mm W.Bf, :â- :»*â- Wm M. SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE *16/ 192* >VW Leland H. Danforth, the new Curate ^ at St. Augustine's, to the parishioners present. After a few words from Mr. Danforth the rest of the evening was spent informally, the parishioners pres- ent embracing the opportunity to be- come acquainted with Mr. Danforth. All arrangements .have been com- pleted for St. Augustine's Boys' Camp to be held at Lake Ripley near Cam- bridge, Wisconsin, the same spot as last year. The boys will live in a large two-story building the upstairs con- sisting of some 20 bed rooms accom- modating three each, while downstairs are situated the kitchen, mess-room and recreation hall. The Rector of St. Augustine's and Rev. Leland H. Danforth will be in charge throughout the entire Camp. Mr. W. W. White of 931 Chestnut avenue, who has charge of the Boys' Bible Class at St. Augus- tine's will also be with the boys a good part of the time. Many of the parents and other parishioners have expressed their intention of visiting the Camp while it is in session. Registrations of boys who desire to attend should be made as soon as possibleT to theRector. The boys will leave Wilmette early Monday morning June 26th, and the camp will last cither eleven or twelve days. , There-will beitworSolemnizations of Holy Matrimony at St. Augustine's tomorrowâ€"3n the afternoon, at five o'clock, Miss Helena Mickey, daughter of Judge Mickey, will be married to Mr. Ivar H. Stockel, and in the evening at eight o'cloclrM1ss^»earl Peters will be married to Mr. George Hamilton. Rev. Leland H. Danforth, the new Curate or Assistant at St. Augustine's, arrived in Wilmette Monday, begin- ning his work in the Parish. He is at present living at the Rectory, 1103 Forest avenue. Mrs. Hubert Carleton, wife of the Rector of St. Augustine's, left on Saturday with her daughter for a six weeks' visit at her mother's home in Newtonville, Massachusetts. FORT SHERIDAN BILL Army, fNavy:||and Marines Enter Big Contests â- §m Under existing orders prohibiting the participation of civilian boxers in the fort ring, does not necessarily mean that good boxing shows has reached its climax at Fort Sheridan. As a mat- ter of fact, an army, navy and marines boxing carnival has been arranged at Fort Sheridan for Tuesday, June 20, that ought to prove a real attrac- tion for the North Shore, inasmuch as some of the participants are expe- rienced veterans of the ring, and there usually ia more=rivalry between^serx vice men, as they do not always fight for the love of money. In the -windup, Nick Carter, the king pin of the Great Lakes middleweights, will swop punches with the much touted Eddie Wilson of the Marines, who comes to Great Lakes from the South with a record as a real socker of the mean variety. Carter and Wilson *%U1 keep the audience thrilled for eight rounds at 158 pounds. Jack Stein, the popular-soldierban- tamweight who has been out of the game for some time wil make a return to the ring with Tommy Gooding, a marine facing him. . ^i,,f :p0>:v:g Stein is a good little performer, well experienced and in good condition can give anybody a real fight. There will be several other inter- esting boutsJ In all, it will be 30 rounds of the fastest boxing ever seen at Fort Sheri- dan, and the boys undoubtedly will mmam "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not hi us. ipy'M:\S "If we confess our sins, He is faith- ful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous- ness. "If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and his word is not in us." * â- • First Sunday after Holy Trinity. Epistle. John 4: 16-21. Gospel.