Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jun 1922, p. 10

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10 THK LAKE SHORE N£WS^ FRIDAY; JUNE 16, 1922 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1812 with which Is combined THE W1LMBTTE LOCAL NEWS Established 1898 ISSUED FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1228 Central Ave., Wllmette, 111. Telephone............. .Wllmette 1020 SUBSCRIPTION.........«2.«0 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address or the writer. Articles for publication should reach the, editor by Wednesday noon to Insure appearance in current Issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where ;an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising: rates. Entered at the postofflce at Wllmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 8. 1879. facilities^for amusement that young womanhood ought tq! Jjiajfe for its best {development. Ifei Evanston has no branch of the Y. W. C. A. The Girls' League has met the need here for home privileges for those whose lives must be lived away from family. But Evanston has none the less its share of obligation to care for the organization which serves the young women of the land as the «♦ • »â-  FRIDAY, JUNE, 16, 1922 CHILD LABOR LAWS Difficulties lie in the way of the "^enactment^jf laws to protect chil- dren against exploitation in the ^factories and mines of the nation, but there is a sentiment, growing in ardor, which will overcome those difficulties without ques- ^ Tion. The only thing is when. The exploitation of boys and girls of tender years in industry is the result of a greed that is co- lossal in its proportions. It is natural enough that there should be conviction that the only way in which to fight that greed ,is through measures which affect : the pocketbook. Hearts are hard- ened in a measure that makes f appeal to them a foolish waste of time. ^ Money talks, and its voice is listened to with attention by men 4ji- who sit in public office. Bt*t pub- W, He opinion speaks with an even || louder tone and when the great ||| American, public reaches the point III in its development of conscience HI where it appreciates the wickecU ft ness of condemning little children 1 to the UvesioLAe_yictims of the le^ystem of child labor, then that 1 i particular abuse of the children of #•» Wl LOOKING HOWARDS UN DERSTANDING Jill i* The spirit of fairness and wi^ |jp dence of an open mind pn the part IKibf physicians and practitioners in HI the established schools of medicine Kiseena to be evident in the recent ac- ltp| 'ion :6f the American Medical Asso- Ull ciation looking towards the impartial |j|§ investigation of the methods and §1§|! theories of those groups that advo- ^8cate';.and"practice' what- they call Hfdrugless. therapy. It. is the wisest pliland most sensible course that the §jf 1| organized men of the medical prp- ^^.fession..^could.„._.follpw,.^te._it^w|ll flj|f|lake, away the- claim that is.made ^^4g^ifistjth«n_tlmt opposition_Jbo ||§|ihe/; newestmethods, of TKaTingls llSibasedupon ignorance and predtt- lip dice; '-spiced: witha. bit_of jealousy lilatid fear~for~the financial 4St<ell- jillbeing of the '..profession* â- â- â€¢.â- â-  ^m*n lilt | â- Physicians. of . -the ' established §^§^^:1&iioivi^iit for the mental state â-  ;;XS5or-tfite patient in its^ effect upon the ::;:PrJhysical wellbemglliPsychology has if n^ small parHirthe science of heal- ing? as it is practiced today. It will 5 do no harm for the regular prac* Btitioners to find out from those who i|se me newer methods just what it i$:^&th&tthey rely upon and to become 4i4l^iN,W?