THE LAKE SHORE Nâ„¢S FRIDAY. JANUARY 5, 1983 ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Linden and Prairie Ave., Wilmette. Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor. 406 Prairie Ave., Telephone 1396. Services 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall. 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon at the church. ~H:00 A. M. Second service and ser- mon at church. Classes for the Christian education of children will be resumed at St. John's next Friday afternoon, Janu- ary 5, at 4 o'clock. Owing to the size of the class it has been divided into two divisions, a junior and an advanced. The pastor will take charge of the latter, while Miss Clara Mueller will teach the junior division. It is hoped that many more children will enroll in the new year. On TTraaynsv^nin^r^airaaTjr ^ all the teachers and officers of the Sun- day school are requested to meet at the church without fail. The meet- ing will be given to a thorough dis- cussion of the new series of Sunday school lessons, memory work and catechism study which has been intro- duced for 1923. - On Monday evening, January 8, a meeting of the church council to- gether with the various committees and officers of organizations within the church takes place at the church. A thorough plan of co-operation is to be worked out. The Building committee meets at the church on Tuesday evening Janu- ary 9. Choir practice as usual will be helci Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH lotte L. Shreffier, Roberta A. Hope, Dorcas W. Hope, Bmilie L. Mickey, Helen F. Esentrot, Ruth Agnes Knapp, Dorothy Ellen Borden, and Sefer M. Brown. The newly present- ed class made their first Communion at the Christmas-Eve midnight Ser- vice. The regular Choral Evensong, es pecially for the Young People, will bu held in the church next Sunday at 4:45. Although the attendance is largely young people, all others are heartily welcome. This short, rever- ent and beautiful Service every Sun- day afternoon would appeal to and help many beyond those who are at present attending. The young people who are members of the Young Peo- ple's Club of' St. Augustine's meet after the Service in the Club House where supper is served. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The Annual meeting of the Asso- ciated Guilds of St. Augustine's will be held this Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Club house. The an- nual reports will be given and the election of officers for the current year will take place. The Associated Guilds have had a most successful year and their work has meant much in the growth of St. Augustine's parish. The Boy Scout Troop of St. Augus- tine's, along wlth^the Pioneers of rit. Augustine's, formed a large hiking party last Saturday under the leader- ship of Mr. P. L. Herrington, Scout- master, to the newly acquired pro* perty five and one-half miles north- west of Wilmette, recently presented to the boys of St. Augustine's by Mr. George J. Phillips. As this was their first visit since the presentation, tho boys were keenly interested to see the new camping site and all kinds of plans were made for its wide use in the immediate future. The annual meeting of St. Augus- tine's Parish will be held on Wednes- day evening, January 17, and will be preceded by a Parish Dinner. ' At this meeting brief reports will be made from the different organizations at work in the Parish, and the election of Wardens and Vestry for the coming year will take place, as well as dele- gates to represent the Parish at the Diocesian Convention in Chicago the end of January. At the Children's Movies yesterday in St. Augustine's Parish .House, "The Bridge of Fancy," featuring little Mary McAllister, was shown to boys andT girts at the^three dif- ferent showings; as well as two Charlie Chaplin comedies. The films were provided for the children by Mr. and Mrs. 13. A. Kaumeyer, 601 Linden avenue. The showing next Thursday at the Children's Movies will be "The Ghost in the Garret" with Dorothy Gish. Qther pictures to be shown to the boys and girls in the near future are "Daddy Longlegs" with Mary Pickford in the title role, "Tarzan of the