fi nrm^MrriMgR^HORE-NEWSl FRIDAY, JUNE 16 1922 DIPLOMAS GIVEN ISO EIGHTH GRADE PUPILS Exercises Held at New Trier ^Thursday Evening One hundred and fifty graduates of the eighth grades in the Wilmette Public schools received their diplomas at the annual Commencement exer- i cises held at New Trier High last evening. Arthur H. Howard, presi- 'p dent of the Board of Education, made the formal presentation of diplomas. The graduation program was given by members of the class, assisted by & the school band. . ii ^£ ft'; sThis year's graduates were; -^ ^Stanley R. Abramson, Robert Anderson, Elizabeth Babcock, Charles Walter Baker, t Harold G. Barrett, Barbara Jean Bate- man, Laurence F. Bateman, Audrey Helejn Bauer, Madeleine Ida Beem, Albert Cunningham Bell, Erma Beringer, Lucille Berlnger, Eleanor Jullia Berndt, Florence B.' Biesemeler, Pauline Lillian Billow, Maylem HjenrietjaJBird^Edna M. Bleser, 32; Medora Bright. V., Lyrtn Bonnem. Anna ~L. Boyajian, M. Sirok Boyajian, Robert E. : Boyden, David W. Boyingrton, Adrian J. Brower, Gerald Winfleld Brown, Phillip fe^Monroe Brown, Gordon F. Buck, Eleanor Buckman,â- • Ruth Margaret___Burghart, Robert Rees Burtner, Ruth Caldwell, Hugh Stephen Campbell, David John Coffey, Catherine Esther Colton, Jose- phine Castle Comfort, Jane Elizabeth Cornell, John Alden Crain, Laurence WMills Davis, Elizabeth DeBerard, Olive Louise Dennis, Virginia Belle Dennis, George Merrill Doerr, Lillian Agnes Duncan, Jean Arthur Eddington, Milton Emrich, Irene Marie Estes, Jean Evers, Marie Flentye, Gordon A. Frimand, Thomas H. Fullerton, Lester E. Galitz, Sara Gaper, Paul Henry Gathercoal, Jerome E. Goodman, Jane Elizabeth Greiner, George Henry Haack, Arthur H. Hawkinson, William R. Heinsheimer, Anna Louise Henrekson, Harriet Marie Hess, Marjory A, Hill, Patricia Hoffman, , Roberta Hope, Frances Howard, Dorothy W. Hubbard, Max DuF. Humhpries, Bradford Willis Hutson, James M. Irvine, Jr., Bernard .Theo. Johnson, Evelyn H. Johnson, Vera Johnson, Fred James Kane, Christine M. Kaspar, Robert E. Kenyon, Jit;-" Frances M. "Kehlingrr CectT H. Kerr, Eleanor Louise Klein, Leonard S. Koenen, Edward A. Kracke, Jr., George Howard Graft, Albert E. Kremer, May- hfllift M. Kuelzow. Robert E. Kuhl, John Lain?, Irma Marie L'aslo, Charles F. L&uer, Dorothy Jean Lawrence, James F. ,Lawton, Dudley W. Lester, Jr., Frances E. Levi, Frances Rose Levy, Charles A. Lundberg, Jr., Richard H. Macalister, Mary E. Marshall, Anne E. â€" Matsoh, Thomasâ€"O'-Hv- McArdle, Loulse- . McCoy, William N. McCrory, Tom, Mc- " GInley, John F. McKana, Victor C. Mc- Keighan, George N. Mergenthaler, Frank R. Millington, Jr., Luther Carlos Mueller, Bettie Mulford, Earl A. Nelson, Howard l A. Nelson, Louise M. Nilles, Clarence R. Norman, Ralph J. Orner, Dorothy L. Overbeck, Jane Elizabeth Owen, Karl Bowen Palenske, Nathan D. Pancpast, â€"Johnâ€"B,â€"Panushka, Virginiaâ€"Aflftlfllnft LOCALS WIN FQLffiTH GAME IN 10 Defeat Fast Radas Club of Chicago, B to 7 Ten innings of sizzling baseball were required last Sunday afternoon at the Seventh street diamond to give Wilmette her fourth straight victory. The Radas of Chicago were the vic- tims, 8 to 7. , . . â- * The Radas took the jump on the home squad in the initial inning, but the locals overcame the lead in their half by denting the platter twice. No- thing doing until the fifth against the portside offerings of the visiting hurl- er Meanwhile Radas' collected five. But after the fifth the villagers took to swatting in the pinches and by a succession of timely blows were able to even up the score at seven all in the ninth. Twice "Jeff" Saunders de- liverod in the pinch,â€"annexing^jthe hitting honorsof-the matineer It remained for "Spikes" Robins to terminate the fray in the overtime session. The peppery backstop, just back^rom~BChool, where lie tad been starring on the varsity squad, count- ed