â€"L\fae-lte-~19«31. ' ; " JI Subject of Sermon. "Where will you spend eternity?" Sunday school and Bible class, 9:45 o'clock. Regular Church service, 11 o'clock. .Junior Choir rehearsal during the Sunday school period. Services at the Wilmette Woman's <jlub=i rooms, Greenleat_ avenue and Tenth street. Student Pastor, Paul Schmidt. J^BhMC(&tetWm $il|P$fftf iSwSteJSif oon-.....realize--that â- . the W^M^-:^0k^M^mm Ql^will soon realize that the cafeteria plan brings the best KtiPiiSt 0^M0&&^X$^^m. niiiiiiiiiiiiinmtiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiitiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiifiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiMiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiHiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiinuniiiiiininii ^ mniiiiiiim'g FOUFM5PECIAL ^ Victor Dance Records ON SALE TODAY 18903 Some Sunny Day American Quartet Angel Child Albert Campbellâ€"Henry Burr 48898 Coo-Cooâ€"Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Kicky-Kooâ€"Kicky-Kooâ€"Fox Trot ^ ^r Green Brothers' Marimba Orchestra 18900 Kitten on the Keysâ€"Fox Trot Ztz Confrey and His Orch. Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down in Dear Old Dixielandâ€" -------_______ Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra 18902 Lovable Eyesâ€"Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra I Love Herâ€"She Loves Meâ€"Fox Trot 2ez Confrey and His Orchestra For Your Vacation a Portable Victrola Take one with ymrto the woodsâ€"on the waterâ€"where ever yon goâ€"ask us for a demonstration. 603 Davis St. TALKING MACHINE Ca Phone 4523 ^VANSTON Mat inwiM iiaiuiuiiiiiiimmiiiMi uuanmmMmnwiwmmmmmimmHmi perform, before a packed house. Tickets will be placed on sale throughout the North Shore, from Bv* anston to Waukegan. â€"•â€"â€"-. The pasteboards may be secured at the Evanston hotel, Evanston; Lefflng- well's Billiard Hall, 811 Davis Street, Evanston; Wilmette Pharmacy, Wil- mette ; _Glencoe^ Electric Shop, Glen- coe. â- •' "';â- " '• â- ." . â- -__â€"._â€". food to you via the. rGute,of^^^^^M^m^m^^B Here; in' our establish- ;'!?Sp|^§^^^SSiSSillM ment you will find that our dishes are ideally prepared and that they reach- your tray warm antHemptingly good. | | DimToday the Cafeteria Way 'WWimtWwm' mm n iti mm Wk 1»: For Women'sWearing s Apparel, from Maids' -J^2& Dresses to Evening CotgnS ConiZ-tyJfre.^^ ^Jig w;;,. ~^;.; ... OlfQDf'ilflf" Pll||iwrILMETT^;,|||ffl Phone 2403 1126 Central Ave. 'â- â- ^'* H EM S TI TCHIN G^iHS^M; in Gold, Silveiy Irish, Point; Picotiiig, Etc. Also Buttons Govered Pleating, Machine Scallop and Hand Embroidery. Transfer Embroidery Patterns for Socieltes, Church Emblems and ^^â- ^-^^^^^W^^1^^ Work*' â- :wm Quick, Personal Service. sS^s^ c A R Y :wamm^^^ 1131 Greenleaf A venue %Sr£*r~ Wmw» Wilmette 2354g| Op«i» 8 A. M. to. 6 P. M. -gliililrf1flfei;. Closed 9aturd«ys 4-^Mp -mm WESTERN UNDERTAKING CO. ^V-.-^ftllERAL DIRECTORS WE STRIVE TO PLEASE Our constant desire when called is to render the most EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERVICE and to supply FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS at Ihe^eryLOWESTXOSTr^-----------------------------â€" No charge for distance ft* MANAGER "WtSBTDtsOfSti Phone Evanston 98 I%ona^ihnette280â€"- Native Rib Roast of Beef, Fancy Leg of Lamb, Id* ♦.•••••••••••♦••• Shoulder of Veal Roart, . lb* • •*.*•••••â- .....•••• ^^** Shoulder of Lamb Roa»V lb* ##••••••••♦•••••"â- /<$t Hindquarter of Spring â€"Lamb, per lb* .............38 vze Calves PER LB* Very Beit Plate Corned •>•• ••••••••• ••Ash / 2^ ------------ m. Fresh Flank Steak..... ,28c Fresh Brookfield Butter, 40c Genuine 1922 Fresh Dressed Broilers PER LB. Fresh Dressed Broilimr ^ Fancy Roas ting Chickens^ AD* • •• • • • . • . • • • .•• • Very Best Sirloin Steak, Very Best Porterhouse "â- sceaKf id*^^'•*"•'*â- :'i;-«i:fi'•'••%"â- *â- Fresh Pork Lcuns, ^hole, __ Very Best 'Rib]L^^mm :':i Chops, lb. f:viÂ¥^w#R Ste- Peacock Bacon, w wi lb* - .:*' • • ;#. «. • .• •' • •"»-•*»â- "*"â- '» vAySC Very B^st Round Steak, 9m ifiStS' â- â- â- < 9Si f^iMMfo lDe> •••••*••••••••*••• j«C