Apes," "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," "The Last of the Mohicans," "The Half Back," and others. Next Sunday being the first Sur- day in the month, there will be a Celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock and Holy Communion with sermon by Rev. -L. H. Danforth at 11 o'clock. It will be the monthly corporate Communion Sunday for the Boys' and Girls' Communion Leagues. The Rector of St. Augustine's was present at the joint dinner of the Wilmette Minister? and the Real Es- tate men of Wilmette, there being about thirty-five in attendance.. At this meeting the Real Estate men de« cidfid, aaJi body, to close their offices Much of Christmas cheer was brought last week through the work of the Church School. The money gift will help to care for many starv- ing children of the Near East. But the home needs were not forgotten and much pleasure was given to grown-ups as well as children through the activi- ties of the various classes of the school. Members of the congregation were pleased Sunday over the assistance which the Junior choir rendered in the morning service. Much credit is due Mrs. Leslie Gates, the choir-mother, and Mr. R. D. Burtner, the director, for their excellent work in preparing the choir to serve in this way. Organizations in the Church School will meet as usual: Wolf Cubs Tues-~ day afternoon at 3:30; Roosevelt Troop of Boy Scouts Tuesday eve- ning at 7 o'clock; Tohelo Camp Fire Wednesday after school; and the Blue Birds Friday afternoon at the church. Meetings for the week of the Wom- en's Guild are as follows: The North End Circle, Miss Ida Nourse, chairman, Monday, at the home of"Mrs. W. H. Tucker, 1009 Ash- land ave., with Mrs. W. G. Moore and Mrs. F. C. Reinboth as assistant host- esses. The East End Circle, Mrs. Roy James, chairman, Monday at one o'clock, at the home of Mrs. S. R. Mason, 607 7th st. "The Crescent Circle, Mrs. y. C. Hoerber, chairman, all day at the; home of Mrs. S. A. Hall, 702 Greenleaf ave. The Guild at the church, Friday noon. Luncheon will be served by the Cozy Corner Circle. Mrs. W. G. Glover will lead the devotions and the pro- gram, "Our Home Missionaries," will be in the hands of Mrs. W. A. Tucker. On*, Wednesday evening at 6:45 o'clock members of the parish will gather at the church for a Birthday dinner, served by &the Washington Avenue Circle, Mil. H. K. Snider, chairman. This promises to be one of the most enjoyable of all the Church Night dinners. The company will be seated at tables representing the months in which they were born and take part in a jolly program of songs and stunts led by Mr. Lemuel Owen, who will serve as Toastmaster. The Wolf Cub hike and Treasure hunt Thursday, December 28, was thoroughly enjoyed by the boys. F. A. Wilson, chairman of the Scout com- mittee, was in charge and arranged a most interesting program of activity for the boys. Roosevelt Troop No. 2 of the Boy Scouts this week hiked to the Chi- cago River where tests were passed and Hockexjplayed on tne *ce- Communion w411 be observed and new members received at the Sunday morning service. .„___ It has been found that the thought of GocT ana: His work is fast fading from the minds of many people of the modern world. Next Sunday Dr. Lloyd will begin a series of sermons on "Old Truths for the New Year." Sunday he will speak on the subject, "God Lives," followed by sermons on "God Loves," "God Protects," "God Works." These sermons will be short and to the point and should be heard by every member of the parish. tian story. The Junior Choir and Ves- per Quartet will sing. „_____.,.