Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1923, p. 12

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iwfPHWf- m THE LAKE SBBBBBBRBS The Wilmette Baptist church, lo- cated at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues, is completely equipped under nine departments of its organ- ization for christian training and min- istry. The Bible School with graded in- struction for all ages meets at 9:45, the adult classes beginning their Btudy at 10 o'clock. At the morning worship at 11 o'clock on Sunday, January 14, Mr. Stifler will give the first of his series of ser- mons on "Personal Religion." The topic for Sunday will be "An Aware- ness of God." The chorus choir under the direction of Mr. Edward J. Mun- soh will sing. At 8 o'clock in the afternoon on Sun- day, the Junior and Intermediate Young People's Societies will hold their reguar meetings. The Senior Young People's Society will meet in union with the other young people's societies of the village at the Methodist church at 6:30 where the address will be given by Mr. Wil- liam G°. Schermerhorn of Garrett Bib- lical Institute. This church co-operates with the Wilmette Sunday Evening Club which meets at the Congregational church - - â€"*-3Ttr& Willett of the University of Chicago on the topic "The Place of the Scholar jn^AmerimSLJMe^---------------------------- On Wednesday, January 17, at 8 o'clock, the church will meet for prayer and council. Thej?astor of the church may be found in bis study during the mornings of the week, and the church office will be open during the afternoon. The church telephone is 2235. The White Cross Workers of the Women's Society will meet at the church on Friday, the 19th, at 1:30 in the afternoon._________._____-------------- Social Happenings Dr. George F. Sutherland will hold his regular child welfare clinic Wed- nesday, January 17, from 2:30 to 4:30 at the Gross Point Health Center, Ridge avenue, near Wilmette avenue. Telephone any day between 12 and 1 A>'cIock, Wilmette 2402. Mrs. and Mrs. Charles A. Lundberg opened their home. at 1538 Walnut, street, for an informal party given by the Queen Esther Circle last Fridaj evening^ Some twenty-five members were^in attendance. ~ Joseph Hornt 1018 Eleventh street, returned Tuesday morning to Mas- sanutten academy, West Virginia,-af- ter spending the holidays with his mother. Mrs. Bently McCloud, 416 Cumner road, had as her guest over the holi- days, her brother, Mr. Weller Olm- stead of Omaha, Neb. - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Nunn, 920 Greenwood avenue, will leave Janu- ary 16, to s'pend several weeks in Mi- ami- Fla. I Mr. Perry L. Smithers, 711 Lake 'kvenue, is in Washington, D. C, on a short business trip. Mrs. Benjamin Gordon and small daughter, of Whiting, Ind., are^ spend- ing the latter part of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Cohen, 1231 Forest avenue. Mr. Gor-, don is in New York on business. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club will be entertained next week in the home of Mrs. Morgan Hammers, 807 Greenwood a venae. â€"oâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hotze, 1229 Hill street, have as their house guest Mrs. Hotze's brother, Mr. Carl Gibbs, of Elmwood, 111. Mrs. Bently McCloud, 416 Cumnor ford road, left for Wisconsin ;uni- versity last week. â€"oâ€"â€" The Winnetka Duplicate Bridge club had luncheon with Miss Wilson at the Evanston hotel on Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Berger and daughters, Ethel and Eleanor, 306 Kenilworth avenue, left for Boston on Tuesday.^ Mr. Peter Frieman of Fourth street, who has been seriously ill with pneu- monia, is slowly recovering. Mr. R. C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, left Thursday for New- York on a business trip. ______ _ Mr. Hamilton Howe, 240 Kenilworth avenue, returned to Annapolis on January J---------â€"----------------------- " â€"oâ€" Miss Helen Cresap returned to Vas- sar college early this week. â€"oâ€" Miss Betty Darling left last week for Rosemary' Hall, Greenwich, Conn. PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TICKET AGENT In making arrangements for your win- ter trip to California, Florida or railroad journey in any direction, let your Local Ticket Agent sell your railroad tickets, make your __sleeBing„£arjreserxatifins^and- cKecTTyour "Baggage through to destina- Make it a matter of neighborhood