12 THE LAKE SHORE MANY SERVICES FOR CHAPEL DEDICATION (Continued from page 1) dozen families including such famil- iar names as Homrighaus, Mueller, l-Brandt and others, secured the Wil- mette Woman's club for its regular "Sunday morning services. Rev. So- holm was installed as pastor, the Charter roll of about forty souls closed * early in May of 1921, a Woman's so ciety was organized and functioning a -few weeks later, and children in num- bers were enrolled in the new Sunday school which also included a flourish ing Bible class. The growth of the new congrega- tion was so rapid and passed from thr embryonic stage with such great con- fidence that pastor Soholm, known to his denomination as an organizer of the first order, decided his work here concluded and sought another field that needed the sort of attention he was practiced to give. He accepted a • charge at Omaha, Nebraska, leaving Wilmette early in February of 1922. Supply Pastors Supervise With such a splendid start, the par- ish continued to grow steadily under the supervision of supply pastors pro- vided by the Illinois Synod of the United Lutheran Church. In October 1922 the parish was for- tunate in securing the services of the Rev. William Guise, who came to this new field from rich experience gained in Toledo, Ohio. Like his predecessor, Mr. Guise is a young man, whose spirit of youth is reflected in the parish. Though on the field but a few brief months, already has won the complete confidence of â€"Who's seHtflf 1&e â€"- CHEVROLET in Evanston? his parishioners and augmented that enthusiasm that is bringing the con- gregation rapidly forward to the pos- ition of importance and influence en- joyed by the older church organiza- tions of the village. Interested in Community The English Lutheran church has been- affiliated With the Wilmette Church Union since its inception and is taking an active interest in com- munity affairs. The Bungalow-Chapel at Seventh street and Greenleaf avenue, built on property purchased by the church early last summer, is a combined church and parsonage. It is of at- tractive design and arranged to take care of the needs of the parish for several years, or until the time when necessity shall demand a larger and permanent church edifice,, plans for which, even at this early date are a matter of discussion in parish circles. FOR Economical Transportation CHEVROLET GAIRING FINE ARTS F. I. Bamhart Prop New and exclusive lire of picture and mirror frames Framed pictures, prints and novelties. 1613 Orrington Ave. Evanston, Phone Ev. 770 EVAJTSTON'S NEWEST AND FINEST HOTEL Oh! So Good! BOWMAN'S MILK is rich in cream. It pleases the taste of old and young. Drink hearty! At least a quart a day. It contains in great abundance those natural vitamines so essen- tial to vigorous health. insisr on^Rawtnmn JLF MIRY COMPANY IGthntrg fH&za An attractive home for individuals or small families who want the same service rendered by the finest hotels but intermingled with a home atmosphere that adds to the comfort of a short or long stay. There are attractive terms ffr long leases. Come and enjoy our restaurant or cafeteria. ~f For Reservations telephone Evanston 8000 le, north of Davis Street, EVANSTON Ride in ease and comfort to the heart of Chicago over the Road of Service On a high-speed North Shore Train your Chicago trip is a short and refreshing one. You arrive rested and on time--at the very doors of the leading business houses, hotels and theatres. Limited Trains for Chicago leave Wilmette every hour from 6:45 a. m. to 1:45 a. m. Baggage checked to all points on line. NEW NORTH SHORE BUS SERVICE, making, frequent connections with Limited and Express Trains at Waukegan, running through the Business Districts <>fZion, Winthrop Harbor and Kenosha, and connecting again with Limited Trains at Kenosha. Rail and Bus tickets are interchangeable* ^1 â- ^ - - -......- - - - â- â- ;____________ Chicago Civic Opera Special Every Thursday During Season to GRAND OPERA AUDITORIUM THEATRE, CHICAGO Lv. Wilmette (Wilmette Ave.) ... .7:00 p.m. Lv. Wilmette (Linden Ave.).-. •-----7:05 p.m. Ar. Congress and Wabash........7:JHrp.m. While Opera Bound enjoy a well-cooked dinner on the Dining Car attached. SPECIAL TABLE D'HOTE DINNER, $125 Also Service a la Carte Immediately after the Opera the Special will leave "Congress and Wabash Elevated Station on the return trip. An excellent supper served a la carte. North Shore Line Wilmette Ticket Office /^^ NORTH SHORE Wilmette Avenue feiflyESiife,