w â- m THE LAKE SHORE NRWS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18. 1923 J. M. APPa HEADS FIRST HI BUI P. B. Eckhart Is Elected Vice-President J M Appel, vice-president and ac- tive head of the First National bank of Wilmette since its organization sev- eral years ago, was elected president of the local banking house at the an- nual meeting Tuesday of this week to succeed Frank J. Baker, who died a few weeks ago. Percy B. Eckhart, a member of thr board of directors of the bank, was elected vice-president to succeed Mr. Appel. Frank A. Andrew and Nich- olas Schwall were re-elected cashier and assistant cashier, respectively. Directors of the bank are David Nelson, George W. Springer, B. F. Affleck, J. M. Appel, Percy B. Eck- hart and Dr. Sanger Brown. The First National Bank has just concluded the most prosperous year of its history. Interesting facts and figures pertaining to the year's busi- ness are given in Vice President Appel's. report, a portion of which follows: "A statement of resources and lia- bilities taken from the books at the j^Ojse_olJiusta«se^ ^n-^eeember~3ft is as follows: "Undivided profits, $15,066.06, pro- ducing-^, book value of the stock, in round numbers, of $150 per share. Exactly 3,500 accounts appear on the bank's books on the above date, di- vided as follows: Commercial, 1,105; Savings, 2,395. "During the year, resources have grown from $740,707 to $907,166; de- posits from $641,868 to $734,670. The net earnings for the year are $7,262.7? as compared with $6,808 th? ypnr prp-|j vious. Of this sum $3,000 was paid to stockholders in the form of quar- terly dividends." JV1 E. Barker and Company Builds Artistic Offices M. E. Baker and company, well known north shore real estate con- cern, is expecting soon to oectrpy its new offices in the "L* terminalâ€"dis- trict. The new office, considered one of the mosCartistic structures of its kind in the vicinity of Chicago, is of Spanish design and modeled after one of the oldest missions in the~tJnited States, situated at Santa Fe. The concern expects to follow this architectural scheme with other of- fices to be erected in north shore vil- lages. INFANT WELFARE BODY PLANS FUND CAMPAIGN Mrs Ernest Bartlett last Thursday entertained the Wilmette board of the Infant Welfare Society at an all- day meeting and sewing. Reports of the annual Christmas party given the children of New Trier station at Chicago avenue and Noble street Chicago* .jbbcsl Jheard at the meeting, and plans were made for the annual fund campaign to be held the first week in March. The Christmas party given by the Glencoe, Kenilworth and Wilmette board, joint supporters of the New Trier station, was a never-to-be-for- gotten event for the children. In addition to the distribution of gifts of candies and toys and refreshments of ice cream and cake supplied by Wiljmette Camp Fire girls, the 250 children were given a splendid enter- tainment. Mrs. W. W. Ross of Glencoe gave some interesting blackboard draw- ings, Mrs. Chaffee of Kenilworth entertained with toe dancing. Fred Stoddard of Wilmette made a jolly Santa Claus. New Trier Infant Welfare station was made a Class A station in 1922 because of excellent service in the pre-natal care and nutrition depart- ments of the work. Marshall Builds $50,000 ~â€" Addition to Studio-home One building permit, representing an investment of $50,000, was issued by the village authorities in the past seven days. The permit was granted to B H. Marshall, who will build a two-story addition to the $40,000 studio and residence that he con- structed at 612 Sheridan road last summer. The new addition will be of brick constructions____________ COMMUNITY DANCE Every Tuesday Evening at BYRON C. STOLP SCHOOL ASSEMBLY HALL TENTH AND CENTRAL Class Instruction 7:45 to 8:30 Dance * Begins at 8:30 Admission fee,- including every- thing, SO cents per person A cordial invitation is extended to all residents of Wilmette and vicinity to attend these dances where good music, good times and goodfellowship prevailâ€"also opportunities for getting better acquainted. i *Mm^mk$u^m*is£?' ~K4NBMftu'4*«t jPutlYour IN â€" Rexall Remedies Each Rexall Remedy has been compounded for a special use and there is one for each ordinary ailment. REXALL BRONCHIAL SALVEHised^s an aid in the treat- ment of bronchial catarrh, common colds of the head, throat and chest. Excellent to rub on the throat and chest to prevent TTrrrr. .7.777.777;........7........