m M â- ^SiEM;"'THE" LAKE SHORE" NEWS,' FRIDAY, MAT *ml Twenty-five Graduates Kenilworth School ! in Commencement exercises for the Joseph Sears school, Kenilworth, will be held today, at the school building at 2:30 o'clock. Twenty-five students will receive diplomas. The gradua- tion address will be delivered by the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor of the First Congregational church of Wil- mette. Class singing will have an im- portant part in the exercises The Program The program will be: Invocation, by Dr. William A. Col- ledge. . ' Songs,â€"(a) May Morning. (b) Venetian Boat Song. "Making the grade"-â€"address by the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, D. D. Song,â€"Gypsy Life. -Presentation of the class gift,â€"by Elizabeth Sweet, president of the grad- uating class. Acceptance of the clajss gift,â€"by Miss Alice Wessa, superintendent. Songs,â€"(a) "By the. Shores of Gitchee Gumee." (b) "Then the Little Hia- watha." Presentation of Diplomas,â€"by Mr. P. B. Eckhart, member of Board of Education. Reading of the Class Poem (written by Sybil Sexton.) Benediction. _ ^ _p Th^ <jraduate»~^ "^ The twenty-five pupils who will re- ceive diplomas are: Mary Ruth Ab- bott, Elizabeth Prances Darling, Vir- ginia Clark De Voigne, Virginia I. Dickinson, Marion West Eckhart, Clark Baron Pleischman, Helen Jean Praser, Walter Thomas Gillette, Grace G. Glennon, Edward Fred Hamm, Bruce Walker Hulburt, Roy Herbert Jarrett, Jr., Carl Keith, Jr., Mary Eliz- abeth Macklin, Walter B. Marx, Harry May, Jr., Jean Lytle McCallum, Mary Louise Owen, Isabella borman Peck, Sybil Blanche Sexton, Helen Irene Southward, Ada Elizabeth Sweet, Ken- na E. Town, Virginia Woodland. â- BBB9BOI WILL PRESENT 'MIKADO' OT P/TOf GY|N§$IUIVI he Northwestern University Circle is giving a performance of an old favorite, Gilbert and Sullivan's light ^pera, The Mikado, Friday, June 16, at 8:80 o'clock at the Northwestern gymnasium. Osbourne McConathy is directing The Little Symphony Orchestra is to accompany. There is a chorus of fifty voices, and a very fine cast. _ Walter Allen Stults will be the Mikado, Arthur Kraft sings Nanki-Poo, Gris- wold Smith is Ko-Ko, Rollin Pease is Pooh-Bah, Loyal Phillips Shaw is Pish-Tush, Monica Graham Stults is Yum-Yunv Mrs. Dennis S. Gent Pitty- Sing, Ruth Emery Riddle Peep-Bo, and Mrs. Ernest Ashton Smith is Katisha. The opera is for the benefit of the Northwestern Woman's Building fund. The Music Festival decorations, which liave a Japanese note, are still in place, and the stage will be trans- formed into a beautiful Japanese garden^ '. 'y'^-^'i:l::'!' RE8IGN3 8CHOOL BOARD POST The resignation of F. L. S. Harman as a member of the Wllmette Board Of Education was revolved and accepted with regrets at a session of the board this week. ~M?THermah has-been call ed to Los Angeles for a year. Mrs. D. H. Nicholes, 816 Forest ave- nue, is entertaining the members of her card club aMuneheon today. â€"•*-- CLEARANCE SALES See our window for the â€" Greatest Bargains inâ€" Wilmette F L I NK E R & F L I N K E R ~ â€"' MILLINERY and DRY GOODS 12 1 7 Wilmette Avenue Just west of the tracks Phone Wil. 2279 Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Blake, 1009 Chestnut avenue, motored to Manitow- ish, Wis,, early this week, to spend a few days with Dr. M. C. Hecht, on his fishing excursion. , lllHMiMMIIMiMllllllllltUIHIltllllllllMIHlIIIMIIIIIIlilUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllMIHMIIIIIHHIIIIIIHIIIIMinilMIIIIMIMilllllMMIHIIIHIIMIIIIIHIIIIIIHIHIMMlim •IIIHIIlMllllllinilllllllllllinillllllltmMHHIIIIHMIIHlHIimillUIIII.........IIIIIIIIIflllllllltlMIIIIIIIIHIIIIl.......lltnillllllllllllltlllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIU HWM. KAPLAN Tailoring : Cleaning : Pressing Phone Wilmette 667 62^Railroad Ave. jHtiiniiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiuiuiiiiHiitiiiiiiiiiiimtiinfiiiuuiiiimiiiiiimuin iiiiiiiiiiinMuiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiumuniiuiimuuHiuiHifuiuiiimiuHl______________ We Ai«:;|Knee-Dcep.fS^||i; That Means Weddings Weddings Mean Presents i"#« i$il fm nil iiif .tilt Iti §11? The choicest gift from Father 'S3%^U2..... -and Mother to' the Bride and^S^p^^S;^Sl;|Si Bridegroom is a Savings A%-^^^ count in the. First ^^ol»l.w(;^|§g|g§^^;^|^I :j|j|j It's a Gift that savors of Originality^! 0;/| y|ip^i| ' Good Taste and Foresight. |,'s:'l|||5|^J||| ^iSlffiSSfe^*:^'^ ($M '^'.â- '^l^vjiil First National Bank .â€"^^ of Wilmette llllff J$jp»; Member of the Federal Reserve Bank ^l|plf|l^| J||jj u gllIMUIIIIIIUmillllllllllllllMMIIUIIHUIIIiUllllllimillllllllllllHtlIHIIiail«IUMIIIIIIIIIIMHIMIIIII«IUIIIIIIM1IIMmiMIIIHm WILMETTE MOTOR SALES «! . company"'r-p3|» 4th Street, Near Linden Ave., End of " L" ||| â- -•'â- â- â- â- 'â- .....-â- â- â- .â- â- â- •>â- â- â- ?â- â- ^ â- â- ^ \..-:,:;i\\'.;W^::^;r^.i;.^i! The Garage with a Guarantee- :3f#f2l jBfflmiyiilim^^ You will be delightfully surprfs o$ly with the artistic rn^na But alsb^withtfre delicious *nenu â- •"$& Fii â- >•: -w â- .?W;: ic Confectionery; ofs large j^tment, land our own special box candy. Home made Ice Cream and Ices in ^eyei-alfflavors. Cooling- drinks and Ice Cream Dishes. Wilmette. Illinois. W$MM)M.:.--.