Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jun 1922, p. 6

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mi<z?' rr4M*««*-«*"»*"'»lv**'*,*ia' ,j^^ii^#*K;:»>»'^ 6 ^iPlfft SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. TUNE 9,1922 •____:__ â- ------------â€"iâ€"â€"â€"â€"Wi^^BBBS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^°BM*' qSSSfi SEGSWORTH HOME SOLDjJWN STORE The deal has been closed whereby the Pr. John Segsworth property at 1147 Wllmette avenue, has been sow to William Cosmos. Evanston, retail fruit merchant. The property sold at are indicated $600 per front foot, it was stated. . The Segsworth homo, soon to do ^jepJa^ed^by-JLmodejiLJbJiMnes^^Mc. ture, has been considered one of Wil- mette's landmarks. The Segsworths, one of the most^prominent JjmLlmlM the village, have lived at that loca- tion for 18 years. They have been residents of Wilmette 27 years. Dr. Segsworth has purchased the property at Wilmette and Forest ave- nues, northeast corner, the site ot Wllmette's only "hill" and log cabin. A home will be built on the site and will be occupied by the Segawortb within about six months. In the meantime Mr. Cosmos will build fa store structure on the south 30 feet of the Wilmette avenue, prop- erty, it is said. _____ â-  Milk Wagon Equine Turn* -â€" Wild and Spills the MUk - Fresh milk was distributed over a considerable area at Central avenue and Sixth street Monday morning of this vteek when a horse attached to a Borden milk wagon became frightened at an" approaching automobile and played "crack the whip," with the wagon as Ihe "crack" end of the ar- rangement. The vehicle was overturned and al- most completely wrecked. The driver, one â- Winterboten, was making deliv- eries at the time of the accident. Local Instructor7 Would Conduct Tour to Mexico Prof. Dickies of the Spanish de- partment at New Trier High^ school is considering the possibility of con- ducting a party of students and others interested in .Spanish, on a trip through Mexico after the close of the summer school sessions. ,.--_â€"---.â-  Contrary to popular belief, the month of August is the moat agree- able time of the year to visit the bord- er country and railroad companies report travel through Mexico is ab-_ solutely safe. ^:j»rof. Dickies has ^spent several years in Mexico and knows the coun- try thoroughly. f " We'll Be Hearing This In a few Days Windy: Say, help me rustle sonle trunks at the dormitory, will you? II Frank: Gwan, you can't rustle trunks. They bang. It's leaves that rustle. Windy: Well, this trunk is going to leave, '-'v â-  â- '-â- >,-'.* ,\Jixr Keoilworth Happenings Miss Elizabeth Stolp graduated with honors from the Wolcott school in Denver on Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth has been president of the French club at Wolcott for the past year and, gained special merit in her French aside from other studies. Before re- turning home she will visit her room- mate^ Mtss^^vey~NiOTisr^e^ Wyo, Miss Norrls is expected to re- turn with Miss Stolp for a Visit of several-weeks-to Kenilworth. .Several parties have been given in honor of the graduating-class^-of the Joseph Sears school. Oh- last Friday evening, Miss Virginia Woodland gave a dance at her home; Saturday, Miss Marian Kckhart entertained at lunch- eon; Friday evening Miss Elizabeth Sweet will, give a dinner and on Sat- urday evening Miss Mary Macklm will give a dance at her home. Mrs. Alexander W. Hannah and daughter, Elizabeth, have gone east to join the Misses Mary and Con- stance Hannah and..Hiss JaneL Ridg- way who have been in school. They will remain East for a short time be- fore«returning home. Mrs, Carl Keith and her son, John, who is home from Illinois, will motor east this week to attend the gradua- tion of Miss Cornelia Keith at the Emma Willard school. Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart gave a dinner at the Exmoor Country Club on Tuesday evening in fc°nor <*" and Mrs. Cecil Page of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap::We~K dinner on Thursday evening in hon- or of Sir Charles Higham of London, England, who is a member of the English Parliament. MrTand Mrs. JTCTEverett IefrMon- day for their summer home at WauKa- zoo, Mich. During their absence Mad- am Gage of Wilmette will occupy their home. Dr.~and Mrs^JHernert Walker had an informal musical at their borne on Sunday evening. Miss Mary Welch sang and Mr. Clarence Eisom played. Henry Everett was the guest of Dr. Hewitt of the Presbyterian hospit- al for a cruise on Dr. Hewitt's yacht over the week-end.: A meeting of the Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Elmer E. Jackson on Friday and several gar- dens were visited. Miss Helen Reeves has arrived home from Washington, where she has has been attending school at National Cathedral. Mrs. Otto Owen entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Wednes- day at her home far Miss Gja^eJpva Southward. ...;.:':':-7,-V ^.^^Si^;;.:;-^- John Robert Murray anil several friends from the Chicago Latin school camped at Fort Sheridan over the week-end. .:;,";' :i â€"Mi^EdgaPWT^urcha^ ed the Reading class on Tuesday afternoon. * Mrs. â-  Bently McCloud has left for a three weeks' visit in Omaha.^____^ â- o ^iWttmette PoBt, No. 46 ot the Ameri- i can Legion wishes to express its ap- ' preclation to the following for their co-operation in the Memorial Day ser- vices^ both on Memorial Sunday and on Memorial Day< f ' tv â-  BRev. George Craig Stewart^ > ^iCaiikJJsgar Carlstrom., •â- :%^V.;ji^? '^f - P^Mr. GeorgeTsTCoIe. . â- ^â- ':'::W^^IM., h^Gait. R Malcolm McKerchar,||^gt. t§lE>rdf. J. R. Harper. T'f: "â- *": "^' f Mr. Schumacher and the niembers of the School Band. Mr. Michael Moore, of Evanstom^for cutting: the stone and placing the iablet,v':?:^;:;vv:'^ w Mrs. M. M. Zakowski, 835 Michigan ftjjavenner entertained at- dinner on Tues- HSday evening in honor of her sister, If Mrs. George Forsjrthe, of Rogers Park. ^0-, Mrs. August Peters left for Walker- ton; Ontario, Monday evening, to at- tend the funeral of her father* ,^ J ^Mrs^William Sweetman, formerly of ^SWilniette, is serii White Oxfords and Pumps Buy your White Oxfords and Pumps now and get the benefit of a wEole season's wear. The two illustrations shown here are of White Linem Plenty of Hosiery for Women and Children S^POOt BHoesIand^Hosiery for |g ^^S"Women and Children 1608 Chiclgc* AveHS li Elvanston, I1L Mrs. John C. Carpenter entert^n. ed at luncheon and bridge on Thurs- day. __________ Policeman Slightly Hurl . t When Cur Hits Motorbike While turning his machine in Sheridan road Saturday afternoon, motorcycle policeman Henry Brauti- gan was bumped by an automobile owned by M. J. Spiegel, Jr., Kenil- worth. Brautigan was slightly bruised by the fall. Spiegel is the son of Modie J. Spiegel who several months ago figured in a similar accident in which George Schaefer, a motorcycle j^iceman#jNraj4BjMrdB&^ â€"MrsTli: J. Stotp^^enteTtained the Bridge club on Monday afternoon. / Wanted to Trade Equity in a 21-apartment building in a line lo* cation valued at about $100,000, for a home in Wilmette valued between twenty and thirty thousand dollars^-All apartmentsjare^ to high class tenants. Anyone wanting income property can make an excellent trade proposition. Will bear closest inspection. For full particulars, call Mr. Flanner, Wamette43|p^ .....iiiiiii«iiiiiiitftitiiimnHiii»lHIIIHll» Insist^ The'^r^P^ You Want Here are SOME of the Special Feature*â€". OUTSOLEâ€"Extra heavy Big "C" corrugated Con- verse "Natura^, color. "Tougher than Tripe/' v-...:.,;â€"â€"â€" INSOLE â€"Cork (Armstrong), does not absorb perspirationâ€"will not warp or crack. Does not draw the feet, UPPERS â€" Double twisted white army duck. Lin- ~^ ^ ing of heavy duckâ€"doubles the wear. TRIMMINGSâ€"All Leather, Genuine Cordovanâ€" ___ the toughest leather made. L ACESâ€" Leather "Nuisance Savers"â€"will not ___;cj__ir fray or break. ~" Extra reinforced rubber toe cap. % Will outwear any leather shoe costing much more.

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