a runner with a well placed single that scored Estes who was perched on third by virtue of a double and a fielder's choice involving Jac Brewer. jyhe high wind seriously handi- capped the gardeners and the hurlers were constantly placed in precarious holes because of Dame Nature's trick- ery. The visitors outhit the locals two to one but couldn't connect on the celebrated timely variety of blows. A large crowd cheered the home boys through these proceedings and went home thoroughly satisfied that they have a good ball club. More seats are to be erected to provide accommo- a dinner at the University Club in Ev- anston; Wednesday afternoon, Miss Helen Pancoast o|f Wilmette gave a kitchen shower; Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Jones enter- tained at bridge at their home taBr- anston; Thursday evening, Miss Kafn- erine Scheidenhelm gave a formal dinner at her home and Friday eve- ning Mr. and Mcs. Frank Watt will give the bridal dinner for their daugh- ter at the Skokie Club in Glencoe. -Mrs. Arthur Ruf entertained a few members of the Hinsdale Garden Club on Thursday. Tfiey~~vTslted Mrs. Scott's garden in Glencoe and Mr. Aiken, the architect's, garden, and then returned to Mrs. Ruf's residence for a delightful basket luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway mo- tored to Lake Placid, Wednesday, for the summer. During their absence- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark will reside at the Ridgway home. Mrs. Fred Bulley and her daughter, Mrs. Ward Starrett, entertained on Wednesday at a kitchen shower for Miss Elva Southward, and alBO in hon- or of Mrs. Edward Hicks, Jr., who has recently moved to Evanston from Sioux-City, iasâ€"^â€" _^__^ Mr and Mrs. Ralph Starrett and thelJ* sons have gone to their summer home on Eagle River. On tMh- re- turn in the fall they will move into their new home in Winnetka. Miss Betty Darling entertained the graduating class of the Joseph Sears School at a dance at Kenilworth As- sembly hall on Friday evening. Miss Isabel Freeman of Fort Wayne spent a few days as the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Allen this week. Charles Fleischmann entertained the graduating class of Joseph Sears school at a bunco party on Wednes- day evening. Miss Ruth Woodward, who is visit- ing in Philadelphia, is motoring to Northampton this week-end to attend a Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Parmelee enter- tained the Evening. Bridge club at din- ner on Tuesday evening. Bmssmmmmmaaam â- ftjife'yif" A Mrs. George Spangler is spending a few days in Kenilwprth during Mr. Spangler's absence. They will return to their summer home in northern Wisconsin on Mr. Spangler's return from California. ^lirs. James Prentiss and her son,.,, who has been very ill for the past two months at St. Joseph's hospital in Ann Arbor, returned Saturday to Ttenil* worth. -- ' â- -^--trr*;0;v; ..>-.-â- - Mrs. Ira Darling, Mrs. LeRoy Wood- land, Mrs. Karl Korrady and Mrs. Os- wald Lockett attended a house party as the guests of Mrs. Nellis at Lake Geneva.......â€":,:...:;. ...,•â- * ^The ____ Kenilworth Garden Club has «i«7 w »* «.««.».» â€" Mf------------------â€" been invited to visit the gardens in dationa for the increasing number of Tjaftft Forest on Saturday: and- Sunday anAAiatnrs. as guests of the IllinoisGarden Club. They will meet at the Gorton school in Lake Forest.:,v, spectators. Wilmette plays here next Sunday. Game time is 3 o'clock. Opponents have^not-been-anHounced-to-datei^'â€"- The locals are being, sought for im- portant games with other north shore clubs and a definite schedule of games is promised shortly. Kenilworth Happenings Allan BuHey spent Monday and Tuesday with his parents. He returned to Champaign on Tuesday, where he intends to take a position for the sum- M Park, Theodore Haft Perry, Joseph M. Peterson, Rajph 