^^-*t fits* hand with in- Is^itices wnicli are dai^ as proof Ivl'ttE;;'^ for women! SHIRKING THE JOB The President is finding it diffi- cult to keep the government func- tioning because of the habit of be- ing somewhere else that is developed too highly in the members of the Congress. Work is all but at a standstiU^and malters_that are badly needing attention are left to take care^jfthemselves. It is a failure in the discharge of duty that ought to be met by a more severe corrective-than the displeasure of the President, for it is inimical to the public good and contrary to READ The Gables' Advertisement on the Classified Page "woman's place ^ the home" has been so long eni/ef tained, so./ accepted as true without any question of its truth |t IT dimlculOo ge^lOnloffie reless general public t}St3there are millions of women in lie United-Stated who, how- e!4&-|gla4 they might be to take ihMf place in the home, are -pre- J^t§d by the fact thajt they* have ;fa^to bUy. It^is~foT millions that the Y. W. G, particiilaTlyrdesign^dT^for ^^.. and a vast army of others ^wlSli^ho^rprovide' ^cpgjfetfee, Summer Weight Washable Cut fullr fitfely tailored, five pockets, reinforced seat, I plenty of belt straps, tacked seams and non-rust buckle. ||||||||w,$3.50.per pairJtJ^J---"£ S* White Duck Trousers High-Grade and Well Made WmM , ,$3.50;. per ^irwt3*:^r!"'" Shoes, Clubsf Etti Em SIWlFrJMs â- */buttt<\in. Square** A* the demands of the proper dis- charge of their duties. | It is hot in Washington at this time of the year, uncomfortable weather for working, but it is that in the greater part of the country and people remain at their posts of duty. A little close attention ap- plied to their work would put Con- gress in a position to expect free- dom from their labors, freedom that has been earned by a performance Y M. C. A. has served the young of the obligation that rests upon men and should be deserving of them. Under the -^^ °^J* °' congratulation upon having met miss absenteeism tliats fretting this obligation fully in the "Y" the President there is little more drive for funds. , accomplished than could be f>ne during a recess and nobody enjoys the sense of holiday that ought to be present when there is a cessa- tion Of WOlk.-;sW:s:rt5;.>';v..(\:' Eating Out? Anchor Iiiii Ridge Ave. at Sheridan Rd. Evanston, 111. I NOW SERVING f Luncheon: Table d' hote, 50c and A la Carte Afternoon Tea: 2:00 to 5:00 Dinner: Plate Dinner, 75c Anchor Inn Special, $1.00 Sunday Dinner: $1.00_aruj .;-. $1.50 .xlSSS^Si DANCING Saturday Nights Beginning June&rd. Announcement ?,tW!^ In order that 1 may better serve my frlondt and pitrini on the NORTH SHORE I have established 4 A BRANCH OFFICE | 790 ELM STREET WINNETKA, ILLINOIS I will maintain an efficient corps of salesmen who will be constantly at your service in all matters pertaining to Real Estate..^; The Public will j^ceive the same courteous attention as is the rule at the Evanston office. The branch off ice will be superintended by %? &V^i^^MR. L. D. McKENDRY; Wplillii John fU Hahn 790 ELM^STREET Winnetka, Illinois '1^10110 1774 Mi sifiipN av|. v Evanston, Illinois :r:-i:'r&,;;;>Phone zmlMM.yd.. ESTABLISHED 1854 H. JORDAN & COMPANY iFUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS |l||f;;:; 612 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, III. I PHONE EVANSTON 449 164 ^MICHIGAN^VE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1346-1347 -a cool and refreshing journey though the sceniclake-rim country on a clean, swift-glid- ing electric train; a prompt arrival in Milwaukee . ---and then...... '^&^<-v0iM^% ;^=^^S^ Pere Marquette Steaniers|| lo the vacation lands of Northern Michigan. An ideal combination of rail and water tfavel| ._-^o^woi^oveiMbaggag|" to final destinationrif North Shore p"rain^ â€"~;â-  mafce^xiaily^ x^^ Pere Marquette Line^'Sl^jMr^loJ Ludington, Manistee, Connections at Milwaukee with Electric Lines for Waukesha, Wateftown, Oconomowoc, Delafield, Pe- waukee Lake, Lake Beulah, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls, Port Washington, Plymouth, Crystal Lake. Limited Trains for Milwau- kee leave Wtfmette every TiourfrofivO^ a. m. NORTH SHORE fc^^SS Limited Trains for Chicago LJeAveâ„¢^J?ilmeite--jever4L^^"Jbourâ€" from 6:45 a. m. to 1:45 a. m. All Trapis Operate oiTGhlcagd UayiigHTSavinyTime. ^Iliii Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R.

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