Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jun 1922, p. 7

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:;<f f mm($$m*^**"^^ - • â-  ^.^ m**w-"""*". "â- â-  'v^"*^- /â- â- â- ,-'.-.....â- ' â-  --':^ -'V^l^dp^.' ' : â- ^f^l^M^^N'li^^^^W^S â- â- -•â- ^â- ^â- ^^^^^^rijfE LAKE SHOim NEWS/FRIDAY/^ â-  ^^^^^ wmmBmrnmsstSBsssmjimm Miller-Gould Nuptia _________________•& %&:£ IrHILE the month of June hasn't proved as popular for wed- dings as in former years, owing perhaps, to the fact that the young folks have been wed- ding when it has been most convenient to find an apartment or house, still June's quota of marriages isn't going to fall so very far behind. Tomorrow afternoon, Miss Helen \ Mickey, daughter of Judge and Mrs. D. M. Mickey, will become the bride of Mr. Ivar H. Stockel of Chicago. The wedding will take place in St. Au- gustine's church, at five o'clock, Dr. Hubert Carleton reading the service. It will be followed by a small recep- tion and wedding supper for the im- mediate families at the Mickey home, 1523 Walnut avenue. jj' t The marriage of Miss Louise Miller, sister of Mr.- James Falconer Miller of Alberta, Canada, to Mr. Ernest Al- fred Gould, son of Ml*, and Mrs. Her- bert A.. Gould, 1130 Lake avenue, will he solemnized on Wednesday evening, June 21, in the home of the groom's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Albertson, 2711 Broadway/ave- nue, Evanston. Miss Alice Miller will be her sister's only attendant, and Mr, Carlton K. Gould will serve his twin brother as best man. J }'^ sThW NoiSn:"Shore alumnae organi- zations of Goucher, Wells, Vassar and Wellesley Colleges have combined to hold a bazaar and entertainment at the Evanston Country club, for two days and evenings, the first week in November. Mrs. George B. Dryden and Mrs. Robert S.'DeGolyer, Wells and Gouch- er gTa^umeTTespectively, have been elected joint chairmen of. the group. Other members of the executive com- mittee are Mrs. Henry S. Gilbertson, Wellesley, secretary; Mrs. Philip P. Merrill, Vassar, treasurer; Mrs. Frank C. Dakin, Wells, chairman of the com- mittee on special features; and Mrs. Frank W. Kingsley, Wellesley, pub- licity. Representing the four organi- zations on this committee are Mrs. Scott Brown, Goucher; Miss Ruth Hypes, Wellesley; Mrs. Albert C. Koch, Wells, and Mrs. Keith Preston, Vassar This committee has held two meet- ings and definite plans for the four- college benefit will be announced soon. The alumnae association of Goucher, Vassar, Wellesley and Wells are all raising money for endowment. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Myers of Holly- wood, Cal., announce t^arria«e^f their daughter. Ethel Ann, to Mr. ^^er^Elliottori^Aagele^son SB?and lin. A. ?J^1$J*2« O., on Thursday, June 8. W ®*â„¢" mony-was performed at their home, 1653 North Kingsley Drive by the.Rev. Charles White, cousin of the bride s mother. Among the guests were Mrs. Anna HcOmber and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Josser, formerly of Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Wto* Willmake their home in Los Angeles. cnvrriES ler, Jean Drayer and Jane Hill. Bunco was played, after which dancing con- tinued until a late hour. Messrs. "Steve" Lusted and "Art" Seibold of Wilmette, Elmore Glennon of Kenilworth, "Del" Worthington of tencoerMCuft" Parkerof"theTUniver- sity of Illinois and "Bob" Weinecke of Northwestern university are leaving Saturday evening for northern On- tario, Canada, to join Mr. Childs of New Trier on a camping trip for the summer. Miss Katherine Goodsmith of Edge- water entertained a group of Alpha Phis and Sigma Chls at a houseparty at her summer home at Delevan Lake, Wis., on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Among the Wilmette young folks who attended were Miss Clara Gage, Miss Margaret Paterson, Jimmy" Paterson and William White. Mrs. Rolland A. Montague and small daughter Marilynne Alice^ jof Tulsa, Okla., arrived at the home of Mrs. Montague's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Smith, 1325 Greenwood ave- nue^-early in June, for a visit of sever- al months, Mr. Montague will come east to join his family some time in July.?â- â- -.'â- " >:::m^-^..........â€";:â- :• :„â- :â- â€¢â- â€¢, â-  ^;^r>- Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding and her daughter, Miss Ruth Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue, are leaving Sun- day for the east to attend the conven- tion of the Alpha Phi sorority which meets in Syracuse, N. Y, They will remain in the east for a fortnight or so, before going on to Toronto for a short visit. â€"-oâ€" On Thursday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kincaid of 910 Elmwood avenue, Evanston, entertained at an informal dinner and bridge, in honor of Miss Bernice Shurtleff. Mrs. Kin- caid and her,small son, George, are leaving this week for their cottage at Lake Kegonza, Wis., where they will remain for the summer months. -JMrs. George H. Pattison and her three sons, Messrs. Walter, Eugene and George, Jr., 823 Ashland avenue, will leave on Monday to spend three months at their cottage on Crawling Stone Lake, Lac du Flambeau, Wis. Mr. Pattison and Donald Pattison will join