iSlf :W$, *K5i Miss Dorothy Iliff, 1115 Greenwood avenue, is sailing June 21, from Mont- real to spend the summer in Europe. She expects to return the latter part •of 'September. .^\ mW-Mmmm^ â€"i Miss Pearl Marie Barker of the â€"Columbia School of Music has moved her studio from the Village Theatre building to the Boulevard building, corner of Central avenue and Eleventh street. ;,..».., J Some fifty friends gave an informal surprise party for Miss Rose Schildgen, m the University of Illinois, left Satur- day to spend the greater part of the 8«mmer,j!n^mm^ . Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kibby, 835 Lake avenue, are leaving shortly for Portsmouth, N. H„ where they will be at the MentfprtlL ho|el for the summer. ^ â- s:f^mM^'rr'?%'. â- â- â- Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, motored to Delafield, Wis., to be the guests of their son, Curtis, at the Closing ex- ercises of St. John's Military academy. Miss Carolyn Norris who has been ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. P. Cook 912 Twelfth street, for the last two months, is slowly improving. .:â- •â€"oâ€" Mrs. E. B. Mendsen, 631 Eighth last Saturday evening at her homer^^treet'is leavlns^<>day for an extended J703 Lake avenue. The occasion was her birthday anniversary. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Huffman of 1231 Greenwood avenue announce the engagement of their daughter Phoebe, to George A. MacLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A MacLean. On Saturday afternoon of last week, Mrs. John Lewis Page entertained in- formally in her home, 1022 Lake ave- nue, at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Helena Mickey. Mr. Donald Pattison, 823 Ashland avenue, who recently returned from mswm^imBmmtiff'iit/'Mi m* visit in Minneapolis with her son, Mr. James T. Kline, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Irvine, 1042 Greenwood avenue, are moving to Pittsburgh, Pa., tomorrow, where they will make their new home. The Misses Margaret Couffer, Isabel Pope and Elizabeth Cutler, will leave June 20 to attendee Alpha Phi hoiiae- party at Palisades Park, Mich; -- Jacob Greiner, Jr., returned home yesterday morning from . Lexington, Va., where he has been attending Washington and Lee university. The Kind of Service if we were in the place of those we serveâ- -â€" that's what we mean by Golden Rule Service. To accomplish as much foi as Hi- ll^ as possible ;lo~lesseii asTnuch as possible the burden of grief; to serve in a way that can cause^no regrets â€"tnese are ourideals of service. Do they appeal to you ? PHONE EVANSTON 60C> 906 CHICAGO DISTINCTIVC- FUNERAL SERVICE <#- / liong-Distance Tlhe Bejl ^rstem* offers a time and money sav- ing plan for making long distance telephone calls.W?&^^7*VX\':/.^;--. .' -V â- -â- â- â- â- 'â- Get the telephone numbers of your customers in Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Des Moines and other cities so that when you have something important to say you can save time and money by calling them on the ♦^tatibn to station^' *-"• basis. Get acquainted with the money and time station to station0 servlci. ^ §8*- Sii Calls made tlwlef B;30 p. m. and midnirfit on the "station to station'1 basis cost but htde more thahone-hatf the day charges, and made after midnight a^l'.^f^^^^SS'^ thaftj^xalb. Mr. and Mrs. G. Percy Skillen and family, 1019 Sixtb street, are leaving this week for their summer cottage on Eagle river in Wisconsin. ";tetar& Louis -A.- Clark was hostess to one of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs this week at her home, 716' Lake- wenx&MWm<mm>mmmi Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Moody are occupying their new home at 1237 Ashland avenue. fftflSfl......... «g»gagagaiagg>.a*i fe#MrsS OarltoiTNDart; avenue, is,,*lU|Sf^ Chicago... mmmmm READ Advertisement Classified Page RpiypL^ipvicE PAINTING £hh Ipliplilil 706: Greenleaf ^||^]|o|pi||L ^l;:»#i*j.::fe'"-",v *?®K fg^s^a^if TRIMMING ^REPAIRING WASHING • • SIMONEZING - - GREASIN* Cars Called for and- WMM.'lpi HHL -m* 986 P^M^i^^404.Glfiwoe Ro~ ..„...........LJ^JJPflLEWCOgi' ILL. ^^» HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmA Wsiigiagingj g»g»g»ggiggigjg»g»iggi»g»ggig»g»ggig*»gjgggig»>,g»gjigg>^g»gpggi<«»»»^»»«*»*W*«»'»' We 4 rapjp. 19 OFF THIS YEAR p^^MMNMfli ~m Hurrah for the Fourth! Largest and best assortment on the North Shore. All kinds, including torpedoes, tornadoes, bombs, yellow kids, salutes, sparklers, cap pistols, caps, son-of-a-guns, night fireworks,rockets-~:lnfacile Same old place. The Long Black Shed. Go to west end of Central Street, then one- half block south on Ridge Road, between Central Street and Memorial Park Cem- etery. [M^m ^w®M ^. w â- â- .. â- 'â- .â- • â- :"':m/;^-^^^^^K^^^^^mm You nS^^St"0S%ik& t& W. V. Rakef R. F. D. No. 2, Glen View; PHONE â- WILMETTE926R.-Mmm^^M^'y^^^--' M' -: r "wm >r farther information call up RAKE'S HARD WARE, EVANSTON 227, WIL- METTE 211. i QATPtf**!*^^ EVERY EVEN§ *OT!4l VCllII ill Oil CClaElVallOiUll ING UNTIL 10:30 NOTEâ€"A11 kinds of Sparklers. We will sell them at the store, as the law permiU sparklers this year. Store open all day Sunday, Monday,aiid^Jj||^^^^$^JS^^' Mobil< Ml; For Youl Buy your season's supply of Gargoyle Mobiloils in a SteeH^rum. â- ^â- â- -/â- M [<-W^&^MP0^ Occupies little spacer practically indestructibly safe and easy to handle. ;,,..„.,:, ,.-â- ' â- ^m^.^Ski No wasteâ€"and the oil is always clean. You can buy your season's supply at a sub- stantial saving in price per gallon. - Get the Correct Grade of Gargoyle Mobiloils for your car as specified in the Chart of Recom- mendations. - .,- -,-.--â- ,.-â- >,-......:^-?0&^'1&MMMM We have the Chart and the oil. IIBliiililg^^^^^B IPS!!, ;. â- ;-'.v:;i:'â- â- '.:â- ,;..â- -?f:i:'f-f&mti vim •â- • nmi MDTllRV^HiaEI i^M. W. WEHRSTEDT. Prop^ 563 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka ^â- â- ^•â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- •â- â- l â- tts S^-3Eâ€" .... dekigss® »g»g»»g»«»«i«i»»» •»•»••â- »•»• i«iaia(aiga«i«iMiaiBi«BiMaiai«ialai*H«it»'«>aA paffi _^^S SSSfSS-fs1^ sS^# Ml?f SWSSi: !»;PP5|: 'MMiSi.