lis ^fe iiii: 1 Ratesâ€"10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p. m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- Dle Price. .""-â- - REAL ESTATE Lot Bargainsâ€"West 50x160 only 3 blks. to station*.....$1500 50x250 2% blks. to station.........$2500 42*4x150â€"fine corner ............$2300.00 60x171â€"wooded and near trans. ..$2250.00 _.:___. JEast.^-......r- â- :,- -50xl50=^wooded and near the *'I/ per ft..............................$90 40x150. convenient both "L." and steam, per ft.........*..........-----$80 65x145, Sheridan Rd. frontage, per ft. $130 70x186, northeast section, per ft... .$125 -------........--.......â€"Homes â- â€" tâ€"-â€"tx±"' BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM STUCCO BUNGA- low, hot water heated, tiled bath, mod- ern kitchen, new gas stove and ice box included at the price. Everything in splendid condition inside and out. Convenient to both "t," and steam stations. Owner leaving, offers a fine buy at $12,500. Attractive 8-room stucco, northeast sec- tion, screened dining and sleeping porches, beautiful lot with fine trees. Unusual offering at $17,000. Modern 8-room home on 85 foot lot. 3 baths, glassed and heated sun and sleeping porches, hot water heat, also instantaneous heater, garage with driveway. A complete and beautiful - home within 2 blocks of the lake at $30,000.00. R. M. Johnston & Co. s Phones Wil. 68 or 444 340 Linden Ave. L32-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NEW SWISS TAPESTRY brick on beautifully wooded corner; _^lmxnense~«V.--imr and Him rtn:rbig sun prch. and sip. pen.; 2 tile baths, shower; 2 fireplaces; billiard rm.; sub. gar.; Make owner offer. Must sell. Will sacrifice. New artistic 8-room stucco - on deep, ^magnificently wooded lot; h-w^Jhtti 4 master bedrms.; tile bath-untTsfiowef; maid's room and bath; $21,500. Make offer. New 7-room colonial; all Jge. rms.; light and cleverly arranged; all latest con- veniences; splendid tile bath; $19,000. A real bargain.___________________ Brick colonial, Folk, from lake; % acre lot, facing beautiful park; 7 splendid lge. rooms, beautifully decorated; h. w. ht.; attached gar.; cut to $26,000. Several extra bargains in lots near lake. M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 415 Linden. Ph. Wilmette 407 _________ LTG32-lct It Wilmette Realty Co. 513 Fourth St. Ph. Wilmette 1304 IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A home or a lot on which to build, we ask that you come in and thrash over your iroblems with us. e are in a position to intelligently submit to you places suitable to your requirements. We find this way of diagnosing home problems extremely satisfactory and saves you much time and annoyance in looking at countless \ places you would not consider. #Your confidence is respected in these matters. LTG32-ltc W:WZm Some Splendid Bargains Wi^ROOM NEW BRICK BUNGALOW, 3m i beautiful trees. Cash $1,000......$8,500 aft: -5 ft-rooni new stucco. Cash $1,000... .9,500 I 47-roomnew stucco w. h. near "L". .12,500 En? Mich. Ave. lot near lake, sacrifice... .125 S#lLinden Ave. lot near "Li" and lake....l>0 I#Maple Ave. lot near "L" and lake....80 i#^Maple Ave. lot near "LM and lake....50 SlSLots, 5 blks to trans; sewer and water.. 17 §ir;' ;.M. L. MOODY &CQ^^~ ItitBilFourthSt, â- â- .-,.-,.^.,:-^v,.,„ Ph. WH* '2248 mm.:. ' \^:^^%&^&&is^-"iJrG3z-tto «T ' -â- ___ - :v,r^/m^,.,.<^f,-------_ SgSCKAEFER AND GOLBACH '^^^NCE^JREAI-J^XATE: liSEE US*ORi-ACRE TRACTS ppr-. new trier township wsmfv >â- : .;. . . :r_ _:: ,__,^j______.....â- . LTG3l-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"NEW.7-ROOM house with 3 inclosed porohra. 1«I4 Walnut Ave., Wilmette. Call Satur- day afternoon or teL evenings. ^Hlgb- land Park 1427.___________ LTQ32-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT-ROOM, 725 PRAIRIE, NEAR transportation. Tel. Wil. %TQ^Uc FOR RENTâ€"DESIRABLE ROOMS JTUR men or people employed. Convenient to transportation. TeL Wil. 1^4^2-ltc FOR RENTâ€"2 LARGE FURNISHJSD bed-rooms, % block from Cafeteria, l blk. from Northwestern station. Tel. Wil. 936-W. 1021 Central Ave.