«« WOMAN'S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY will hold its regular meet- ing at the church on Thursday, Janu- ary 11. Ladies are requested to come promptly at ten o'clock, as there is much sewing to do. GIRL SCOUTS meet at the church Wednesday at four o'clock. JUNIOR SCOUTS meet at the church Thursday at seven o'clock. BOY SCOUTS meet at the church Friday at seven o-clock. ENGLISH LUTHERAN Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street, William Guise, pastor. Services for January 7 Bible school at 9:45 A. M. This be ing Dedication Sunday, let us try to make the occasion a banner day for our Sunday School. Young people and adults are also urged to be present. Worship at 11 A. M. The^ermon will be delivered by the Rev? J. E. Whitteker, D. D., president of1 the Chicago Lutheran Seminary. Students from the Seminary will be with us to render special music. The choir will also sing a beautiful anthem. The Dedicatory service will begin at 3 P. M. Rev. T. B. Hersh, mission- ary superintendent of the Chicago Con- ference, will preside. Rev. J. A. Davy, pastor of the Unity Lutheran church, Chicago will preach the sermon. Rev. John F. Seibert, D. D., and other pastors will be present to assist in this delightful service. Mr. William T. Blasdell will sing. The quartet and choir of St. Luke's Church, Park Ridge, will render appropriate inuity Dedication Week Services Tuesday evening, January 9, wmi be Community Night A program com- posed of music, readings and addresses will be given. You are invited to be present, to become better acquaint* ed and to inspect the new building, The program will begin at 8 P. M. Thursday evening, at 8 P. M., wor- ship with sermon by Rev. S. P. Long, D. D., pastor of the Wicker Park LutbT ©ran church, Chicago. Come and hear Dr. Long, who is one of the best known speakers in our denomination in America. Other pastors will also assist in this service. • The choir will meet on Friday eve. ning at the home of Mr. A. D. Gash* 527 Central avenue. The Holy Communion Service will be held Sunday, January 14. in Wilmette on Sunday and to show no property to buyers. Dr. Carleton was appointed a member of the "Honor Board," consisting of two min- isters, two real estate men and a fifth member to be chosen by these four, to assist in seeing that the agreement is adhered to by all parties. METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY MORNING: â„¢THE CHRISTIAN MAN AND HIS MONEY" is a subject not far removed from the center of things in Kingdom Building. Dr. Stansell will go into the subject with the hope of being suggestive. Bring your theories on the subject along with you whether you may wish to take them back with you or not. You will enjoy the music by the big choir. "THE MOTE IN THY BROTHER'S EXE" is the subject the pastor will briefly discuss Wednesday evening. This will be the twelfth message on the Sermon on the Mount. The service will begin promptly at eight o'clock and close at nine. Ther hearty .hymn singing, prayers, testimonies, and good fellowship yiU please you. Come am At the recent Confirmation held at St. Augustine's the following were confirmed by the Bishop: Frederick Z. ?v Favor, Jr-., John Herleit Leach, David ':^%isxKnA»t-^BhB^ettu^r Stanley. Warren - - Smith, Oliver B. Boddie, John B. Bod- see. die, Larry Mouat, Andrew R. WilUrd, SUNDAY AFTERNOON:â€"'-_-,------- John Charles Biggins, John Robert Dr. Stansell will present "THE SAD Thomas M, Brown, SHEPHERD," under the three deacrip- ce G. Pratt, Elizabeth Ann tions: 1 Darkness. 2. Nightflre; and rower, Josephine A. Pridmore, Char- fcPaw* z^&IaiJai^zheautifwl ChrlB-jJ A Good Resolution: / Will Go to Church Sunday HERE ARE SEVEN PORTSâ€"Beacon Lights Shining from All oj Them Guide You to Peace and Safety. The seven Wilmette churches signing this announcement are truly ports established for the security of our community life. We are all travelers on a sea of perplexities, dangers and uncertainties. God, the Bible and the Church are constant qualities which do not shift with every wind that blows. The church is founded on eternal principles. Whatever may happen to business or one's personal fortunes, the church still stands ever ready to comfort and strengthen. Follow" one ot these beacqrHights into a sanctuary oFpeace. It is less important which Church you attend than that you attend some church every Sunday. * Services at 11 A. M. * The Wilmette Baptist Chorch Rev. Francie C. Stifierâ€"â€"~ The first Methodist Chorch Rev. Gilbert Staneett St. Aogostine's Episcopal Chorch _ Rev. Hubert Carleton First Congregatiooal Chorch Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd Wilmette EogHsh Lutheran I St: John's Lotheran Chorch Wilmel Rmp.Herman W. Meyer Rep. William Cube Rev* Geo. P. Magttl I n I A.