~........25c croup............................................. REXALL BEEF WINE AND IRON isTa reliable blood builder and strength restorer. Gives the system renewed vitality for warding off colds and coughs -----.........$1.00 REXALL CATARRH JELLY is a tried and true remedy ft* catarrhal conditions and colds in the head, nose and throat. Gives prompt relief...........................25c -and~S0e REXALL COD LIVER OIL EMULSION is valuable as a food, full of soluble vitamines. The best kind of a tonic in the treatment of general debility and loss of flesh, 50c and $1.00 REXALL DYSPEPSIA TABLETS have been sold by us for years as our best remedy for indigestion _.,.._â- â- ...fjjc and $1.00^ WILLETT IS SPE ATT Well Known Educator Here Sunday Evening * REXALL WHITE LINIMENT is a reliable and popular remedy for rheumatic pains, cramped.muscles, sciatica and pains in the chest, sides and limbs.................35c and 6J5p ^EXALlrORDERI3ES^s~heveyiai^^ action and absolutely sure. Easy relief from constipation. .................................-----25c and 50c mminminuitiuiimuniiiDiinDiiiJt RENNECKM^ Tlie^exaJ^Store^â€" >hone 28:fflL22: Wilmette, IU. Dr. Herbert L. Willett of the Uni- versity of Chicago, one of the best known educators and lecturers in the United States, will be the speaker at the Wilmette *mday »«*« club on January 14. Dr. w»"«" schol- ject will be, "The Place of the Schoi ar in American Life. wnlptt The subject chosen by Dr. Willett some time ago by an alienee oi 4 000 people at Chautauqua, New York Dr. Willett has been identified with the University of Chicago for many years. He has travelled all over Ita; rone and in the Orient, and is partic- XV well fitted to speak or, the;sub- ject which he has chosen for Sunday evening, because of his long connec- tion with the educational world. A feature of Sunday's service will be a special program of music render- ed by Miss Clara Louise Thurston J. L. Adams Joins Brother in Electric Shop Bi James L. Adams, radio expert".'â- „ former commercial radio operator" the United States Steamship ifo has come to Wilmette to be per^ nently associated with his brother,! I Adams, in the Electric Shop in tfc Linden avenue *'T " ♦•™«««»i •«â€"> 'L" terminal distrii W. G. Stacey Family Lett* J. W. Cherry Residence He* W. G. Stacey, head of W.U. Staecj and,company, Wilmette realtors, ^ leased the J. W. Cherry home at 15$ Forest avenue. The Stacey tamil} has occupied the residence^havinM cently moved here from Chicago. A. S. Van Deuseri Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Wilmette-Central Ave, and 12th Sk C % CASH U DISCOUNT Cash and Carry......5% Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of Normal Profit Goods. _____ Cash and Delivered.. .2% Discount These do not apply to Meat Department. ____ Special PRICE DOWN Sale Jan. 15th to 20th ^LJQAB^-CANE^GEANULATEDâ€" With an order of $1.50 cash or charged, 10 lbs. . MOIR'S IMPORTED ENGLISH BITTER MARMALADE First quality. Mb. jar. Doz. $3.00; jar................... MONSOON WHITE CLING PEACHESâ€" ZOC Delicious fruit, heavy syrup. No. 1 can. Doz., $2.40; can ........................ COFFEE. Roast Santosâ€" 28c A wonderful coffee at ttuVpfice. Lb. :.. •............................... u It r ~ CREAMERY BUTTER. This is fresh, sweet, creamery butter. It is not storage Dutter. gg^ Lb..................................................l.......................... CHEESE. Richelieu, White Cloud American. Very fine quality and flavor. 34c Lb..............................^T777TV7...................................: * * * AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" g()C 10 bars •.................................................................... V* 9o Box, 66 bars ............................................................""' V \ *>**-Tu This price applies only to the stock I have on hand which will not last long. The wholesale price has been raised. .4:1 DR, PRICE'S PHOSPHATEâ€" Baking Powder, 12 oz. can ...22c PRUNESâ€" Fancy, Santa Clara, 40-50 size, lb.....................,......20c APRICOTSâ€" v- Fancy, Blenheim, lb..........38c Meat Department PEACHESâ€" s^^- REINA OLIVE OILâ€" Splendid quality of sweet, pure olive oil Qt. can -----$1.15 It is our desire to please you both RICHELIEU PURE MAPLE in quality and service. SYRUPâ€" Shoulder Lamb Chops, lb.......34c The finest, most deliciously Native Pot Roast of Beef, lb. ..23c flavored maple syrup made. Fresh Spare Ribs, lb...........18c Qt can ....................90c Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, AOt>Al>Ar,TTQ TTpe_ lb ...........................25c ASPARAGUS TIPSâ€" Home Made Porfcâ€"Sauiage Meat, Monsoon, tender, No. 1 square lb.' ... 