vC per lb...........-__________ L____40c Fresh Pork loins (small) per id. •••••••••..••••••« Fancy leg of Spring lamb, per ip» »».»«. ..••••»••••• 19k 34c 3Sic Swift Premium Bacon (whole) per lb. ........ Very Best Peacock Bacon-â€"^Mfctjr per id. •••<•••*....»..•• â€"iTifii'"" DRIVE in here for your next oil supplyâ€"the oil of that wonderful double duty that you have beenr4ieartog^»feouti, It is here kL exactly .the^rightL- charted weight for your motor- ready with its two-fold value of better lubricating service in your â- m-i crankcase, plus prevention of carbon evils at their source. Dnrastoi roQIlQlIlS entog-to light and ^£«f££^i**Jw flaky tkat It twd« Teinpereg. tobiowoutwahtiie * *K\4rS'W m\+w exhaust,witlioat res* ,OLvJI V/ll idaeofcllnkerygrtt. This wonderful feature of self* method that gives this oil extra carbon-cleaning is alone enough to determine you to use Tempered even if it were no better lubricant than other good oils. But it is better. The Tempered process is me exclusive Wadhams staying power â€" toughens it against wearing away under heat, friction and dilution by motor fuel. It lasts longer arid oils better than untempered oils-â€"costs no more to buy and far less to use. When woUl YO&behwmT MORTHSHQREJ2ARAGEL WILMETTE, ILLINOIS M.Si^Ss^feiii