1* Pettit, Jr., Corinne E. Potter, Geo?ge W. Racine, Ruth Isabelle Rice, Clara Marie Rossberger, Charles Daniel Roth, Francis L,ouls Sanders, AJUce^ Sanderson, Frederick H. Schmidt, Mar- iorie Shaw, Warrens Selbold, Winogene Springer, Anna Margaret Stansell, Jerome Fleming Stark, John Darcy Stoddard, Siorge Rickert Stone, Elizabeth Taylor, Eleanor Thayer, J.. J^80",,^0."1^; sitv will givi tag ^n&haack, Vivian Violette Varney, Howard Warner, Jr., Bessie E. Wash- burnfRaymond John Wels, Herbert Ham- ilton WeldT Miriam E. WhitehiU. Coralee Whitsett, Robert Joseph Wletand*A. Doane Winslow, Jr., John Ii. Yonkers. ISS RUTH E. WATT, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watt of Kenilworth, will be* the bride of Ralph. Emerson Brown of Evanston at eight-thirty o'clock, Saturday~er«ning-At^the=Ftest Congregational Church of Wilmette. i^Jjmnaie Hasty O-tafW". . IW :" . in Village Speeder*' Net Chicago automobile drivers continue m: to drive through Wilmette at high IB. speed. Four out of six cases in the | : police court last week were^hicago iiS violators.----- -^-â€"â€"----- â€"â€"j- Ma Motorcycle policemen P^w and ||f George Schaefer brought the following ^f SisVrate Mtek^ Mi8* WWfr Magistraie wiwwy- »'/ _«.*rT Phnoho vrnfrmsui of WilmAttA enter- Howard, Chicago, $20 and costs; Albert Johnson, Chicago, JlB^and costsj Mrs. J. R. Harris Winnetka, |10 and costs; H, S. Zipf, Winnetka, $20 and costs; Edward Banning, Chicago, $10 and costs; ,R. J- Glaser, Chicago^ $15 and costs. Chocolate Shops Now to Right, Left of Theater J THirn^to the right, or^if youn»erferr to tne^efVfoivafter-Saturday,_Jun?11, Jdlin Papajonn will have ^a Village Chocolate Shop on either side of the Village theatre. The new shop just north of the theatre entrance will open Saturday, it is expected. It will have ten hooths and two large tables for thirsty pa- trons. "The Woodwork is finished in dark brown and the wjflj£B^Jb$n,wtth attractive stenciling.; ! HI The. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd will read the service. Beginning at eight o'clock Prof. Cedar of Northwestern univer- ed by Toll Lay, baritone. Miss Watt will have as her attendants, Miss Dor- othy Stewart of St. Louis, Miss .Kath« erine Scheidenhelm of Wilmette, Miss Helen Davis of Hubbard Woods, and her cousin, Miss Josephine Barker of Oak Park. Alfred R. Watt, the bride's brother, will serve Mr. Brown as best man. The ushers will be C. Lysle Smith of Wilmette, Gordon M. Jones and James A. Sine of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will make their home in Evanston. Several parties have been,given in honor of Miss Ruth Watt, who will be married on Saturday evening to Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross are spending ten days at Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, N. J. Mrsx^Burt-A^Growe has^issued invi- tations for two Bridge luncheons on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth of June. Mrs. "Steve" Fuller and her little son, Tom, are visiting Mrs. Fuller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Chandler. 615 DavisSL, Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evening 7 and 9 Mondayâ€"Tuesdayâ€"Wednesday June 10â€"20â€"21 -HAROLDLLOYD" in "A Sailor Made Man" A Scream from Start to Finish Thursday, June 22 ^MAYMcAVOYin it u the organic Iron iii your blood that takes op oxygen from your longs. This oxygenated organic iron . unites with your digested food as It is absorbed into your blood, like lire unites with coal or wood, and by so doing it creates tremendous power and energy. Without organic iron in your blood your food merely passes through your body without doing you any good. Organic iron, like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples may be had from any druggist under the name of ^Nuxatedlron". Over four million people are using Nuxated Iron annually, their expert ence proving that it increases the strength and endurance of the weak nervous, run-down people, in many cases, in two weeks' time. ^ If you want that virile force, that stamina and strength so necessary to great success in practically every undertaking in life, .you owe it to your- self to commence trying Nux- ated'Iron today. 