pride to patronize your home Ticket Agent, xaOcago & North Western Ry,- LTGKMtc Now for Enjoy a winter where you can get a complete change. Surf bathing, deep sea fish- ing, motoring over perfect highways through fertile valleysâ€"with palms, flow- ers and orange groves on every handâ€"camping in the mountains*or golf or tennis are some of the pas- times which may be en- joyed. NOTICE Proposals will be received at the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Gross Point until noon on the 4th day of April. lSM^-fojg-Jthe-p^igchase-^f-any-- interest which the Village of Gross Point may have in and to the following de- scribed property, to-wit: ii- X*>ts five <S> and six (6) in Block seven (?) of Seger's Subdivision of the North- east quarter of the Northwest quarter, ex- cept the East two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty-three (33); Township forty- two (42) North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook Coun- ty, Illinois, together with all the build- ings and improvements thereon. Bids will be opened at a regular meet- ing of the Board of Trustees to be held on the* 4th day of April, 1928, at 8 o'clock. The Village Hall is located on said premises and was used by the Village ;ln the conduct of its business, but it is no longer necessary or required for the lose bf^the1 Village. * The said property will be sold to the highest and best bidder; provided, how- ever, that the Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids re- ceived therefor. Village of Gross Point, By EDWARD ZETJTSCHEti, President. p- Lll-IOtc There is no better place for play, rest or sight-seeing than California, Every pos- sible preference you may have in regard to living accommodations can be provided. Chicago & North Western Ry. offers unequaled high grade train service with a wide choice of scenic and direct routes. The Beut of Everything Mrs. George H. Canniff will enter- tain the mfmbers of the Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club at her res- idence, 723 Central avenue, next weeK Thursday. â€"oâ€" ' Eloise Bedlan, pianist, and William Mithcell, tenor, two artists well known to residents of the North -Shore, are giving a joint recital on Sunday, Jan- uary 28, in the Playhouse, Chiago. Mr B. M. Bronson of Cragsknot Idaho, is spending three weeks as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles Mc- Cue, 631 Washington avenue. â-  EVANSTON IRON LANTERN 1 * HlliMAN AND LEE STREETS, EVANSTOK g 1 Under the management of Laura Kennedy and Jane Part 1 of the IRON LANTERN, 619 Cass Street, Chicago 1 | 11:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Daily I Sundays 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. I LUNCHEON - TEA - DINNER 1_____ Service a^ la carte -and table d'hoteâ€" â€"--OortietEermgehts anaHrep^ resentatives will be pleased to submit an attractive itin- erary, T furnish illustrated booklets and full informa- tion regarding fares, train schedules, or in any other way help you plan your winter trip; or address J. L. Ferguson Q. P. A. C&N. W. Ry. Chicago THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Establish©* 1*11 with whleh Is combined THK WILMBTTE LOCAL NIWS Established 1898 IacT? -Satis HiibAV of by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. WBIK IMS Central Ave., Wilmette. HL TeUphons.................Wilmette 1920 ^ifeSC^^TION 92.00 A YEAH irJLU communications must be accom- panied by the name and address of the UTiter. Articles for .publication^ should reach the" editor by Wednesday noon to Insure appearance In current Issue, condolence, «*iW*j ... Resomaqns of „ . fnltTi^~«hitiM>ry poetry, notices of enter* tilnmepf or other «<*frtTff »^-----------* 'r :--.'-" mlttance" charge' will be made or a col taken, win be charged for at regu- _ ]^^^T^»Mm at *lWte. minohL as mall matter of the second rtassYuuder tb« act of March 9. 1979. GraceForbesFrock $ Making Remodeling Exclusive Models Room 217 Hoyburn Bldg. Davis Street, Evanston Tel. Ev. 7467 J3HDAY, JANfJittT 12,1^ Willys-Knight and Overland Willys-Knight Sedan $2,095 delivered Overland 4 Door Sedan $960 or Family Purposes. Low First Cost-Low Maintain- ance -incl ___ m»ton 140 1549 Sherman AvftSSI Evanston iTlCTyy^.-j.',,.;.,:^ ,.,.>.â- â- ;,, ;-J:,v;.-fhi '.i-'/^;'^"^t0ii^^S^^^&S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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