^ ^ FOR SALE^VACANT Homesite A FINE BUILDING SITE NEAR LAKE Michigan in Winnetka. Includes front- age on Sheridan Road and rights on lake front. Unusual opportunity to build a home in this exclusive district at a price that is reasonable, John F. Hahn 790 Elm Street 1619 Sherman Ave., Winnetka, III., â€"- Evanston, TO. 'Phone 1774 '^SIMU2?!2 LTG32-ltc FOR SALEâ€"BY OWNER, LOT 41x217 Central Ave. near Sheridan Rd., $5,600. $2,500 cash, bal. time. Tel. Wil. 1196. L32-ltc FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 76x300 EACH, ON -TWilmetteAVe7r~Gross Point, 15 mm. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W,__________ LTG27-tfc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE NEW TRIER HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes office or clerking position for summer months all or part time; very capable. Address Lake Shore News B-38. LTG32-ltp NEAT, EXP. WOMAN WISHES DAY work. Tel. Oakland 6944, Chicago. ' * L32-ltp WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING OR cleaning by day or half day. 984-R. _______ . ______________, LT32-ltc WANTEDâ€"DRESSMAKING SIT plain sewing by Tel. Evans. 5877 AND the day, $4 per day. Call evenings. L31-2to HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTEDâ€"MAID, WHITE. MRS. D. White, 1101 Greenwood Ave., mette. Tel. Wil. 268. WANTEDâ€"GENERAL MAID, WHITE, Exp.; $18; no laundry; no heavy clean- ing. Hamill, 666 Spruce St., Winn. Tel. 447. LTG32-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT WHITE GIRL for general housework; good wages. 903 Lake Ave., - Wilmette. Tel. 97. L32-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GEN. WORK, Scandinavian preferred; family four adults; laundress employed. Tel. Winn. 1330. LTG32-ltc WANTEDâ€"YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN to assist in home where there are chil- dren. 491 HillRd, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 466. L"TG32-ltc WANTEDâ€"GIRL ABOUT 15 TO HELP take care of small child. 1012 Linden Ave. Wil. 1335. L32-ltp WANTEDâ€"COOK TO ASSIST WITH general housework; other neto kept; good home; good wages. TeL Win. 1137. 1390 Scott Ave. ' ________ SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MAL WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- â€"HvanrMgTT, 882 Pine Street, Whuietka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24*tfg FOR SALE-r-AUTOMOBtLES The following used7camvV\^;';P'Y OverlaM-TowringL-S I Cadillac Sedan1"^^ 1 Dodge Touring ? | Buick Delivery Truck !§;; ^Detroit, Electric ;J§| -tWl Fora 'Coupe v;pjj Public Library WlW* ^wm'^and RevieW8%?§m BY SUE OSMOTHERLY. LIBRARIAN 1921 WITH MANY running condition. EXTRAS; FINE These cars can be purchased on terms from _^ WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 LTG32-ltc FOR SALEâ€"REO, 6-1921, MECHANIC ally perfect; paint good; accessories. Prrice reasonable for immediate sale. Owner leaving town. TeL Wil. 1959. _.....â- â- . LTG32-ltp COST AND FOUND FUR LOSTâ€"5-SKIN MARTIN color, from automobile in Winnetka, Sunday; June 11th, t afternoon, 3:30. :"^~ Reward. Mrs. A. H. Moore. Phone â€"Winnetka IfiTli-^Addrewr 1050 Cherry St. ___i_:-^_______ L32-ltc LOST â€" SMALL COLLIE PUP. 920 Greenwood Ave. Sunday. Tel. Wil. 1639. L32-ltc LOSTâ€"A BROWN COLLIE PUPPY with white breast. Please tel. Wil. 163$, L32-ltc VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH PROCLAMATIO WHEREAS, it has come to the atten- tion of the undersigned and to the mem- bers of the Village Board of Kenilworth, Illinois, that several persons have been bitten by dogs, recently, in the Village of Kenilworth; and, WHEREAS, the undersigned is of the opinion that it would be for the best safety of the inhabitants of said Village that all dogs in said Village be muzzled, GEO THEREFORE, by virtue of the ordi- Wil- nance of said Village vesting in the un- dersigned the power so to do, I, JAMES C. MURRAY, President of the Village of Kenilworth, do hereby issue the fol- lowing proclamation, to-wit: All dogs running at large in the Vil- lage of Kenilworth, from and after June 15, 1922, to October 15, 1922, shall be securely muzzled in such a manner as to prevent