them later in the summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jenkins, formerly of Wilmette are now residing at 1903 Livingston avenue, Evanston. They have as their guestsr Mr. amMMrs. Clifford Lee McKay of Washington, D. C, who will spend two weeks with them, before continuing their honey- moon trip to the west. The Misses Faith and Patricia Hoff- man, 1231 Greenwood avenue, will leave next week for Colorado Springs, where they will meet their mother, Mrs. John R. Hoffman, who is return- ing home from an extended trip in California. They will all return home the latter part of June. ^?'f â€"oâ€" ' '." *'y'* . Miss Charlotte Springer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Springer, 430 Maple avenue, is leaving June 25 for Quebec, where she will join a group of friends from Ward-Belmont college, whO"areT^itng~OTrJune^7~for a sunp mer abroad. She will return about the middle of September. y.^./r'-"m . , â€"oâ€" The Misses Dorothy Chisholm and Elizabeth OShea of Boston, who were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Field, 1331 Hill street, started Tuesday morning on the second lap of their trip to California, where they expect to spend the summer. Ned Greiner, 631 Lake avenue, left Thursday with the R. O. T. C. unit from Northwestern university, for en- campment at Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich. Keith Davis, who is a member of the Illinois R. O. T. C, left this week also for the same camp. â€"MFr-and Mrs. Samuel S. Dingee and son, John, and daughter, Mary, motored down from their home in Wausau, Wis., on Itfhufrsday to be the guests of Mrs. S. M. Dingee and Miss Anna Dingee, 923 Lake avenue, for a fortnight.m^: . "^.^j^^ Mr. Walter Pattison, 823 Ashland avenue, returned last Sunday from Harvard where he has completed his freshman year. Mr. Eugene Pattison who attends Lake Forest College, will, return home tomorrow. #* Miss Eleanor Blymyer, 626 Lake ave- nue, is spending sometime in the east visiting various friends. Last week she was the guest of Mrs. Charles Evans (Margan in Boston. ;:J$L«V M*. and Mrs. F. M^ Tidftwrit of Baldwin, Wis, who are moving to OakI Park this week, haVe been tfce,*uestsi of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keller, 820||||| Greenwood avenue.' -Mrs. TIdmarsh*i|| was-formerly Miss Ethelwyn Magee. mM Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn motored up from their home in Iowa,,t, last week, to be the guests of Mrs. Lodwick's......prents,T'lIr7Tuid Mrs. Dvpail^ H. Nicholes, 816 Forest avenue, for§ several weeks. ; ^v>^;:a0 l^iiffliisi Bathing every kind and descrip- tion, to suit every taste and jo match every suit, in both style and <solor»â€" Come uy and look over our stock 6e- I f fore purchasing. SNIDER & CAZEL The Wilmette Pharmacy Wllimtte and Central Aramns Wilmatta 400 and 401 Wllmatte, I1L List Your - Property Phone Wilmette 1304 ir^j^5ag&5g513ga5^5a5g5H555H5H555HSa5ESESS5H5H5ES55H5H5a5a53E5E5a5a555R Br. a avenue, Hecht, 815 purchased avenue and expect to mov«»thehrfamU^ 7ZZ1L otiAiit the first of July* Dr. f*°m thete about the Hecht is expected *">f<^^^erts annual fishing trip **JfM*hWtf a. -which has been inter- a bit by the serious illness of his who recently rupted - . the KOrstrom children, ____ v^«,^ left Wilmette for their summer home. Tlianitowish. -The Norstrom^ is m with pneumonia in a hospital in lie vote Itodetts Ot Mrs. Vesta formal recital at the /r^^â„¢ii«» home, 1322 Greenwood mm last Friday evening. Those °n ^epro- Sam were Mrs. Kuth Dennis,^ Adi«£ amiXydia Meyers, Edna Davis, Myr- Se jyArcy, Mr. and Mrs. Leslle^Hamv wait, Edward Kracke, Mrs. D. W. Smith, Mrs. Elmer ^UsmnA-^ OrVa Stine of Highland Park. Mrs. p£re Bontecue, Miss DavisoJ and Mm wnivina ably accompanied during the 2*^am\ Miss Eldora Watkins gave several delightful readings. lunouncemen^ r*J*!J£! SHEET MET^^WORK Furnaces : Gutters : Down Spouts : Sky Lights PHONE WILMETTE 1247 1209 Washington Ave. Beasley, daughter of Mr. and of Ripley, O., to sot. Will son of Mr. and Mrs. Will C. B. Beasley H. Braun, son oi mr. »uu """" '"m."^,. ^n^SOreen^al^mu^on^e^ Sored to Wilmette last week^mi, 2KS«S- thte trip up into nortti. *-L •nricn^iafn early in the weeK. Jern Wisconsin early ._ ^ *St^n««r will make^their m>me in »c ^^^Tliey f*HXiOUis, %WM ^.SMiss^Louise ALKpej ^llast Friday evening at fee entertained her home, 414 avenue. Among those Misses Helen and Sentney, ®^ |fa Washington ^^ present-.were^^he^ , 1^ Amyee Mysicka, Jessie ^nem rssrswi?^^^^ SPECIAL for Tuesday and Wednesday June 20th. and 21st. W Here is a worthwhile value you cannot afford to miss. This special, as with all our Tuesday and Wednesday spe- cials in the past, is worth a great deal more than the price we will ask for it. ..-, â- â-  * ,/:c:'^,.,: fits m& Ladies9 Silk Hose LADIES' SILK HOSE, made of pure thread silk, fash- ioned ankle, and with a twelve-inch ribbed lisle top that makes them unusually comfortable and prevents runs. They come in sizes 9, Wi* and 10, in colors black, white and nude, A real $1.50 value, for these two days only special, pair;;'.' iHf'* 1146 WUmi >ve. mm IS" m ^^^|i;ggfcv sSMl£3» ;?2Sefsliffl8

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