THE LAKE SHORE NEWSTfRTHAY. TUNE 30, 19tt Mlsa Helen Shurtleff returned oon Thursday last to her home at 815 Lake avenue, from Richmond, Ind., where she has been teaching in one of the high schools. Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison have gone to their summer home in Wisconsin. During their absence Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Newton of the Parkway hotel have taken the Harri- son home. â€"oâ€" frt Goddard, 511 Laurel avenueT Howard Nelson, 901 Chestnut avenue, and Steven Harwood, 606 Greenleaf avenue, left Wednesday evening to spend the° summer at Camp Mishawaka, Grand Rapids, Minn. Mr. S. B. Groves, 1223 Wilmette ave- nue, is leaving Saturday for the east, where he has accepted -a position as one of the camp councillors at Camp Penacook, North Sutton, N. H. â€"oâ€" Announcement is made of the mar* riage of Miss Ellen Lund in and Mr. Harold Otterbach on Wednesday, June 21, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Herman W. Meyer, 406 Prairie avenue. Miss Margaret Couffer entertained informally at bridge at her home, 903 Lake avenue, on Wednesday afternoon in honor of her house-guest, Miss Al- bertine James of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Dechambre (Miss Barbara Conrad) of 1328 Wil- mette avenue,<*are being congratulated on the birth of a son, Peter Remacu- lus, on Thursday, June 22. â€"oâ€" James Paterson, alias Jimmy, re- turned TuegdayJrwn_theY. M. C. A. "camp at Lake UenevaTwEerr he was a delegate from the Northwestern uni- versity Y. M. C. A. ; i? Miss Clementine Eastman, 1027 Elm wood avenue, is leaving today for a five week's stay at Miss Alice Bent- ley's camp in the Adirondacks, near Merrill, N. Y. Mrs. J. E. Wetzel and grandson, Bobby Awe of Ply»ou*\ ^uh w here on a two week's visit with her daughter, and his mother. Mrs* Cnas. S. DeLong, 1702 Wilmette avenue. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bryant and daughter of 611 Elmwood avonue left Sunday evening for an extended trip on the Pacific Coast. They will re- turn home sometime in September. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Skinner and family of 1216 Ashland avenue have gone to Mendota Beach, Wis- consin, where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Page and family who recently/ returned 'r0» a.vl®" in Columbus>-fnd., have taken the A. E Logie home at 1032 Ashland avenue, for the summer. Coast Guard Saves Yawl From Rocks At Glencoe The "Cora Belle," an auxiliary yawl valued at $1,500, belonging to Robert Freberg, Evanston, was rescued from destruction on the rocks at Glencoe by quick action on the part of tne Evanston coast guard Sunday. Capt. Fricke received a call about 10 o'clock that the vessel bad broken loose from its moorings *ad Was being pounded to pieces on the rocks. Mrs. John Niggel of Wilmington, N. C and her two grandchildren, Joseph and Mary Eiden, all former pioneers of Gross Point, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nanzig. Mrs. Lyde A. Keagy of Cambridge, 111 returned to her home on Tuesday, afterJjeing the guest of Miss Evelyn Kletzing, 522 Washington avennue, for several days. â€"oâ€" Members of the Bookworm Club are planning to spend Sunday as the guests of Mrs. E. R. Burt at her home in Riverside, III. Mrs. Charles Jackson, 10i7 Elmwood avenue, left last evening to spend the summer at their cottage in Portage Park, Mich. â€"oâ€" Mrs. Thomas M. Knox, 519 Forest avenue, was hostess to one of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs this Week. Miss Celeste Geherty, who was visit- ing at the home of Mrs, r>nnald*<Mac- "Neal in Warsaw, Ind., returned home last week. Mr Frank B. King/829 Greenleaf avenue, will return Sunday morning from a business trip to^ Minneapolis, Minnesota. N. J. Mergenthaler Plumbing and Heating 210 DOYLE COURT Telephone 2004 * Wilmette, III. He left with six members of the coast guard immediately for Glencoe. The cVaft, a thirty-tootevwas found to be in the breakers and £**£* JJgJ After the members of the coast guara w nnmned