any person being bitten by such dog. Any dog running at large on any of the public streets or highways or in any public place in said Village, dur- ing such period, without muzzle, f>ha II be killed and buried in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance and the members of the Police Department in said Village are hereby instructed and authorised m-r^i^^^^^^ to the last to And out how it all turns out. The uncle and his wife are the extractors which lend levity to the scenes with their drool remarks, and into teir mouths are put much of the booteg-pefcfc^sychology. The end is; happy or unhappy as yon are inclin- ed to look at it. All in all the book will pelase those who are looking f01/ those who are fond of realism.pM romance and likewise those whqf Harveyâ€"Salnt-Saena: All '" those who are fond of biography, will wel- come this inspiring record of the life of one of the greatest musicians of Van Vechtenâ€"Peter Whiffle. Who was Peter Whiffle? This curious and gossipy chronicle introduces the reader to the variable and restless wkss£imho never wrote a book, as „,„, „,, „«, ».,_..-------:â€"- strange a characteTiis^can bejfound be-] our time. At the age of four and a tween covers, but typical, perliapsr|pimif-^earBÂ¥-^terles^€amille-~Saim- of a certain spirit pervalent in the early twentieth century. Irf this vera- cious biography, many persons ap- pear under their own names. Others wear thin epithetical masks. The ac Saens gaev a very creditable public perofrmance at the piano, and atj seven-he-was composing music. While still a young man he was a friend of Wagner, Berlioz, Liszt and Gounod, wear ww oi«vuomvi» «.«.«.â€"~. -â€" -- i nogwii **w»**v», «*d«v â€"â€"â€" ~.^-»i tion passes in the cafes and theatres) all of Whom had unbounded faith in and studios and in a celebrated pen hia genius, he book contains not only fumery shop in Paris, in and about :an acc0unt of Saint-Saens' life, but a lovely old Florentine villa, and Inj also criticisms of his operas, sym- phonies, symphonic poems, a chap: ter on his own literal y work,, and his such rarely described quarters of New York as Beekman Place, Stuyve- sant Square, and East Broadway* Many saucy anecdotos are related, and ther is some entertaining disJ cusslon. John a;; ^ Weaverrâ€"1^ i the. :Ss PreBtdent of the Village of Kenilworth, Illirtois. Dated, Kenilworth, Illinois,^ .gp June 12, 1922. , L.32-ltc Or ICfiO F A W A R D Kenilworth !s Brooklyn Eagle says "Van Vechten ii* his very best vein. The satire is dett- and if there is one brand of literary or artistic faking or posturing thaij he has left unridiculed, we can'^ imagine what it may be." Delandâ€"The Vehement Flame:At; first thought one might be inclined to think that the theme of a youth; marrying a woman is senior by many3 yeais as fce^n rather overdone. But before making a hasty decision one must consider whether those books read have been written by an author who wends as deft a pen as Mrs. eT> landTT^lFbook has its usual pathetie scenes, but done with rather a new twist and intriguing one's interest Special Assessment No. 14 WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS w^.t . ^w . ^ â- *!*•„ 'ZZTZZi-â€"ZZ^i. -In Abingdon Avenue^WDsart noaa-inw WANTEDâ€"TO^BUY=««EeeNB--^iAN^ Robsart Place, «s described by ordinance > #..«mt*««a on<1 <\ttiAl»_ VimiMAhola flCOOOS. â€"* >«>.! iri)1n«> o-nA *«»• tfiA r>rtna<"l*ll(*tlon furniture and other*.household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 EmersoirSt., Evanston. 111. Phone 189. I/TQ17-tfc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS North Evanston Bargainsm^ >N BBAUTIFUt. PAKKPt,, 1^^HS 6-room stucco, front and sip. pchs.; tile batht h. w. ht*; gar.| finely wooded lot, Beautifully wooded lot 60x160 at^Tper "It. Open evenings tiU dark and Sunj: days 2 to 6 p. m. ,,,,^- Wwtt* Moirâ€"Winnetka. §?§#!_ FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, CAKT, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and^ exchanged, 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG-tfc FOR SALE â€" REASONABLE, 1VOK* reed combination bird cage and fernery; also blue beaded georgette dress, siw* 18, yellow taffeta evening dress, size 16, practically new^Tel^ Wil. 143^32_ltc MISCELLANEOUS Wlli, GARE FOB fflGH BGHOUb ^ttts desiring summer; outing at_ my cottage on Inland Michigan lake; boat- ing; bathing; quiet family resort. TeL Notice is hereby given that the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois, af- ter due publication of notice as required by law, did on the 12th day of June, A. D. 1922, award to H. G. Goelite & Co., the contract for the construction of the improvement consisting of the grading, draining, curbing and paving Jn Abingdon Avenue^Robsart of said Viilage and for the construction of which improvement, a special assess- ment was levied and confirmed by the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, as Kenilworth Special Assessment No. 14 for the total sum Of Twenty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred Five and 00/IOO Dollars (128,806.00) (upon the approxi- mate quantities of the estimate of coat), nuwe qimn JAMBS C. MURRAY, . SCipresideht of the Board -of Local Im- l provements of Kenilworth, fpCook County, Illinois. ^|S^ltc AN ORDINANCE FOR THE APPRO- PRIATION OF FUNDS JfOR TH^ 4 WILMETTE PARK . DISTRICT •M't.,..FOR THE FISCAL YEAB'i^f #s ENDING MARCH 31, 1923 ^pm BE IT ORDAINED by the Board ^of Commissioners of WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT: '"~r~Z \ „ , SECTION 1: That the following amounts be and they are hereby apprp- Kriated out of the funds coming to the ands of said Board of Commissioners, by virtue of a tax levy oT said 'jMstrict for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1923, for the following purposes, namely: , â- QENERALFUND :&®?^ For salaries of Secretary, Treas- urer and Attorney. ...*.....i°T.3 Fdr lighting of Parks .......... For water to be used In Parks ... For Special Assessment against the Park District Real Estate.. For salaries and expenses of the Police service ........"......... For salaries and wages of labor- ers and other employes,,.... For compensation of teamsters and hire of teams ............ For construction and maintenance of Parks, exclusive of labor.." For expenses of collecting and disbursing entire appropriation Also any unexpended balances remaining in any of said funds are hereby re-appropriated. opinions on mudc au«' musicians. One closes the volume witltâ€"aâ€"^renewedâ€" faith In the possibilities of human nature, and with a fedling of satis- faction that this man, unlike so many of the jgreat ocmposerB^; jngjpejvjed recognition of his wonderful gifts dur- ing his life time. - Since America is seeking to extend her commerce__to_aU corners of the globe, and to strengthen such trade as is already established, she is watch- ing with great interest the progerss; of Mexico. Bordering as it does on our own country, Mexico has always been more or less a problem. Mr. Trowbridge in this book sets down a comprehensive statement of the genw eral situation in Mexico, reviewing its history and the events leading up to the recent Revolution and drawing! a graphis picture of Mexican life dur- ing the chaos following the Diaz reg- ime, concluding with a brief discus- sion of Mexico's new relations and| her attitude toward foreign capital. â- m |«50.00 S#200.00 Si*00.00 m. â- â- â- â- â- :â- â- "â- â- HI160.00 ^000.00 4,000.00 400.00 4,100.00 -800.00 'JL Church Secretary Atlendi^li Big Advertbing Conclave Miss Helen Hamilton, secretary to Rev. Gilbert Stansell, pastor* of the Wilmette Methodist church, was In Milwaukee this week attending the Church Advertising session|| tot the r convention of the National Iflevrtis- era' association. Six thousand dele- gates attended the convention^gfu §-f1 Total General Fund to be raised by taxation ....... ..;â- .â- ........$12,600.00 ' SI N KI -NO' FUN Diief i« Vo.v>»b For the purpose of paying the Road-and4â€"principal of the-bond»7hereto-i~- AAn ~ -â- ' fore issued by said District. .$ 6,000.00 I N T B R B S T F U^i^D For the purpose of paying inter- ^|f^f est on the bonded indebtedness â- â- aSvVW*;j„JtL., of said District ............ ...|1,322.60 M Grand Total riT»^0I^>.>v...