1...................... 32c can» a snaP» doz* .$4.50 Richelieu Peeled, lb............32c Sauer Kraut, lb................15c Can SUNBEAM MAMMOTH .3754< COFFEEâ€" SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY^VTOITE-ASFARAGUS POINTS My own blend. I have sold this SOAPâ€" Extra fancy No. 1 square can blend for years with ever-increas- Laundry soaps are going up in price. Doz. $4.90; can ............42c ing success. Equal to any coffee in * ™£haâ„¢ "£?ce °£ a raiSC m tW° VIRGIN CORN- cans at 45c-a lb .............35c mS ? J k <ta n Extra standard. For soup^or cans at 45c-& lb........... 10q bars in box ..........."%*\£L- fritters^Boz.rvr^r-.....t7^1.35 COLONY TEA- tI^pv SOAP-...............38c Can ...................... 12c 3 A. No. 26-27, lb. MIDAS ORANGE PEKOE TEA- J?J?^~ "^ •45c 10 large 10 oz. cakes ........$1.28 SUNBEAM .SWEET CORNâ€" 77c An PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP-r % lb. can ..................49c 3 cakes ....................TTtTfBT WRIGHT'S SUPREME- O'CEDAR FLOOR POLISH _____---------- . 0 MOPSâ€" Mayonnaise Salad Dressing, 8 oz. The handiest Tender, sweet. A great fa- vorite. Doz., $2.10; can.....18c CARMELO SWEET GARDEN PEAS^sâ€" jars .28c .90c Very sweetjmcLjtender and a great bargain.___Doz*â€"$2.00;â€" can 7....................'•> . 17c thing a home can own ^ior„ dusting and polishing- floors, each ................$1.20 _ RICHELIEU SUPERFINE 45c SIFTED_JSARLY 4UNE-PEAS These are superfine as the â€"Quart jars.............. O'CEDAR OILâ€" PLYMOUTH^ROCK PRESERVES Large 12 Gz. bottle riJHra5ybejTjjUPtU£^^^ $2.7-5â€"jar ....................23c PAPERâ€" Large 7 oz. roll, dz.............60c SUNBEAM JELLYâ€" RICHELIEU BUCKWHEAT Pure Red Currant and Crabapple, F^>OURr"11 t, „/„ ,«, . n *o on. tt« 9c„ Pure bulk, lb............., •oj'ac 10 oz. jar. Doz. $2.90, Ea.....25c RICHELIEU ENTIRE WHEAT BEACHNUT PEANU* BUTTER ^j0^1^....................35c large 10 oz. jar..............27c GRAHAM FLOURâ€".......... 5 lb ..................:___23c CAMPBELL'S CONDENSED RICHELIEU PASTRY FLOUR- SOUPSâ€" 5 lbs........................,J25c Any kind, can..............lie MALAGA CLUSTER TABLE â- -,--.-----------_-------_â€" .------ RAISINS--------------â€"â€"------------------"NoT^'can, doz., $2*15; can... 18c MIXED NUTSâ€" Imported, Fancy? lb.............40c No. 3 can/doz., $3.00; can. ...25c We mix them of the* best quality RICHELIEU SEEDED RAISINS- RICHElIEU CRANBERRY name indicates. Doz;, $3.50; can........... â€"... â€" *.â€" *.30c SCOTTISH CHIEF TdMATOESâ€" ... Extra standard quality.â€"Large No. 3 can.. Doz., $2.00; can.. 17c No. 2 can. Doz., $1.60; can.. 14c RICHELIEU TOMATOES-; These are perfection -in canned tomatoes. They are â€"made of deliciously "flavored, red, ripe tomatoes only.- of Almonds, Brazils, Filberts, Pecans and English Walnuts only, 15 oz. pkg. ...............19c CQMB HONEY- S-CUT SPRING BEANS^T ........7..:..^32<r-c^b ;T...777................25c p"ce>doz" s2-25;can •......20c FOSTER CELESTE FIG&- RICHELIEU SMALL STRING- VALENCIA SHELLED At a bargain price. They LESS BEANS- ALMONDS _â€" , make a delicious dessert, 10 oz. Extra fancy. ...DjQfc»J&2S;- For saltingTlb. ......... ^Mc^-tan-----•••••â- «*â- -^r^^^ir^stficr^-xan: RICHELIEU LIMA Medium size green Doz., $2.90; can .... RICHELIEU PUMPKINâ€" The finest that can be pro- BEANSâ€" Limas. v.\-..'.25c ^^^^UNBF^Or^FRljnr^ALADâ€" JUMBO SALTED PEANUTSâ€" Fancy assorted fruits for salad. Lb. ...............'.-.........28c No. 2% can, doz., $5.75; can...48c â€" 17177 .-. â- .___1_ PLYMOUTH ROCK APRICOTS SHELLED ENGLISHT" Fancy quality. Heavy syrup. - WAltinTSâ€" 'Large No. 2J4 can. Doz., ____ â„¢LJ*U/S>^ . ,..--_..-^^~----1^4^..$a35^t«im-^^.-i%^rTv^ ^uc^dr^arge NoTl can. Extra fancy, fresh, sweet quality, pLyMOUTH ROGK^^YELLOW D027 $2.25; can .........S.20c J lb. ...^vr.TryvTT ........... 720^ CLING PEACHESâ€" SMYRNA FIGS«-^ Fancy, large, brown; lb.......47c can. Large No. $3.35: can ___ TOCTiEOEinPISS^ rm^rr~~â€" is^HerTigs, datesr nuts and Large*No^J2j4 can, doz., $4.50^ cherries, lLo??_jar '..........40c can* .........................38c Plain figs* 11 oz. jar .____....35c No. 2 can, doz^ $3.^0; can 30c K^BLOOD~~~HI BEETSâ€" Largejjo^ can^ doz.. $l.6^ijf-£-£-^ can ......................... ^.4-4câ- RICHELIEU SPINACHâ€" © No. 2 can. Doz., $2.50; can..21c Large No. 3 can. Doz., $3.00; can «•......................25c ^m^iCMMt£i^'-.i-::i!^m^M& *42~,;-«