out the water that would have sunk the boat had it been lni deeper water, they hauled it to the Minor repairs on the "Cora Belle" made it possible to relaunch her with- in a few days. â- ' . . â- >â- Leaky Root; Gutter; Spout; Slate, Tite, Tin Work A. C. WOLFF New Shop Repairing 1124 Greenleaf Avenue Phone Wilmettel5^or296^ Dr. LESLIE W. JONES PrWICIAN-OKIROraA^^ 1 Wilmette Office - Room 27. Brown Building-Hours: 10-12 A. M. 2-5â€"7-9 P. ft Telephone Wilmette 2557 Residence Phone Wilmette 2558 >â€"f Get your Victor Records here â€"the new July re- leases, and fresh stocks of others hard to keep in stock, they are in such demandl i__ Goodrich â€"Mr. and Mrs. HenrjTWT Hammes of 422 Linden avenue, announces the engagement of_ their daughter, Cecilia "Josephine, to Ambrose c. Leib of West Bend, Wis. Dr. and Mr&r Donald-Mr -Oattie-of 1115 Elmwood avenue, and Dr. and Mrs. Donald Gallie, Jr., of Evanston are leaving this week-end for a motor trip to the Dells over the Fourth. The Misses Antoinette and Julia Hoffman of Ridge avenue, are leaving July 1 tor Europe. They will travel through England, Belgium, France, Switzerland and Germany, expecting to return early in September. Mrs F. M. Jones and Miss Willeta Hatch of Aurora, I1W were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jordan, 1012 Greenwood avenue^ Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cody of the Evanston hotel, have taken a cottage at Lake Ripley, Wis., for the summer. Mr. Karl Keith and sons, John, KarJLJr^andJL^old^motored to Big Lake, Wisconsin, Sunday for the sum mer " XATED IRON rsuXATED j IHON If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make, the following test: see how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of NUXATEi) IRON three I times per day for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. Many people have made this test and have been aston- i ished at their increased •trength, I endurance and energy Nuxated Iron is guaranteed to give satis- ' faction or money refunded. M I al< good druggists: IS ^OHNR^SWEE^ ISHECT FurnicJil Gutt»^ ; JPowl Spouts ; Sky Lights i^|^^.^-"^HK)OT WILMETTE 1247 G^Washlagtoa. Ave.|^§|l|:,«lg|| WILMETTE. ILL. %wt»ADiS0N.;STw4:::- CHICAGO? Buy your Teres wbereyou see this Sign The (^t^ri^Tke^ign on a ^eile?s store is worth money to you. It is more than a guideâ€"it is a guaranty* It says: "Here is a dealer who knows the value of the one-quality standard of Goodrich* Here is a store run by a man who believes in building permanent business through genuinely good service. Here is a place that you can depend uponâ€"a place that gives you full value in return for every dollar spent." Buy your tires where you see the Goodrich Tire sign. It means satisfaction in every transaction. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY odkron, Ohio r^N* > <••â- •â- â- â- â- mmm â- â- ••â- â- â- •»«â- •» *â- "* ** "* *"^?|?.?!l.!!?.ll!!L.WniH»i»miiii fip^Pl^^^iSP^^^^"""^ â- *»â- »â- •â- â- â- â- «â- â- »â- â- » â- » mmmi: ,JfP§8| /fllililil Ilif-lPLUSlERVICE Cash Meat Evanston Illinois Native Rib Roast of Beef, ID* • ••,•••••••••••••• • •*a»V $£ff;0$i PAINTING ^^EP^MMM.fL â- afts pilis 404 Glencoe GLENCOE, ILL.! •. * - - - - - â€" ..««*»â- » â- â- â- â- yf* TrnZmmlnllMll^^ Fancy Legjoi Lamb*^ lb. ... .1.......30ajul3$€ Shoulder of Veal Roasl, Shoulder of Lamb Roast, '•â- ID*"â- "";â- â- "•-' •â- â- '•â- » • •â- «' »: • • ••".• • ••• • •'••â- •M* Hindquarter of Spring ^ Lamb, per lb. . .. i... .36^c Very Best, Plate Corned "^_ iseer . • • • •• ••• • •• • • *«/2c Choice Pot Roast T.... 15%! Fresh Flank Steak ^SJ5c ^r^^jmsm^armHijrf^ Genuine 1922 Fresh Dressed Broilers ®' PER IM. Fresh Dressed Broiling Chidcens ........ T. ftfi y^c Fancy Roasting Chickens, Very Best Sirloin Steak, .:*"â- •""• â- •"-VV:V# #'•"»â- ' .... . , # \ . 4UC Best Porterhouse # steak. IK ff. f..,___;sOc Frjwl| Pork Loins, whole, Best Rib LanA Chops, lb. .,----- .TrvTiftc 0Pi Peacock Bacon, whole slab, SteAf_.«a :'^5ga ,•••••••••• •'•?« »**^» «WtC HE ADQUARTER^» HOMEJMtESSEE^