*19,922.5O SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in force from and after,its passage and due publication. 'Passed, June 12, 1922. '^mmJ^miS, HARRY WV- HOPPi?"'S§sMiSteI â- > fe®iB*|!i®^Secretary '.of 'the. â- ittesgllSfm..,,,Wilmette Park ..District. But, Mr. Louen, &fcmMi.%, WiU Climb Right After You M. T. Louen. sales manager for R-l D. Cunningham, Ford car distributor, left Saturday afternoon for Colorado Springs, where he will spend three weeks vacationing, resting up and climbing Pike's peak. He is going out there under the delusion that he wJliMe^blejijto^get^iray-iroin Ford oars for three weeks. Mri tend ^ AT ATLANTIC CITY and Mrs. J. BV Co theTSaiiway Supply men's) con- Forest avenue, left tiuiiday to at- vention at Atlantic City, N. J. MrSi Commee will remain in the east for a month. |,ii>>1'|;,r. $$% BPSeU; V» Oaitified Ads LTS2-ltlL ELECTRIC IRONS. VACUUM. CLBAHk ers repaired, vases wired; aM^f^rtcal appliances sold. Tel. Adams, wn.^1040^ BABY CHICKSâ€"PARCEL-POST FAji>. $f a lwTup^ Catalog tells how to make pullets lay. FarroW-Hirsh Co., £«>** PIANOS TUNED_________ PIAN6S TUNED, REGULATE1V KJS paired; exiiert; ^^reXe^me|^Fo$ter, Phnne Win. 609-JT^ LTG16-tfC m£^;^>':-Sutch^Colbmal IMMf'; |#rn^TKA-»SlX ROOMS, TWO LAROT «^ite*sed porches, two tned baths. This property is located on a ,<|uiet street and to priced for ^a oulck sale at * â- il'BV-"'":.TK 'â- Wi» Sherman Aye. â- ^%m--â- •â- >v:^ Evanston, 111. 'â- :;-'<Mm^ â- ' 'Phone 2382 700 Elm Street finnetka. 111. ?Phone 1774 NORTH. SHORE HOMEâ€"BEAUTI- tirul to'to lines and perfect in its ap- nolntments. There are ten rooms ana three baths, a sunparlor and garage, all under one roof. ^The i grounds are 150x175 feet and located in the finest section ©f Wiwwtka. nears-«he Jake. f»0 Elm Street Winnetka, HI. Phone 1774 181* Sherman Ave. Evanstori, Dfl. 'Phone 2382 LTG32-ltc rOW >ALK~-HOUSi icfTST BE SOIJ>-|600 OR $700 DOWN, r^f^4al^J4^Ser moy like rtaA, S^?Soc*n^ome; large tot; close ^ « deoots! l&m. Owner PavIUc, 66$ W> RyAV"^«wnrth. 111. XTQ>i-tfc * WANTKPâ€"HOUSES aTUDENT AKD WIFE Wttlr C5ABB ^for^property anting summer for Tent ffrw^^&« ^M» Shore Sewj^B-w. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD QOODS FOR SAM1â€"FURNITURE, CHEAP. MA- hogany dining room set, complete living room and porch table, chairs, rugs, etc. 61? Lake AVe. Tel. Wil. 240. IiTQ32-ltp FOR^SAlS^-ONB HAMMOND TYJ^- writer, new, or will exchange one B -flat clarinet; one sanitary couch, $1.50. Also gas plate. $3, and vacuum cleaner, $8. Tel. Wil. 1940. L32-ltc FOR SALE â€" OAB /STOVE. , W£*£ graph., child's furniture, dining room tobte and « chairs, kitchen table, setee and chairs, lamps, vases, fruit jars, gffi^X^'Tel. Kenil. 1676. LTQ32-lto FOR SALEâ€"GEORGE P. BENT CROWN piano, mahogany finish r excellent con- dition, fine tone, $260. Bench incl^d^ TeL Win. 1640. U*4S? ISTRICTLY FRESH EGUb "Direct from the Farm;> ____ atJARANTEED NO. 1 SELECT WHITE | 6-dox. loUr -ShipHients madeA*yery--dsav We do not ship eggs over 48 hours old and as a rule eggs are only 8 to 10 hours Old When shipped. Send check for $1.75 as deposit on special alumi- num case plus $2.50 for eggs. m Parcel po^chaTgesT»stdTboth waya.^orters received during June will be nllea_at th» above price. - â- - â- ; - *rfmm$r-4& • ;,The G^l^'^^'^-^v R. F. D. No74 -3P, IS ^S Niles. Mich. LTG32-3tp FOR SALE-FIFTEEN YOUNG liA*iN6 hens, S. G. White'Leghorn, $2.W each. One colony chick house on wheels, $80. Also other equipment. Tel. Wil. 1940. .. vâ„¢...T-»,-,-...^,->3iK,- i/rona-'itc ner could expect receive special, individual MtmMm ft Since the business has grown so large, "^^^ii^^^^^ ^wleT~fdr^M^ ~7>wner~inUy attention^ The abilttypeharacter, stability and personality of the Dealerylhen, is the most tW»^4<fP^^ I Hgfti is the oldest automobile organization on pre|A/ar/A Shore* &JVe have the facilities and "desire" to render personal attention with mechanical service* More than 2Q0QJEmd^oumers will recommend consideration &^^om$fadM Promises; Real Service at *=D^CUNNINGHA|i vst>a:.v-.;: .- authorized ^'i^SS'ew FORD AND LINCOLN DEALER 810 M. P. LOUEN, Sal** M*r â- m& ;SI:f