4 â€" j Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phono WiL 20* 1150 Wilmette Ate. RESIDENCE PHONE 537 'Through a Glass Win- dow CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "SUNNYSIEH^:" Fridayâ€"Saturday,â€"June 23-=2^ CONWAY TEARLE ^J^Loves~Masquerade,,__ FRIDAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN in SUNNYSIDE" Ri*pfrSffj|! Phoebe Hoffman of Wilmette enter- tained for Miss Watt; on Monday Miss Helen Davis gave, a miscellaneous shower at her home in Hubbard Woods; on Monday evening, the bridal party were entertained at a dinner and dance at the Drake hotel; Tuesday evening C. Lysle Smith of Wilmette and James A. Sine of Evanston gave -CEMENT WORK All Work Guaranteed Contracts For lawns and landscape D. PERSIA Phone Winnetka HH in*- MM $8? mmmm in Evmniton Auto Crash II Automobiles driven by B. H Carter, ills Sherman avenue, Bvanston, and X 7F. Scnae^fgen, I5T Prairie avenue, were damaged iirs ^ da^at tt^ nue and Church street, BvanstOh. Carter was driving north on Ridge and the Schaefgen machine was ap- proaching on^torchstreet jwhen the crash occurred. No one was nurt. . ' mil LAMItoSHABEfr Sltlide to orAr^Oa onei -â- â€" Midwrimbylfce EVANSEOTU37! ^^llppPPp^v LXalL. Mornings and Evenings -------TlMSmiu^Mtand ____ B^tt'Iffiwd------ Woman In Chicago ______h«v« thalr_____ Sport and Week End Skirts - ^f ado at THE WILSON ^KffiT SHOP ::±"Maiia%rlth yottf own matlrtal**......... | SUITE 1418 STEVENS BUILDING Randolph 3219 17 N. State' CHICAGO 16 N.Wabash for Saturday and Sunday only Never did Solomon in all his glory enjoy a dish so delicious. The blended fragrance of dainty, delicately flavored red rasp- berries and ripe bananas gives to this special brick of Chapell's Ice Cream power to charm the most jaded appetite. Unsurpassed in nourishment, easily digested, refreshing and of purest quality â€"each brick provides six generous portions at less than the cost of any cooked dessert. Get your order in now with your neighborhood dealer* All Chapell agents can also supply Honey Dew Bricks in the following popular combinations: Neapolitan (Chocolate, Strawberry and^^-v^V^y^ Vanilla), Chicago ^O^mgezJ&sr Caramel f t_-^^ \^lafiffl&y,Z~]&n&ppte (Pineapple, Strawberry and New York)rNew York (New York with French Cherries). 1SHPELT1CE 4901 WEBSTER AV& HUMBOl South Side Plant 6820 Wentworth Ave. Normal 125SK^:S ^ffejiJsBiliifff5 Evanston Plant Ashland at Foster Evanston 1005-6 Extraction Speculists Guaranteed Pairdmâ€" STAR X-RAY LABORATORY 22 E. Van Buren St. near State. Autoiwrt BM*. Next Door to Rotlwchid'* Department Store. AUBURN BEAUTf-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C.H.BRIGGS Evanaton 140 1549 Sherman Avenue REAL HELPFUL SERVICE On All Your Paint Problema PAI All^SIze Cane. Tubei. SpeclalCotora--------- You Can Do Batter Here Tnan Eleewnere RASIIESEN'S^SJ winn344 P«J^*!llflJLjDecoratlnoJ__FJow Werfci:i8JonjL__ Wilmette Ice & JTeamm^LCp. ^ F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil Lawns Grading Lawn Fertilizer for Cinders /Building Material General Teaming We Build Drive- Sand and Gravel ways FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 733 Yi. Railroad Ave. Phono Wll. 68 T tastes like more., ThatV ^why* you^ will continue order-1 ing it after you have tried the first Ioaf.r Get the habit of eating it; and favor your friends by telling them what a; JDajgjbty_ESKidJupeadJt.M 1162 Wilmette) ..........- Avenuei»pH: IfeS s^SS^tSvfS m^^mmm§S9, WMMs&SssS. •£mm, i^jjjiiji^iiji^^^^^^^^v